THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, November 4, 190 TUp C irvrtr Mirnar 1 iv- OUI I IJ-IV-I I III IVyl OFFICIAL I'AMER OF THE CITY OF SUMPTER PU8MM4HII BVeSY WIUNtl(AV BV J. W. CONNELLA ' T. G. (iWVNNI:. EDITOR intirel it the pitofrke In Sumpter. Oregon, lor trtntmlKlon through the nulls at lecond clui SUHSCHIKtlUN WAttS One Yfr... Sli Month Sf.oo i. ALWAYS IN AIIVANCK. THAT SUMITKI'-IIOUKNK IIOA1). The geiilletuen who havo been working during the past two weekH in thu Interest, of the Sumpter lioiirne railroad deserve the tliMliks and hhhIhIhikiii of the people of thia uomiiiuiiity. They have exercised a patience and forbearance that has been truly coiiiiiiondahlo. Nuiiieinus individuals, imagining that they had Home pull, have attempted to hold them up, threatening to wreck tho enterprise If their graft were not reeogni.eil. Facta In these cases have boon repeatedly brought to the attention of The Miner, and this paper has refused to give them pub licity, believing that tills would only add fuel to and fan the tlaiiie of dis cord, defeating tho enterprise. In fact, the whole strenuous trans action bus been replete with object lessons for the study of human nature in Its selllsh moods. Several times one or the other faction would seem to lie the under dog in the eon test , and thou it was a cruel sight to witness the others jump ou the un fortunate one with their bob-uall boots. Then, when positions would change, vliidietlveiiess changed to frowning, and so the game proceeded. There have also been some amusing incidents, In the way of sudden col lapsing of unduly iutlaled colli! deuce; tricks have been turned, that for shrewdness of design and skill in consummation, that would have sat istled the pride of a Wall street vet emu opeiator. Hut it Is too early yet to recount these dllfoicut plays, am) if The Mluei can resist the temp tation to publish a bunch of such good stories, the participants should beVutllcieiitly iiiaguaiiimiuiH to for give and forget. This paper bus no desire to ttiake heroes of the gentlemen who havo succeeded in their elforts to steer to ' suooenH this worthy enterprise, but It can conscientiously say that it Is for the best Interest of the towu ud the district that the men now in control succeeded, and that the other elements, which were the discordant ones, have been eliminated. Aa it now stands, this la a Sumpter enter prise, and every citizen will be per niltted to get In ou thu game to thu full limit of hi dosire and ability. No one is "breaking olf" too large a piece of the sure prollt, either for htri previously acquired intercut or , his work of promotion. All are being let in ou the ground floor and complaints will be heard only from thechroiilu kicker, or someone who is disappointed because he couldn't get the best or the transaction. The Miner believes that the propo sition ia going to benefit the camp more indirectly than directly; fur it is going to demonstrate to the citi zens the vast good that can be ac complished by united, harmonious offort; It Is going to furnish a cause laruuud which all tho peoplo cau rally and work' together for the common won I. ft was just bucIi an ocdaslonas tbla that gave hlrth to tho pow continent famous "Seattle spirit" of e'qter prise. Tho Northoru Paolllc was plnyliiK Tiicoma for a favorite and eudcavorliiit to crush Seattlo. Its i -i-,.! rri.., iai,yU , nf Mint ihnu rvu'' A"" UIBIieSH IIIOI) 01 11)111 IDOtl village, scari'oly larger thau Sumpter now, in a moment of indignation, organized tho oldSoattlo, Lake Shpro and iOastoru 'road, now called by another name, as a blulf, which they afterwards succeeded ill making tfood. Their success surprised oven themselves; it caused them to becomo rather aiiuoyiugly conceited, but it proved to thomsolvso what they could do, and as a result they havo built ou Elliott bay a inaKiilllcoiit littlo olty. The sumo can be dona hero. Iluild that road. Start work in I!lo:i. Finish it boforo .Inly 4, 1001, Thou we could have a colu brut Ion worth while. . The Itutto Athletic club has ollcred a purse of 00,000 for a twenty round contest without gloves between Iloiuzo and Lnwsoti, tho Amalga mated magnate, ilolnzo nays he can stand the llostouiati ou his head; while the latter offera a reward of 9'jr,(H)0 to any one who will entice lleliio to the Hub and Induce him to repeat Ills persoual slanders thoro. Lawsou paid 810l telegraph tolls ou this message, which contained 1,500 words. Ho is suffering with tho pri.e llghter'a dlseaso of tho Umber jaw, all right. To a man up a tree, it looks aa if Holnzc were holding hia owu with the Amalgamated copper concern, a great domineering, predatory trust. Tho lutcr-Mountaiu, the paper owned by the Amalgamated, is heap ing columns of angry abuse upon lleiue and the judges who have ren dered the decisions In his favor. which indicates u sore loser. As for lleiue, he may not be the model clt len, but he 1h certainly a game lighter mid a good hater, which ia not mi altogether bad recommendation for any man. A man who has everything to gain and nothing to lose, ia it man with out responsibility. Such" a mail Is not only a worthless citizen; ho is a, dangerous character. He cau adopt piratical methods, within tho law, and against him the individual and the public have no means of redress sanctioned by the law. Human nature la too weak to withstand the temptation and tho mau with nothing to lose, either In the way of reputa tion or worldly goods, la junta's sure to give somo one "the worst of It," as a hungry wolf la to steal a pig when the opportunity presouts itself. It ia beglunlug to look very much like tho east were ou the ragged edge of a panic. With banks failing and runs being made ou otheis, It seems that there is a lack of confidence or something In the wind which presages a further stringency of the money market. So far the west has not been atfected by the situation mid it ia not probable even If the worst cornea to the worst that it will be to any great extent. The present condi tion In the east has been brought about h a jiiKKliug of stocks among money kings ci cat lug a declination of various ludiir-trluls without affect ing the leal uilth producing eltun tlou of the vountry. There Is a phase of criminality to snch panic?. There is no reason for their occur rence. 'A war among stock gamblers dealing in artificial values and di verting trade" "from legitimate chan nels, . la not .onlyj a matter to be de plored but a matter whichshoold be prosecuted by law. If the man, Graham, whose namo haa been mentioned moro or lens in connection with tho Mount ftastus boom, really desires to work up a fully dovolqped, adult 'stampede Into that district, he could devise no surer way to accomplish that object, than to wldoly circulato the Inter view with himself published in tho Herald of Friday. HoadviBcd every ouo to stay away from that section, becauso tho mlnerllzed area is wihin tho forest reserve. If thoro Is one thing the American people prefer above everything else on earth, it is to crowd into a reservation in viola tion of law; especially in search of gold. D. L. Killou, Anthony Mobr nod S. II. Hell went to linker City this afternoon to do buisuesa with the comity commissioners, relative to a franchise wautcd by the Sumpter Hourno road. Unfortunately, thoro is still somo frlctlou regarding this niattor. Tho offlcors of tho company, who control tho right of way, have yielded to tho demands of tho people who havo Hiiabcribod for stock in tho company, until thoro would seem to bo nothing more to ask for, and tho entorpiso may now proceed with out f uit her obstacle This forouoon fonr algnatrurcs woro secured to the contract, on terms finally agreed upon, each promising to tuko $2,000 worth of stock. One of tho conditions ia that there shall bo an election of officers as soon aa the local subcflriptlotia are completed. Only such stock as Is paid for ia to bo entitled to a vote. 1. A. Holmes, who is at the head of the mines and metallurgy exhibit at tho St. Louis exposition haa rent a circular letter to each stato com misslsoii desiring to be represented iu this exhibit, embodying somo very seasonable suggestions. Tho plan outlined does not dotract from the interest of the exhibit as far as tho casual observer ia concerned, and it greatly Increases its value to the capitalist or (ho sciontlilo mining roan. Here it is: ' At the former expositions tho ex hibits of minerals and ores made by stuto commissioua havo not boon as comprehonelvo or as ropreseutative as they should have been. Neither the mlulug engineer of today nor the general public ia impressed with seeing large 'specimens of ores espe cially selected for exhibit. What the engineer desirea to see and it ia-on his Information that tho capitalist makes Investments la an exhibit whloh will Illustrate not only the averago richness of tho deposit, but which will show the country rock contiguous to such deposits. The country rock is (be basis upon which tho mining engineer makes his Investigations, and if the above plan is carried out by tho various state commissions, ho will have au oppor tunity of examining tho country rock of tho famous mines of ouo state and of comparing and contrasting them with the country rock of mines In other states. Wo are endeavoring to have this idea carried out iu its fullest detail, and ask for tho co operation of the commissions from tho various mining states with this end in view, and we trust that you will aid us as far as may be possible. - - .It has been .some time since The Miner haa indulged in any editorial comments regarding the greatness of the Supmter district, or tho outlook for another prosperous year. It goes without eayiug, bow ever, that Tho Minor stands ready and willing at any and all times to say a good word for tho camp and boost along every legitimate mining enterprise therein. The year now drawing to a close, beyond every reasonable question of doubt, haa been tho moat prosperous in tho history of mining operations in Eastern Oregon. It has seou moro prospects opened up, moro machinery Installed, greater production iu the older mines and a greater degree of general activity thau over before witnessed. Experienced mining men coming horo from other camps aro at onco impressed with tho magnitude of tho mineral deposits, and speedily becomo enthusiastic over tho possibilities of tho district. It is to be noted too that eastern capital ists who havo visited Sumpter this season with a view to Investment havo Invested their money and havo invariably gono away woll pleased. Auolbor thing, the easterner ia impressed with tho honesty and falruoss of tho Sumpter operators uud he feels that the Is going to get a squaro deal. Tho momentum which has beon gained tbla year will bo increased next. Moro mills will go in, moro prospecta will bo opened up, and it ia only reasonable, judglug from the present year's work, that there will be a greater general activity through out the camp. The district 1b uot oxperlouclug any phenomenal growth, nothing that could be called a boom, but a euro and steady development based upon conditions and re sources which will fully war rant it. And Sumpter and tho surrounding mineral belt aro yet iu thoir infancy. The rich area remains practically untouched. Tho futuro will see one of tho greatest mining centers horo iu tho world. REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS IND LOAN AGENCY We will buy your house or will sell, your house, we will reut your house, we will loan you monoy Having numerous applications for business openings, let ua know if you want to sell your business. Wo will also make collect Iouh a specialty, besides we conduct a regular employ ment agency where ( those seeking employment cau obtain It and those desiring help oan get it. Title of every piece of property sold by ua guaranteed. FLY INN 4, ALLEN Office corner Granite and streets, near Post Office. Ceutei -1 JOIN MIEN, Propr. Jobber In Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sumpter Bottling Works All tTT... 1, P1..I . in. i .fin minis in v.uriMimiei wruiKs 4 ntnlUUHLIUUUKHUUS k--r