Wednesday, December 16, 190 THE SUMPTER MINER OREGON SENATORS SNUBBED A Washington special, comment ing ou tho rolutlotis between the Ore gon delegation lu congress and the Jidminstriitiou, says: For tbo Urnt time in twenty three years Oregon Mucin itself without representation ou at least one of the committees that handle tho rirer and harbor bill, but to mako matters worse Oregon will have no represen tative ou tho houso committee on industrial expositions, which is to handle-the Lewis and .Clark- expoal tlon bill ' ' Instead of securing rivers and har bors, which he sought, or insular affairs, which was olfercd him by Speaker Cannon only a few days ago, Congressman ileriiiiin, is girou uiem nership ou the committees ou Indian alfairs aud election of proaideut, vlco. presidout aud representatives in con gress, whilo WIlllimiHon is mudo a mombper of Irrigation aud mines aud mining. Thoro is an iuterestiug story connected with Hermann's failuro to go ou insular affairs, offer tho offer made him by Speaker Cauuou. When ho learned that ho was .slated for insular affairs, and not tho com mit teo of his choice, Hormann consulted with his colleagues, with the result that the dolegatou resolved to mako a last stand lu tho hope of forcing him ou tho river aud harbor committee. "It was said if tho wishes of the state should bo further ignored liy tho speaker of the house, aud Dor mant! should be further ignored by the speaker of tho house, and Her maun should bo denied tho one com mltteo place most sought and of most advantage to Oregon, this adverse seutlmont at homo would ho strength ened aud the chaucoa of carrying the state for the republicans iu the elec tion next year might bo materially lessened. In fact, it was stated that a continuance of tho policy of ignor ing the wishes of tho peoplo of Oroogn would very likely prove dis astrous iu 1904. On this ground the delegation appealed to the presidout to iutoicede with Speaker Cauuou to secure for Hermann a , place on tbo committee on rivers and harbors. The president, of course, took no band in the mat ter, but a copy of the delegation's letter waa sent to Speaker Caunon, with the remit that i Htrmann,- In stead of getting a committee better than Insular affairs, waa given one of leas importance. "For the first time l,n its history, the state of Washington in the present congress far outranks Oregon in the committee places accorded its members. In the Fifty eighth con great the Pacific Northwest ' has no representation on the public lands committee of the house, and will bare little to say in framing whatever legislation is attempted to correct the public land evils." Confectionery. t . Fresh Candies and Frnit, Choice Jine of Cigars and Tobaccos, at .SIURUILL'S. OFFICIAL RECORDS. fl... -Il.. 1 !..-. . ill I 1 in- loiiuuiiic iiiHirumuiHs were men at the Baker count v enurt house during the week iulints Dee. If), 11)0". KKAL KSTATE TKAXSFKKS. DKKDS, Nov. 111). W. lllldcbraud to J. F. tirey, lots 1 and 'J block 10, Haines; 6100. Dec. " E. P. aud Chas. II. Castor to E. C. Rolling, lots I) aud 11, block 1. Kock Creek; S50. Dec 11 -Mrs. E. C. Helling to CJeo. A. Fisher, same; 900. Dec. 11 Sumpter Lumbor com pany to Sumpter, Tacuma addition of 17 lots lu N. 1-2 S. W. U X. E.l.l Sec. 32 Tp. f) R. U7 E. Sept. 10 State of Oregon to (too. K. Laugley, X. 8 X. W. '4 See. 10 T. 13 R. H E. ; 6100. April 28 -Jim. Howl by to E. A. Roud, lots II), 20, 21 aud 22, I). 23, Wllovalo; 8800. 'Nov.'' SOu-'i'V' Vi 'EpTjIngflT'; aud wlfo to II. aud Faunio Hinduiau, X. W. 4 See. 1 Tp. 0 K. 30 E; Sl.tHiO. July liV'09 U. S. A. to llalam Phillips, 100 acres In Sec. 14 Tp 8 It. 38 E. April 1, '0211. Phillip aud wifo to Thos. II. Phillips, S. ,E . '4 S W. !4 Sec 30 Tp. 7 R 38 E; S'.OO. April 1, '02 II. Phillips and wife to J. W. Phillips. S. W. '4 H. W. )i Sec. 30 Tp. 7 R. 38 E; 6500. Feb. 28 A. L. Drown to Annie llrown, lots 1 aud 2 II. it and lot'O ii. !) At woods adu to linker City; 6800. Den. 14 John liurusldo's heirs, to Jas. A Uuruside, S. W. 4 X. W. U Sec. 31 Tp. 7 R. 3D E; aud laud in Washington; 6850. Dec. 12 S. M. Haines to Win. Jackson, lots 11 aud 12 li. X, Hal lies; 805. Dec. 1 John H. Toney aud wifo to W. R. Moore, west half of south west quarter of Sec. 35 Tp. 7 R. 38 E; 81. Xov. 17 David Ecoles and wlfo to Moollcr, Park aud Drowning, uoutli.huJfL.iif. l.qta.tJuid.O aud.iuu'th three, aud a half foot of lots I aud 7. 11. 1, Maker City; 83,500. Sept. 2H- F. M. Suxtuii. to Mamin Cox, lot 0 block A, iiowdeu's adu to linker City; 8275. July 18 Receiver to Alox S. Watt, in full for 104 acres lu Sec. ID Tp. 11 It. 38 E; 8110. Sept. 25 Moran Owou and wlfo to W. J. Mills, lot 10 1). 2, At wood's 2nd adu to linker City; 81. Nov. 14 John Sell in It 7. ot al to Samuel A. Logan, lot 10 I), 2 Laek adu to UakerClty; 8100. Sept. 14 liouruo Laud and Imp. company to Mrs. John Arthur, 20x102 feet north of Arthur lot lu Bourne; 1100. MIXING MATTERS. . . DIIU. 1 March 1 Joe McClellan to F. II. Martine, Elkton ju rtz claim; 1100. Nov. 30 C. S. Warren, Jr., to E. II. Martin, Elkton quarts claim ; 81. Dec. 1 A. J. Bonde to R. L Farmer, "Omega" and "Oneida" quartz claims; 8120. Mar. 23 J. M. Doyle .to Justice O. M. Co, "Trail" quartz claim; 81. 4 Dec. 9 Jas. Stephenson et al to J. Rourne, Jr., Van Winkle quartz claim; II. Aug. 10, '02 W. X. Proebstel to Eastern Oregou M. Co., one-half Yankee Jim and Yaukey Jack quartz claims; 821,350. ' Fresh ranch eggs at Jackson Broth Prime Pork, Veal, Mutton, Beef and Lamb t Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Live' or Dressed. An Order, Left With Us Means Good Eating. Jackson Bros. THE GEM SALOON A. J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served" Over tht Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON Heating Stoves To Burn We Have an Over-Stock of Hot Box Heaters at Reduced Prices. Basche-$3ge Hardware ComjfMny A FLYER .. FOR A FEW DAYS at All 12f 1-2 c. Gigars at 10 c. ; SEE THE LIST REX INTIGK1DAD SANCHEZ y HAYA, REINA VICTORIA SIZE. EL SIDELOS, SENATORS,, CARCIAS, SUBLIME, BOCK&CO's ROOSEVELT; Harvard's 3 for 25 cents 50. good 5c Cigars for $1 Star and Horseshoe Tobacco 44c per lb. English Walnuts, 17 cents per lb. Everything in the store at like prices. ELITE CIGAR Granite St. STORE :SUmDter,Ore. era.