The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 18, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    Wednesday, Novemb?. 18. 190
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE , i87B.-notk:e (OR
United Statet Land Oldce. (
La Grande, Oregon, September it, 1001. 1
Notice Ik hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of tht act o( congress of June t, 1878, en
titled "An act (or the tale oitlmber land In the stales
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," aetendeJ to all'die PuMIc Land tale by
act of August 4, ISoi,
it Sumpter. countv of Maker, state ol Oregon,
this Jay MeJ in this office lilt sworn statement
1881, for the purchase of lot 1 and NEK NK
and NX NLt-4 of Sec No. to In I p. No. 11
south, range No. 18 IWM, and will oner rroof
to show tint le land sought la more valuable
(or Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
anJ to estat llsh his claim to tald land before Charles
II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon,
on ThursJa), the icth day of December, too.
He names as witnesses: Ralph Mead, Van
Rensselaer Mead, Andrew J. Denny, Stephen Jack
son, all of sumpter, uregon,
in, ail or aumpicr, wregun.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to Mr their claims In
tills office on nr before said itth day of December
I Oil 1.
i:. W, llAWUI'TT. Register.
for Publication.
1878.- NOTICE
United States land Office,
la Grande. Orerrin. September t. 1001.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
liiivlslonsof the act of congress of June i IB78. en-1 prwion ot the act of Congress ot June 1, 1B7S,
titled "An act for the sale ul, timber lands In the stales Jnl(l,j An act for the sale of limber tanJs In the
1 f California. Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter- , , calllornla. Oregon, Nevada, and Washlng
nttiry," as extenJed 10 all the Public Land States by (on Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
act ol August 4, i8g.
ot Sumpter, countv ol
Maker, stale of Oregon
has this day filrJ
In fiffira lllfc turirn I
SWOrtl I
statement No. 8tb,
fur the purchase
ill llir I
WU Nl It: NWi-i M't.a anJ Nl.i-a SWl-i of
srctlon No. 11 In township No. 10 south, range No. 18
I WH, anJ will offer pioot to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish his claim to said
land I efoie Charles II. Chance, U, S. commissioner
al Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the mill Jay ol
lief tnf.. (lull.
He names as witnesses: Van Rensselaer Mead. 1
Ralph Mrad, William A (hern and Charles L.
I erry. all o Sumpter, Oregon. .... ' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- d,ctbe,j lands are requested to tile their claims In
described lands are requested 111 die their claims In tn, uM,ce un or D,Iot, Mj g,, j,y 0 December,
HiU nHit-i, un nr before said loth day ol Dec tool. I
I:. W. IIAPUUT. Register
United Stales I and Office,
l..i Grande, Oregon, Sept. 14, iuu. I
Notice is hereby given lhaf in soinpllance with the
1'iovWom ol the act of congress ot June 1, 187H, en-
IllleJ An aci lur Hie sair nmrrr tanas in mr in.r
of California, Oirgon, Nevada and Washington Ter-1
tllor),at rxlendedtuall the Public LanJ states by
act 01 August 4, lege,
ol Whittle), county ol Baker, stale ot Oregon, has
this day tiled In this ottice htr sworn slatrment No.
tBli, tor the purihase- nt the s w ) e V
Sec. No iB and n w sf-n e U and e H n w f(
of section No. iv In toMnsiup no. 10 suuiri. range
No. 6l.WM,anJ Milliliter prool to show that the
land sought Is mule saluable tor its limber or slone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hrr
claim to said land beloie Chas, II. Chance, U, S.
Commissioner, al Sumplrr.Oiegon, on lursdav, the
tlh dav ut Desrinber. igo.
She names as witnesses Marshal K. loung.
Roy Clillteiidnn, Allied II. Huntington and Lrwls A. I
Albee, all ol Whitney. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
drsirited lands ale lequeslrd to tile Iheir claims In
Ihls olticr on or If loir said Bill day of De. ember.
I.. W llAUtlllT. Register.
M)k I'lililli. Alios
I'nitrJ Males land O'lice. j
la Grande, Ore., Sept. is. iol I
Notice Is hrieby given that In com) llaiue llh the
pios isluns ol ihr act ol congres- of June 1. 187". en
tilled "An a.t lor the sain olll-nber lands In the Males
ol California, Oregon, Nesads and Washington Ter
mors," as estrnded to all the Public land states by
act of August 4,l8gi,
if Duiker, counts ut Baker, state ol Otegun, has
this Ja tileJ In.lhls ottice his sworn statement So,
1H14, lor the puuhaseol the s 'ttw-f.nw ( s w
; and s w i,' s e ,' ol section No, e( In
township No. 10 south, langeNo 17 IAVM, and will
oltrf pioot to show that Ihr land sought Is mure sal
uiMr lor Its Umbel or slone than tor agricultural
purosrs, anJ to establish his claim to said tanj be
lore Chas II Chance, I' S. coinmlsslonet, at
Suinptri, Oirgon, on lursdas, thr 8th da ot
Dnrmbrr. .
He names as wilnrssrs Van Rrnusel.irr .Mrad,
Ralph .MraJ, I ugene A Case, and John It, her,all
ol Sumpter, Ulegnn
Ans and all ersous claiming adversels ttie above
described lauds arr irqurslrj to file their ilaims In
Ihls onue on 01 belore said 8111 das ot Dei,, iuu.
L W llAKIlllt, Reglstn.
PUIUCallOd 1
United Stales Land Oth,e, f
la GtanJe, Oregon, Srpt.w, ioo. (
Notice Is hrieby given that In compllarne with the
provisions ol thr act ol (.ungtessot Junr 1, I878, rn
llllrd "An a, I lot Ihr sale ol limber lands In the
stales ol Calilotnla, Oirgon, Nesada, and Washing
Ion Iriritoiv' as eslrnJrd to all thr Public land
Stairs b) ail ot August 4, IHj.
ul Surrptrr, sountv ol Baker, stale ot Oirgon, has
Ihls da McJ in this ottice his swoin statrmrnt Mi.
M7, lot the puuhase ol the r ' s w ', s r
n w ( and lot 1 ul section No a In township
No iu south, lange No. 18 I. W M, and will
ottrf proof to show that the Una sought Is more
valuable lot lis timber or stunr than lor agilcullutal
1 ui pusrs, and lo establish his claim to said land beloie
Chas, II. Chance. U. S. Commissioner, at Sumpter,
Oirgon, on lursdav, Ihr Bill dav ul December, iou.
He names as witnesses. Van Rennselarr MraJ,
Nitholat lallalrioChestrr A. Prav, and Jamrs W.
Lmr. all ul Sumpter, Oregon.
An and all prisons claiming adversely the above
described lands ate tequested lo die Iheir claims In '
this office un or belore said tin Jv or I'ec, iwi
t. W. Hakiui Register.
United Sutet Land Office, )
La Grande, O egon,
Sept. it, too). )
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June . tlrl. en
titled "An act for the tale of timber lands In the ttatet
of California Ore eon- Nevada and Washington Ter-
I rltory," extended to all the Public Land states by
I act of August a, IBge.
I Mi
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state ol Oregon,
hat this day Med In this office her tworn statement
No. i8s for the purchate of the iHirH Sec. 4
and (K'XI section No. j, In township No
m south, range No. iB E W M, and will offer proof
to vhow that the land sought Is more valu
able for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to tald land
before Chat. H. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of De
cember, IOO.
. one names viiiiciki . r, ,, ""(
I Chester A. Cray. NUhoIat Tallafero, and Nina Bell
Mie names as witnesses van ncnnaeiaer miii.
alt of Sumnter. Oreron,
Any and all persons claiming adversely .the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said Bin dav of Dec, toot,
p fa, 'V. Bamtirtt, Register,
1. m
United Statet Land Office,
La Grande. Oieeon. Sept i. 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
states by act ol August 4, 1841,
countv of Maker, state ot Orepon.
. . ' .
I... thla .,.u til. I In thla ntha liar ,unrn ,!
n.n M.. .Rnfarenr lh nurrhata nl thr n w U
. - .".-- --..,--- - .- - , -i
of Sec. No, 10, In Tp. No. 10 south, range No. (8
I. W M. and will offer prool to show that the land
sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land belore Chat. II. Chance, U. S commis
sioner at Sumpter, Oregun.on Tuesday, the 8th day
ol December, igoj.
a,tii A. Pray, Nicholas Tallalero,
Wrleht. all of Su 1 Pler.Oreiron.
She names as witnesses: van Kennseiaer mean.
and May
E. W, Bawtiett, Register.
TIM11KK I.AN.I), ACT JUNK :, 1878.-
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 11, ioo. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions nl the act of congress of June 1. I8j8, en
titled "An act lor the tale ol limber tandt In the ttatet
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to all the Public Land statet by
act ol August 4, IBw,
of Sumpter, countvut Baker, state ot Oregon, hat
Ihls day died In thlt-ofhce her sworn statement No.
3864, for the purchase ol the i!im i( and lots 1
and e ot section No. 1 In township ."o. 10 south,
range No. 18 tWM. and will oiler proof to show that
thelanj sought It more valuable lor lit limber or
stone than tor agricultural purpuses, and to estab
lish her claim to said land before Chas. II. Chance,
U. S. commissioner Wt Sumpter, Oregon, on Tues
JavT the 8th Jay ol December, tool.
She names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead,
ChrstrrA Pray, Nicholas Tallalero anJ Alice Lose,
all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
An and all persons claiming adversely the above
desillbed lands ale requested to file their claims In
Ihls otiice on or before said 8th dav ot Dec, ioi
I.. W. IIAHIllII. Kegister.
United Slates land Ottice.
La GranJe, Oregon,
Son. 5
Sept 0. 100
Nml.'r Is hnrbs irlven that In compliance with the
provisions of the act )t congress of June 1. 1878, en
tilled "An act for the sale ot Umber lands In the ttalei
I ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
rltorv,"aeaiendrd to all the Public Land states by
act ut August 4, i8)t.
I ot Auinplet.iounts of Baker, stale of Oregon, hat
this day died in Ihls ottice his sworn statement No.
8s8 tor the purchase ot the Southwest H
ol Section No- 1 in Township No. 10 South
Range No. ,8 livs'M, and will otter prool to show
that the land sought Is mure s aluable lor Its limber or
slone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his vlalm to said lanJVeloie Charies II, Chance, U.
I S commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on I'll
dav, the atth da of November, looi
He nanes as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead,
Chester A. Prav, Ira W Pavton anJ NMiolas Tall
alero, all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all prisons claiming ajversel) the above
des.nbed lands are requested to Me their claln s In
this ottl,e on or be lute said trill dav ol Nov , iuo.
L. W. ItAWUUt. Krgister.
TIMIII.R I AND, ACT JUNE 1, iBrl-sotlCt row
United States Land Orhce, j
La Grande, Oregon, Sept 11, 140M
Noil.e It heteby given that In ,ompllan.e with the
provisions ul the a.t ut congress ol June I. 187B, rn
Ultra "An a, I tui the sale ut Umber lands In the stales
ut California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory. " as eslended to all the 1'i.bllC Land stalts I'V
ailot August 4. its'.
ul Sumptrr, counts ut Baku, state ut Oregon, has
this dav tiled In this oltue hrr sworn statement No.
ifoi, lot the putchase ot the s e ( ol
Srsllon No. 1 In township No. 10 South, Range
No 7 I VV s, and will otter prool 10 show that the
land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone
than lot agricultural purposes, and to estallsh her
Claim to said land belore Chatles II. Chance, U, S.
commissioner, al Sumpter Oregon, on Tuesday
the Dili da) ul De.ember, iuo.
She names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead,
Chester A. Pray, Nicholas Tallateto and Clara Win
botg,a!l ot Sumpter, Oregon.
Aav and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to die their claims In
Ihlt uldce on ur belore said 8th dav ot Dec, 1001.
E. W. HAHturr, Register,
United Statet Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon September ir, 1001. 1
Notice it hceby given that In compliance with the
provltlom of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for tht sa'e ol timber lands In the statet
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to all the Public Land Statet by
actol August 4, 1801,
ol Sumpter, countv of Baker, ttate ol Oregon, hat
Ihlt day died In Ihlt office his tworn statement .No.
1879, for the purchase of the n J n e t-4. t e 1-4 n c
1-4 and n e 1-4 1 e 1-4 of section No. ti in townthlp
No 10 touth, range No. 18EWM, and will offer proof
to thow that the land sought It more valuable lor Itt
limber or ttone than lor agricultural purpotet, and to
establish hit claim to tald land belore Charlet H.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the gth dav of December, ioo.
He names at witnesses: Van Nensselatr Mead,
Ralph Mead, Chester A. Pray and Joseph M. Daven
port, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested In file their claims in
Ihls office on or before said 9th day of Dec, tooj.
E. W. BARfLITT, Register.
United States Land Office, 1
La Grande, Oregon, Seitember 17, 1901.)
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June ), 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale ot timber lands in the ttatet
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." as extended to all the Public Land statet bv
act of August 4. 1891,
ot Whllnev, countv of Baker, stale of Oregon, hat
thlt Jay hied In Ihlt oldce hit tworn itaiement, so.
1877. for the purchase of the nM iw!i ot section
No. 8 in township No. 10 south, range No. 6 KWM,
and will offer proof to thow that the land sought It
more valuable for Itt timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish hit claim to tald
land before Charlet H. Chance, U. S commissioner,
at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday, the gth day of
December, loot.
He namet at witnesses: William II Mead, ol
Spokane, Washington; Lewis A. Albee, Leonard J,
Sims and Burton W. Miller, of Whitnev, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested lo hie Iheir claims In
thlt oldce on or before tald 9th day of Dec 1901.
E. W Bamhett. Register.
United Sutet Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, September jo, ioo.
Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Congrest ol June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the tale ol timber landt In tht
Statet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all tht Public Land
States by act of Augutt 4, 189a,
of Sumpter, county "t Baker, ttate of Oregon, hat
this day died In thlt office hrr sworn statement No.
98 for, the purchase of the sH se! nw itU and
neU twM of section No. 11 in township No. u $,KNo.
jBlvvvi, and will offer prool to thow that. the land
sought It more valuable for Itt timber or ttone than
for agricultural purpotet, and to establish her claim
to said land belore Chas. H. Chance, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Saturday, the rath
dayot December, tool
She names at witnesses: Charles K, De Nelfee
ol Sumpter, Oregen: William Kelly of Sun pter,
Oregon; Peter J. SoarJs of Sumpter, Oregon; EJ.
McNulty ot Granite, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described landt are requested to die their claims In
thlt ottice on or belore said lath dav ot December,
too. E. W. UAwruiT, Register.
In the Circuit Court ol ihe State nl Oregon for
Baker Count),
S. Rusk. Plaintiff, 1
vs. I
Oregon King Gold Mlnlne
Compan) , a Corporation.
De'endant J
To Oregon King Gold Mining Cnmpanv, a corpor
ation, the above-namcJ defendant
Is fill! savil 01 THE sTATl: 01 OCLOOS; You are
hereby requlr, J to appear and answer the complaint
died against you In Ihe above entitled action on or
beture the d dav ot De'ember, 19 n. the same being
the last day ot ihe time prescribed in the t'der duly
made and enterrd In the above entiile.1 action of the
ulli day ot October, 1001, by the Hon A'. W Tra
sllllan, Judgeot the County Couit ot Baker county,
Oregon, for Ihe publication ol ihls summons ; and It
sou tail to lo appear ard answer tor want thereof,
Ihe ptalntlfl will apply to the above emitted Court
lor judgment against you lor the sum ol $117.60
and interest the'eon at b per cent per annum Irom
and alter the 19th day ot September, tooi, and lor
an order tor the sale of attached properly, and tor
hit cotlt and disbursements of Ihls action and lor
accruing costs
And sou an further notlded thai October the tisl
Is the first Jt'e of publication ol this summons, and
the date ot December td. 1901, is Ihe last dateot
ol publication Ihereol.
Attorney lor the Plalntllf.
In 1 be Circuit Couit ol the State ut Oregon tor
the Count) ol Baker.
R. LGrases. Plalntllf.
i:. J Dwver. VIoUM Dw)er. I
Ed. Turk and Mlnot Austin, f
Defendants. J
l"ii E.J Dw)er, Viola M. Dwyer and Mlnot Austin,
the above-named delendanls:
In Ihe name uf the Sta'e ot Oregen: You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint hied against you In Ihe above entitled cause oil
or before Ihe ad day ol December, 1901, which Is the
date of the last publication of this summons, as pre
scribed In the order made bv the County Judge of
Baker county. State of Oregon, for the 1 ubllcatloa
hereof ; and If vou (all to to appear and answer tald
complaint, the plaintiff will, at the expiration of tald
time, apply to the court for the relief praved for In
the complaint herein, namely: That Judgment be
entered agalntt tald defendant, E. J. Dwyer, for the
amount due on the promissory note set forth In sa'd
complaint, a'torncv'i feet end costs, to wit : The
sum of Jm with Interest thereon from the 18th day
ot January, loot, at the rate ol 10 percent per an
num, the further turn ol J so at attorney t feet to be
allowed by the court herein, and the costs and disburse-
entt ol thlt tulr, and that the tame be decreed
to be a firtt and prior Hen upon the property de
scribed In tald complaint, and In the mortgage there
in tet forth to-wit: Lot 4 In Block t In Sumpter
Heights, McEwen't Addition to the town, now div
ot Sumpter, at the same it thown on the plat thereto
ol record in the office of the Recorder of Convev
ancet of Baker county, Oregon, and that In tald
decree It be ordered that t Id properly be sold In thr
manner prov Ided by law for the tale of real property
under execution, and that the proceed! thereof be
applied to the cotlt of tald sale, Ihe costs anddls
bursementi ol said tult, to the payment of tald $50
attorney'i feei, and the ret'due or to much thereot
at mav be necessary, to the payment of laid'
sum of $ju with Interest at 10 per cent per annu n
Irom the 18th dav ot January, tooi.
AnJ If tald property Joes not tell for enough to
satisfy said decree, that plalntllf have Judgme land
executlcn against the delendanls for onyjdefi
clency remaining due on said Judgment alle Ihrr ap
plication of the proceeds of tald tale thereto, and
mat It be decreed that the plaintiff or any one claim
ing by, through, or under him, mav be ome a pur
chaser at tald tale, and that the Sheriff Issue to such
purchaser a cert ficate ot sale and put him Into Im
mediate possession of tald premitet, and that the
defendantt herein and all persons claiming by,
through, nr under them or either ot them be forever
barred and foreclosed ol all equltv of redemption In
and tJ the above described property. This tult hav
ing been brought to foreclote the mortgage on tald
properly given tn tald plalntllf by the defendantt,
K. J. Dwyer and Viola M. Dwyer, on the 18th day of
January, tooi, to secure their promissory note ol
even date therewith ot JiSo, bearing Interest at 10
per cent per annum until paid.
, And ) ou are further notified that on the eoth day of
sjcioper, too), ine non. vs. rr invuiian, jujkc 01
Baker county, Oregon, made an order that service
be made bv publication In Ihe SUVtl'TEW MlNERof
tald tummont, and that the date ol the firtt publica
tion thereof It October aitt, 190), and that the date
of Ihe last publication It Decern er ad, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice Is hereby given that Ihe Sumptet Townsltr
Company, Ltd, a corporation, will at a regular meet
ing ol the Common Council ol the City of Sumpter.
Oregon, to be held on Ihe nth day of November,
9oj, present to tald council Itt petition praying for
the vacation of certain portions of certain ttreets
and alleys, situate In and running through thr
Sumpter Townslte Syndlcate'i Second Addition to.
the town, now City ot Sump'er. Baker county, Ore-
f;on, the parti ol streets and alleys to be vacated be
nt thown on a plat prepared by C H. Fenner, en
gineer, entitled, "Plat ol tht Sumpter Race Course."
on tile In Ihe ottice of the City Recorder ot the City
ol Sumpter, and are more particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
That rortlon of the alley running through Block,
16, and being a strip on the eatt tide of tald alley o
extending Irom Ihe touth line ol Lot ta to a point
(eel north ol the touth line ol Lot 16 In said Block
16, and embraced within Ihe outer circle ol thr
Sumpter Race Course as shown on tald plat thereol
above mentioned, Ihe portion of tald alley being
marked In red on said plat; th.t portion of Firtt
t'reet embraced within the outer line of tald race
course at thown In tald plat, and extending from a
point on the well tide of said ttreet, 6i feet north of
Ihe southeast corner ot Block to, 10 a point iij feet
touth Irom the norlheatt corner of Block 16, and on
Ihe east side of said ttreet extending Irom a point
lo.j feet north ol the sou.hwesl corner of block 8
feet to a point 76.5 feel touth nt Ihe northwest cor
ner of Block 17; that portion ol the alley running
through Blosks it and 17, extending Irom a point
8.s feel north of the south line of said Block s8 to
the ronh line of tald Block 1? ; that portion ol Sec
pnd street extending Irom a point on the west line ol
tald street 6i leet north of the toutl eatt corner of
tald Block 8 to the norih line ot Block 17, and on.
the eatt tide ol tald ttreet Irom a point ear (eel
north ol the south line ol Block ? to the north line
Block 18; that portion ot the alley running through.
Blockt tr and 18, extending Irom a line a (eel
north ol the touth line ol Block 17 to the notth line
ol Block 18:
That portion ol Third ttreet extending from at
point on the wet'erly tide ol tald street 197.5 leet
from the southeast corner of Block ? to the north
east coiner ot Block 18. and on the easterly side ol
tald ttreet from a point 181 j teel northerly from Ihe
southwest corner ol Block 6 to the northwesterly
corner ot Block 19;
That portion ot ihe alley running through Blockt
e6 and 19. extending Irom a line drawn across e.ilJ
alley 177 feel north ot the south tine ol Block 10, to.
a line dr.wn across said alley four feet touth ol the
northeasterly corner ol Ldo in Block 19; that por
tion ol Founh ttreet extending Irom a point on the
westerly side thereol, ao8 feel from the southeast
corner ol Block 6, 10 a point 191 feet touth of the
northeast corner of Block 19, and on the eatterly
tide thereof from a point 349 leet north of tht touth
wrst corner of Block af, to a point ii feet south ol
the northwest corner of Block ao;
That portion ol the alley running through Block,
ao Inclose 1 within the outer circle ot tald race court e
track at thown on tald plat, extending Irom a point
7 leet north ol the southeast corner In Lot i in said
Block to. to Ihe touth tine ol tald Block ao; that
portion of Ihe alley running through Block as em
braced within the outer circle ol salj race course as
shown on said plat extending from a point ta 5 feet
north of the southeast coiner ot Lot a, In Blcck li
mine north line ot said Block as; that portion ol
Elm street evendlng trom a point on the northerly
side thereol al thr southwest corner ol Lot 16 In
Block 16 easterly to a point on the south line ot
Block ao, 8.s feet westerly trom the southwest cor
ner of Lot ib. In tald Block ao, and on Ihe touth
t de ol tald Elm street exten ing Irom a point as
leet easterly Irom the northwest corner ot Lot join
Block 19 easteilv, to a point on Ihe north line ol
Biock as, ten tret westerly Irom the northwest C3I
nerol Lot 10 In tald Block at; all ot said streets
and alleys being as shown on the plst ot the Sump
ter Townslte Syndicate's Second Addition to the
town, now City ot Sumpter, ot record in the office of
the Recorder of Conveyances ot Baker county, Ore
gon, and said portions ol said ttreett and alleys to
be vacated being thown on the platot tht Sumpter
Race Course above mentioned, prepared by C. II.
Fenner, and now on die In the ottice ot the Recorder
ot Ihe City of Sumpter, Maker county, Oregon, and
the parts thereof to be vacated being outlined In red
lines on tald plat
Dated this 8th dav ot October, 1901.
D W, C CALDER, Secretary.