The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 09, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, December 9. 9J
Jiimilj Kr pen bock, thu Philadelphia
CnpitllllHt wIlO Ih illtoiCHtcd with
Mnjor II011I11 In mining and railroad
ontorpriHitH, mid K. A. Iliilelilns,
Major IIiiiiIu'h chief unginccr, wore
ou tint triiln tlilH morning uti ruuto to
Prairie City mid tlm Oregon Wonder
mid Will deliver groups. Mr. I-'.rpon-bock
intended returning to Phila
delphia Hiivural dny& ago I'lit lio had
word from III h hhhocIiiIoh to remain
longer and look aftiir certain matters
pertaining to t hoi r several iiidiiHtrlnl
venture. Part of the contracts, Mr.
Krpouhiick states, for clearing the
right of way for tho Jlotitu road
wnro lei Tuesday nun Ilia oniiro
innttiir will hit dlnpo.-rd of In a short
tlmo. To 11 Minor nvriiHnntatlvo Mr.
Krpuuhock Hiild:
"It Ih our purpi-u to clear tho
right of wav IIiIh w ititr mid begin
actual construction on tho road In
tho early spring, just iih hooii iih tho
weather will penult. It iri our pur
Poho to riinh tho work to completion
iih hooii iih wo poHHlhly call. Wo
hiivo viihI mineral holdings in the
territory to ho tupped mid it Ih to our
IntorcHt to provide a iiiciiiih of tniim
portatiou. Wo have tho Decenary
capital at our command, mid not
withstanding tho skeptics anil knock
orn, wo iiro going to put tho enterprise
through "
Spoakiug of tho Muout ItUHtllH dis
trict, in which ho Ih InldlvlduHlly
lutorontod mill alrio in conjiinutlon
with Major llonta, Mr. Krponbock
"Our faith in Hastus in demonstra
ted by tho fact that wo have a forco
of tnuii at work on tho development
of our cIiiIiiih. Wo have just llliidhucl
m trail from ItaidusClty to our tuunol
alto, ihkI wo have men now engaged
in drivioK tho tuunol. Tho hIiowIiik
ho far ha convinced iih that tho
claims are well worth develop
In, and that tho fiituro will reveal
valuable deposits of ore.
"I am woll plmiHiid with tho
natural uouditloiiH of eastern Oregon
and 1 am fully persuaded that it Ih
only a iiiiHtiou or tin.o and money to
niako thia 0110 of tho greatest gold
producing sections in tho world. My
faith in tho country in evidenced lu
tho faot that myHulf ami associates aro
ponding our money hero with you."
Mr. Krponbock will return to
Philadelphia about December 10.
Ho found tho Hitualon much hot
ter than bo expected ami bin stay ha
been prolonged on IIiIh account.
ON I6-T0-I
1. T. Kelly, one of tho owners of
tho Sixteen to Ouo, iu the (ireen
horns, U upending hoiiio time in tho
city, attiu having cloned down work
for tho winter, lie states that opera
tions will lio resumed iu tho spring.
Mr. Holly's plan of work is to con
tinue tho present crosscut, which is
in over 11110 feet, to tap tho three re
maining ledges of tho property. An
eight-foot ledgo has already been cut,
and was drifted on -00 feet. It was
thought at tho tlmo that inasmuch as
tho rock beyond the vein was ex
tremely hard , and tho vein-cut wits
converging toward tho ouo adjacent,
it would bo more prolltablo to drift
to tho supposed point of intersection
than to crosscut. After drifting 200,
feot, however, it was found that the two
were holding a parallel course and it
wiih deemed advisable to abandon this
plan and return to tho crosscut.
This policy will bo pursued on the
resumption of work.
Tho parallel loads show averages of
from 910 to tir, and it Is estimated
that tho entire length of crosscut to
catch thorn all will bo about 700
T. J. Costnlln, superintendent of
tho Storm King, returned Wed
nesday night from a visit from to the
mine. Tho Storm King crosscut, ho
Hays iu the last twenty- five feot has
cut several highly mineralized string
ers. The workings aro still about
seventy feot fiom tho main lead.
Tho Honest Dollar drift is now
iu 100 feet. A recent assay showed
82 , and Mr. Costello states that tho
hiiiiio quality and character of oro Ih
Htill being encountered. The ledge
measures about six feet, though not
yet perfectly iu placo. Steady work
will go ou all winter.
Phil Heard on, formerly superin
tendent of tho Alpine, and Ed. Hag
garty, tho original locator and ownor
of tho Perris-Haggarty mine at Grand
Encampment, Wyoming, loft thin
morning ou a trip to tho Green
horns. Mr. Haggarty has boon spend
ing hoiiio time in tho camp with the
view of taking up a propoity aud
operating it. Ho aud Mr. Heardon
were old friends aud associates at
(3 rand Kucampmout.
Mr. Haggarty Is woll pleased with
tho Sumpter district so far as bo has
seou, aud thinks ho is likely to be
come a pormauout resldout, if ho can
Hud a proporty to suit him.
Tom Gray, superlutoudont of the
Valloy Quoou, who came iu from the
niluo last night, states that tho foot
wall of velu No. 4 whiob has boon
followod 105 feot Ih now dlpplu
west iu tho direction of tho main
lead of the proporty.
This will shorten the distance to
tho iutersoolton and alo give ad
dltlonal depth. The high values
whiob Mr. Gray reported a fow day
ago still continue in the face of the
A report from the Last Chance
operated by the Baby MeKee company,
states rich oro is now coming into
tho shaft. The velu shows nine feot
of highly mineralized rock between
walls, with au eight inch streak of
gold bearing zluo carrying high
The shaft is now down iu the
neighborhood of lOOfeet and the
hoist recoutly iustalled, it is stated,
is giving good Btaisfactlou.
When the Sumpter branch of the
Oregon Miner's association was or
ganized some weeks since. Portland
papers stated that a resolution bad
been adopted urging congress to
establish a government assay otlico
in that farming community. Secre
tary Mohr, of tho association, says
that the resolution mentioned Ore
gon and not Portland; that the
association favors eastern Oregon,
unquestionably, violently, and an
etrort will bo made to bavo it lo
cated heto.
An Oregoulan special from Wash
ington under date of December 1
Souator Mitchell has received
from tho Oregon Minor's Association,
of Sumpter, a strong recommenda
tion lu support of legislation estab
lishing an assay office at some point
in Oregon. In replying to this let
ter, Senator Mitchell says bo bus al
ready Introduced a bill establishing
au assay otlico at Portlaud, and bo
has hopos that this bill will pass.
Ho bolloves tho romaiudor of tho
delegation will agreo that Portland
is tho proper location for au Oregon
assay otlico, as such an otlico, should
it bo established, must acoommodato
tho ores from Southern Oregon mines
as well as tho others from Sumpter
and Maker City fields.
Representative Wllliamsou's posi
tion on the location of tbe assay
otHco Ih not known, but Senator
Fulton and Representative Hermann
both favor Portland. Senator Mitch
ell proposes to call au early con
ference of the delegation on this
question, and hopos to bavo auited
support for his bill."
J. K. Zimmerman, who in one of
tbe owners of tbe Big Creek placora
uoar Susauvllle, and also has superln- j
teudeuco of their operation, is in tho
city on bis way to Portland, whoro ho
will probably spond tbe winter.
Tbo machinery la already ou tho
ground, Mr. Zimmerman states, for
two glanta which are to bo Installed
in tbo spring. Before work was dis
continued this fall tbe abaft was
sunk 115 feot to bedrock and drifting
aud pumping machinery will also be
installed whon tbe season opens.
Mr. Zimmerman will purchase tbla
plaut at onco.
There Is au abundant supply of
water from April to November, and
tho company will operate on a big
scale, uoxt yoar. Tbe holdings In
clude r:i0 acres of placer ground.
New York people are largely In
torosted iu tbo proposition. These
diggings have in time past yielded
rich roturtis, aud wltb proper mauage
ment it is thought, they may agaiu
be mado to pay well.
Touy Mohr returned last night
from tho Fidelity, lu tbe Wind Creek
district. Mr. Mohr is tuanagor of
this property.
Ho has a force at work ou tbo cross
cut, which is uow iu 450 feet, and be
thinks tho ledge will be caught uow
iu a few days. The Fidelity adjoins
the Porcupine
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Timber and Homestead Filings.
Timber and homestead filings, as well
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missioner, office in First National Bank
of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to La
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