The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 18, 1903, Image 1

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NO. 11
Owned Largely by W.
C.Calder and Sump-
ter People.
B. F. Pierce, who hasbeeu workiUK
at the Sunrise mine for tbiry days
past, reached towu today. lie says
the Buow is very hoHvy Id the higher
altitudes, where he was working, close
to 0000 feet elevation. lie und other
men coming down from the mine lost
their tools and blankets in the snow
and can't recover them until spring.
Mr. Pierce says that in the bottom
of tin Sunrise shaft, now down
between sixty and soventy feet, there
is eighteen inches of as good looking
oro us one would care to see. This
streak bus boon widening for the last
twenty feet uud there is every ludica
tiou of a big body of high grado ore
near at baud.
Ho started out with a suck of
samples, but hud to leave it with the
tools and blnukots in ten feet of suow
ou the side of "Viuegar bill," the
highest peak in the Ureenhorn range.
The Sunrise has uothlug but high
grade rock, assays running up iuto
the hundreds of dollars having been
secured from the broken ledge matter
found near the surface.
W. C. Calder is one of the large
stock holders in the Sunrise, and has
stayed with the property through
thick uud tblu, his faith being based
on the fact that this vein is a direot
extension of the Cayuse claim, of the
Inter-Mountaiu group, n property
that be worked for sovoral years, and
in which he blocked nut large bodies
of rich rock.
Mr. Pierce, who had the contract
for this work, took a part of bis pay
in tbo stock of the compauy and
the men who wore with him did the
na,rao. Ho says tboro is no question
but what there is it mi no there, aud
but littlo more work will bo necessary
to demonstrate the fact. He advises
tbut the shuft be suuk tlvo or ten feet
deeper, crosscut to the wulls uud
drift in both directions. This will
undoubtedly prove the property.
Then a crosscut tunnel cuu bo driven
and a depth, foot for foot, of quite
1,000 feet can be attained.
The report is confirmed of the sale
of the Rainbow mine, in Mormon
Basin. This property was owned by
E. W. Head, his son Mose Head, and
Mr. Couley. Tbo price for which it
was sold has not been mado known.
The puicbaser of the two-thirds
Interest Is the Commecrlal Milling
company, of Portland, which Is the
ownor of the California aud the
Radcllffo groups, of which V. E.
King is the general manager.
The owners of the Rainbow have
been hauling their ore to the Uolden
Oate mill, two miles distaut, on
South Dixie creek aud for the past
throe mouths havo received S50 per
ton. Thoso propretlos are all about
one milo oast from tbo well kuwon
Morning Star group, wbloh is in
chargo of Judge W. H. Newbury, uud
ubout the eamo distauco from tbo
Tarboll group, of which mention was
mado last weok. All of which shows
that the Mormon Basin district 1h
attracting attention.
D. E. Buchanan, left this moruing
to take charge of the I. X.L. mill, in
the Ureouhorns. Mr. Buchanan is
experienced in this line of business,
having been formerly superintendent
of the Virtue, wu mill superinten
dent of tbo Coruucoplu, uud mill uud
construction suporiuteudeut for the
Keutucky Uold Milling company, ut
Jurdlue, Montuua.
It is uudersood that the I. X. L.
mill will be ready to ruu in u short
time. Tbo construction work is
practically completed, with the ex
ception of the Installation of the
oyauldo tanks.
Jack Henessy, superintendent of
the Uold Bug Urlzzley, is in today
from the mine. He bas a full force
of men at work, aud states that do
velopment has been in ore for the
last forty feot. The outside work
has beeu Mulshed for the winter.
aud operations will bo prosecuted
underground during the bad weather.
Mr. Henuessy states tbut tboro is
about two feet of snow at the mine.
Ed Sullivan, superintendent of
the Lucy group in tbo Ureenborus,
returned to the property this morning
after a visit of two or three days. He
states that everything at the Lucy is
now ready for winter work. The
supplies are all in, aud a sufficient
amount of lagging for "00 feet of
tunnel. The crosreut is now in sixty
feet and It is thought tho Lucy ledge
will bo caught iu a short tinio. Thoie
is about ,i0() feet further to drive
however, before the O. K. vein will
bo reached.
Recent assays mudo on oro being
found in tbo property show most
eucuuruging results. There were two
assays from the O. K property, the
first taken from tho tunnel giving
11 total value in gold uud silver or
fD.fiO Hud .8711 copper. This sumplo
wus found to contain muiigunose.
Another sample from tho tunnel
showed values iu gold and silver of
910!).:i4. Samples from the Lucy
guvo the following results: No. 1,
total gold and silver value, 111.02;
copper, 11.820. No. 2, gold mid
Hllver values, 852. 10; copper, 1.81)2.
No. :i, gold uud silver vulues, 827. 11 ;
copper, 0.080.
Kenneth O. MoEwou, of MaEwen,
Arthur t MoEweu, who returned
yesterday from Detroit, whore he wus
(siting bis relatives for tbo pust
month, has this to suy relative to the
situation in tho East:
"The depression caused by tbo
slump iu industrials is felt very
perceptibly throughout tbo custom
country uud while capitalists uru
uury of eastern Investments, there
appears to bo u tendency to look for
other fields of speculation. Tbo niln
lug Industry offers a prolmlsng
prospect aud tboro seems to be a
disposition among people with money
to steer iu this direction. The
eastern Oregon gold Holds are well
advertised In Dotrnlt und 1 received
numerous inquiries reguridng thorn.
Iu fact, I think capital Is looking
toward tbo wost for InvoHttnent. "
Colonel E. S. Topping returned
lust night from the Suow Bird group
of claims, In the CruckorCrouk district,
whore ho finished the assessment
work for this your. The property is
operated liy tbo Supmter Suow Bird
company, of which Colonel Topping
is president and among tho lending
In doing thn assessment work tbo
vein wus open cut for twenty-live feet
without reaching either wall, mil it
Is stated tbut the ore resembles very
much iu character that now beinu
milled by the Uolcouda. The com
pauy owns three claims located on
a lead paralleling tbe Uolcouda aud
a short distance from this mine.
Over 100 feet of drifts and crosscuts
have been completed nu tbe claims.
Neil J. SoreiiHon returned today
from a protract ml trip east us far as St.
Paul. When ho left here ho wont
to tbo coast, visiting Portland and
Seattle. He spout the greater
portion of his time iu North Dakota,
where live tunny stockholders iu IiIk
various mining companies.
lie reports that they are,' us u
general rule, well pleased with their
investments iu Western mining stocks,
are becoming educated o tho true
conditions of the mining industry v
have learuded that results can't be
secured In u few weeks or a few
mouths; that time is necessary to
open up a mine to the producing,
dividend paying stage, and us ii result
very fow people who have put their
money Into legitimate companies arc
clamoriug for Impossibilities.
This educational process has bad u
beueilclal effect ou legitimate mining
etiterprisios iu another way; It has
taught the investing public to
discriminate between the honest
mining promoter, who presents con
ditions us they arc, and the fakir,
who issues a gundy, ridiculoiiH
prospectus promising all kinds of
impossible results. These latter aro
rapidly lieingolusscdwith the get rloh
qulck thieves and tho public Ih
learning to spot them, on sight of
their exaggerated literature.
Another feu t tire of present financial
conditions, Ih slowlj but surely
redounding to tbe benefit of tho
mining industry; namely, tbo grout
shrlukugo iu tho value of Industrial
securities. This bus been widespread
ami appallingly disastrous. No such
condition of alfalrs obtains relative
to mining stock. There have been
some gigantic frauds perpetrated, it
is true, but tho victims can now, in
tho light of knowledge ucqulrud
through experience, m that it is IiIh
own fault that ho as been swindle 1;
that it wus his duty to himself to
Investigate before Inventing.
Mou who havo made money in
mining aro envied by their nolghborH
who have lostiu industrials and thin
object lesson Is going to lie the meaiiH
of attracting hundreds of thousands)
of dollars to western mines iu com
ing mouths; especially to Eastern
Oregon mines, for tho reason that
this section is not asHiiciuted in thu
public mind with any fraud of con
siderable magnitude.
Mr. Sorouson hays that u great wheat
crop wus harvested Iu tbe Dakota
und Minnesota this season, wus sold
for a good price uud the farmers havo
money to bum though they are not
burning; it. Ho will now remain ut
bis office here indefinitely and pusbi
work vigorously on his different: