The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 02, 1903, Image 12

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of the
Pay for
Believed That Formations Are Sim-
liar And That Development
Will Reveal Rich
"Tliti old Cripple CreekerH aru
nlaying with Mount ItiiHliiH, because
they iiiidcrHtiuid tlio formation iiml
know wlmt it moans," says V. C.
Kulnmn, of Ilouriie, who returned
yesterday from the Mount ItiintiiH
district. Ho was accompanied by
M. W.llm'kwith mill H. W. Ollno.wl.o
urn Interested with him in live claims,
located on tho southoru slope of
ItiiHtiiH. An assay from the Itil Nig
ger claim made In linker City 11 fuw
iliiyH ago wnt 11. HO, aoordlug to
Mr. Kidman's statements. Hit
liroiiKht back with him h lino of
phouollttu anil porphyrltlo quartz
samples whlah ho will have assa"od
hunt and lit til ii vnrlniiH iiiIIIh In tlm
Cracker Crook iliiitriot. Thephniinlitol
iippunrM to uiirry heavy Iron sulphides,
with tlio nuijor values in the oxidized
(tmrl7. Judged from the appearance
it Ih good looking orii. To n Miner
roprsotitntlvolast nllit Mr.Koliiiau,
after exhibiting IiIh ltastus rook, con cen
tinued: "I u in not mi npoHtlo of hot air.
anil ilo not hid love in unwarranted
booming. There Iiiih boon too much
of that oven about Mount ltastus. Ah
stated to you on my tint return from
our claims, tlm stampede, in tho imiln,
wiih a wild cowboy niHli.
minors, mid thuy aro anions tlio Htny
ors. 'I'd urn aru others Ihchh fiimilliir
to llio'pulilie whom I could moiitloii.
Mr. jlliitchliiH Ih going liai'k in a fow
days. Tlio Major now Iiiih a forco of
iiidii employed in building a road
from Uimtuw City to tlio forks of Kast
Ciimp crook, whoro hit tunnel site
ih located.
"Tlio Valium aro not In the phono
lite, lint in tho contact, iih Ih the
i'iihd In 'Cripple Creek and in tbo
Mack HIIIh, the only other two places
1 know of where n Himlliir formation
Ih found. And In ouch liiHtiiuce tol
lurtdPH aro encountered with depth.
"Two-thirds of tho clalniH located
In tlm HrMt mad rush aro now vacant.
Only a fow pooplo are left there, but
they think they know what they are
Mr. Keliniin and IiIh partnerH will
return to ltastus In about two weeks
and remiilnjthero during tho winter.
porphyry ledge from which the ore
can bo literally nuari-ied, reducing
'mining expenses to tlio inlninnini. For
this charnctnr of ore it is thought the
Klukead mill will give the best of
! treatment results.
Its Greatest Drawback Is The Per
sistpnt Butter-In, Who Never
Lands a Victim.
winked at random without tlm
slightest regal d to the liHiatlou of
mineral In place, iih the law requires.
Others, who were not cowboyH mid
sheep herders, went In, ate their
dinners, and bi'CiiiiHe they didn't hih
gold Htlcklng out of tlm country look,
cuine back anil gave the tlintrict a
black eye. My associates and myself
were live weeks in making live loca
tloiiH, Our clalniH are on the south
cm Hlopo of Hunt iih, adjoining tlioni)
in which Major llontii Ih iutereHted.
Wo prospected nur ledge and saw
wlmt wo hud before locating. Ou the
Ited Nigger oliilni we have' a shaft
down llfteen feet, ou a porphyrltlo
and phomilltlo quartz ooutHct, las
tweeii phouollte mid traobyte. The
vein Ih four feet In width, and thorn
Ih every indication, if tho formation
couutH for anything, that sylvaulte
and other tollurides of gold
cnutinterod with depth. I am familiar
with the geology of Cripple Creek,
having npetit four yearn there iih an
HHHayer, and I am fully convinced
that this furiuatlou Ih practically
identical. Ah hhIiI at tint the Crip
ple Creekera are staying with the
proposition. They kuow what it
means and wlmt may bo expected
with development.
"Major Honta's chief euglueer,
Mr. Hutching, and Mr. CSrabaai, of
linker City, are old Cripple Creek
John U. Cassiu, of Spokane prosl
dent of the Alamo Mining company,
piiHHod through Sumpter Sunday, on
IiIh way home from tbo mine. Mr.
CiihhIii Isjjn mining mini of wide ex
perience and IiIh favorable opinion
ou a dlHtrict Ih of value. He says
that he boliovcH eastern Oregon con
stitutes the greatest mining region
ClalniH were ou tho globe, so far iih its natural ro
source in miuoralH and tho necssary
iidjunctH to work tho ores, wood and
water, aru uoucorued.
Notwithstanding all this, ho says,
this country has one sorloiiH drawback :
It Ih a dltllcult matter to Induce
capital to invest heio. One reason
for thU Ih thut tho tnlnlug men who
live here don't work together, and
whoii men aru not united in any
elfort, they are very apt to bo antag
onistic. On this point, Mr. Cassiu
says :
"Ou a previous visit to Sumpter I
was accompanied by some gentlemen
from the east, whom I was trying to
Induce to invest. A local broker
hutted Into' tho ganio aud endeavored
to got them Interested in another prop
osition. He whh doing his work in
the lo 'y of the Hotel Sumpter u'-d
I ha to go to tho mauager of the
bouse and demand protection from
that variety of pliate. That Ih the
only trouble of tho kind I have ever
had hero lu Sumpter, but In llaker
City this species of Interference Is a
positive uulsuuoe, a menacing dauger.
"And the strauge feature of the
proposition Is that they porslts In
this, wheu they have never 'lauded
yet aud never will. The ouly result
Is to drive men and money out of tbo
country. Vou people ought to organ
ize against suob practice, for it is
working a great injury."
Two cars of ore from tho Uolcouda
wero sotit out today for the Sumpter
smolter. TIiIh makes tho first con
signment received here from this
well known Cracker Creek producer,
and while there is no dclltiite Infor
mation obtainable relative to this I
phiifo of tho mutter, tho natural sup-1
position would be that the Uolcouda
Intends transferring its putrouage
to the Sumpter instituiou. '
The fnot of tho (inlcouda's ship
ment would also scum to warrant
tho conclusion that the smelter peo
ple havo made au arraugomeut where-'
by all ores offered may bo purchased.
When approacahed relative to this
aspect of tho situation, Dr. Ed W.
Mueller, mauager of tho smelter, had
nothing to say oithor lu confirmation
or denial.
Again, tbo activly at the lime kiln,
aud the geuoral overhauling and
fixing up of tho maohiuory at tho
plaut, leads to tho belief that opera
tions may start now auy day. Dr.
Mueller was also uon-conimuuicatlvo
on this point, but admitted that early
blowing in is contemplated, though
be declined to name a date.
Office Hold Sumpter. SUMPTER. OREGON
La id la w& Stead man
Plans & Estimates Furnished
Office on Cracker St., opposite
Sumpter Sampling &. Testing
.... Works ....
:A Choice....
V. It. Moado, than whom no one'
New Line of Ladies and
Gent emen s Gold
Watches, Chains, Fobs,
Rings, Etc.
Other Goods Arriving
knows the Blue mountain couutry J J T SHrnpUrf Oragon
more thoroughly, says hols of tbej"J
opinion that, artesian wells will havej
to bo resrted to to solve the water
supply for Sumpter. '
His reason for this bolief Is that in
every shaft sunk on this slope of tho
range, water is eucountered at from
fifty to 100 feet, tho supply growing
greater as depth Is attained. The
greatest flow yet encouutored waa
found in tho Ooldeu Wizard, ou
Door creek; where, at less than 200
feet depth, ho great a volume was
eucountered that uo machinery yet
Installed has boon ablo to keep tbo
shaft sufficiently free from water to
permit It being worked in that par
ticular place. j
So convinced Is he that artesiau .
wider cau bo fuuud, that bo has de
cided to buy a drill aud bore a well
on his Mill street lot, where he lives.
Tho machinery will bo ordered so J
that it will arrive here In time to
beglu operations lu the early sprlug.
If Mr. Meade's theory Is proven
correct, it will prove of vast benefit
to thU whole secttou nf couutry.
Charter Oak
Ar Tho Best
A report from the Dixie group
states that the Klukead mill recently
completed ou the property began
operations Monday, and so far the
Dlant baa glveu eutlre satisfaction.
The Dixie group has a six foot
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