THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 18, 190$ RICHEST ORE YET 1 Samples From Cracker I Summit Full of Free Gold. Superintendent A. V. (iambs, of the Cracker .Summit, soul In a line of samples Monday from the, lower ilrlft, to tho Killrii. Warner. Stewart company operating thlH property, wlilcli ai decidedly the best ore yet ei I'ountered. The j samplim nhow free gold In abundance' plainly visible to the naked eye, and will doubtless cairy exceptionally high valued. The HpeclmeiiH on e.xhil)ltlou al the coinpauy'H otllce hIiowii a Miller reprcHeutatlvc, are well idiot 'with free gold besides carrying good viiIiidh in sulphides, to all appearances. No assays have been made, and an ostlu.ato mm to the iIoIiiiohh of the ore would lie purely i II lllllttitl nf oiiltliiiitriirii lull If iipperauceH are not misleading, the Htrlke In faliuioiiHly rich. No iiilviceH came from Supcrliitou dent (Jambs as to the extent of the Htrlke, hut iih work la now being con uoutrated on the lower ilrlft, the samples evidently came from this locality. The ore him lieen getting hotter and hotter here with distance on the vein, The lent HiuupleH iiHHiiyeil went iih high iih iih fittl, which huh rather unexpected, iih the richer farther The ploted liody wiih HiippoHt'd to lie iu. outHide woik Iiiih I icon coin- at the mine and operatioiiH are now being drift. coiillued to the lower MEETING OF SUMPIER MINING ASSOCIATION At the meeting hianch of the Ktate Hon held Hatuidey Kheltou appointed of the Sumpter .Mining assneia- night, Chairman the followhiK members of the executive cemmittee: Fred Kelley, manager of the 1. X. L. ; .1. A. Howard, manager of the (iulcoiida; It. (I Li Hoy, manager of the llahy MoKee; .1. M. McPhee, munagor of the (luldou Wizard; Otto llerlocker, I. monger of the High land. The HHHociatiou indorsed the bill Senator Mitchell Iiiih introduced providing for the oritahliHlimcut of a government essay otllce at Portland, and wirwt Uiiu to thia elfect. In the matter of calling an extra t-cssinu of the legislature, a coiiiiuittce ,'ompoHiHl of Alliert (iolsor. 1). L. Klllenaud l..(i. 1.1 1 ley, was appointed to request the governor to make hiicIi call, but not to exact plcdgen from legiHlatorH that no other measures will be exacted than those to relieve the revenue Hituatiou. The object in to hoc me the repeal of the Kddy law if an extra sochIou Ih calleil. Manager (iatos tendered the use of the Hotel Sumpter lobby for meeting prupofCH, for which a vote of thanks wiih given him. The next mooting December increased 5. The to forty. FRANK SHELTON OFF FOR THE FRIDAY. Frank ftheltou left Monday after noon for the Friday mine, at Pearl, Idaho, accompanied by IiIh dress suit. I Ilia explanation of thin la that after IHpendiiiK two weokH at the mi no, ho will go direct to San Francisco, where It may come in handy. Ho will return by way of Portland in about a mouth. The work of assembling material, preparatory to sinking another 100 feet it the Friday, ia progressing satisfactorily land he will hco the enterprise fairly ' I lilitliillrtilii.l lmfitit liinnliitf tew t l.n count. Long Season For Gold Dredger. The Pomeroy dredger management dooH not expect to ahut down opera tioiiH on the placer urnuutl bolow town before the UOth of next mouth. Weather coudltioiiH may force an eaily closing of 'he HeiiHou'H run, but iih Hie ureal Mcam exhaust Ih in the pond of water that Ih run and ic-riiu through the flumes, keeping it always warm, it tiuoa zero weatiier to in- '"r',,r" tlOIIH. with tho iiiiioIiIiio'h opera Ah a good HUpply of water Ih now on hand It la hardly likely that the d lodger will remain ahut down for iiidio than a mouth or aix weekn. Thin fact may fairly be taken to aiiHwer the question "Doom it pay?" ami it la a aourcn of much satisfaction to the people of thia community, glad to believe that the cuterprlae Ih protltable to the management an well iih to the gouoral business interests of the town and surrounding country. (Irant County News. HIGHLAND STOCKHOLDERS VISIT THE GITY TODAY. John Meek, and 1). W. Arnold, of Ilarton, Maryland, stockholders In the Highland company, arrived here thin morning ami after conferring with the Nell J. Sorousou company, left thia afternoon to upend some time iu Portland, probably to return hero later iu the season. They exproHH themselves well pIciiHod with the situation bore, iih far iih they have beeii able to judge from their short visit. They are convinced that the Highland in among the best propeitiea in the district and are well HiitiHtled with their holdings. TONY MOHR VISITED THE WISCONSIN YESTERDAY. Tony Mnhr, manager of tho Wisconsin, wan out at the property yesterday looking after the work. He Iiiih a force of five men employed there and will continuo work all winter. The WIhcoiihIu Ih located iu the Deer Creek district, adjoining the (loldon Wizard, on which a mill Ih to be erected at mice. Left Today For Michigan. l)i. L. O. Miller, president of the (ioldon'j Wizard company, who has been spending some time hero look- lug after the mill to lie built on the property left thin afternoon for bin home at Three lUvers, Michigan. Vice-President Frary In expected heie iu a chert time. will take place membership bus NEIL J. SORENSCN & CO. HASNFWOFFICE MANAGER A. M. Harris, formerly bavins chargo of the branch ottico of the Neil J. Sorouson company at St. Paul, arrived iu tho city Monday to assumo tho management of the homo oliloe. Mr. Harris baa proved a valuable man, according to tbe flrm'a statements, and It watt deemed no longer advisable to keep blm iu a mibordluato position, but to give him u niauagorial place in connection with tho local ocllle. Ah local mauager tbo oversight of tho office will largely devolve upon Mr. Harris, and bo will have control of the business during tbe absence of members of tbo firm. Owing to tho fact that the management of the Hlgblaud property frequently takes both Mr. Soreuscu, tbe tbe president, and Mr. Sholtou, tbe scrcetary, away from tho city, and Mr. Herlockoi's position as geucial manager keeps him almost distantly at tho miue, the new arrangement will doubtless, the company thinks, prove most satisfactory, In view of tho fact that Mr. Harris has proved himself to bo a very valuable man, thoroughly iu touch with tho Interests of this min ing corporation. INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS AND THE GOLD MINER Kastern lrou manufacturers are strouuously endeavoring to readjust, as far as possible, tbo disorganized condition of tbo Industrial world, of which their operations are tbo pulse. A further curtailment of output is deemed necessary to restoro tbo pig lrou market to a normal con dition. On tho second iustaut a number of tho largest merchant blast furnace operators of tbo Hast met at Philadelphia, and decldod to reduce production at least twenty per cent further, having alicady i educed tho output materially during Oc tuber. Something will have to bo done hi the right directiou to reestablish Industrial activity. The great trusts formed three or four years ago did much, uo doubt, to promote unusual progress in tho commercial and industrial world, but some of these great organizations have come to grief aud iuvestora aro becoming timid. This state of atfalrs, coupled with the demands of organized labor, have so uuesttled industrial conditions that careful men are seek ing Home way to re-establish con lldouce and bring about a reaction in the right directiou. Tho past four years have afforded unprecedented opportunities tor a few meu to show what can be done by skillful manip ulation of millions of dollars of other people's money, in building great fortunes aud reputations for themselves. Of all tbe industries affected by tbe prcseutcouidition of the industrial world, mining feels it most heavily, particularly iron, copper aud coal mlnlug. tiold miulug, however, coutiuues iu its even course almost unaffected by either the prosperity or the teverso of the couutry. If industrial conditions generally aro sluggish, aud times aro hard, tho gold miner profits by it; if he is already established iu business, he can theu buy machinery aud supplies at a comparative- low figure. If, however, he desires to secure money to equip and develop a new enterprise, he usually finds, difficulty in raising tbo necessary funds. When tho country la prosperous, as It has been since tbo recent Spanish war, all supplies aro bigb, and ma chinery particularly la much more expensive than a few years ago. So heavy have beon tbo domanda for structural Iron aud ateol that tbe lrou mines bavo until lately scarcely beon able to keep up with tbe con stantly increasing demand. In view of this condition, much old ma chinery baa been lomodeled Into now, or has beon melted in the furnaces to supply material for constructing new machinery designed on modern lines. Gold always finds a ready market at a uniform prico, aud no matter what tbo condition of the times, tbe gold miner feels secure. Mining and Scientific Press. BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS DtNY THE RUMOR. A report baa been allowed to get abroad that tho Trail and Nelsou smelters have lately endeavored .to take an uufali advantage of tho provisions uudor which tho bounty on lead was granted, by raising tho treatment charges on ores of this class. From iuquiry wo learn that tbero Is uo foundation for theso allegations. Tho Hall Mines smelter has made practically no change in tbo rates charged on silver-lead ores; wbilo tbo Canadian Smelting works 1b still taking Slocan orea on tbo basis of 915 for freight aud treatment, with a ton per cent zinc limit. This rate is the result of tbo kconest com petition between tho American Smelting & Hofluiug company, tho Puget Sound smelters aud tbo Kootcuay smelters. At tho same time thero should certainly bo Bomo accounting for tho fact that the government graut has as yot exercised so little apparent effect iu stimulating tbo lead miulug Industry of the province, aud tbo explanation that tho act in question had yot to be passed by the souate, and that con- scqucntly producers could not tell when tbo bounty would bo is hardly a satisfactory definitely available, one. Uudor relatively tho added existing conditions tbo high price of silver and profit tbo bonus on lead affords, production should at least equal that of three years ago. Iu fact, tho government has a right to expect that such should be tho case, tbo bounty having been granted practically on that assurance. ilritish Colubmia Miuingg Record. Indianians Visit District. A. K. Press, O. L. Stout and John Smith, of Marion, Indiana, who are who are interested iu the Hoosier Mlnlug company, operatiug the Nevada property in the Cable Cove, loft this afternoon for tbe east. They went out to the property yesterday with Eugene Ilartbolf to examiuo tbo Constellation which adjoins it. Thinks Well of Greenhorns. A. L. Morris, mlnlug editor of tbe Telegram and Solicitor York, returned this afteruoou from a trip to tbo (reeuhorns. Mr. Morris visited several mines wbilo away and ho Is greatly impressed with them. Ho left this afternoon to visit the Cracker Creek district.