THE SUMPTER MINER av HIGHLAND STOCK Wednesday, November 25. iqoj 'it . . 'j'Vflftl rttt as!1' ' I " , m kii 1 m " -.'l Hi' If.' Financial Agents Will Advance On The 25th Day of November The Advance is justified by tbo opening up of Im mense Ore Shoots. Three Rich Ore Shoots Tbo third shoot of oro opened up In the (ilasgo Drift has proved to be the Rich Bannock Burn Shoot It ban been thoroughly doveloped now for a dls tauce of 75 feet, showing rich, peruianeut ami strong. It still continues iu the faoo of the drift, and all In dications lead us to believe that it will extend to a muob greater length, probably throughout the eutlro length of the bannock Hum claim. Highland Is a Mine We recommend the Highland to our most inti mate friends and conservative investors. We stand ready at all times to prove the abovo assertion, aud we should indeed like to have those contemplating the investing of money in a gold mine of proven value to come to the Sumpter District aud examine tho High land property at our expeuse, or you may send any mining engineer you wish and we will pay his ex penses and also his charges for making the examina tion. Is It possible for au investor to ask for any thing more fair ? Personal Inspection byOthers A large number of business aud professional men, residing in different parts of tho Union, have mado a personal examination of the Highland. After doing so they invested their money in Highland stock, feeliug confident that the investment was safe and suro to be productive of large returns. This, far better than more worls can doner I bo, demonstrate tho confidence reposed by those who are familiar with tho facts. Is It Not Proof Enough that tho Highland Is a miue, aud that an Investment in Its stock will make you u large amount of monoy. , Justifiable Advance. Wlfh this ore shoot now opoued up for a distance of over 75 feet, aud every indication that it will ex tend to an 'Immense length, Highland stock certainly has become more valuable The advance is justified. Location of The Highland It is located on the famous Mother Lode System of veins iu the Sumpter District, Eastern Oregon, with the Maxwell and Uaisley-GIkborn mines to the east and the North Pole, Columbia, E. and B. aud Tabor Fraction to the west. Order Shares Now We will fill orders for stock at 10 ceuts per share up to, aud including the 25th day of November, 10(Ki, aftor which date stock will be sold at the advanced price. Our Highlaud Literature gives full information. NEIL J. SORENSEN & CO. if. ; i' 'n i ' . Sumpter, Oregon.