W to THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesdav, Novembei 2$, 1904 ROAD ASSURED EBYOND QUESTION Mr. Erpenbeck, One of The Major's Associates, Say That It's a Certain Go. J. Krjieuheck, n well known cap Itiillnt of PbllH(lilililii, who In In (roHted in Major Bunta'a rallwuy project, aud hIho with him in milling property, accompanied Klmer Cleaver hi IiIh return from linker City this morning. Mr. Krpnnbeok is spend ing noiiic time In the district in con nection with tho llontii interests, and ho assures Tho Miner t lift 1 tho rit 1 1 way enterprise will bo consummated, lieyond tho remotest possibility of perad vent lire. Ho says: "I iiiii acting as the representnvtivo of my business associates in thiH matter, hiiiI 1 inn In a poHltiou to state that thoro Ih no iaok of capital behind the movement. One of my HwooiHtoH hIoiio represents a fortune of 155,000,000, hikI there are otherH whose woitlth reaches Into the till II ionH. Thoy are favorably impressed with the project and have already pledged to carry It through. We are not asking for a cent from the local people and thoro in not a dollar worth of Mock for sale. All wo are asking now Ih the moral mipport of your citizens. It Ih not a question of thelt money, tint of their good will. While there are thono who show a iIIhpohIMou to knock the onterprlHo, it iHonly a matter of time until they will loud their mipport when they see hut wo menu IiiihIiiohh. Maker City Ih showing ii more friend ly attitude, iih Ih evidenced liy tho tuition of the Citiens' League hint i night in reporting favorably on the right ot way. . J ."Thu coiiHtiitoli)U f. the. rowlJs ' to lie piiHhed to I'oinpletioii iih rapidly iih the erudition will admit. Con tract for clearing the right of way have already lieen let, and thin work, we tlgme. can lie completed IIiIh winter. "While my visit here Ih not at the season of the year when everything appoint at Its IiohI, I can unsure you that, not withstanding IIiIh dlsiidvaii time, my luipreHHlotiH mo moHt, favor aide. I was out at .Mount Hastus, and my opinion Ih that there Is, n great mineral dintrlct. 1 am In teriH(ed with Major llontii there In M'veuteeii claims, and I iiIho located two in my own right. Wo have had numerous assays made from samples of the ore and the viiIiich are highly nut inf act ory. 1 am fully convinced that It in a great Held. "There are llfty people in Phila delphia whom 1 know personally, and who have money to invent, awaiting my report on eastern Ore gon, in older to decide whether or not thoy will come here. From what I have Intimated, It will not bo a difficult matter to guess what my advice will be. My trip Iiiih con vlnced me that there Ih not a more promising Held in the country today for profitable iuvestiuuieut thau eastern Oregou. The natural con dition are Incomparable with those 1 have observed anywhere else, and i am not only willing to advise my friends to coma , but 1 have shown faith by personal invest- mentH. "The people of Sumpter may rest assucrd that the Uoutu railroad is no dream, iih many have tried to make It appear, but a matter beyond que tion. A branch to this place is au after consideration, when the main line Ih completed, but there is no doubt but that it will be built" M m tannti I.Aiilt ainliltttinit "i IltaUnt my own Pi.iki.. ..... .in ,mi'"ing. The direction has appeared IlJ. Hiin K"""'"'"! " - " a few days longer in the state. He Hays he will be hero agrln in the spring. MICHAELSEN'S NEW GOLD SAYING MACHINE. CotiHlderablo Interest has becu taken by prominent mining and mill lug men in thin city of late in the experimental tests that have been made with a uew gold saver invented and patented by CharlcH O. Michael sen. Those experiments have been maile with a small model in the rear of McOoti hays' jewelry store, and at every oxtilulpuu.a.largo crowd lias been in attendance, nnd thotcHtH have been very satisfactory, proving be yond a doubt, that the machine is possoHsed of excellent merit aud ca pable of successfully treating all kinds of free milling ores and gold bearing gravel aud sand, Included in the list being free-milling ore, aurlferous-beailng sand, talo carry ing gold, tailings, slimes, etc., a re covery of 00 per cent aud over being results claimed. In operation the old-style pan motion is employed, in which the rotary, vibration aud centrifugal are the chief features, the free gold, to gether with the black sand, being collected In a small pocket in a small reservoir In the bottom of the ma chine, no quicksilver being employed iu the operation or chemicals of auy kind or character, the system being mechauical'thrnugohut. At on'e'o the tests above alluded to Hiiud from tho Snake river, Idaho, above Amorlcali ' Falls, wbh run through the machine. The gold con tents of tho Hand wbh exceedingly Hue, almost miuute In size, aud yet a color could hardly be found in the tailings, although carefully searched foi by experelnced placer mining operators. Salt .Lake Mining He view, -i WHITE SWAN BATTLES AGAINST CHINOOK WIND. A lone swau encountered the heavy chluook wind that was raging iu upper air Friday morning, and for almost a quarter of au hour there was waged a battle royal. They seemed to bo about evenly matched, tho bird so graceful on the water re ceiving some ugly bulfotlug In the wind, when it seemed It must surely bo capHi7cd. Hut though bullied, it was not beaten, aud after a few In voluntary whirls, it would brace tho breeze again. The sight was not ouly an interest ing one, attracting quite a crowd of spectators, but it wn ulso a very lienuliful one. The snow-white plu mage of the bird Hitched iu the morn ing suu, aud was made, dazzling bright by tho blue black cloud against which its figure was painted. It seemed remarkable, too. that tfcf re could 'have beeu so tierce a storm ouly a few huudrtxi.feet above, while there waa ouly a very light wlud blowiug near the grouud. It was not until the bird took the lower level that it could again make headway. Grant County News. HISTORY OF THE LEGEND ON UNITED STATES POSTAL CARDS Before the present phrase on the face of United States postal cards wbh adopted, to inform the user that omy the addregH is to be written on that side, there was a long series of experiments on trial with other sen tences meaning practically the same , . , In at least seven forms. "One of the earliest cards," says Francis II Whitney, private secre tary to Postmaster-General Payne, " was made to bear the sign, 'Noth ing but the address can lie written on this side,' which was untrue, as many porsous could write more if thoy o desired. Shortly afterward It was changed so as to say, 'Nothing the address is to be placed on side,' which was more teusible, t.nf I this but was cluni.y and was soon discarded. The next issue of the cards was in scribed, 'The address ouly to be written on this side,' which it was soon seen could easily bo construed to bar the use of a typewriter. The i same objectiou could bo raised to 'Write only tho address on this side.' I "Finally the authorities got hys terical, nnd the next issue of the cards Informed the user that he could 'Write the address on this side, the message on the othor, ' which was not only clumsy, but ambiguous, aud conveyed a wrong meaning, as the officials really, down in their hearts, bad no objection to a peison writing the address on both sides of the card. Later the word 'only' was dropped, but without much improve meut. It was Anally decided that thore was no use iu trying to be original, aud so they fashioned the phrase which Is now iu use after the one used on the postal cards issued by the British government. Our Eugllsh cousins say, "The space lie low is for the address only,' and Uncle Sam haa 'This side for the ad dress only'." N. i'. Commercial. Big Freighting Contract. Ed Whittnker, proprietor of the stage lino operatiug between hero aud Cornucopia, by way of Medical Springs, yesterday cloved a contract with the Cornucopia mines, formerly the big Searles property, to haul 'J, 000 tons of freight from linker I City to Cornucopia. It is reported I that tho muagoment of tho mines will ' iu it short time again operatethe big mill aud that the concentrates will be hauled out ou the suuw to Haker City by Mr. Whittnker. This is good news to the supply houses aud ranch ers in Eagle aud Pine valleys, who furnish the mines with all kinds of pioduce. Democrat. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice of sale of property for street assessment. Notice is hereby giveu that by virtue of a warrant issued by the City Recorder of the city of Sumpter ou tho 20th day of October, llKKl, to me directed, commanding mo to collect the sscBsmeut levied upon tho lot or tract of laud as here inafter described au as hereinafter set forth for the Improvement of Columbia street, I will at the front door of the city hall ou Cracker street, in the oitv of Sumpter, Haker county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a-m., the l'Jtn.day of Decern ber, 1903,sell at public auctlon.to the highest bidder for cash in band, the following described lot or parcel of laud, upon wbioh an assessment has been levied for the improvement of Columbia street, together with the costs aud accruing costs of this sale-, as declared by ordinance No. 203 of the City of Sumpter. The following described lot will be sold for chhIi iu hand, but no bid will be accepted less than the amount of the assessment levied thereon with costs aud accruing costs of this bc tion. The following is the lot or tract or land that will be offered for sale with the name of the owner and amouu assessed against the asme: Lot 3, Block 3, Sumpter Heights. MoEwen's addition to the towu of Sumpter, Haker county, Oregon, as shown on the plat of said addition, of record lu the office of the recoider of conveyances for Baker County, Ore gou, assessed to Johu Uillle; amount due thereou, 130.09 'j. Witness my hand this 0th day of November, 1003. ED RANND, City Mnrbul of the City of Sumpter. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol linker County. the Slate ol Oregon lor S. Rusk, PUIntlH, 1 vs. I Oregon King Gold Mlnlnr f Company, a Corporation. Defendant. J To Oregon King Gold Mining Company, a corpor ation, the above -nameJ defendant Is THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON! You are hereby required to appear and answer the complain! filed against ou In the above entitled action on or belore the td day ol December, tgai, the tame being the lait day ot the time prescribed In the order duly made and entered In the above entitled action ot the nth day ot October, iooi, by the Hon. W. W. Tra vidian, Judge ol the County Court of Baker county. Oregon, for the publication of this summons ; and It toutallso to appear and answer lor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for judgment against you for the sum of $i.6 and Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from and alter the igth day of September, iooj, and for an order for the sale of attached property, and for his costs and disbursements of this action and for accruing costs And you are further notified that October the aitt Is ihe first date of publication of this summons, and the date ol uecember ad, too). Is the last date ot ol publication thereof. C H. MCCOLLOCH, Attorney for the Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In Ibe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor the County ol Haker. R. L. Graves, Plaintiff. 1 E J Dwter.VloUM Dwer. Ed. Turk and Minot Austin, I Defendants. J ToE. J. Dwer, Viola M. Dwer and Mlnol Austin-, the above-named defendants: In the name ol the Stale of Oregen: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against ou In Ihe above entitled cause oil ur belore the jJ day ol December, ioo. which Is the dateol the last publication ol this summons, as pre scribed In the order made by the County Judge ol Baker county. Mate ot Oregon, for the I ubllcatlon hereof ; and it ou fail so to appear and answer said complain!, the plaintiff will, at th- exrlrailon of said lime, aprlv to the court for Ihe relief prayed for In the complaint herein, namely: That Judgment be entered against said defendant, E. J Dwer, for Ihe amount due on the promissory note set forth In said complaint, aitornev's tees and costs, to wit: The sum ol ft)) wllh interest thereon trom the iSth day ot Januar). tuoa, at the rale ol to percent per an num, the further sum ot Jio as attorney's fees to be allowed by the court herein, and Ihe costs and dls bursen ents of this suit, and that the same be decreed--to be a first and prior Hen upon the property de scribed In said complaint, and In the mortgage there in set lorth to-wlt; Lot a in Block in umpter llelehts, McEwen's Addition to Ihe town, now City til Sumpter, as Ihe same Is shown on the plat therein ot record In the ofhee of the Recorder of Convey ances ot Baker county, Oregon, and that In said decree it be ordered that s id property be sold In the manner pro Ided by law for the sate of real property under execution, and that Ihe proceeds thereof be applied to Ihe costs of said sale, the costs anddls bursements ot said suit, to the pament olsaldSso attorne) 's tees, and the residue or so much thereof as mav be necessary, to the payment of said sum of $)ii with Interest at to per cent per annu n from tbe iSih day of January, iooj. And II said property does not sell for enough to satisfy said decree, that Dlalnlltf have iudeme tand executicn against me jeienaants tor anyiJen- ciency remaining due on said Judgment altether ap plication ot the proceeds of said sale thereto, and Ii at It be decreed that the p'alntlff or any one claim ing by, through, or under him, may be ome a pur- cnaser at saia saie, anj mat me anerin issue tosucn purchaser a cert ticate ot sale and put him into im mediate possession of said premises, and that the delendants herein and all persons claiming by, through, or under them or either ot them be forever barred and foreclosed of all equltv ot redemption in and t. the above described property. This suit hav ing been brought to foreclose the mortgage on salJ properiv given io saia piaintin ry ine aeienaants. t. J. Dwter and Viola M. Dwver. on the ilth dav ot January, iooi, to secure their promissory note of even date therewith ot SiSo, bearing Interest at to pee cent per annum until paid. Andatou are further noufled that on the aoth day of October, iooi, the Hon. w. W. Travillion, Judge of Haker county, Ureion. made an order that service be made by publication In the Sumpter Mini of said summons, and that Ihe date of the first publica tion thereof Is October aid. iooi. and that the dam of Ihe last publication Is Decern' er ed. iooi. ,n. i- KiinANio. Attorney for Plaint!