The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 25, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, Novembei 25, 1904
Hewitt Co. Has Prac
tically Determined
Upon This Departure.
Tho Suinpter Lumber company Ih
making preparation for further addl
tiotiH to Its plant hero. A box fno
tory Ih now under advisement, and
Seymour II. Hell, uho has tliu local
iiiiiugamout of tli 11 company, h au
thority for the statement that tho
matter Ih practically settled. The
detallH of sisro and capacity, however,
have not yet been determined, and
nothing of adellnito nature regarding
thlH particular Ih here known.
William Hewitt, son of Henry
Hewitt, Jr., wan expected here today,
hut waH detained in Portland, to
uialco arrangement) for the machinery
of the new plant, it Ih understood.
He advised Mr. Hell that ho will
arrive tomorrow. The Inference from
iMr. Ilell'H statements Ih that it Ih the
company's Intention to proceed at
once with the work.
The growing 'demand for boxen in
the content of trade in the middle
west, and the location of Humpter
lieliiK such an to alfnrd cheaper
freight rates than coast points, and
the ahuudaiice of, timber hero Hiiited
lo thin end, make it possible for tho
company to enter the competitive
Held in thin Hue of manufacture.
tho present city limits.
This large tract of land waa owned
hy John Submit.. F. S. Lack uud V.
T. Patterson, and has been sold to a
IJuffalo and Chicago tiyndicate of a
sufficient backing properly to put
tbe property in obape for coloniza
tion. It Ih Htated on good authority
that a representative of the company
will noon be in Maker City to super
intend the preliminary surveying,
m JJUbiiUK, iviiuiUK nuti uidhiiiuk ui
several hundred acres. It Ih tbe
I purpose of the company to sell tbe
j laud in tracts of tweuty to forty acres
to people who may wish to acquire
1 homes near tho city, where they can
l raise vegetables, fruits, poultry, etc.
I Within u short time n large storage
reservoir with irrigation canals Ih to
be constructed, and as artesian wells
In the valley are now assured, this
' method will le employed, when
necessary to obtain additional water.
Snow Creek in Ten Days And Alamo
In Two Weeks, Says Contractor
B. L. McLaln.
II. L. McLaln came iu last evening
from Alamo. Ho has bad charge of
the woik of installing the machinery
in both the Snow Creek and the
Alamo Mining companies' mills.
He reports that tho former will be
ready to run in about ten days. The
latter is already finished; but on
turning the water into tho Hume a
few days hIiioo It wiih found to leak
very badly, and now u forco of mou
is at work , making repairs. This
Hume, which takes tho water from
Clear creek, is 5,'JHU feet iu length,
and will furnish power to operate tbe
'entire plant. In about two weeks
the Alan.o mill will begin crushing
North Drift of Aurora Shows Highest
Values Yet at This Property.
W. II. Mead, superintendent of
the (iladstonc and the Auiora, came
in from Whitney yesterday afternoon
to meet Mrs. Mead, who is coming
from Spokane for a shoit visit.
Owing to a change of schedule on the
O. It. v N., olii' miffed connection
and fulled toanive this morning it
Hupciintcudcut Mead states that
the ledge matter has been cocoon
teieil 011 the (iladstuno crosscut, and
the vein bus been entered four or live
feet. This lend on the surface shows
a width of sixteen feet. The plop
erty was shut down for four or live
dars when the stouu came, but work
wiih icsumcd when Mr. Mead left.
Tbe north drift of the Annua, Ml.
Meiul mi), shows three feet of high
grade oie, the bet yet encountered.
A important leal estate deal has
been closed, involving the transfer of
neai ly 7,000 acres of laud east audi
north of linker City, mid adjoining)
The Suinpter District Mining
Men's association, leceutly organized
in the Hill Town, has passed a reso
lution endorsing the bill introduced
by Senator Mitchell In the upper
house of congress, providing for the
establishment of an United States
assay otllce iu the City of Portland.
The Humpter association has said
nothing concerning the pending bill
iu the lower house for the establish
ment of such an otllce In linker City.
It is therefore presumed that tho
Humpter mlujiut men would rat her see
the establishment of a government
assay otllce iu Portland thau in Uaker
I'or four consecutive years Con-grei-smau
Malcolm A. Moody, repre
sentative from tbe Second con
giessioual distiict of Oiegou, litis
presented at each sciou of cougicss
a bill providing for the assay ottlce
iu Uaker City. Colucideiitally du
ring that period Congressman Thomas
Tongue, representative from the First
Oregon district, introduced a similar
bill for the hcuctlt or Poitlaud. The
Senators from Oregon permitted the
representatives in tbe lower house to
tight It out.
Congress, seeing 11 divided delega
tion, quite naturally refused to per
mit tbe passage of either bill, and
thus the matter has remained for fivo
Tho grave aud reverend senators
this year have taken the fight from
the lower bouse to the upper bouse
aud it now appears probable that
Portland will be selected, us tbe con
gressman from the Second district,
lion. J. N. Williamson, bag so far
made no move to look out for tbe in
terests of this section of tbe country.
Tbe fact remains, however, that if
there Is to be a Government assay
office established in Oregon. Its loca
tion should bo governed by the terri
tory to be benefitted.
Jtaker City Ih tbe center of tho
richest gold fields iu tbe West.
Eastern Oregon produced eighty per
cent of the precious metals produced
by the state. This section annually
adds from four to six millions to tbe
wealth of the world. Hecause tbero
is no assay oflico In the state, all tho
gold bullion prodoued in this region
Ih shipped to tho Government assay
oflico at liolsc, or to tho United i
StatoH mint at San Francisco, aud is
therefore added to tbe accredited
yields of California and Id'iho.
Tho establishment of uti assay office
iu Oregon would remedy this evil,
whother tbe office bo located lu Port
laud or linker City. It Ih n fact,
however, that should tbe office bo lo
cated lu Porltaud. it large percentage
of tho bullion produced in Uaker
county would bo shipped to lioise,
owing to the nearness of that point.
Thus tho main object of the estab
lishment of tbe office in Oregon
would be defeated.
Tho specious arguments iu sup
port of the claim that Portland Is the
better location for tbo office is that a
large amount of gold from Alaska
would conio to that point. This,
in tbo face of tbo fact that a bill has
already boon introduced In congress
for tbo establishment of a similar
office at Jiiuonu, with every reason to
believe that bill will pass, despite
tbo efforts of Seattle to prevent it.
Tho movo to establish an assay
oflico iu Oregon in for the benefit of
the miners of Oregon, lu view of
tbo fact that eighty per cent of tho
miners of Oregon constitute Uaker
City their headquarters, tho selection
by congress of this point us a locu
tion for tbo institution Ih im
perative. Herald.
Iteports from tbe California, state
that the revorhcratnry furnace Is
nearly completed and will be ready
for operation iu a few days.
The cyanide tauks have in rived and
were taken out to the mine. With
tho setting of the tanks aud the com
pletion of tho furnace, the California
mill will be ready to start up again
iu u short time.
Looking After Interests.
i:. aud A. B. Kliughei! and (i. .1.
Uliicks, of Milwaukee, interested
with the Killed, Warner. Stewart
'cutnpauy, arrived heie on Friday
'to look after interests iu the district.
They will remain iu the city scleral
Gimlet Creek Placers.
L. A. Albee, one of the owuers of
the (iimlet Creek placers, near Whit
ney, is in the city today. Mr. Albee
will work tbe claims all wiuter.
Some very rich gravel is reported.
Only tramcontinental Una
ling directly through
; in
iSalt Lake City
Colorado Springs
I and Denver
TIima at.lamllillv auin(inul tra na
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars 1
and free Reclining Chair Cars. f
' The most Magnificent scenery In?
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes
' of tickets. i
For cheapest rates and descriptive '
I literature, auaress
:W. C. MoBRIDE, Cenertl Agtit
.Portland, Orcoon
QP SiS? Line
and union Pacific
Silt Like,
Denver, Kiisis City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every five days.
Low Rati
Tickets to and from all parts of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Curs da'l v to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane ; Tourint Sleeping
car daily to Kansas City; through
I'lilluuin tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to tlio Bast daily.
For particulars, call on or address
H. C. fiowias,
Agent, Baker City, Ore