THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, December 2, 190$ MAY TAKE OVER CLIMAX Representatives Here to In spect Property With a View to Pnrchase and Operate. Tho highest values ever found lu the Cable Cove district bavo been ob tained from tbe Gipsy King. Tho company owns seven claimn, reaching from liig Limber to Dull crook, on which (Ivo or six thousand dollars Iiuh boon expended in explora tion work; but the tuino bus not been opctated for a year, owing to lack of funds. No promoter litis' (It'll! Illliwlllifl Mil, dlnnls i,,i1 litial unua ' ...... ...(.. uw ....,, ...i. Hum utcn men of Sumpter, who own a control, have advanced most of the money expended. It is generally conceded that thin will maku a great mi no soma day. SNOW CREEK MILL NEARLY COMPLETE It Ih CI i mux Cracker over by thu tho stated iih ikis.hIIi'o that group of claims, in Cieck . I i h 1 1 i t! t , will Iks taken eastern people and operated on an xulcuslvo senl . (!. V. Hoggs, of Tuciiinii, and I!. I). Trcnhnlm, of Hpokune, lepreMin'ing the etiHturn cupitnlists, accoui) nuied by C. C. Nepplc, mill Ji'i.i .; and P. K. Jllshnp, of lluki-: City, "who mo among the heavy owners of the properly. nrilvnl hcio Friday and left shintly idler noon to lures tigutii the proposition. Mr. Hoggs Ih acting iih expel I for the prospective iuvi'HloiH, and to a Miner lepieM'litii- live he Muted that after n thmoiigh sampling, if tbe Climax proven satis factoiy, IiIh people will lake It over and open it up at once. The piopery includes live cIiiIiiih located, it in claimed, on the Cracker Creek mother lode, in the vicinity of the big producers of the dlHtrict. Over l.fil.O feet of development work Iiuh been done, and ItiHHtated several thouHiiud tons of exceedingly rich ore have been blocked out. If the prop, erty proven satisfactory, Mr. Hoggs says his people will close the deal at once. It wen through Messrs. Hoggs ami Treiiholm that the (loldeu Fleece, in the lied Hoy dlHtrict, wiih turned over a short time ago to Philadelphia people. Operations are to be Htarted on IIiIh piopeity within the next ten dayH, it Ih (dated. If the Climax deal in closed, Mr. Hoggs will prnh nbly have charge of operatloiiH and make Homptcr his lieiiiltpinrterH. Any way, he thinks he will remain here tho gicutcr pint of the winter. HOIST FOR THE MARS PROPERTY is Thought That Plant Will Be Ready to Run by Christmas. Prairie Diggings Will Re sume Soon After First of the Year. Fred Smith, manager of tbe Snow Creok mine, returned to the property Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with IiIh family. J. Al. Ueislor, scratch boss, who Hpout tho day hero, wont back Friday morning. Tho Snow Creek mill is Hearing completion, and it is thought will bo ready for operation lief ore Christmas Tho buildings have been completed, and with the exception of tho dynamo, tho machinery is all set. All that remains to HiiIhIi now aro a few minor detailri mid odds and cihIh, which will occupy only a short time. Mr. Smith Iiuh imide a record in A DIRECT LINE To Chicago and all points east; Louisville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all points south. See that your ticket reads via the Illinois Central It. R. Thoroughly modern trains connect with all transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha. If your friends aro coming west let us know and we will quote them direct tho specially low rates now in effect from all eastern points. Any information us to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. 1). II. TRUMHULL, Commciclal Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Oro. J. C. LINDSEV, T. F. and P. A., 141! Third street, Portland, Ore., P. U. THOMPSON, F. and P. A., Room 1, Coleman lildg., Seattle Wash. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timlier and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles II. Chance, United States Com- 1. V. .Messner, superintendent of the Prairie Diggings, was on thetruiu this afternoon from Whitney, going to Mars group of copper claims, opeiuted by the Indiana company, where n hoist is to be Installed at once. The depth capacity of the new plant will be Mil) feet. Work at the Priarie Diggings, Mr. Messner Miys Is progressing very sat isfactorily. The shaft Ih tiow down over 'J 00 feet and he thinks tho main lead will be caught in the next 100 feet. If It is not, this depth will take the shaft very near it, mid h crosscut will be carried to it. It is the intention of tho company, Mr. Messner states, to start tho mill soon after the first of tho year. missloncr, ofllco in First National Hank tho speedy erection of tho plant, not- of Sumpter building, Sumpter, tlniH av withstandliig the fact that work was lg applicants expense of a trip to La greulty hindered by the snow. It Is Grande. a ten stamp mill with up-to-dato in a- chiuery, and the impression obtains among mill men that it will, when completed, be one of tho best of its size in the district. DON JUAN MILL IS STARTED IP AGAIN WORK PROGRESSING ON THE BOM A ROAD. A. II. Peterson, formerly of F.ver ett, Washington, but now- engaged as civil engineer with Major Jlontu, ic turned Friday afternoon fiom work on the survey for the Houtii road. Mr. Peteisoii was called to linker City to do'some otllce work in conned Inn with the cntorptlso. lie says mat the. outslile work on thu survey Is being pushed to coin, pletlou. The permanent survey is well under way ami right of way work is rapidly progressing. AGAIN AT WORK ON WHAT WILL MAKE A GREAT MINE Al Otiiess came In from the Ulpsy King mine Thursday afternoon, lie has charge of development work which is now being dune on that property, which consists nf drifting on tho vein that has been cut on the Bull creek side of the divide. I Tho face of tho tunnel Is now lu porphyry, but it in hoped that an ore aboot will soou bo oucouutered. MULE FOR WATER COMPANY COMPLETED The Ellis-Sullivan conduct on the Water company's flumo was finished lute Wcduct-duy evening, in time to give thanks yesteiday. The contract embraced lU,r00 feet of Hume, which is to carry water to furnish power at the new plant under construction. The 700 feet of siphon in connection was completed by thu company some time ago. Tho lliimu will be con neeleil with the power house by !),()()() feet of twenty and sixteen inch pipe. Of this distuueu 7,000 feet was completed befote the snow came and stopped work. Tho pipe Is all hcie and under cover. If the present stretch of good weather continues, Superintendent Smith states that ho may resume work on the pipe Hue aud finish it up ut once. Ah stated n few daya ago, the power house Is practically completed, the only thing remaining being the putting in of the doors mid wiudows. Tho witter wheol has boon Bhipped and Is expected to arrive withiu ten days, aud tho other machinery will fallow soon. Ore in the Bins Will Be Milled and Operations Continued. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to the inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of the papers in the east ate, send for a frco sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER 23 HROADWAY, NEW YORK J. Duquott, who is engaged at the Don Juan, was on the train Friday afternoon, makiug a business trip to Raker City. Tim mill, which has been shut down it few days for repairs, ho ea-e, resumed uporatlotis Thursday. Thcro hiiH been some delay occasioned on account of repairs to the boiler, but the work will proceed now without interruption. i T. W. Davidson, who has tho man agement of tho property, states that! the ore In the bins will bo milled at once aud further operations cou-l tinned. I THE ! NATIONAL BANKER I IB U Sail St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of National circulation. Is reud by bunkers, capitalists, in vestors) retired merchants. If you want to reach a good class of buyers aud thu moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise in the National Hunker. Th(iuands of copies of each issue of the National Hunker goes to investors throughout thu Middle West. Eastern and New Kuglaud states. The best journal in the country in which to rench investors. Sample copies free Advertising rates on application. Will Soon Crosscut Ledge. Louis Walker, suporlutondout of the Midway, is here today. Tbe shaft, Mr. Walker says, la now dowu 140 feet, aud that it la probable the ledge will bo crosscut withiu tho next two weeks. Tbe now hoist is iu due HOW COWBOYS ARE DOING ASSESSMENT WORK AT RASTUS Archie Murray tho well known up per Hurut river stockman,, spent Thanksgiving with his family iu linker City. Speaking of Mount Rastus district, in close proximity to his'Uurut river ranches, Mr. Murray says about twenty-live men lire wintering iu tho district, all engaged in doing develop ment on tbolr claims. A novo! way of doing assessment work has been adopted by the cow- boya of that section who bavo taken up claims. Mr. Murray says crevices I aro looked for and when found, pow der is put in lu large quantities and tho fine lighted. The cowboys ride away ou their horses from the dauger point and when they return the ten foot bole is there. Tho Hayseed Mining company, of Ironsides, has started a 100 foot tun nel on oue of its claims. A 000 foot contraot has been let : r ''SSS,'.&&S'Sm lurniniu luuiiin urwo juicmujin minimi SPtCIAL OFFER. the best mime NEWSPAPER. Kvery week in the year for only ONK DOLLAR. Regular price L Single copies, 5c. This offer is good onlv during November and December, 11)03 Send your order at once. J working order, aud is giving entire by another company and tbe work satisfaction. ' ' hs -commenced. Democrat.. - AMERICAN MINING NEWS. SUMPTER MINER. i h.y''Wvtw. ajmi fr aw- X