The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 16, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, Decembei i6, tqot
to tbe.provislonsof the aot -passed by
the legislature at Its seranth snmilnn
is one of great Importance to the
people oT tbe state of Idaho. Such
payment'would establish a precedent
for the payment of other bounties and
I subsidies In tbe future and would
Impose upon tho people a burden
juuiupu upon mo people a burden
A render of the Areata Uulon who I much too great to bo assumed hastily
has beeti through tho "mill', with the or before the validity of the act la
land otilclals, has banded Into thin l proporly 'determined. " Hoise Capi-
office for publication tho following 4al News.
questions propounded to him by the i
special agent, says tho Aablaud Rec- j
ord. 'Ah they wore renroduned from '
memory Home of them my be a Htle
mtt f It... ..M I.. . .. ll.n .!..
,. ..v ... no;, unv mi mn lunui wu
believe them to be fairly correct.
,'. When and whore wore you born and
' are you Horry It happened)
i, Were any of your ancestors over
f, hung 4nd what for?
lefraud the govern
thin-land Am
government and If ho
wbyarejrou an wicked?
' 'If you build a mill on this land
will ypu Hell the lumber or give it
awayV ' ,
What Is your business and what
do you Have each mouthy
Do you know the difference be
tweeu speculation and, the doctrine of
infant damnation
Were you ever married and if so
t why did you happen to be so care
Fred T. Kolly, manager, of the I.
X.' t. Vafrori -iMtfalri ttflftfifteAoon
goillff to Maker Cltv after rnnnlra far
tbe "boiler-." The' -'mil!.1 'tHrtetu wan
started a few days ago, Mr. Kelly
nays. Ih giving good satisfaction.
Tbe cyanide plant was started up
louay. Asaed in regard to tbe re
cent reports 6f rich ore 'at'the I."X.'
L., Mr. Kelly said:
"We are now' making a raise from
the 200 to the 100 level to a shoot
which carries ore averaging S10Q to
tho ton and at the same time
le) luo ton ana at me same time we are
Who are tho greatest smashers- PT.,D !h0 dr'fU n tho . ?.. both
Del Norte timber locators or Carrie ?"? Bna. oma- We re "W"? 8
k.t M.......U isned with tbe
Hatchet Nation V
What la your laundry mark and
a bow often do you send your clothe
i to wash?
Is the laud otilce greater than tho
Supremo court, and If ho, why notr
Do you use Force and what is your
opinion of sawdust as a breakfast
What Ih homo without an auto?
Are you in favor of expansion and
what Is your chest measure?
How far ia it from here to there,
nd If hot, why soy
Were you ever in jail and who
balled you out?
Is it true you stole the money nut
of your little boy'a bank to pay for
your claim?
i Were you ever baptised, inoculated
or fumigated, and did it take?
Do you know what made Milwaukee
famous, and what is your liquid ca
pacity? ' '
Tell all your private alTaira t which
have takou place since childhood not
jerealed by the above questions.
. Are you a uuoii mail or a scab?
! Don't you feel ashamed of yourself
for trying to keep the poor scrip syn
dicate from getting bold of your
Were you ever In lovo and how
long before you came to?
How many running feet of logs is
there on your claim and bow long
will it take you to out down all the
trees, working sixteen hours
Who is the author of the
"Hack to the Woods?"
Now will you bo good?
Eugene Dartholf has been author
ized to do tbe assessment work on
the Gipsy Queen, by the people who
bought and paid for tbe pronertv
last summer, and will put a crew of
men on the job In a few days.
Ah Tbe Miner bas'before mentioned,
tbat was a queer deal, the sale of
this group of claims, engineered by
W. II. W. Hamilton. One day Mr.
Dartholf 'and bis associates who
originally owned the property, were
hotiflod tbat monoy was at tbe Bank
of Sumnter with which to mul h
last payment. Not until a few weeks
ago did Ibey know ' who had bought
u. men Air. uarihoir received a
letter asking about tbe cost of doing
tbe assessment work, which showed
that tbe present owners are not
familiar with mining business. He
answered, giving the desired infor
mation, and a' 'day or two s since re
ceived a reply instructing him to
have the work done.
xne average man wouldn't even
buy a farm in this way, yet these
have bought a mine without knowins
anything about it. when the closest
AYnmlniatlnn an1 tnnnt MHfnl aA.
belng tiny would be advisable. And, won-
Iderful tn rnlntA. thav hot-nn't Imnn
swindled elher. The Gipsy Queen
is unquestionably a valuable prop
erty and will make a rich producer
with little develepment: now that
the smelter here ia to beoln nnern.
tlona and furnish a market for these
high grade ores.
f Only transcontinental line
assing directly through
Salt Lake City
a day?
For several days there havo boon
many rumors atloat hh to vhat State
Auditor Turner would do wheu
claims Mere lllrd with him by (ho
sugar beet manufacturers for one cent
a pound on sugar manufactured lu
tbe state, iu accordance with the iaw
iwased by the last legislature. Mr.
Turner was seen today by tbe Capital
News reporter aud asked what be
would do wheu such claims were riled.
Iu respuuse to the question, ho said:
"The matter of payment of a
bounty upon beet sugar Inoouformity
A mining mau recently back from
Mexico baa this to say about opera-
tlona tbere:
'Mlnlnn .iJ...I 1 1 .. Al a.
primitive manuer. Elevators, trains.
windlasses and even ladders are un
known iu many of tho mines.
"The peons carry the ore to tho
Hiirfaoe Iu sacks, each containing about
ir0 pouuds of oro. A strap fastened
to tho sack passes ovor tho forehead.
Thus the bauds aro left free, lu liou
of laddois notched poles are used.
The carrier climbs from ledgo to
ledge on these poles. It Ih dangerous
aud fatigueing aud a white mau re
fuses to make more tbau a trip or
two. lu fact tbe whlto man's shoes
won't cling to the woru aud slick
poles, Tbe peonH wear a sort of soft
"Tnere are uo pumps iu the tuluef,,
the greasers oarrylug tbe water out iu
leather bags. Whou the water runs
too fast the mlue la abandoned. Then
aloug comes a bustling American,
buys the property for a song, puts
in modern machinery aud has a com
pletely developed mluo at a very
small outlay."
Prank Haillie, general manager of
the Columbia, who weut to liaker
City yesterday with bis moutbly
"wasbiug", as he puts it. stated that
the damages due to' tbe recent cave lu
on the No, 2 level, will be repaired'
aud everything going again as uuaj
by Sunday.
It waa a pretty bad slip, tbe atope
giviug way, carrying down with it
over 100 feet of track.
Tbe separation of radium from
pitch blonde is a long aud tedious
process, The rare ore is first crushed
and tbe powder is roasted with car
bonate of soda. After washimr. the
residue la treated with dilute sulphu
ric acid, the sulphates belus then
couvertcd into carbouates by boilins
with strong carbouato of soda solu
tion. Radium sulphate, an exceed
ingly insoluble salt, Ih contained lu
tbe residue. The soluble sulnhates
are washed out, and from the residue
byrochlorlo acid dissolves out nolo.
nlum actinium aud other elements
Radium sulphate remains, with some
barium sulphate. These sulphates are
converted into carbouates by boiling
wlthlcarbonate of soda solution, and
tbe carbonates are dissolved in hv-
drochloorio acid, and precipitated
again hb sulphate by means of sulphu
ric acid. The sulphates are further
purified and flually converted in.o
oholorldea. A tou of pitch bleuded
yields about fifteen pounds of the
mixed oboloridea of radium and
barium, from wheh a small fraction
of radium chloride Is separated by
crystal! izatiou.
New Peat-Fuel Process.
In a new peat-fuel process latelv
exhibited at Charltou, gEuglaud, tbe
water is removed by mechanical and
electrical meaus. The freshly-cut
peats packed into rotation cylinders.
and faus beat, out part of tbe mois
ture, while au electric current is
passed through the mass, beating it
and aiding in expelling the wtater.
Tbe material ia finally pressed into
briquettes. The fuel is claimed to
be economical, but nearly two
pounda must be burned to slve the
effect of a pound of steam coal.
I Leadville
Colorado Springs
1 and Denver
Three nnlpnriMlv mnilnnait tra n
Through Sleeping and Dining Can
and free Reclining Chair Can.
The mmt Maonlfliwnt anannrv In
i America by daylight.
t Stop overs allowed on all classes
I of ticket.
Fof phMtiMt rfa arifi f1jBvlnlirA
literature, addrew
w. c. Miimot; Qmni Aeiit
J Portland, Orkoon
amo union Pacific
Salt Like,
Denver, Kusis City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
and 8au Francisco every five dart.
L.ow Rati
Tickets to and from all part of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping
car daily to Kansas City: throush
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the East daily.
For particulars, call on or addrwa I
H. C. Bowm.
Agent, Baker City, Ore