The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 02, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 2, 190$
President of The Company Inspects
Property and Says It is Good
Enough For Him.
Dr. I". Itoy, pioHiilmit of t ho Over
lutiil Colli Mining c(i!iiiiiii.v, Father
P. iiliiiin, who hiiM frlmiilH tlntt aro
inteiestcd in tin) property, I10II1 ui
St. Paul, mid Father T. Hosor, pro
fiiHHiir of mineralogy at All IIiiIIowh
college, Hull Lnko, mill (jouonil Man
ager M. K. II11I11, ruhirncd from an
Inspection of tlm i .ipmly .Saturday
evening. To 11 Mirer representative,
President Itoy statcl yesterday :
"I inn not 11 inhr'ig mini iiiymilf,
lull became liiliiiv' I in (lit) Over-
1(111(1 lllHt Htllllllllir t.ll'Otlgll till) ll'dllll-
iniiiiiliiliiiii of frlmiilH who know .Mr.
Itiiin. I know Unit huge capital Ih
iifoi'Hiiiiy lo ilnviilop ami equip u
mini) ho iih lo ninko il a producer, so
I determined to coinn out hero nnil
look inlo I lio IiiisIucsh end of (lio
liropoHilion myself, iiml got tlm judg
iniiiit of 11 coiiipiitiiut export niliitivi)
to tint viiliiii of tlm propnrly licfoio I
put tiny ninri) moiiiiy into tliu enter
prlHO myself, or link my fi lends to ilo
"1 am poifcctly satlslled on liolh
polutri, ami will see Unit Mr. Iliiln Ih
mipplioil with limpid Hindu to eon
tlniin work uiilnturrupiiidly from
now tin 1 1 1 tlitt Overland Ih ii dividend
payor. 1 am convinced (hat Mr. I In in
Ih ii (loinpiilniil manager, mid iih you
know, his standing in thin, IiIh homi,
community Ih ahovii reproach.
Through tlm iidvlco of my friend,
Father ltuliiiln, I engaged tlm nor
vIcch of IiIh lilclid, Father Honor,
who Ih not only an educated, scieu
tilhf luiuoiiilngist. who Ih cnt IiiihIuhI I -eally
diivotnd to tlm Hlinly, but Ih
hIho, mini of large practical ox
piirliiiicn, to expert the mine. IIIh
report in favorable, and I feel that I
ci in inly with cnulldeuco on his judg
iiieut; ho now I ciiu enter morn
heartily into the oiitui print, i ul
ready feel the riisfi nation of the husl
iichh iiml hopo to aid in adding mi
other piiiducer to your wonderful
Hold mining count i, v."
Kutlii'i' KiiHer Mild: "I inn hotter
plcased with the Oveilnud than 1 n.x
peeled to lie. Mr. Ilalu Iiiih been
very cnnseiwitlvo in lilsuiltteu state
uuintH icmiidlug the pioperty. It Ih,
of cniiHit, only a pinspuct iih yet; hut
Iiiih eveiy iudicatiou of the making of
a mine. On Hid Overland ginuiid
there am tour elns, two of which
have lieeu opened up so that I could
cMimliut tlm ledge matter and formic
t inn. The wiiIIh ate clem ly delliied.
and the ore IioiIIch me largo. It Ih
my opinion that now it Ih a meie
matter of lutiiiiiik' In to thu pay
shoot and blocking out the me.
"Through the courtesy of .Superin
tendent Tuwiihciul, wo weto hIiowii
through the Ciiliforuia, the adjoining
property, and a great niliie it Ih, too.
There I hiiw a niiinlier of ledges all
carrying values Hutllciuut to pay a
profit on mining mid milling. At a
depth of 470 feet there in it megnlll
cunt ore body full llfteeu feet in
width, every inch of which will pay
to put thruughtho mill, that will lie-in
operatloiiHMonday orTuenlay. In fact,
the California proven that t ho entire
mountain ii a series of highly min
eral I red parallel ledges. The forma
tion Ih identical with that of tbo
Overland . and 1 can neo no reason
whatever why the Overland will not
in like c(unlly iih valuablo u mine."
Mr. Haiti Iiiih bcou worKiug on tbls
proposition for more tlniu two years,
staying with the property through j
thick nud thin, and in naturally highly
pleiiHed over IiIh ultimate success in
raising money with which to opou it
up. He Iiiih orderd rails and cars for
IiIh tunnels: bought the old postofilco
building at Cablnvlllo from Tom Cos
tollo for a boarding house, which
will form the niicloiis of a pornuiuont
camp, mid Ih making other prepar
ations to increase IiIh force and push
the work of development iih fast iih
The gentlemen left Sunday after-
noun for their homes. Father Hotter
expects to return iih soon an the snow
disappears and make another exam
ination. He Iiiih advised that the
third tein be also opened up, and
that the tunnel be started farther
down the mountain, ho that mure
depth can be attained. Mr. llaln
will proceed to carry out this advice
at once.
Owners Will Dig Ditches
And Install Giants in
J. V. Hall, of Mountain Home,
Idaho, accompanied by bin family,
arrived here thin morning to assume
Ills duties iih Hiipeiiuendent of the
Humpler Light mid Water company.
Hlnco the resignation of K. E. Mo
Cammoii, thin olllco Iiiih been filled by
A. (!. Smith, who Ih tieasurer and
consulting engineer for the company.
Mr. Kmlth will shortly no into winter
quarters at Spokane, to return in the
early spring, when work Ih roooin-
meuceii on the improvements now
under way. ,
There wiih some talk about slartliiK
up again this whiter, but this waa
deemed inadvisable and uothliiK furth
er will be done toward the completion
of the pipe line and power hoiieo till
spring. Ah hooii iih the season opens
up the work will be rushed to com
pletion. This includes flnhblug the
pipe Hue, power Iioiiho, and laying
the maliiH through tho business por
tion of the city from the new plant to
furnish aiixllllary lire protection.
President Htrahuru Ih still hi Chicago.
Late advices fiom him statu that he
Ih rapidly improving from the opera
tion he had performed foi appendicitis.
It Ih understood that former super'
luteiideut McCoininou will not leturii ift0t.
to humpter on account of the climate
not ngicolug with him. He is now- in
T. A. Hrown Is back again from
tho Hrown Hear placers near East
Eagle in which ho la interested with
Jack llazlewood and C. A. Ilallford
of East Eagle. Mr. Ilallford accom
panied him on his return. It waa tho i
intention to begin work again on
these placers at once, mid that wiih '
Mr. Hrown's mission, hut owing toi
business matters which called Mr.
Ilallford to Haker City, tho Htmting
Iiiih boon delayed for a few dayn.
These placers, it Ih stated, exeep- '
tioualiy rich, avcraghiK 81 to tho
cubic yard of dlrl. It was from
them that Jack llazlewood gut thoi
8180 nugget which he sold to Hon.
Jako ItobbhiH some time ago for Ins
collection. Tho location Ih near the
continence of Kant mid Main Kaglo
creeks, Home twelve miles nbovo
Spin ta. The partners control 110
acres of ground, mid tlioy state it Ih
tholr purpose to dig a ditch from
Main Eagle, a dtstauco of nbyut throo
miles mid install giants in tho spring.
Much preliminary work will bo
dono this winter. Tho gravol Ih from
four to twenty feot deep and shows
good values throughout.
district, where they bad been for
several days sampling tho Climax,
which property thoy expect to buy
for Philadelphia people. Tbey wont
to Haker City this afternoon, but Mr.
Hogga will return iu n day or two and
spend moBt of his time bore in future.
To a Miner representative bo said:
"You pooplo hero don't know vbat
a great mining country you baro;
or at least you aro not making tbo
uoiso about it that you ought to.
You also havo more activity here, aro
producing moro bullion than any
otbor district in tbo west with which
I am familiar, with tbo exception of
Cripplo Creek. In driving in from
IJourue, u distanco of only seven
mllos, wo passed six teams loaded
with oro and concentrates, and that
was Sunday, too. You don't seo that
any whero elso in tho Northwest. "
Joe Jacohson, to whom a contract
was awarded by the management of
the Pulaski company a few days ago,
started work driving tho crosscut to
the main load of the property yester
day. Supplies have been taken in mid it
in understood to bo tho purpose of
tho company to push operations
steadily ahead. Tho crosscut on
which the contract was lot will
the ledge at a depth of about
Men And Money For Quartburg.
A pmty consisting of A. Arlington
llihhs, gouoinl manager of tlm Ore.
gnu-Idaho Cold Mining company, and
his sou. Dr. J. Ollliugliiuu llilibs.
chemist and mlueraloglHt ol the Uui
xerslty ot Pennsylvania, and Edward
id. Jay capitalist all of Plilladelhpia
Pa., arrived in this city this week
mil will remain about teu days.
TIicm) men have bought some promis
ing mining property at Quartzbuig,
mid aro hero to put a force of men at
work to develop the property. A
contract for this work waa to be
awarded on Thursday. A detailed
description of this porperty and
develomeut work to be done thereon
will be given hi next week's issue.
Prairie City Miner.
Fresh Cauoiea and Fruit, Cbolco
Lino of Cigars ami Tobaccos, at
N. llerkeley, of Pendleton, who
has a bond on the llufliilo mine iu
the Magnolia district, arrived here
tbls morning to look after matters
re'ativo to this property.
Mr. llerkeley states that he may
resume work before long, but that no
dcllulU arrangement has yet been
reached. The Hulfalo la one of the
old properties of the district, having
at one time produced some rich ore,
but owing to tho death of ouo of
its owuora uothlug has been done
within tbo past two years.
A press dispatch from Portland,
dated yesterday, says that the in
corporation of the Oregon, Washing
ton & Idaho Iiallroad company, at
Letviston, Idaho, for tho purpose of
building a lino between Lewlston and
' Itiparia, 1b tho llrst step hi a plan
of tho O. Ii. & N. to build a lino
from Huntington, Oregon down tbo
Snake Hiver to Lewlston and through
to Hlpiirla, where it will connect with
tbo ninlii lino Into Oregon and Port
laud. This uow Hue la to be tho
' maiu freight liuo from the southeast
j hi to Portland, tbo routo affording
I a water grade all tie wry, thus mak
' lug a material dilfeionco iu tbo cost
of operating tbo road. While (Lo
routo will bo longer than tie present
ouo, heavy loads cau bo handled with
much moro ease, with less exponso,
aud a consequent reduction in
height rates will bo tbo result.
This Ih one of tho most importaut
pieces of proposed railroad work that
Iiiih bcou auounccd In sonio time, aud
an oitlciiil of the O. ii AN. Ih author
ity for tbo statement that tbo road
will surely bo built. Itoutea havo
beou carefully examined, the country
, Iiiih beou studied aud the company
; Iiiih decided to build. The tlino of
commencement of work Is iudeliulto
as yet. Tho olllclala declare that no
decision Iiiih been mado relativo to
' that point, but it is asserted that iu
jduo time the Hue will bo constructed.
Tho incorporation of tho company at
Lewlston Ih taken iih an iudicatiou
that something will be done in tho
near future, mid as this project is
au O. Ii. & X. one, it Ih looked upon
as ii good guarantee of tho fulfillment
of tho rest of tbo promise. Tbo
scheme will probably mean a renewal
of tho light between tho O. Ii. A K.
aud Northern Pacific for tbo right-of-way
between Lewlston aud Itiparia.
Tbo through passeugor service will
be over tbo present liuo across the
Hluo mountains, but tho diversion ot
heavy freight trade will enable tbo
company to mako better pastenger
Dave Fisk Believes in Rastus.
D. H. Flak, of Mount Rastus fame,
stopped over last night on bis way
from Whitney to Daker City. Mr.
Fiak la interested iu several Raatua
claims, from which he has received
Messrs. Dorrs, of Tacotua. and bsbhvh nnnrnuchlno r.n rio i n.n.
Troubolm, of Spokane, returned 8un- believer iu the district and thinks it
day afternoon from the Cracker Creek ' will mako ajgreat camp.