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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1903)
wr" THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November n, fi The Sumoter Miner OfFICIAL I'APCH OP THE CITV OF SUMPTER PUHLI5HRII iVBBV WiDNIJDr J. W. CONNELLA T. a. GWYNNI:. EDITOR Entered at the postofflce In Sumplcr. Oregon, lor transmission through the malls as second elm matter. SUHSCRIfTION BATiS One Year ... Six Months ...Ss.oo .... .. ALWAYS IN ADVANCII. Advices from Kvorolt stale Hint tho Milliliter thorn, lot-outly acquired liy tho Aliiiiriciiii Hmoltiug mid Ifollnlng company, ollirnwiHii known as tlio tlio Hiniillnr triiHl, 1h lo ho reopened on 11 larger hi'iiIii (linn nvnr before. Itm'olvor .lames Hmllli, of tlio wrecked United .Status .Shipbuilding company, iitgaulod on tlio iiHiial linoH of trusts, unyH thill It was designed hh IIio iiiiihI kIkiiiiI Ic.iii t int id swindle of tho ago, "nil advises stock- liolilorH In Him Hchtwih iiiiiI Morgan lo recover tholr iiiomiy- yon, ovmi .1. I'iorpoul Morgan, wliom Will I shoot I111II01I n fmv lirlof miiiitliH since iih tlio lliiiiiiiiiiil Hiivlur of tlio fount ry, tlio creator of iniHiorily. CoiiiiiiiihmIiiiioI' KiclllllllS, of till) general I it lit I nllluo, in IiIh aiiniiiil report iiiiiiln public Momliiy, states that toil thoiiHaiiil proofs fur claims are I111I1I up, owl net to reports of frauds in western liiiul oioratioiiH. Fifteen special inspectors ant now nt work in tint !h rim 1'aclllo coast h tat oh, investigating these alleged frauds mid ho asks for hh many moro. Secretary Hitchcock now denies that Hoimtom mill congressmen naro Implicated. 'I'hii Intorior itopiirtiiiont in making a fool of Itself. Tim WoiHiir HIkuhIRIh ou7of thu most enterprising joiiriialM In ox Istotioo. Wlimi tlio Thunder Mountain liooui was on It, itjpruvod beyond tlio remotest question of ilonlit that tlio bunt way to roach tho now district lay through Wolsor. It showed verynonoluslvoly that to lit) tho nearest hiiiI ImhI ioliit from which to hit thu trail for tho soono of excitement. Now It oumos forward and proves with ixual clearness and mathematical exactness that Wolsor olforH tho shortest mill best rotitu to Mount KiihIiih. It prolialily has thu only 11 1 r lino, standard guago routojtu tho Now JoriiHiiloin, And now a Swedish M'ioutlst, ArrhiiniiiH, Iiiih oirorod an explanation that salstllcs many of IiIh hrothor hoIouIIhIh, of that horolofom in oxplli'iililo natural phouoimiiiou, tlio beautiful aurora lioroaliH; those lirnad vouch of mellow light that oeomlon ally uu'fold themselves across tho northern heavens, tholr wavy moshes tangled think with stais, that always force thu oliHorvor to unirvol ovor tho myHtiirioH of tho universe and long In uuvoll thiiHii HiirotH known only to Him who sways It all. This wlso profowsnr says It Ih caused by tho Incandescence of tho gases thrown olf by tho Him. Ily tho vory nature of tho problom, thin cannot bo ilom mmtratud. Mo Instruments uiudo liy man can font thu accuracy of tho theory; those oIuhIvu lights will not tie experimented with; thoy illumiiiHto tho heavens and tlio ourth, but throw 110 light on tholr own origin. f Over'lnl Lake county JJthere has boon waged for mouthri pant a con tost between thirty homestead Bot tlers and the Warner Valley Stock company, involving title to 4,800 acroH of land. All published evi deuce in tho case points to the fact that It was a barefaced land grab on the part of the rich corporation, that tho homesteaders were bona fide settlors. Governor Chamberlain requested the Interior department to withhold patent to tho company, until ho could bo hoard, quoted u section from tbo United Staton statutes In which it wiih specifically Hot forth that tho government oflluialH should lssuo no patent to thu Htato except upon ro ipioHt of thu governor, ami ho made IiIh roipiCHt to havo tho patent with- hold upon (IiIh authority. Xotwitb h( mid lug tho governor'H rcipicHt, CouimlHiilouur ItlcluirdH iHHiied tho patent to thu Htate, whilo tho gov ernor wiih on IiIh way oiihI, and placod tho patent In tho IiiiiiiIh of tho attor noya of thoWiiruur Valley Stock com pany. Tlio Htock coinpaiiy wiih Rcoklug til lo through tho plate. Thu general govermnent Iiiih alwnyn InhuoiI patcntH to tho Htato mid filed tho patent with tho Htato government. In thin ciiho, however, tho patent wiih given direct to tho attorney for tho Stock com pany, which in Itself, iiidlcatcH col lision. Home dayri hIiicii Tho Miner Hub initteil tho opinion that oIIIcIiiIh of tho Intorior ilopartiiiont aro making a groat iioIho about alleged frauilH being perpetrated by olmcuro In ilivlilualH, for tho purpono of de tracting public opinion from fraud h of great magnitude, in which theHO oIIIcIiiIh aro tliouiHolvoH intereated, directly or indirectly Tbo forego ing in another iiiHtanco that lends plausibility to tho theory. MORt GOOD GOAL FOUND IN JOHN DAY COUNTRY. Word has roachod thla place that tho crew of miners prospecting for coal on tho rivor near tbo' homo of lames Small havo drilled through a solid bed of coal o a depth of HO feet. Nor la tho bottom of this wonderful stratum yot roachod. Should theso reports bo continued, and thoy aro mado on good authority, this will provo to bo ono of tho largest deposits of coal ovor dtcsovered. Tho operations aro being conducted by V. A. Downs, a Hoiso coal expert, and tho question of quality has very probably boon eottlod, as these Investigations havo boon going ou quietly foi some time. Had not tho quality proved satisfactory it Ih not probable that ho would havo placed heavy machinery on tho ground and employed n number of workmen to investigate the extent of the deposit. It is rumored that Mr. Downs represents the O. It. & N. company; but whether this Is true or not matters little, for as soon as such vast deposits of coal of u commercial quality aro proven to exist in this valley, transportation will bo provided. A number of dltrereut railway companies would hustlo to bo tho tlrst to got their lines iuto the llold. liraut Count News. Nebraska Banker Here. W. A. Warner, of Croigbton, Nebraska, biother to E. P. Waruor, of tho Killeu, Warner, Stewart com pany, arrived hero this morning to look after Interests iu tho camp. Mr. Warner Is prominent in banking circles at Crelghtun, RUSHING WORK ON MINES AND ROAD. E. A. HutcbiuH, outsldo manager for J. W. Bonta, was a passenger on tho Sumter Valley today, on his way to Prairie City, to put up buildings at tbo Oregon Wonder and Will Cleaver properties. Twelve men are at work on tho Oregon Wonder and work Istobodonoon tho Will Cleavor group by contract, running two shifts. Work will be continued all winter. Major Honta has sixteen claims at Mount ItastiiH ou which bo Is now erecting buildings and will spend 820,000 In development. Tbo Pittsburgh parties, who havo several claims in this district, aro also preparing to work all winter. Mr. ilutchlus also Biiid that tho Citizens' league, of linker City, bad argcod to assist tho Donta railroad in every way possible, toward secur ing terminal ground and n right of way iuto linker. Ho said Unit as hoou as tho weather permits in tbo spring thoy will have 'J. 000 men at work grading and making road bed ami would push tho lino through to 1'ralrlo City as rapidly as possiblo. Ah tho survey now ruus, it Is only fourteen miles to Sumpter and It is quite probablo that thoy would run a branch iuto tins town. it. A. Hnllonbock, nnoof tho transit men on tho lionta surveying crow, was also ou tho train this morning. Ho got oil at Lookhart to go to one of tbo camps eight miles from tboro, wboro twolvo men aro at work. Speaking to a Minor representative this morning Mr. Hutoblns said: "Tho Honta railway will bo built beyond any question of doubt. Tho contract for clearing the right of way is to bo lot this fall and work will bo started within the next thirty days. Tho plau is to complete this part of tho work and be ready in the spring to begin actlvo oporatious. If everything goos as wo havo out lined, tho road will bo compleodt and in operation to Piairle City by October 1. Tbo branch to Sumpter is also a matter which will be taken up. After tho main lino is finished, wo flguro on brlngiu g a branch into Sumpter from a point some twolvo miles from tho city on the main lino. Of oourso, this doponds somewhat upon the attitudo which tho cltizous show to tho enterprise, but so far their willinguoss to cooporato bus boon demonstrated." Estimating Ore In Sight. Tbo "oro iu sight" in a miuo can only bo determined approximately at best. Long experience has provou that appearances In mino development aro often deceptive and uurelioblo. No mining engineer Ih safe in assum ing a largor tonuago "iu sight" than ho can estimate In oro bodies cut on four sides, within relatively short distauuo, although somo aro willing to baso their judgment on cuttings exposing threo sides of tho block of oro. These suggestions contemplate the raeasuremeut of a body of oro in h volu of moderato width twenty foot or less. Wheu tho vein exceeds this width even greater caution is necessary. It is a curious fact that oro bodies upon being extracted rarely produco a tonnage iu excess of estimates previously made. Min ing aud Scientific Press. To Visit Mines. A. L. Morris, mining editor of the Telegram and Solicitor York of the same paper went to Prairie City today. Mr. Morris will visit the mines in that vicinity returning Friday when he will make a trip to the Cracker Creek district. NOTICE United Sum Und Office. I U Grande, Oregon, October 4. iooj. i Notice Is hereby given that the Aitec LinJ and Cattle Company, LtJ., whose poslonlce address Is M Broad street. New York City. New York, did, on the 94th day of Octnrer. ioo, make application to select, under the Acl of June a. 1807 do Mat.. 16). the following described tract of land, to-wlt: Lot Four (4) In section a: the swtf of the nwtf; the neK of the seK.and the netf of the nwj of section 14. Tp. 10 south, range jS emw., In Baker county, Oregon. That the purpose of this notlcr Is to allow all per sons claiming the srleced land under Ihe mining laws, or desiring to show It to be mineral In charac ter, an opportunity lo file objections 10 said selection with the officers of the U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, within thlrtv days alter Ihe loth day October, toot, so as to establish their Interest therein or the mineral character thereof. 0. W. DAVIS. Register SUMrVONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for llaker County. S. Rusk, Plaintiff, vs. Oregun King Oo'd Mining 1 Company, a Corporation. Deiendant J To Oregon King Gold Mining Company, a corpor ation, the above-named defendant In THtSAWt'or tiii: stau ocOhigon; You are hereby required to appear and amwrr the complaint filed against ou In the above entitled action on or belore the ad dav ot l)e ember, iqm. the same being the last day ot ihe time prescribed In the Oder duly made and entered In the above entitled action of the 141I1 day of October, iqo, by the Hon. W, W. Tra vllllan. Judceof the CountvCouit ot llaker countv. Oregon, for the publication of thlssummo's; and if ou fall so to appear a'd answer for want thereof, Ihe plaintiff will anrlv lo the above entitled Court for judgment against you for the sum of $117.60 and Interest Iheieon at 6 per cent per annum from rnd alter the igth day of September, 1901. and for an order for the sale of attached property, and for his costs and disbursements of this action aid for accruing cots And vou an further notified that October the list U the first da'e of publication of this sumatons, and the date nl December ad, iqoj, Is Iht last date ot of publication thereof. C H. McCOLLOCH. Attorney for Ih Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Baker. R L. Graves. Plaintiff, vs. I E. J. Dwyer, Viola M Dwyer. Ed. Turk and Mlnol Austin. I Defendants. J To E. J. Dwyer, Viola M. Dwyer and Mlnol Austin, the above-named defendants: In Ihe name of the Slate of Oregen: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before the id day ol December, igo. which Is tha dale of Ihe last publication of this summons, at pre scribed In the order made by Ihe County judge of Baker county. Male of Oregon, for the 1 ubllcatlon hereof : and If you fall so 10 appear and answer said complaint, Ihe plaintiff will, at Iht expiration of said time, apply t to ine 1 courl for Iht relief praved for In Ihe complaint herein, namely: Thai judgment be entered against said defendant, E. J Dwyer, for the amount due on the promissory nott set forth In said complaint, attorney s lees anj costs, 10 wit: ihe sum ol$ in with Interest thereon from Ihe 18th day ot January, igoa, at the rate of 10 per cent per an num, the further sum ol Sjo as attorney's fees to bt allowed by the court herein, and the costs and dis burse') enls of this suit, and thai the same bt decreed to be a first and prior Hen upon the properly de scribed In said complaint, and In the mortgage there in set forth, to-wlt: Lot 4 In Block t In .'umpter Helehts.McEwen's Addition to Ihe town, now CHv nl Sumpter, as Ihe same Is shown on the plat Ihere'n nt record In Ihe office of Ihe Recorder of Coivey, ancesof Baker county, Oregon, and thai In said, decree 11 re orjerej mat s u property be sou in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property under enecution, and that the proceeds thereof be applied to Ihe costs ot said sate, the costs anddls bursements of said suit, to the payment of said $fo at.orney's fees, and Ihe rcs'due or so much thereof as mav be necessary, to the payment of said .urn of $111 with interest at 10 per cent per annu n from the i8ih day of January, iooj. And If said property does not sell for enough to satlslv said decree, that plaintiff have judgme I and execuikn agalntt Ihe defendants lor anydeh clency remaining due on said judgment afiefier ap plication of Ihe proceeds of said sale thereto, and t at It be decreed that Ihe plaintiff or any one claim ing by, through, or under him, mav be nme a pur chaser at said sate, and that the Sheriff Issue to such purchaser a cert ficate 0' sate and rut him Ino Im mediate possession of said premises, and that the defendants herein and all persons clalm'ng by, through, or under them or either ot them be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity ot redemption In and it the above described property. This suit hav ing been brought to foreclose the mortgage on said Eroperiv given lo said plaintiff by the defendants. . J. Dwcr and Viola M. Dw)er, on the itth day of January, toot, to secure their promissory note of even date therewith of J 180, bearing Interest at 10 per cent per anrum until paid. And ou are further notified that on the aoth day of October, igo, the Hon. W. W. Travilllon, Judge of Baker county, Oregon, made an order thai service be made bv publication In the SUMPTER Miner of said summons, and that the dale of the first publica tion thereof Is October aist. 1001. and that the dale of the last publication Is Decern er ad, 1001. ,n. v- Ktv.nAKua. Attorney for Plaintiff