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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1903)
COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT E. AND E. TO SINK TO 1000-Ft. LEVEL Understood That Dimension Stuff is Being Gotten In To This End. It Im understood through reliable sources that tho E. iiml K. will Htart right awny sinking to tho 1,000 foot level. Color Im lout tint report from tint fuot that it Ih known that tho E. anil K. people am getting In dimension Htnfr for tlin continuation of tho shaft. Tho present nliuft Ih located near tho end Huoh of tho dlaitiiH and Ih now down something liko U00 feet. Opinions seem to agree now that tho present activity puintHto an early ri'Hiiniption of tho mill. 'I ho prop erly Ih being rapidly gotten in shape to thin. It appears. It huh originally understood whon work wax resumed at tho mliio it wiih tho liilontlon not to Htart tho mill up until spring, luit tho fact that tho plant Ih being rapidly gotten. Into shape, liy a largo iuoioaso of tho repair forci, tho oiuly coiiiplctlon of water lliinio for tho supply of power, and other outside work, would seem to Indicate that an earlier loHUiuptlnii Ih contemplated. Favoiahlo leportn, too, regarding tho high grade of 010 which Ih being taken out are lie Ink' circulated. Thorn Mate I luil sumo of the richest stulf In tlio hiHtoiy of tho initio Ih now being eucounteied. FRED NORTHUP HURT AT VALLEY QUEEN. Fred Northup, who Iihh Ihoii en gaged at the Valley (juccii, in hI iulit ly lald up for repairs. The other day home rock How from the hIciIko he was handling, striking IiIh left patella, tendering him somewhat lame. Ho came In Saturday from the mine, and it will perhapH ho several days liefore ho can ko duck to work. Mr. Northup states (hut Jtlio Valley (iieeii ic making tho best showing in Hh hthtiuy. liefore he left u big ote hody had lieou lirokeu Into on the No. 4 drift. Tho hotly hIiowh not only good strength tail good viiIiich. COMPLETION Of TIPTON EXTENSION IN SIGHT. I. A. Wed, chief engineer of the Sumpter Valley, went up to Whitney thin morning to look after work on the Tipton eMeiihioii. He Mate that tuliigH mo moving salUfac'orlly, and that completion Ih in view. Only aliout two miles of tho eteiiHiou ic IiihIii, to he Mulshed and if the good weather ciintlmn'H a few dayn longer tho entire distance will lie open to travel. The townslto of Tipton, Mr. Wet states, has lieou cleared and will bo placed nu tho market as soouas Presl dont Ecclos iirlrvoH. Ho 1h expected some timo (IiIh week. ASSESSMENT WORK ON PLACER MINING CLAIMS. A company or corporation can only tako iim out) claim 100 acres of plauor ground, hut may tako iim many claims of 100 acres each as they desire to perforin iiHHOHHinout upon. On a company claim of 100 acres the annual assessment need not ho ilono upon each twenty hitch of tlio traut, but may bo concentrated at ono placn, anil 9100 worth of work will hold tho claim of 1(10 acres located, by tho company. In December, 1808, tho General CommlHHloiiur of tho Land oltino iHHiied the fo'lowlug iIocIhIeii: "Under tho United State placer mlniiiK Ihwh ouo porsou may inako a single location containing twenty auroH of placer milling laud; two perHoiiH may nmko a single location, containing not more tliiin forty acrcH lu a compaut body; three may locate sixty acren, etc. location, whether persons or more, , but no single mado by eiKht can exceed 1(10 acrcH. "It Iiiih been decided that a single location of placer miniiiK ground y embrcao 20, 10, (10, 80, 100, 120, 1 10 or 100 acren in a compact body, accunllng to the number of Incut Iiiiih. If eight perHoiiH nhould make eight dlHtiuct and Hcparato locittioiiH, of twenty hitch each, and seven of tho locatorx Hhoiild convoy their claliiiH to the other, it would icipilro auuniial assessment work of the value of $800 to maintain tho poHHOHHory right to all tho claliiiH, but in tho case of a single location, embracing 1(10 hitch of placer mill- liiK laud, tho owner thereof, in order to maintain IiIh possessory riKht thereto, would not lie required to expend 6100 worth of mintug labor on each twenty acren thereof, but IiIh possessory riKht to tho eutiro 1(10 hutch mlKht Im maintained by performliiK thereon 6100 worth of act mi I m I ii lux work, detuned in good faith for tho Improvement of tho 1(10 aero location hh a single mining claim." WHERE WILL DIAMOND FIELDS NEXT Bt FOUND ? Tin co countries -have atfoided tho world's supply of dlamoudH up to the present timo, namely, India, and South Africa. Tho oldett xoiirco of supply, of course, is India, but the Holds of that country have been almost entirely exhausted, says the Milling aud Engineering Re view. Nevertheless, until 187!'. when dlamoudH were tlrst discovered in llrit.ll. 1 ml hi was tho "only" source f i oin whence these precious stones weie drawn. While tho Brazilian diamonds as a rule are small, their crystallization Ih most perfect, and they possess tho richest luster of any diamonds known. Tho only largo diamond from Brazil Is known as tho "Star of the South," 'volghlug !J54 carats in tho rough, and 1 25 carats whou poliHhed. This Htone was found lu the district of Dlamantins in 1853 by a negro slave, and Iihh the peculiar qualifica tion of giving off in certain lights a rone tint, although perfectly white itself. It wnBold to a Paris tynJIcate soon nfter Its discovory for 8175,000, and subKequently purchased by an Iudlau prince. Tho last great doposit of diamonds wiih found in South Africa, and in a comparativley short time had made tho owners of the diamond mines, or "Holds," as thoy are called. ImmoiiHoly rich. Tho next large diamond discoveries may probably lie looked for in America and Australia. Scattered HtoucH have been found lu several localiticH on both these eontiuouts, tho local formations being eminently favorable. Some day a fortunato prospoctor will stumble on tho spot aud thore will bo another great rush for wealth, such as arousos tho world ouco lu a generation. Whore shall it bo? COLONY OF WILD DOGS ROAM OVER MORROW COUNTY Down in the hlllHiiud sand country north of lone, in Morrow county, Is u colony of wild dogs, houuds, shepherds and collies, that rustle for themselves, and are as afraid of man iih the coyote or any othor wild animal, MiyH the llcppnor (Sa.otte. For years a few of these wild dogs have been known to exist, but noth ing was thought of it until lately, when nineteen of those descendants of the best friend of limn wero counted in one baud. A short time ago a farmer who resides in tho sand country wiih out on tho prairie with a water wagon to get a load of water. Ho was startled by the furious barking of dogs; when ho saw Ilfteen ugly, growling dogs coming toward him, he lost no time lu getting ou to his wagou. Tho dogs are getting to be a pest aud are said to be dangerous. A party will be organized to hunt them down. Visits Cracker Creek. Phil Heardnn, formerly superinten dent of tho Alpine, mado a round of the Cracker Creek niiues yesterday returning last night. Mr. Rcardnu is woll pleased with what ho saw. Stating that the milling practice of the mines ho visited are well nigh I perfect. Blue Bird Mill. .Mtiuagor Wright, and Superiuteu dent Thorp, of tho Blue Bird, are iu ' from the property today. Tho boilers for the new plant were delivered this forenoon, and Manager Wright states that satisfactory progress toward the ; Installation of the 'new mill is hcii'g I made. , To Survey For Pateut. Arthur 1'liillbrlck ami W. A. Avery left this morning for Susau vllle, where they will be engaged for the next week or so iu surveying mineral claims for a patent. UTAH URANIUM ORES SHIPPED EAST FOR TREATMENT An ore shipment of very great In tersest has gone forward to tho radium plant at Niagara, from the La Sal region of Utah. It consists of twenty tons of ores which carries uranium, barium and substances which produce the radium salts, and besides is rich in gold aud silver, tho rallies lu these being rpeorted at 8120 per ton. lu sinking ono the vein whence these ores come, tho bases from which the rare metal raidum Ih dorivde are- said to become more compact aud show better percentages in the com bination from which radium Is ex tracted. It is conceded that tbiH Utah ore is richer in theHO substances thau is any other found in the world; and the owners of tho mine have given orders for its extensive de velopment. If tho processes of the plant at Niagara turn out as woll as expected, this industry will add extensively to Utah's famo iih a mineral state, aud . already there are many inquiries about tho deposit, as to the etxeut and richness. These inquiries are answered in tho most satisfactory manner, aud can well bo from the excellent showing mado by tho do- velopemuts as they stand, to say uothlng of the great prospects that amount to a practical cortaluty that there Is enough of this ore there for all the wnrld'suses. Mlultig World. A DIRECT LINE To Chicago aud all points east; Louisville, Memphis, New Orleans, aud all points south. See that your ticket reads via the Illinois Central H. H. Thoroughly modern trains connect with ail transcontinental lines at St. Paul aud Omaha. If your friends are coming west let us know and wo will quote them direct the specially low rates now lu effect from all eastern points. Any Information as to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application. I). II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. J. C. LINDSEV, T. F. aud P. A.t 142 Third street, Portland, Ore., P. II. THOMPSON, F. aud P. A., Room l.Colemau Bldg., Seattle Wash. Typewriter For Sale. A "Chicago," as good as new, AP- does excellent work, 820 cash, ply at Miner office. Water proof vulcanized blauket liued coats aud legions for men aud boys at the Supmter Racket store. Hotel Griffin FIRST CLASS MEAI.S AND ROOMS RATES 1 AND 1.2S PER DAY O. M. EVENSTAD I'lloriUKTOR Opjiosite DejMit Sumpter, Oregon