The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 25, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 12
Mr. Turner Disposes
Of Three Claims
To Big Producer
W. M. Tumor, the wo 11 kuown cit
izen Bud milling man of Alnmo, aud
H. A. Stewart, h prominent merchant
of that place, returned this morning
after upending a day or bo iu the
Mr. Turner has just completed a
deal whereby ho has transferred throe
clainiH, the (Sold Values, Lucky
Strike nud Forget-Mo-Not, to the Dig
Producer compiiuy. Tho considera
tion was 80,000, Sl.JiOO qf which
wuh paid down. Tho property ad
joins tho 111k Producer, and cau bo
operated to advantage by that com
pany. Mr. Turner, who is familiarly
kuowu au "Hill," aud in fact makes
strenuous objections to any other
title being applied to him, Ih oiio of
the old time mining men of the dis
trict, and Is thoroughly conversant
with the miuiuK Hituatiou, especially
iu the environs of Aluino. Speaking
of tho properties iu that vicinity, ho
says :
"Our ditttrlct promises to be ouo
of tho greatest tributary to Sumpter.
Thoro iu steady development work
going on, aud nil of tho properties
aro showing up most satisfactorily.
Thoro is the Alamo, which has a mill
ready to start, aud whoso ore Ih of
unquestioned richness. The Quebec
is making satisfactory progress, and
so is tho Soaudiu Tunnel. Tho liig
Producer, ou which work has re
cently been started, has a tluo body
of ore aud promises to bocomo ouo of
the big properties of the district.
Wheu auyono inquires about tho
Alamo district, convey the inforraa
tiou that it is all right and glvo me
aa autborlty."
The cyanide plant at the California
mine ia rapidly approaching comple
tion. A full carload of tanks
knocked down, irou etc., was re
ceived tho latter part of the week and
has been hauled out to tho mine.
Tho tanks aro now being set up aud
pipings connected. The reverbera
tory furnace ia practically completed
aud was lire) up today, aud a small
lire will be kept going tor several
days to thoroughly dry it out before
it receives n charge.
Everything will bn ready iu a short
time to resume milling operations,
aud us all operations will be carried
on under cover, the extremely bad
roads will olfer no further difficulties
to the economical operation of tho
mi no
Guy E. Pearson, manager nnd one
of the owners of tho Yankee CHrl, in
the Bear (Jnlob, la still 'encountering
tho' high grade ore reported In the
shaft a few days ago. The shaft is
now down about twenty feet in n por
phyry diko which measures nineteen
foot across and trends duo east aud
west, with seams of tho rich ore cut
ting It north aud south. There are
indications of tollurldo of gold, aud
tho values from samples so far
assayod, go into tho thousands.
On tho hauging wall Mr. Pearson
states that ho has five inahes of oro
on tho foot wall. The property Ih
located near tho Wade aud Camp
limestonn ledge, and while only a
limited amount of development work
has been done, tho ovidouces so far
aro that the claims will bocome
valuable. Thoro are two full claims
aud a fraction.
to that plant, aro tho ouly iuIiich iu
tho West which produces arsenical
ore iu any quantity.
Couseqoutly Mr. Johnson accepted
a lino olfer from tho Northport smel
ter to buy oro for that plant, which
has a capacity of over 1,000 tons per
day, and has passed up tho trust.
E. C. Illllmau, of Walla Walla,
arrived hero this mcrnlti with a
view to engaging in business in
Sumpter. He was here scveial weeks
ago, aud is well pleased with tho sit
uation. Mr. Hlllmau Is negotiating
for interests, and will probably know
within n few days just how mutters
He says that things are rather
quiet in Walla Walla, and he Ih do
alroua of getting located In a livelier
town. Sumpter suits him. Mr.
Hillman is an old friend of E. P.
Bergman, whoso Inlliioniie, perhaps,
had somothlug to do with his coming
I). C. Johnson, who recently re
signed his position as chief ore buyer
for the American Smoltiug and He
lining company (tho smelter trust) to
accept a similar position with the
big Northport smelter, is in Baker
City today. His mission in this
camp ia to buy oro.
The smolter trust recently pur.
chased the Everett smelter, the'mau
agement of which was to hare fallen
to tho lot of Mr. Johnson, but the
trust magnates ordered the Everett
plant to re-open only long enough to
All a contract for arsenic which has
been on file for a long time, and
then close. The Everett smelter baa
the only araaojpal plant In the United
States, and the mines' 'of Monte
CrUto, which are directly tributary
Superintendent MoPbco returned
last night from tho (inldou'WInird
where he was looking after, work pre
liminary to the ur out Ion of' the
stamp mill now under way.
Ho 1ms a force excavating or the,
foundation and states thai this will
be completed within a wnolf, when
operations will start ou the build
ings. Orders have already been
placed for tho lumber which will bo
gotten ou the ground as soon as pos
sible. The plan ot the company now
Is to lose no time In tho completion
of tho plant.
Back From New York.
Dr. Ed W. Mueller, who has been
to Now York ou business connected
with tho smolter and kindred Inter
ests, returned this morning. Mrs.
Mueller who spent the time during
his abseuce, in Portland, came back
with him.
Took Samples of Sumpter Ore.
J. B. Hanraban, left this afternoon
on a business trip to Memphis, Ten
nessee, to be gone some time. Mr.
Hanraban took sanities of ore from
the leading Bumpier properties with
wnicn to advertise the district.
Vein Shows Four Feet Be-
tween Walls and Eight
Inches Run $24
To the Ton.
T. J. Coxtollo, manager of tho
Storm King, lias in a line line of
samples from the Honest Dollar drift,
which show average valueH of k'll to
tho ton iu gold and copper. The
drift Ih how In over eighty feet'. Tho
vein Ih four feet between walls,"wlth
from six to eight inches' of tho
24 ore. ."'''
Work is being steadily prosecuted
ou the property, in addition to the
Honest Dollar drift, a crosscut l
being driven for tho malii Atom,
King ledge. Theio Is some eighty
feot further logo before reaching thin
lead. .Manager Costello Ih working;
two shifts, and expects to econipplish
a good deal Iu the way of develop
ment lieforu spring.
BELCHER'S 20-. .
P. A. Ilrady, superintendent of tho
llelcher, was on the I rain this morn
ing returning to the propeity. Tho
twenty stamp mill to be Installed at
the mini), Mr. Ilrady pays, Iiiih been
shipped by the Allis-Chalmers people)
from Chicago and is expected here in
a short time. No attempt, however,
will be made to place the machinery
this winter, as was the oilglual In
tention. The early snow made (IiIh
Impracticable. All the machinery
will bo gotten iu ready for an early
start Iu the spring .
An upraise is now being made from
tho lower to the upper workings, u
distance of 150 feet, aud develop
ment work in being carried forward
on an extensive scale, preparatory to
the Installation of the stamp mill.
Mr. Ilrady states that good pro
gress Is being made ou the Red Lion,
of which bo Is also superintendent.
The vein has been out on the lower
tunnel revealing a width of thirty
feet, with a six-foot pay streak carry
ing a milling grade of ore between
17 and .18. A Klukeadnilll will be
erected on this property.