The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, November 04, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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    Wednesday, Novembei 4, 9J
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE j. i8t8.-noticb fob . TINItl Up, ACT JUKI l, I
' publication. - ' " ' rwiuemii.
I7e). NOTICE f0
MT JNE 3. 1171.
United Slates Und Office,
La Gnnde, Oregon, September i, 1001. I
Nolle It hereby given that In compliance with the
provltlont ot the act of congrett of June I. I87I. en
titled "An act for the tile of timber lends In the stiles
of California, Oregon, Nevidi ind wathlngton Ter
ritory," at extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4, I9u,
of Sumpter, county of Maker, ttate of Oregon, hat
thlt day filed In this office hit tworn ttatemrnl No.
t88i, for the purchate of lot i and N E H N vv M
and HH Nfci-4 of Sec No. o In Tp. No. ti
touth, range No. iB fcWM. and will offer proof
to thow that the land sought It more valuable
for lit timber or ttone than for agricultural purpotet,
and to eitabllth hit claim to tald land before Charlet
II. Chance, U. S. commlttloner, at Sumplrr. Oregon,
on Thuttday, the loth day of December, iqo.
Me namet at wllnettet: Ralph Mead, Van
Rrnttelaer Mead, Andrew J, Denny, Stephen Jack
ton, all ol Sumptrr, Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advertelv the above
described Ian Jt are requetted lo tile Ihelr clalmt In
thlt office on or belore tald lolli day of December,
"'U,' E. W. lUkTllTT, Regltter.
fur Publication.
United Statet Land Olfice. I
la Giande, Oregon, September t, to-i. I
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
imvltluntof the act of congrett ol June 1 1878, en
titled "An act lor the tale ot timber Undt In the tlatet
11I California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory," at eatendrd to all the Public Land Statet by
act of Augutt 4. iBu.
of Sumpter. county of Maker, ttate of Oregon
hat thlt day hied In thlt office hit tworn
ttalemenl No. BWi, for the purchate of Hit
WJf. Nl tf: NWt-4 SI-t-4 anJ Nl.t-4 SWi-4 of
tectum No. 1 1 In townthlp No. m toulh, range No. 18
t WM, and will oflrr priNil to thow that the land tought
It more valuable lur lit timber or tlune than fur agri
cultural purpotet 011J to eitabllth hit claim to tald
land before Uiatlet II. Chance, U. S. cummlttloner
at Sumpter, Oregon, on Thurtday. the loth day of
December, iou. ., ....
lie namet at wllnettet: van Rrnttelaer Mead.
Ralph Mead. William A. Green and Charlet L.
Terry, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all prrtont claiming advertrly the above
detcrlbed landt are resetted to file their clalmt In
thlt otlice on or before tald 101I1 day ol Dec, iuo.
I.. W. IIAUII HIT. Regltter.
United Stalrt I and Oltice,
La Grande. Oregon, Sept. 14. ion), t-
Nutlce It hereby given that In compliance with the
plotltlnnt ol the at I ot congrett ol June I, B;H, en
titled "An act lur the tale of limber landt In )he ttates
nl California, Oii-gun, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
rltni,t etirnJedloall the Public Land tlatet by
act ol Augutt 4. i8g,
nl Whltnev, county ot Maker, ttate of Oregon, hat
Hilt dav tiled In thlt otlice hi r tworn statement No.
8it, lur the pimhnte ot the t w if t r W
Sec. No 18 and n w '( n e '.( and r H n w J
nl trCIInn No. ig In townthlp No. 10 toulh, range
No ft I.WM, and will niter pinul lo thow that the
land tought It inoir valuallr tor lit limber or tlone
than lor agtltiillural purpotet, and to rtlablith her
claim In tald land belore Chat. II. Chance. U.S.
Coinmlttliiiirr, al Sumplrr, Oregon, on 1 lift Jay, the
flh dav nl December, loof
She namet at wllnettet. Mar thai k loung,
Roy Chlllendnn, Allied II. Ilunilnglun and Lewlt A.
Albre, all ol Whline), Oregon.
Anv and all prrtont claiming advertrly the above
detcrlbed landt are requetted In tile llielr ilalmt In
Ihlt otlite on or belore taid 8th day ol December.
"' E. W. llAWUIIT. Regltter.
United Slalrt I and Oltice.
la Grande, Ore.. S-pl. is. iuoi, (
Nullce It heteby given that In compliance with the
ptovitlont ol the acl of congrett ot June 1, lll, en
titled "An act for the tale of limber landt inlheatatee
ol California, Oregon, Nevada an I Wathlngton Ter
ritory," at extended to all Ihe Public Und ttatet by
acl of Augutt 4,l8oi,
it Dutkee. countv of Maker, ttate of Oregon, hat
thlt day Med In thlt ottice hit tworn ttalemenl No.
t1?4 lot the purchate ol the 1 li 1 li. !( 1
V and t w V t e ( ol section No. to In
lownthlp No. iu Miulti, range No. irLWM. and will
ottrr proof to thow that the land tought In more val
uable tor lit Umber or ttone than lor agricultural
purpotet, and 10 ettabllsh hit claim to taid land be
lore Lhat. II. Chance, U. S. commlttloner, at
Sumplrr, Oregon, on luetday, Ihe Bill day ol
Detrmbet. oo.
He namet at wllnettet: Van Renntelaer Mead,
Ralph Mrad, l.ugene A. Cate, and John II. h) el, alt
u Sumplrl, Oregon.
An and all pertont claiming advertelv Ihe above
diacrlbed lindt are lequetted lo hie Ihelr clalmt In
ihlt ultite i'ii or betore tald Blh da of Dec, iwo.
L. W. lUuill'tt. Regltler.
United Sutet land olnce,
la Giande, Oregon, Sept, u, 111 1. 1
Nuilce It hrrrby glten that In tomplUiue with the
prut It Unit ot the act ot Conetett ot June I, I87B. en
titled "An ail lor the tale ot limber Undt In the
tlatet ol Calitotnla, oiegon, Netada, and Wathlng
ton lrirltor' at extended to all the Public Land
Stalrt b acl ol Augutl 4, IM.
ul Sumpier. countt ot lUkri. tlate ol Oiegon, hat
Ihlt day tiled In Ihlt oltue hit tworn ttalemenl Mi.
Wt, M Hie purchate ol Hie e It t w ),, t e l
nw ' and lot 1 ol tectum No. In tuwnthlp
Nik 10 toulh, tange No. t E W M. and will
oiler pitHil lo thow that the tanj tought It mote1
taluable lot lit limber or ttone than lor agricultural
turpotrt, and lo ettabllth hit claim 10 tald land belote
hat. II. Chance. U. S. Commlttlonrr, al Sumpier,
Oregon, on luetdat, Ihe bill dav ol DrCember. iom,
Mr namet at wllnettet: Van Renntelaer .Mead,
Nlcholat lallalero,,Chetter A. Pray, and Jamet W.
Low, all ol Sumpier, Orrgon.
Any and all peitont tlaimlngadtettrl) the abote
drtctlbed landt ale tequettrd lo tile thrlt tlaimt In
thlt ufhee on or belote tald 8th day ol Dec, ivo.
f, W. IIAWIUT Regltter.
United Statet Land Office.
La GranJe, O egon
Sent. 1. toot,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provlilont of the act of congrett ot June j. I878, en
titled "An act for the tale of limber land In the ttatet
of California Oregon Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory," it extended to all the Public Land tlatet by
act ol Augutl 4, I891,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, ttate of Oregon,
hat thlt day filed In thlt olfice her tworn ttalemenl
No. 1 86; for the purchate of the (Hirf Sec. 4
and w H w X of taction No. ). In lownthlp No
to touth, range No. 18 BW M, and will offer proof
to thow that Ih land tought It mora valu
able lor lit timber or ttone than for agricultural
purpotet, and to ettabllth her claim to tald land
before Chat. II. Chance, U. S Commlttloner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuetday, the 81 h day of De
cember, tool
She namet at wllnettet' Van Renntelaer Mead.
Chetter A. Pray, Nkholas Tallafero, and Nina Bell,
all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above
detcrlbed landt are requeued to hie their clalmt In
thlt olfice on or before tald Bih dav of Dec. ioui.
fa, 'V, Bartlbtt. Regltttr,
United Statet Land office, I
La Grande, Oiegon, Sept. n. iooj.
Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with the
provlilont nl the acl of Congrett of June 1. 1878,
entitled "An act for the tale ot limber landt In the
ttalrt of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng
ton Territory," at extrnded lo all the Public Land
tlatet by act ol Augutt 4, ').
of Sumpter, county of Maker, tlale of Oregon,
hat Ihlt dav filed In Ihlt office her tworn ttale
menl No, M6, for lit purchate , ol the n w Js
of Sec No, 10, In Tp. No. 10 toulh. range No. 18
L W M.and wlllollir prool to thow thai the land
tought It more valuable tor lit timber or tlone than
for agricultural purpotet, and to ettabllth her claim
lo tald land before Chat. II. Chance, U S commlt
tloner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuetday, Ihe8lhday
of December, igoj.
She namet at wllnettet: Van Renntelaer Mead,
Chetter A. Pray, Nlcholat Tallafero, and May
Wright, all of Su 1 pier, Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above
detcrlbed landt are requetted to file Ihelr clalmt In
thlt oltice on or before tald 8ih day of December,
E. W. IIarhbtt. Regltler.
TIMHEIl I.Atfl), ACT JUNK 3, 1878.
United Stales Land Olfice,
I a (irande, Oregon, Sept. it, iqo.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provltlont ot the acl ol congrett of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act lor Ihe tale ot limber landt In Ihe ttatet
ot Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
illoty," at extended lo all Ihe Public Land tlatet by
acl ol Augutl 4. I8u,
of Sumpier, county ot Maker, ttate ol Oregon, hat
Ihlt dav filed In thlt ottice her tworn ttalemenl No.
1864, lor Hie purchate ot the t ) j 11 e if and loit 1
and a ol tecflon No. 1 In limnthlp No. 10 touth,
range No. 8 I WM, and will oiler proof lo thow that
the land tought It more valuable for lit limber or
tlone than lor agricultural purpotet, and to ettab
llth her claim lo tald land before Chat. H. Chance,
II. S. commlttloner al Sumpier, Oregon, on Tuet
dav, Ihe Bill day of December, ioo.
She namet at wllnettet: Van Renntelaer Mead,
Chetter A. Pray, Nlchol4t Tallalero and Alice Love,
all ol Sumpter. Orrgon.
Anv and all pertont claiming advertely the above
drtctlbed landt are resetted 10 tile Ihelr clalmt In
Ihlt ottice on or belore tald 8th dav ot Dec, looi-
E. W. llAMTUTT. Regltler.
United Stalet Land office, )
La Grande. Oregon,
Sepl. v, ioi. 1
Notice It hereby given lhat In compliance with the
provltlont ot the act ol congiett ol June 1, ilrl. en
titled "An act for Ihe tale ol Umber landt In the tlalet
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory," at ealended to all the Public Land tlatet by
act ot Augutt 4. iM.
of Sumplrr. county ol Baker, ttate of Oregon, hat
thlt dav filed In thlt office hit twoin ttalemenl No,
i8l lor Ihe pun hate of Ihe Soulhwett x
ot Section No.' 1 In Towntblp No. 10 South
Range No.:4f-BWM, and will offer prool to thow
lhat ihe land tought It more taluable for lit Umber or
ttone than lor agricultural purpotet. and to ettabllth
hit claim 10 tald land betore Charlet H. Chance. U.
S. commlttloner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on Ftl
dav, the tith day of November, ioi.
He nan et at wllnettet: Van Renntelaer Mrad,
Chetter A. Pray, Ira W Patton and Nlcholat Tall
alero, all of Sumpter. Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above
detenbed landt are legueitcd 10 file their clalmt In
Ihlt office on or betore tald tith dav of Nov., 1001.
E. W. IIAHIUTT. Regltter.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878 noticb for
United Statet Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon, Sept it, io.
Notice It heteby glten lhat In compliance with tht
ptotltlont ot the acl ot congrett of June 1, 1878. en
ml.. j "An act lor ihe tale ot limber landt In the tlatet
ol Callloinla, Oregon, Netada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory." at extended lo all the Public Land ttatet by
aciol Augutt 4. i8o.
ol Sumpier, county ol Maker, ttate ol Oregon, hat
thlt da hied In thlt olhce her tworn ttalemenl No.
80, for the purchate of the t e H ol
Section No. In Townthlp No. 10 South, Range
No. it I' w M,and will otter proof lo thow lhat Ihe
land tought It more taluable lor lit limber or ttone
than tor agilcultural purpotet. and to ettalith her
Claim to tald land belore Charlet II. Chance. U. S.
commlttloner. at Sumpier Oregon, on Tuetday
Hie 8H1 day of December, ivi.
She namet at wllnettet: Van Renntelaer Mead,
Chetier A. Pra, NUholat Tallalero and Clara Win
Hug, all 01 Sumpier. Oregon.
Aay and all pertont claiming adtertely Ihe above
detctlbed landt ate lequetted to hie their clalmt In
ihlt ollue on or belote tald 8th dav ot Dec 1001.
E. W. Baututt. Regltter.
United Statet Land OfBce, i
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. iooj. I
Notice It hereby (Iven that In compliance with tht
provltlont of tht id of congrett of Junt i, 1B78, en
titled "An act for the tale of timber landt In the ttatet
of California, Oregon, Nevtda and Wathlngton Ter
ritory," at extended lo all tht Public Land States by
act ol Augusta, 1841,
of Sumpier. county of Baker, ttate of Oregon.
has this day filed In this office hit sworn statement
No. (84, for ihe purchase of tht seK twJC, wH t e
1-4 and n t 1-4 teX of section No 18, In town
ship No. it S., range No. jr. E, W M, and will
offer proof to show that tht land tought It
more valuable lor Hi Umber or ttone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
lo said land before Chat. H. Chance, U, S. com
mlttloner, it Sumpier. Oregon, on Tuesday, ihi
14 h day of November, tool.
He names as wllnettet: William A. Green, Ralph
Mead, George W, While and Jamet II. Conners, all
ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested 10 file their claims In
this office on or before said tth dav of Nov., 1001.
E. W. Babtlbtt. Regltler.
United Statet Land Office, I
Li Gnnde, Oregon, Sept. 5. 1001. 1
Notice It hereby given thlt In compliance with Ihe
provltlont of Ihe act of congrett of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An id for Ihe sale ofllmber lands In Ihe states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory," as extended lo all the Public Land ttatet by
act of Augutt 4, 1891,
of Baker City, county ol Baker, ttale of Oregon, hat
thlt day filed In Ihlt office hit tworn ttalemenl No.
a MT for the purchase of the iH iwtf of Sec No.
In townthlp No. 10 touth, range No. 16 E W
M. and will offer proof to thow that the land
tought It more valuable for Its limber or stone than
for agricultural purpotet, and to establish hit claim to
tald Tend before A. B. Combs Jr., County Clerk,
at Maker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 4th day
of November, ioo.
He names as witnesses: Joseph A. Weil, Grant
Geddet and John H. Ecclet, Jr . of Baker City, Ore
gon; Ray II. Wett, of Logan, Utah.
Any and alt pertont claiming adversely Ihe above
detcrlbed landt are requetted to file their clalmt In
thlt office on or before ttld 14th day of Nov., iqo.
E. W. Bartlbtt. Register.
United Stalrt Land Office, I
La Grande, Orrgon. September j, 1001. (
Notice it hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provltlont ol Ihe act of congrett of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act for the sale ofllmber lands In Ihe statet
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory." at extended to all tht Public Land states by
act ot Augutl 4 l8o,
of Maker Cltv, county of Baker, tlate of Oregon, hat
Ihlt Jay hied n Ihlt oltice hit tworn ttalemenl No.
18 S, for Ihe purchate of the 1 e X. of
tecnon no. 11 in towntnip no. 10 toulh, range No.
lo Lwffi, ana win tmer rroor 10 mow mat tne lanj
tought It more valuable for Its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purpotes. and to ettabllth his claim
lo tald land before A. II. Combs, Jr., County Clerk,
at Maker Cltv, Oregon, on TuesJay, the 34th
Jav of November, 1001.
He names as wllnettet: Joseph A. Wett. Grant
GeJdet and Jamet R, Smuithwalte, ol Baker City.
Orrgen: Rav B Wett, of Logan, Utah.
Any and all pertont claiming advertely Ihe above
detctlbed landt are resetted 10 hie their claims In
thlt ofhee on or before tald 4th dav of Nov., 1001.
E. W. Bartlbtt. Regltter.
Untied States Land Office,
La Grande. Oregon, Se 1. s. 100 1. 1
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provision! ol tht acl of Congress of June 1, 1I7I, en
titled "An acl for Ihe salt ol timber lands In tht ttalet
ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory." it extended 10 ill Public Und states by act
of August 4, 8, ,
ol Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, hat
thlt day hied In thlt office hit tworn ttalemenl No.
1841. for Ihe purchase of Lots 1 and 4. seclon to, and
Lots 1 and 1 ot section No i tp No, it south range
No it E W M, and will offer piool to show
that Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber
or -stone than for agricultural purpotet, and to
establish his claim to said land before Chas. H.
Chance. U S Commissioner it Sumpier, Oregon, on
TunJay the day of November. 1901.
He names is witnesses: William A Green, Ralph
Meid. James H Connert and George IV Smith, il
ol Sumpter, Oiegon.
Any ind ill persons claiming adversely the above
detctlbed lands art requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore said aalh day of Nov, ioo(.
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
United Statu Land Office. j
.. . .La Gr aide. Oregon, Sept. 1, tooe. (
Notice Is hereby given lhat In compliance with Ihe
provltlont of the id ot Congrets ot June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for Ihe sale ot Umber lands In the
Statet of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlng
ton Territory ,' as extended to all Ihe Public Und
statet by act ol Augutt 4, tBge,
ot Sumpter. countv ot Baker, ttate ot Oregon, has this
day hied In this office his sworn ttalemenl No. 9841
tor the purchate ot the teV nw' 1-4 tw 1-4, Lot
I and n w 1-4 s e 1-4 ot section No 10 in townthlp
No. 11 toulh, range No. 17 E WM .and will oflrr
proof lo thow lhat ihe land tought It more valu
able tor lit limber or tlone than tor agricultural
purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald land
betore Chat. II. Chance, U. S. commlttloner. at
Sumplrr, Oiegon, on Tuetday, the 4th day ol
November, io.
He namet at wllnettet: William A. Green, Ralph
Mead, George W. White and George F. Smith, all
ot Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advertely the abote
detcrlbed landt are requetted to hie their claims In
ihlt office on or betore taid 4th day ot November,
E. W. Baruitt, Regltter.
, Unltef States Land Office, I
La Grande. Oregon, September 1. lost.
Notice It hereby given thit In compliance with tht
provisions of Ihe act of congress of June i, 1878. en
titled "An act for the sale ofllmber lands In Ihe ttatet
ol California. Oregon. Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory." it extended to all the Public Land ttatet by
act of Augutt 4. tSoa,
of 'Sumpter, county of Baker, ttale of Oregon, hat
a.i A at -J l a 1.1- .l.. kin . at at mains) Mat.
inn aay nicu in 1110 untie m iwvm ... t i-w.
98m for the purchase of then ein wt-4&n w 14
nei-4 tec 97 & iw i-i of leftlon No. tain town-
snip NO. 10 town, range 10. it enm aim win unci
- . .1. at. -a it,. I. J ...t.a Ik wtnea until ekhtak.
for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
-. .-..ktli. kl. al.liH .a aM lwtA hmtnrm Chaa.
H. Chance, U. S. Commlttloner. al Sumpter, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the ijth dav of November, igoi.
ne names at wiincttct: van icinirtaei !
Ralph Mead. John U. hryer, and John vVilson, all ot
aumpier, t-rregun. ....
a - J II a. .a. a a. ! ail al I aal lie. a al At aetalU Ih A tl KtlfaBa.
nny anvi an pviun vinhukik ! . -
J --IB.-J la.J. at .a. aAMtaa. H Ala fhallt alal1l Ifl
this office on or before salJ nth day of Nov., ioo.
C Xf DlBTI Bf-T Datlilaii
a, Un-e.IR.lal L.lte
United States Land Office, I
Li Gnnde, Oregon, Aug. 14, ioo.
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with tht
provisions of Ihe act of congress of Jire i, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ofllmber lands in Ihe states
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, is extendedto ill the Public Land stiles by
act ol August 4, ,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, stite of Oregon,
his this diy filed In this office his sworn stitement
No. 8o6, for the purchate ol Ihe neK ntH of sec.
8 and seX ind setf nej of section No. j.
In township No. 11 south, range No 7 EWM, ind
will offer prool to show thit the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agr'cultural
fiurpotes, and to ettabllth hit claim to said land be
ore Chas. II. chance. U. S. Commissioner at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the sth day of
November, 100.
He names as wllnettet: William A, Green, David
S. Clarx, Augutta J. Denny and Andrew J. Denny,
all ol Sumpier, Orrgon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the ibove
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said tlh dav of Nov., 100 1,
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
United Statet Und Office,
U Gnnde, Oregon, Aug. 7. loot. (
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of Junt 1. I878, en
titled "An act for the sale of limber lands In the ttates-
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to an tne rubiic una antes by
act ot August 4. 180a,
of Sumpter. county of Baker, stale of Oregon, has.
this Jay hied In this oflice his sworn statement No.
j8k, for the purchase of the tii neK. and nwlf
neW and n e i-a n w 1-4 of section No 18. In townth Id
No. 10 touth, range No. it B W M, and will offer
proof to thow lhat the land tought Is more valu
able for Its limber or stone than for agricultural
fiurposes. and lo ettabllth his claim to said land be
ore Charles H. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at
Sumpier, Oregon, on Friday, the i)th day of
November, iooj.
He names at wltnettes:!RVan Rentelaer Mead,
Michael Lynch, Ralph Mead and Isaac Williamson,
ill ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any ind ill persons claiming adversely tht above
detcrlbed landt are requetted to file their clalmt In
thlt office on or before said jih day of Nov., 1001.
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register
United Statet Und Office, j
U Grande, Oregon, Sept. j. 1001.I
Notlct Is htrtby given thatln compliance with the
provisions ot tht act of congrett of June 1. 1878, en
tilled "An id for tht sale ottlraber lands In the suits,
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
ritory," at extended to ill tht Public Und ttatet by
act of August 4. 1801,
of Login, county of Cache, statt of Utah, hit
this day filed In Ihlt offict hit tworn ttalemenl No.
s8iq, for tht purchase of tht eH twjt & Lots 1 &
of section No. it In township No. 10 tou, ringe
No. 6 EWM, ind will offer proof to show thlt the
land sought It mort viluiblt lor lit limber or tiont
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim to said land before A. B. Combs, Jr , County
Clerk, at Baker City, Oregon, on Tuttdiy, thettth
div of November. 1901. . ... -
He namet it wltnettet: Joseph A. West, Grant
Geddes. Jamet R. Smunhwalte and John H. Ecclet.
Jr.. ill ot Biker City, Oregon.
Any ind ill pertont claiming idvtrstly Ihi ibove
descrlbed landt art requetted to file their claims In
this office on or belore tald 14th day of Nov., 1901.
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
TIMBER UND, ACT- JUNE!). i8t.-notici FO
United Slates Und Office,
U Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5, iuoj. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provltlont of Ihe act of congress of June j. 1878. en
titled "An act for the sate ol timber lands in the states
ot California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended lo all the Public Und states by
acl of Augutt 4, i8o.J
of Spoken, county ot Spokane, state of Wathlngton.
has this day hied In this office her sworn statement
so. 1840, tor the purchate ot the e!i neK sec. 7 and
twt nw! of section No. 8 in lownthlp No. 10 south,
range No. j tw M. and will offer proof to show that
theland sought It more valuable for lit timber or
ttone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to tald land betore Chat. H. Chance, U.
S. Commlttlonrr, at Sumpter, Oiegon, on Tuesday ,.
the S4U1 day of November, 1001.
Sell namet at wllnettet: William H. Mead, ol
Spokane. Wathlngton; Burton Miller, Leonard J.
Sims anJ Samuel Rithel. ot Whitney, Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advertely the above
described lands are requetted to Me their claims In
thl Joffice on or before said 14th day ot Nov., iooj.
E. W, Bahtibtt, Register.