THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, October 28. 1903 CLAIRVOYANT PUT HIM NEXT. Miner Makes Rich Discov ery From Instructions of Second Sight. A. K. Daguuy in in pohhohhIoii of a ploco (if quartz which Ih nliuoHt half gold. Vxt rich Htulf Ih reported to have 001110 from a myatorlotiH find in thn John Day country, tho piirtlniilurM of which hh ho learned thuin from thn locator, Mr. Dagany wiih willing to divulge, hut tho name of tint dlmiovoror who gave him tlio rich rock, hn will not thu uutil tlio locution Ih properly made, iluro Ih tint Htory aa Mr. Dagany tolla it: "Last Augunt a curtain nilnur, who wiih Hoiiiiiwlmt down in luck, and wIiohii name 1 am not at liberty to mention, went to a clairvoyant hav ing rooniH at tho Colorado hoiian. Tho clairvoyant told him that if ho would travel Houth or aouthwuht, ho would not have to ko vory far boforo ho would mako a rich llud. For a time tho minor (Unregarded tho liiHtrautiou, and wont to work for a Uahlo Uovo company. Hut tho niattor weighed on bin mind, and tlually, Hoinii tltno In September, ho Jumped hla joli and lit out for tho John Day country. Arriving thoro without Hcrip and an hungered, ho Joined hlniHolf to a ranchman of that country, who wiih building a stone Iioiiho. In addition to hla other iiccompllHhmiitilH our minor was ii stone miiHiui, ami wiih willing to lend u hand to thlH work for a cniiHidora tlon. Hut ho wiih (UhhuIIhIIimI. There wiih tMimothiug that beckoned him on. Ho looked at the Hiirroumllug iiiniiutiiliiH and Duty called him. It wiih a noil of "call ol tint wild," which llllnd lit n with a yearning hla mini could not rcHiMt. Tim wohIh of tho of the clairvoyant rang In IiIh arH. He cnuldu'l stand it any longer, ho again Jumping IiIh Job ho hit the trail In (he direction of tho mountain which noemed to beckon him iiiomI. Nor waa ho kiiiiii long lnforo he Htruck It rich. After a few days of prospecting he nettled on a lodge from which hi)' took over $1, OKU wortlj of tho yellow metal. Carefully .covering, up tho shallow hole he hail dug hoi brought a valise .operations, of hla cotnpapy.upder the, management of T. J. Urler aro tho wonder of all mining men. The roHiiltH of tho year foot up a total of $1,02,042.04, which is fully a, quartor of a million dollars over that of tho provioua year. Owing to in- j creasing tho aurpliiH on band and tbei addition of now plants and equip-! mont dlvidouda foil oir from 81,200, 000 in 1002 to 8810,000 for 1003 Super lutoudout Urlor'a report will bo found on another, pugo. Mining World. . ,' FROM WATER HE YANKS YELLOW. rich uartr. trnok to Bump arrived ' hurt) Friday ami hia troa'nuru in one of tho rom him 1 got tho piece I ami tho rent of it full of the ter. Ho deposited banks. I have shown you wan equally rich. "Armed with location blanks, tho miner left Sunday to make tho ueccHHary legal locatlou on bU claim and to bring back hoiiio more of tho rich ore. All I loarmi In regard to the locatoiu of tho llud wiih tho somuwhat Indefinite Htatemeut that It wiih iu the John Duy reglou. Hut that the miner did striko It rich somewhere, there can be no doubt, since ho brought buck ample proof." Homcstdkc's Annual Report. Thu hint report of thu Homeotiike Mining company, covering operatloiiH of gthatreat Houth Dakota company for the yeur ending June 1, lttOII, haa JiiHt been made public. The aplonilld V. W. McLcren, proprietor of the Wilholt mluoral springs at Wilholt, ClackamiiH county, was boro yeatreday on ouo of tho niOHt etartllngly HtupundouH projecta over hoard of iu connection with tho extraction of gold iu Eastern Oregon. IUh schomo Ih to preclpitato tho gold hold in Holutiou by oridnory wator, and bo aiiya ho haa proved ita feasibility buyoud tho remotest shudow of doubt. Mr. MoLorou has boon working on tho procuHH for a long time, and he hii.vh It. haa now paasod tho ox porlmoutal etago with every poaalbillty of failure precluded. Tho soorot houiiib to Jlo iu tho precipitant, while tho device for handling tho water appears to be of minor Importance. It la understood that it patent waa denied by tho govern ment on the Homowhut indelluito gruundH that It would conflict with the United HtiitoHinlntH. Thia point, howevur, la not very clear, but Mr. McLerun suys ho Ih milking another elTort and thinkH ho will secure a patent within a cuuplo of wooak. Tho coat of extraction of tho gold held Iu solution by ordinary sea water ia four ceuta u ton. while tho viiIiii'm run from forty to eighty cuiiIh for t IiIh amount of water. Hut water iu the vicinity of gold bcarnig ledges carry a much greutur quantity of thu yellow miilal iu solution and t IiIh iiccouuIh for AicKercirrt presence in the camp. Home time ago It suoma, a friend of IiIh scuurcd u bottle of water from tho abaft of the (lolduti Wizard, and took it to him for treatment. The water proved to bo very rich iu gold, though on dellnlte pur cent which It curries Jh atuted; but it goes away beyond sea water, and it la Under stood that tho purpoao la to put In a plant to handle thin water and extract tho gold t herefrom. Tho amount involved iu tho couatructlou of buildings or nocoaaary appurteu aucea, in not known, or la it oven very delluito what those samo necessary appurtouaucoa aro. The statements are vory positive however, that thoy will yank the yellow trout nature's owu bovcrago, and that ovory spring that bubbles from the bowels of tho Hluo mountulus ia a vuritablo bouauza. Mr. McLoren, tho Inventor of tho proceoa Ih u lauded proprietor and a substantial citizen, owning tho famouH Wilholt minora! aprluga and sundry acres aurroundiug. Thu water percolating through the (ioldeu Wizard ledge la, it ia stated, peculiarly adapted to prolltablo t outment, owing to the fact thut much of the ledgo matter is do-, composed quartz ami porphyry thus giving free action to thn water. Hut any water carries a per cent of gold in dilution to justify treatment, according to the Inventor. Ji 4 "V c- ' , - W "MH PJ-l J ", II n' The Investors ." Magazine..., Is a publication devoted to the mining interests of "the" Northwest, and is published on the 15th of each month.' It contains articles that investors appreciate; and in every way is valuable to an investor. Three Months Free We want every reader of this paper to receive it regularly, and, believing that you will find it of interest, we will gladly send it free for three months, beginning with the November 1 5th issue. Fill out coupon and mail in at once to the Inves tors' Magazine, Spokane, Wash. Name Street City ;.... State '. " '. !. (MT OF SUMPTER ' Capital Stock " - $25,000 Surplus, $500 OFFICERS J. B. STODDARD, .- B Rrsslrisnt CD. Wi MUELLER, Vlos-Prsshlsnt R. H. MILLER ... Cashier H.8. DURGAN - . Assistant Cashier Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business OREGON SMELTING AND REFINING COMPANY ' BUYERS OF GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER ORES, CON CENTRATES, PLACER GOLD, BULLION AND AMALGAM Sumpter, Oregon