The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, December 02, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, Decembei z, 190
Tho cyanide process 1h oho of tho
IllOSt llltC'lestiHg of nil of thoso
known to metallurgical science.
For tunny yearn prior to ItH practical
application in tho treatment of orcH,
it wiih known that dilute solutions of
cyanide of potassium would dissolve
minute particles of gold. I'atuntH
wont taken out for a process to trout
oit-H hy (IiIh method, and allien tlio
first putuntH were takon out thoro Iiiih
boon a score or more of patents IsHiiod
in tlm varioiiH countries of tlio world
for luodlflcatioiiH of tlio original pro
cess. No other process Iiiih stliiiu
itod tlm invent ivo fmiulltcH of those
'iigaged In IIh practice to hiioIi an
extent, i'lii! ilovitttH for tho chemical
nianipiilatiou and mechanical hand
Hug of tlm pulp am ntiinorouH, and
iiiiiny of t litem processes at o Hiicccssful
on certain oIiishoh of oro, while otliurH
aro i'iiinlly so on other orrH.
Tlio 0110 element wliioh Iiiih pre
sented tho greatest dlflloulty, nnlilo
from curtain basu mitioinlH contained
In ores which render thorn difficult of
treatment hy tho cyanide method, Ih
tho Hiitlsfaotory working and mocliuu
leal handling of hIIiiioh. Thoso mo
ticatod at tho varioiiH workH in a va
riety of ways. In 0110 locality slim
ing tho oro Ih avoided iih far an pun
hIIiIo. In another no objection Ih
found in hIIiiioh. At ono mill tho
hIIiiich aro Htipurateil from tho sands
and eacli class Ih treated Hepiirutoly;
tho former hy percolation, tho latter
hy tho iiiiinoroiiM hoIioiiios devised hy
tho Ingenious opnriitoi-H. At another
mill hIIiiioh and sands aro treated to
gether and tho oporatorH report no
particular dillloulty. Tho fact that
it Ih ho, provoH that tho oroH of va
rious mining dint riot h ill (Tor in a
marked degree, lint that thlH physical
(inference in not alwayH perceptible
to tho oyo. (
Tho principal dllllciilty In treating
slimes and Hands together in repoited
to bo duo to tlm fact that an even
diHtrlliutloii of tho two oIiihhoh of
material Ih ditlluult to obtain. A
slight luterferuce in tho How of pulp
Into tho tanks; anv temporary ntnp.
page in tho Hiipply from tho mill, re
huHh in the formation of a thin
"Hour" of more or Iohh imporvioUH
HlimeH on the bed of Hand beneath.
A HorloH of huoIi Interferences usually
results in producing several thin
sheets In succession, Intercalated
with the hiiikIh, loiidorlug poroulatjoii
hIow If not impossible. To overcome
(IiIh dillli'tilty varioiiH klmlH of dis
tributors have been devised ami aio
in HucooHHfiil operation. Where tho
sands and HlimeH aro separated befoie
tieatmeut, tho sands rarely offer any
dllllculty in the passage of Holultous,
but tho hIIiiioh problem Ih an over
prcHout one, and uumeroiiH and in
ueuloiiH are tho devices improvised
ami applied in ulloinpts to nuecess
fully meet the troubleHome problem
Decautatlou of HolutioiiH Iiiih been
successfully piacticcd on talc oren
whoio the slime weioof liilltiltcHimul
lliiene-ij. Hy 'successfully Ih meant
commercial success, though the tail
ings may still contain forty or llfty
per cent of the original values.
Wheie decautatlou Ih practiced I he
Holiitlou Ih chui lied by tlio addition
of lime to tho oliaigc. Ah a matter
of course thin leave.- a thick sludge
in the bottom, nhleh coutaliiH gold
linn Iiik solution., Thu only way'in
which an additional portion of these
valucH can bo economically wived Ih
by add 1 uk weak solution and reagltat-
lug and resettling the charge, and
anal 11 decanting tho liquor..
To treat HlimeH, and also to hasten
percolation, one of tho llrst devices
ouiplnycd was tho vacuum filter.
TIiIh was arranged by building n false
bottom containing tho filter in a
stool tank, and attaching the vacuum
pump to tho chamber beneath. ThlH
resulted In successful treatment of
Home kinds of material, but with I
hIIiiioh the layer on tho filter geuo- .
rally became too thick and cIoiiho to i
permit a long continued passage of
tho solution, bo tho charges hnd to bo
reduced to thin shoots to hasten tho
operation, hut thin wiih found to !
groatly reduce capneity.
Tho filter press 'wan next tried and I
in some districts this device In one
or tho other of its manifold forma la
in successful use. . In others Us em-1
ploymout Ih said not to have been!
attended with satisfactory results.
It Ih Hlmply n novel application of
tho vacuum pump to tho treatment of
slimes, ami presontn n largo Hiiporfl-
clal nroii, which tho original vacuum
HlterH did not afford.
Experimentation Ih constantly In
pi ogress and newor and present mi
heardof devlecH may bo expected in
the future in tho practical working
of tho cyanide process, for tho field
Ih broad. Mining and Soientlfl
Crook county, with ItH sago brush
fields nllvo with mule eared jack rub-
bltn, Ih in a position to uppreolato a
lesson in tho value of utilization to
bo gleaned from tho rabbit factory,
which began Its operations at Echo
last Thursday. Tho Institution is
probably the only one of its klnti in
tho world. Tho people Interested aro
almost enjtrey Echo, and Umatilla
county moil, with a few Portland as
sociates. Tho idea of a rabbit factory for
tho purpose of utilizing the vast num
ber of jack riibhlH' ruining ,wild In
Morrow and Umatilla counties uud
making canned hare of them, was or
iginated by II. C. -Willis, secretary
of thu American Hare Packing ami
Cold Storage company, ono of the
most uul(iio Institutions of tho pro
sent generation.
At tho present time, it Is said, tho
company in behind two months in its
orders, which are coming in from all
quartern, and especially from thu east
where canned hare Iiiih been exploited
as a delicacy of the first water. Tho
prospective customers, which thu
company counts on to support thu
trade, are transoceanic steamship
lines, dining cur companies, fushoiu
able cafes and restaurants, epicures
and game loving families. Kiibblt
will bo put up in every form, from
thu ordinary canned game product for
family use, to thu deviled hare for the
more fastidious ones. Crook County
1 on run I.
The, first rabbit drive for the bene
fit of tho new Echo wiih
made near that city ymterday.
There were 2,000 American hares
rt)utightcrciMi tho drive uud ho com- door of thu city hull 011 Cracker
plete Ih tho'orragiiiatiou of tho can- 'street, in the citv of Sumpter, Maker
nery force, that within seven hours county, Oregon, at the hour of 10
ufler the close of the drie, every rub- 1 o'clock a.m., the 12th day of Decern
bit was dressed ami in cold storage, ber, llKKI. soil at public nuctlop, to the
awaiting the cooking ,nraeo.i, before highest bidder for cash in' hand, the
being Hcalcdylu tho cans for tho mar
ket. The rabbits brought in from
the drive were fat, stout, healthy
specimens, and the drive resulted
better than the promoters had antici
pated, as there was an apparent
scurcity of the animals, when the
party first went into the sage brush.
Another big drive will take place
near the farm of Charles liartholo-
mew, two miles from Echo, next Sun
day. A number of Pendleton hunters
and sportsmen are expected to take
The drive will orgauizo at Mr.
Uartholomew's home and will bo
under the dliectlon of tho cannery
people. Ah tho cannery increases its
output, after tho experienced runs
now being made, these drives will be
made regular events at Kcho. East
Tlio Hcudryx system may he used
trout ores from tho Ulack Hutto
iulck8ilvor mines, near Cottago
I "rove, Oregon. William II. Doiinls,
j Iihh boon horo in consultation with
Dr. W. A. Hondryx and tho latter
expresses tho bolief that his system
will Imj found to work successfully in
tho treatment of tho cinnabar ores
from that property. A shipment ot
100 pounds of tho oro Ih horo and
experiments will bo condue'ed.
"The smoltor at tho proporty Ih
being enlarged from sixty to 100 tous
capacity," said O. U. Dennis, ono
of tho owners. "It will bo in opera
tion within ninety days. Tho do
volopmont work dono aggregates
botweon 14,000 aud 10,000 feet. Wo
havo reached tho 1,000 'foot lovel
with tho shaft. Every 100 feot a
crosscut was run. This shows the
ledge to be eighty feet wide. Drifts
on the pay shoot bare shown it to bo
227 feot long.
"Wo estimate that we have 2,000,
000 tous of oro blocked out aud in
sight. There are 150,000 tons on
tho dump. Values vary from 4-10 of
ono per cent to two per cent quick
silver aud tho averago of all our oro
is about 8-10 of one per cout. Quick
silver is worth fifty cents a pouud at
tho mine. The property today repre
sents an expenditure of 8000,000".
Will dear Right of Way.
E. A. lliitchius, who has charge of
tho survey for the Uouta railway, re
turned this afternoou to Baker City.
Forty miles of tho survey has been
completed, but no further work will
bo done this winter. Tho riuht of
way, however, will be cleared, tho
contract for which will bo let tomor
Notice of salo of property for street
assessment. Notice is hereby given
that by virtue of a warrant issued by
tho City Recorder of tho city of
Sumpter 011 the 20th day of October,
1003, to mo directed, commanding
me to collect the ssessment levied
upon the lot or tract of laud as here
linifter described an iih hereinafter set
forth for the improvement of
Columbia street, 1 will at the ft out
following dcM'rHied lot or parcel of
land, upon which uu assessment has
been levied for the improvement of
Columbia street, together with tho
costs and accruing costs of this sale,
as declared by ordinauco No. 263 of
the City of Sumptcr.
The following described lot will
be sold for cash in hand, but no bid
will bo accepted less than the amount
of the assessment levied thereon with
costs and accruing costs of this ac
tion. Tho following is tho lot or tract of
land that will bo offered for salo with
the name of tho owner and anioun
assessed against tho asme:
Lot 3, Ulock .'I, Sumptcr Heights
McEweu's addltiou to the town of
Sumpter, Ilakcr county, Oregon, as
shown on tho plat of said addition, of
record in tho otlico of tho recoider of
conveyances for Ilakcr County, Oro-
assessed to John CJIIilo; amount
utio inereou, o;su.u:i .
Witness my baud this Oth day of
November, 1003. ED RANND,
City Marshal of tho City of Sumpter.
In thr Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor
Baker County.
S. Rusk, Plaintiff, 1
Oregon King GolJ Mlnlne
Company, a Corporation,
Defendant. J
To Oregon King GnM Mining Company, a corpor
ation, the above-natneJ defendant
Is THE namb or the STATE or Oreoo.n; You are
hereby required to appear and answer the complaint
filed against ou In the above entitled action on or
before the id dav ot December, i, the fame being
the last day ot the time prescribed In the order duly
made and entered In the above entitled action of the
nth day of October, ioo, by the Hon. W. W. Tra
vllllan, Judge of the County Com t of Raker county
Oregon, for the publication of this summons : and It
ou7allso to appear and answer for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court
for judgment against ou for the sum ot $an. 60
and Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from
and after the igth day ot September, iooj, and for
an order for the sale of attached property, and for
his costs and disbursements of this action and for
accruing costs
And vou are further notified that October the aisl
Is the first date of publication of this summons, and,
the date of December id. 100), Is the last date ot
of publication thereof.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
fn tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Baker.
R. L. Graves, Plaintiff,
C J Dwer. Viola M Dwyer.
Cd. Turk and Mlnot Austin, I
Defendants. J
To E. J. Dwer, Viola M. Dwyer and Mlnot Austin,
the above-named defendants:
In the name of the Slate of Oregen: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against ou In the above entitled cause on
or before the td day of December, too), the
date of the last publication of this summons, as pre
scribed In the order made by the County Judge of
Baker county, State ot Oregon, for the publication
hereof ; and If you fail so to appear and answer said
complaint, the plaintiff will, at the expiration of said
time, api'ly to the court for the relief prayed for In
the complaint herein, namely: That Judgment be
entered against said defendant, E. J Dwyer. for the
amount due on the promissory note set forth In said
complaint, aitornev's fees and costs, to wit: The
sum of $111 with Interest thereon from tho 18th day
ot Januar) , iooj, at the rate of 10 percent per an
num, the further sum of $10 as attorney's fees to be
allowed by the court herein, and the costs and dis
burse ents of this suit, and that the same te decreed
to be a first and prior Hen upon the properly de
scribed In said complaint, and in the mortgage there
in set forth, to-wit: Lot 4 In Block 1 In Sumpter
Heights, McEwen's Addition to the tottn, nowCliy
ot Sumpter, as the same Is shown on the plat thereto
ot record In the oftice ot the Recorder of Convey
ances of Baker county, Oregon, and that In said
decree It be ordered that s Id property be sold In the
manner provided by law for the sale of real properly
under execution, and that the proceeds thereat h
applied to the costs of said sale, the costs anddls
bursements of said suit, to the pament of said $jo
attorney's fees, and the residue or so much thereof
as mav be necessary, to the pament of saldl
sum ot $)H wiih Interest at 10 per cent per annu n
from the 18th day of January, 190a.
And If said property does not sell for enough to
satisfy said decree, that plalniltf have Judgme t and
execution against the defendants lor anyjdeti
clency remaining due on said Judgment afie thrr ap
plication of the proceeds of said sale thereto, and
t at it be decreed that the plaintiff or any one claim
ing by, through, or under him, may be nme a pur
chaser at said sale, and that the Sheriff Issue to such
purchaser a cert ficate 01 sale and put him Into Im
mediate possession of said premises, and that the
defendants herein and all persons claiming by,
through, rr under them or either ot them be forever
barred and tortclosed ot allequltvol redemption In
and ts the above described rropert. This suit hav
ing been brought to foreclose the mortgage on said
property given to said plaintiff b the defendants.
E. J. Dwjer and Viola M. Dwer. on the 18th day of
Janujn, igoi, to secure their promlssor) note of
ewn date therewith ot $180. bearing Interest at 10
rer cent per anrum until paid.
And uu are furthe no itied that on the xth day of
October, ioo), the Hon. W. W. Travllllon, Judge of
Baker county, Oregon, made an order that service
be made bt publication In the Sum'TER .Miser of
uld summons, and that the date of the first publica
tion thereof Is Ocio'er list. looi.anJ thai the Jaw.
of the lail rubllcat.on Is Decern er ad, 1001.
Attorne) for Plaintiff.
, W -
-ty i.,if H
' " fiMii-ntr"