The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 16, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. V.
Stamps Begin Dropping on Snow Creek
And Alamo Rock-Both New Mills
Just Installed.
B. L. MoLalu, the millwright who
haa had charge of the construction of
the Snow Creek and Alamo plant,
arrived in the ,clty yesterday after
having seen both plants in successful
operation. The Alamo wu started
Snnday and the Bnow Greek Monday.
The latter will go ahead on a con
tinuous run, while the former was
just started up by Mr. MoLalu to
test the machinery preparatory to
turning over the plant to its owners.
Mr. MoLaln says tha. the Alamo will
probably not begin permanent work
before the tlrst of the year. Every
thing Is ready, however, for business.
Speaking of tho mills installed In
An anonymous Baker City attorney
makes some sensational charges
against the Red Hoy company iu yes
terday's Herald, relative to .receiver
ship and the tiling of an application
for the sale of the property. The
opening remarks followed by a quota
tion from tho nameless lawyer are as
A promtueut Raker City attorney
is authority for the statement that as
a result of tho filing of an application
by Itecciver Thompson, of tho Red
Roy mine, for ati order from tho Cir
cuit court to noil tho property, ouu
of tho most startling conspiracies
ever kuowu iu eastern Oregon mines
will bo unearthed.
"You may quote me as sayiug that
before tho Red Roy mine is sold
uuder any sort of order, there shall
have to be issued a mandate from the
Supreme Court of the United States,
I am attorney for a number of eastern
stockholders iu the company, and
have beeu retained and empowered to
fight the receiver's sale to the last
"1 do not care at this time to go
the district, during the summer and
fall, and the outlook for next season
in the same direction, Mr. MoLalu
"While in point of mill construc
tion, the season just ending has been
the most prosperous In the history of
the district, I am fully convinced
that next year will see a still greater
number of plants installed. And I
believe, further, that there will be
more general activity, although the
past soasou has boon good and a vast
amount of work has boon done. I
know a great many properties where
mills will doubtless be put iu duriug
the coming year."
into the detail of tho matter, but it
is sufficient to say that there has been
alleged a conspiracy between the Ore
gon stookhoHers in the mine to
wreck the compauy. My eastern
clients make seusatoual charges
against the old management of the
property, allegiug mismanagement
and gross waste of the coiporation's
funds. The appointmout of n re
ceiver at first met with their ap
proval uutif the real purpose of the
move was understood by them. They
now iutend that the receivership shall
be a bona fide one, and that the
affairs of 'the corporation shall be
wound up to the best interests of all
tho stockholders, and not for the
boneflt of auy particular clique"
B. J. Godfrey, of the Red Hoy
company, was In the city today, and
when approached by a Minor repre
sentative relative to this matter, ho
"Thostutomont fn tho Herald looks'
to me very much like an attempt of
some Raker City lawyer to work up
a case, 1 am not advised as to who
this euterprlslug attorney is, but I
do not think I would miss the mark
any great distanco if i were to say
that it was Entmett "Callahan. The
charge's of conspiracy in regard to
wrecking the Red Roy are all bosh.
The company is insolvent, the cred
itors demand their money, and what
DECEMBER 16, 1903
it tlnn left to do but to sell tho
'property? TiiU In tho 'roul purpose'
I of thu potltiou for sale, and no other.
If tho eastern stockholders wriut $o
form it oombluutlou aud' pay off the
Indebtedness of tbo company, it Is up
to thorn to .dp It." '
. 2.1. r . . . 1
N. u. Itlcnards, attornoy for Ho
celver ThonipHiu, when seen tn re
Kard to the charges of conspiracy,
mado practically the name statement.
It wbb policy to appoint a receiver,
since if this bad not been done, the
property would hare beeu attached
and Hold to satisfy the creditor, ho
R. L. Frary, of Nottawa, Mich
igan, vice-presideut of the ('olden
Wizard company, accompanied by
Mrs. Frary aud his duughtor, arrived
here this morning to become assistant
manager for the company In conjunc
tion with J. M. MoPfaee, general
manager. Mr. MoPhee met them at
Raker City, and returned this morn
lug. Mr. and Mrs. Frary have taken
rooms at W. . Kabler'a residence ou
North street.
It is the purpose to rush the
mill to completion bb speodlly as
possible. Tho foundation la now
nearly finished aud work on the
buildings will be started iu a few
days. The first consignment of ma
chinery, consisting of bollors, eiigluoH
and battery frames, is expected In a
short time.
Ira Isaacs, James Heck with aud
the otner.'J-Oys wbl hare Itfeu work
ing on the Constellation group came
Iu last night after baring completed
assessment work for the year. The
drift on the Constellation is now In
100 foot further showii.g a seven-foot
vein of good stuff. The Hamilton
drift was run fifty feet, also In
good ore.
E. Sanderson Smith In California.
The Miner received a letter today
from E. Saudeison Smith, written
rom Kan Reruardiuo, California, in
which he states that already ho Is
much imp'roVded in health; that he
is feeling better than he has for yeai.s.
He has completed his arrangements
aud will leave iu a few days fur a
prospectug trip iu the desert. He
says one hears little of mining Iu that
part of California at this time.
NO. 15
Here is the latest, most flagrant
aud inexcusable case of knocking
that has come to the attention of The-'
Miner. "
Tom Costello, mauager of the Ad '
vauce aud Storm King Mining com
panies, has received from the agent
of those companies at Stevens Point,
Wisconsin, a letter stating that one,
J. Reton, who was In Bumpter n
few weeks since, has returned from
his western trip aud Is using a heavy
sledge hammer vigorously, but with
little skill.
He Is telling the people of Steven
Point that the whole eastern Oregon
gold fields proposition is a gigantic
fake; that it is nothing but a great
lava bed, carrying uo mineral values;
that the two or three mlnee now In
operation never found a color until
tbo 800-foot level was reached and In
some oases 1,!i00 feet depth waa
attained before gold values were en'
countered, aud that the Storm King
company will have to go that deep to
find anything, eveu if II does then.
This is au entirely new version o'f the
knocker's lament. One who knows
anything about mining reverses thi
story aud declares that the condemn
ed camp Is a surface proposition;
that the veins pinch out at' depth
and there is no permanency to tho
There Is uo use denying this mail
Retou's statement-, as they refute
themselves.iu tho mind of anvone who
knows anyththiug about mineral de
posits, and those who do not are just
as apt to believe one statement hh
Hunt her.
Reton came to Humpter on the
morning train and left iu the after
noon. The ground was covered With
snow and he never saw ri foot of' tho '
surface, never went into u shaft, open
cut or tunnel. Had he examined any
property, he couldn't have distin
guished lava from granite, country
rock from ledge (natter, quartz from
pet rilled buffalo chips.
He came here, introduced himself
tn Mr. Costello as It stockholder in
his compakilfH, declined an urgent
Invitation to visit the mines and
hiked for the count. He was in' Tho
Miner office and was shown ore from
the Sturm King, taken thirty feet
from the surface.
His object, iu this 'knocking, tho,
country anil the companies Iu which
ho is ii,,h,iu a 1 1, stockholder Is not
known; 'though it'wlll doubtless. bo
revealed Miouer or later.
To Examine Property.
John Arthur, of tho McKweu, Ar
thur &' McEweu1 sampllug works,
went out to Cable Cove to examine a
mining property for easteru people.