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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1903)
Wednesday, November 25. 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER THE CRACKER JACK REPRESENTS THREE ESSENTIAL QUALITIES AFETY CONSERVATISM CERTAINTY T A It Not Infrequently Happe That a Western mine is advertised with more freedom In tint Kust Hum It !m fJS nl ''lime. Where thin in done there is ripe indication of lack of faith. While 11 iir'iiui iimj u,i uu ntuiuui uwiiur i-Aruii 111 mn tinii rtniuiry, 11 mint mum lie accnrileil honor in it own vicinity, or it ih (icllcieut in worth. Those who live where mines are made know that it in not only the likelihood of vnlucH that makes n mine, but the character and ability of the men back of it.' Husinesi management is the tlrst requisite, because without keen commerciul foresight the value of the property might he in doubt, hut where there are reputations to Iw upheld it is a foregone coneliiHion that honesty in 'the directorate will he supple mented with honesty from the grass roots down, or, to lie exact, with values that will he sulllclcutly profitable to make the property an earner for till Interested in it. Those who live in Oregon, and whose interest is centered in mining, know that the management of the CUACKKK JACK CONSOl.IOATKD (U)I.D MINKS COMPANY is tried, capable and of reputation. They are not novices. They are not pushing operations on the Cracker .lack group on hearsay. What they do is based on study, investigation nnd fact. The Cracker Jack Is not a mine, but a group of mining clnims. H)ssessed of just as much to recommend it as may be found on the North Pole or the Cracker-Oregon. The property Is "young." A little later on the company can talk of assays, and other things that will tend to enhance the selling price of stock. At present it is a mine of opportunity. It is a safe place to put one's money. It will not earn right nway. If it could the stock would lie selling at par, ami it would no longer be a mine of opportunity for small investors. In the Kast It would m well to tell about the Cracker Creek mines, but out here in the Sumpter fields the story of these properties is too well known to call for repetition. What has been done on the Cracker-Oregon and what is being done In that mine most Oregon eople know. Those who will investigate will find that the continuation of the veins (northward) carrv the values up into the Cracker Jack. This means intrinsic worth in the Cracker Jmck group. It means profits later on, and protit means dividends. This is the story in a nutshell. Three Tunnels Started Three tunnels have been Btarted on the Cracker Jack. Work in two is lielng prosecuted. piWhen these workings have been driven a little farther wo can talk of values. Hut 1m it not butter to buv stock nmv mill nroflt bv the mii'iiverlni i( those values that every mining engineer in the Sumpter lields knows are there Is It not wiser to put your savings In a corporation that Insures the safest kind of security and be among the "charter members" when the time of dividends arrives ? To be brief: Is it not wiser policy to secure this stock while it is low, in order to realize returns on your money when the day of prollts arrives, than buy at n higher price and receive less than you can secure now ? As One Knows, You Realize That such towns as Sumpter are built on mining success. To talk of Kastern conservatism to you w-mld lie time wasted. Notwithstanding, hecaiisoyoli do know, where sheer luck wins once, method and business management win u dozen times Therefore, the safest wav is to follow the successful banner. The men back of the CKACKKK JACK CONSOI.IHA I'KD (50I.I MINKS COMPANY have experience to guide them. They have had to do with the California, over in Cable Cove district; they have Income known through the Ciack'er Oregon, ami their excellent service for the Colcouda established a record in mining annul. Now they s.iy that the Cracker Jack is all that any of the other mines could be, and they declare that the day Ih not far distant when this proiierty will Im one of the big producers of the district. They claim that it will be a dividend payer that no stockholder need be ashamed of, and they are selling stock in the Cracker Jack for the same reason they sold stock in the others. They do not wish to per mit anything to lag about bening and equipping the iirnperty. Thev are not growing careless because the treasury of the company is well supplied with capital. I'lioy are looking forward to the time when they will need much more money for equipment, and when that time arrives they intend to Im found prepared This company is willing that you should reap your reward from the e ruings of this mine. He one of the wealthy investors of the region if you like. The pioneers of other camps made their money through correct invest' ments. They didn't make it by wondering, nor by blaming fate for missed opirtunith-H. They sought likely proKjsitious and linked their fortunes with them. It is simple enough if von will hut take the time to investi gate. The property is with you, and the reputations of the men Who offer vou this stock are represented by three monuments that will withstand much discussion the California, the Cracker-Oregon and the (iolconda. You know better than you can he told that, once valuable ore or extensive ore bodies chance to be opened, the stock has a skyward tendency, and it generally stays up there. When the Cracker Jack has been devel oped you will be ositive that it Is worth your coulldcuce, hut the stoc1 will be beyond its bargain period. Now your opportunity is that of la'coinlug interested in one of the best properties in the district excepting none. (irasp that opportunity. Huy stock. Iluy it today. If you doubt, there is the prerty. and in the same neighborhood are the substantial testimonials to the worth and integrity of the men back of it. If the Cracker Jack group could be exhibited in New York, the necessary funds would he forthcoming in a single day. Were you Kast you would appreciate tills truth. Then why not appreciate now ? What you Invest now will help the Cracker Jack, and the development of the Cracker Jack will help you after a while. The leiieflt is mutual and the reward will be worthy. .Should you wish to procure a copy of the company's prospectus, address any of the nlllces named Im'Iow. Alfeo make your checks payable to LEE S. (WITT FISCAL AGENT writ. M. .tAny of Th... A-.r.....: Main Office, 34 Merrill Building, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Nw York Office, Suit 129, 280 Broadway. Chicago Office, Women's Temple. St. Louis Office, 417 Odd Fellows Building. Boston Office. 831 Board of Trade.