The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 04, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday- November -4.K -190 3
Bottom of Shaft Now
All in High Grade
M. 1). Iluin wiih nut at tho Over
liiml I'Yiday, accompanied by
Minor Clnavor. This 1h tint first (Itnu
tho Inttnr goullomau Iiiih examined
tint mine, mid ho Ih tuiiro ( In f 1
pleased with It; Ih satisfied (hat it
will lin a ijiyldond proudcon
Mr. Ilaljidironght buck with him
Hfimplor of tho oro, that urn ahead of
any thing before fomid on tho prop
erty. Tho rook Ih a iiimhh of Iron py
rites, of lino t'r.VHtalbtlon. It Ih in
this oliaiaotor of oro that tint highest
values aro found in oiiHtorn Oregon.
It hIhii, boyond UoHtion, indicates
Hut tho iiiohI. encouraging foaturo
rovoulod by dovolopinout work in
that tho rich Htroak Ih rapidly widen
ing as diipth Ih attained in tho shaft,
where all work Ih now being con
coiitriitod, Whou Mr. I tnlri wiih at tho niino a
ok or (on duyH ago, tho Hlinft had
been Hunk twenty foot. At that point
u.llltln "kulfo blado" hoiiiii of oro
huh coming in that carried all kiudH
of Valium In gold. At proHuut tho
shaft In thirty foot doop and (IiIh
hoiiiii Iiiih widened to full six Inches
and tho viiIuoh aro hIIII thoro. TIiIh
foot Ih pregnant with promising pns-
Tho bottom of tho Hhaft Ih all in
oro now and it Ih getting moio hiiIIiI
with ovory foot mink. Tint llrst oro
of any ciiiihi'ipiniu'o wiih found on tho
Hanging wall, 111 a iicpin or Hvo or
nix fool. At twenty feet it appeared
011 tho foot wall and now tho two
shoots aio 1 lipid ly coming together.
name aa that.foupd iu.tbejTaber frac
tion but ihat' the body la 'more ox
tensjve. It wan generally understood that
tho mill would not bo started till
spring but recont movemonta seem to
point to early operation. It ia
stated that the repair force on the
mill lias boon increased with a viow
to Retting things in shape for
running at an at an early date.
Mr. Nettleton, a Prominent
Mining Man of Spokane, '
Says It is One of The .
Best in Country.
Wants Sumpter People to Inspect
The Highway to the Burnt
River Country.
Hd Wosshurg, ot tho HaHoho-Sago
hardware ntoro gut baok IiihI night
from the ItHHtus phouolUe Holds.
Mr. Wossburg located four claims
on the Houthern Hlope of Mount
ltHHtiiH, for himself and his associates
In the store. Ho brought baok
with hi 111 a line of sampled from
the lodge, and while ho has had no
assaya made, tho rook looks good,
Hiid front 'it appearance oarrles good
Mr. Wosshurg suys the claims are
lu a iiromlsitiK looullty and he thinks
they will prove valuable with do-velopmeut.
The rock crusher at tho K. and K.
Iiiih been started up in couuectinu
with piopariug tint rich ore for ship
uieut now being taken out. lioport
states that the oro K. and K. people
are now getting is practically the
.1. N. Doano, who has had chargo
of tho work on the lliirnt river road,
camo in last nilit with his forco of
men, having completed seven mil oh
of tho now highway. Tho portion
completed oxteinlH from Stoddard's
logging camp, live and a half iiiIIoh
from Siipmtor, to tho eleven mile
nost. which Ih three iiiIIoh from Klnu's
ranch, leaving (IiIh distance yet to bo
completed. Tho throe miles, however,
Mr. Doano Htates can bo driven over,
a number of teams having gone this
way to the lliirnt Klvor country boforo
ho left, but of course It Is not In
llrst class condition.
Kcgardiug tho seven miles lluishod
Mr. Doano says:
"I do not fuel like praising my
own work, but I am pretty well
satlslled with It, and I would bo
Kind if tho people of Sumpter would
just nit out and lake a look at it. 1
am perfectly willing to have the work
The money expended by Mr. Doano
during the twenty-eight dins ho was
outlined for labor, powder and the
repair of tools amounted to 85118. SB,
which Ih something over tho amount
which Iiiih been collected from
Siipmter ruliHoriptiuns. Mr. Donne
thinks that it will take about S'JOO
to complete tho remaining three
miles, outside of tho assistance from
lliirnt river, and put in shape to
compare ' with the rest of the road.
Tho lliirnt river contingent, how
ever, has not beeu heard from. Thero
were llfty-ouo sinners to the petition
asking the county commissioners to
open the hlKhway from lliirnt
river, and according to law eaoh
sinner making such a request is
required to do one day's work. This
means that there aro ilfty-oue days'
work coming from theso peoplo,
which Mr. Doauo II g tiros will build
about half of the rouialulug dlatauco.
The collection of tho Sumpter
subscriptions 1b in the hands of
Mayor MoColloch, who Is uow lu
Maker City, and will not return till
Monday. The delinquents will lie
linked to pay up, so the work can tie
continued. TakiiiK luto oonsldora
Hon tho small forco employed by Mr.
Doano. only four niou Iwsdles him
self, the work he accomplished in
tho time mentioned is rcgaided as
extremely satisfactory.
While the road can be traveled
uow, and olfers the shortest and best
route to the lliirnt Klver country,
Fred Nottloton, formerly with
tho Columbia, but now with Finch &
Campbell, of Spokane, arrived
in tho city Saturday morning. Mr.
Nottlotou's buisuoss takes, him to
tho minliiK camps all over tho country,
from Mexico to Alaska, and he in in
a position to speak of their relative
merit. To a Miner rporcsoutntive ho
asid :
"I am more or less familiar with
tho million situation in different
partH of tho country, since that is a
part of my business. My former
connection with tho Columbia placed
mo in a position to know pretty
well tho extent and merit of tho
Sumpter camp, but I do not think
this former renidence and acquaintance
with tho people of the district is
calculated to prejudico my mind one
way or tho other. I am freo to
say, however, that I renard the
Sumpter district as tho most promts
inn in the couurty. In fact, I do not
know of another gold camp which
holds out more tliittorlnn promises.
I hnvo been lu them all, from Alaska
to Mexico, and I know have yet to
Unit another to which I would more
readily pin my faith. As the years
no by and money is expended in
opening up the mines hero 1 look to
see this amonn the greatest gold
camps lu the country.
the general desire among the peoplo
hero Is to see the remaining three
miles completed and the whole
dictation lu good shape foi travel.
Pig Being Raised With Puppies.
"Young Andrew Clarno has a pig
on his ranch by the John Day river
that is a freak lit for tho dime
uiuhcuiii. The pig's mother died
soon after his birth and ho was
adopted by a female dog, which Is
sucking htm along with her pups. It
is it funny sight to see tho pig and
tho pups having thoir breakfast at
tho same time, and funnier still to
see the little porker tako after a
coyoto along with tho othor dogs.
This dog-goued pig turns up his
nose at all the other pigs on the
rauoh, and will have nothing to do
wltb them excopt to help the other
dogs chase them away whou they
como too near the house. Fossil
Good Reports From Both Mines.
Otto Ilerlocker and J. F. Sbelton,
of Nell J. Sorensen and company,
arrived lu towu today; the former
from the Highland and tho latter
from tho Friday mine. Thoy report
these properties lu excolleut condi
tion and improving as development
Receiving Ore From Idaho.
The Sumpter Sampling and Testing
works has just recieved a consign
ment of ore from Idaho to bo tested.
In addition to this a shipment camo
lu the other day from Cable Cove.
The relations between Canada and
Great Britain appear to be somewhat
strained as a' result of the Alaskan
boundary settlement, and Canada Is
exhibiting symptoms of kicking
over the traces. According to press
dispatches, tho Halifax Chronicle
rather boldly declares:
"This Alaska episode has made
It clear that our existing relations to
the empire aro even now at tho part
ing of the ways. Our subordiouato
position has been so clearly and so
humlliatlngly revealed that it must
speedily become unbearable." .
Tho Chronicle adds that three are
now only two courses open for
Canada comploto legislative in
dependence within the . empire,
acknowledging the sovereignty of the
king of England alone, or the status
of an independent uatlou. Tho papor
says there is much to commend tho
latter stop, .bocauso It would froo
Canada from tho danger of being
ever embroiled with tho United
StntoH on account of its European
connection and at tho natno time
would secure for tho dominion tho
benefit of tho protection of tho
Mouroo docrtino.
Typewriter For Sale.
A "Chicago," as good us
doos oxcollout work, 920 cash,
ply at Minor office.
Shot line
and union Pacific
Salt Lake.
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every five days.
Low Rate I
Tickets to and from all parts of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourirt Sleeping
car daily to Kansas' City ; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
wars (seats free) to the East daily.
For particulars, call on or address
H. C. Bowers,
Agent, Baker City, Ore