The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 28, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, October 28, 1903
The Sumpter Miner
Entered it the potlofllce In Sumpter. Oregon, lor
Itinimlnlun through the mll leconl clati
One Ver fi.uo
Six Month i.i)
Tim easiest thing In UiIh world to
do Ih to ttmr down, destroy, knock.
To Itlll III Up, Crolltll, llOOHt SIICCOHH-
fully required hraiiiH mid work.
Dnwio Ih having calamity bunded
out to him in chunks. Now tluit IiIh
oiirrlagit has I1111111 Hiiized for dolit,
It iniiHt hit 11 consolation for lii 111 to
know Hint liu Iiiih a (lory chariot to
full back iiion
After tlm poHtofllco department Ih
cleared of 11m lioodlnrri iintl thoy urn
liiiitltid in tlio pun. Attorney (lonoral
Knox hIiouM o run ni 7.0 it lioiird of
tnuutnl oxporlH, Including at least
0110 nowHpupor limn, mill rid tho do
piirtiuotil of Its Irredeemable idlotH,
liy sontouolug tliiim to tint hug lioiiMii.
A chink liy tlm name of Ah Loo
rnkotl in 0,700 tho othor uiKht from
tho whiitil in 11 Hoiithorn Culiforiilu
mining oninp, without 11 change of ox
iroHHlon. Mr. Loo evidently Iiiih IiIh
nyattim woll iiorfootod. May Im ho
got 11 tip from A. Hiu who did Hill
Nye mid Hint llurto In that iiiomor
11I1I0 gaum of oiiohro.
In tho current number of Mo
(Jluro'H iiiiiguitin Ih iiii nrliido on
Labor OigmiiiitiniiH us tho Trusts'
Now Tool; in which it Ih clearly
shown Unit tho blackmailing lulior
Iiohhoh in Now ork, two m, tliroo of
whom Imvo been I'liuvioti'd and aro
serving toriiiH in Hing Slug, wore
working in (ho interest of tho big
building trust, and on IIh pity roll.
TIiIh triiHt Iiiih had no lulior tiouliloH
to I'ouloiid with, whilo Hh compet
itors Imvo lionii annoyed mid black
iiiallod for eight months punt. Tho
ill nudum of tho trust iiro among tho
iiiohI proiiiiuout capitalists In tho
world. An 1 such Ih tho commercial
morality of tho llniinciiil ImroiiH.
In view ot certain oxporimontH
with radium at tho Pasteur Institute
lu Paris, It would seem within tho
bounds of reasonable speculation
that this now motal may in time sup
ply the virtuoH of a somewhat fanci
ful hiuI long nought elixir of llfo.
Itadical radium treatment appears to
have a decidedly fatal olfeot upon
smaller huIiiiiiIh, whllo an attenuated
treatment itiHtoiid of bilugliig about
fatal results, seems not only to in
duco a hoiilthfiil
condition but to J
prolong life. For Instance rats and
mice subjected to tho radical treat
ment in a few days lout their hair,
Inter went blind and Dually died,
whllo under the attenuated tieatineiit,
which is to say exposed to nullum
for a shorter time or radium of a
lower intensity, appealed to thrive
mid wax fat. A notable Instance in
point, at tho I'axteiir Institute cou-
si a ted lu exposing the larvae of little
worms that live In flour to the In
fluence of radium, as related by
Cleveland Moffett In the November
number of McCluro'H, lu whloh in
stance it had the effect of arresting
organic development and oxtendiug
tho llfo of tho lorvBO as such, long
after thoir follows of contemporaneous
birth had puHHed away as aged moths.
Of tho several lartao on which the
experiment was tried, ono lived with
out change of form for a period of
four mouths, a Hpuu of lifo threo
times tho length of that accorded his
follows. It Ih very much tho same,
It Ih cited, as if a young man of
twonty-ono should keep tho appear
anco of this ago for two hundred and
fifty ynarH. If tho offect of this
metal upon lowor orguulo forniB
under certain couditiotiH Is to pro
long llfo docs It not Boom possiblo
that It might bo applied to hlghor
forms with tho same effect?
Again, in vlow of tho romarkahlo
modification of species produced by
radium in tho biological laboratories
at Horhouiio, iIoch It not appear prob
able that traces of UiIh wonderful
motal held in solution by prohlstor
io ocean hIIuioh, wrought very
marked changoH in tho lowor forms
of organic llfo, producing deviations
from tho original typo, or may bo
focundating tho dead and inert
protoplasm, and accounting of
organic llfo ItHolff Tho recent
oxporimontH show that tadpoloH at tho
period of triiiiHition, in tho prosonco
of radium aro changed into abuormiil
dovlatloiiH from tho original type, or
Into "monstors" as thoy Imvo beou
tormod. Similar roHults Imvo boon
obtained from uxporiiiionts with tho
eggs of toud.4 air.l son urchins, and
ovou tho growth of unfucuudated
eggs of tho soa urchin, which
Professor Looh producod with sallno
solutions, has boon accomplitdied
with radium. If Darwin were on
oiirth. thlH would alford him a
prolllablo field for iuvonvtlgatiou
coiii'oruing tho origin of species,
and oven the origin of lifo Itself.
What Sixty-Cent Silver Means.
If Hllviriiiotutiou8 remain at 00 '...
cents, It will inciin an increase of
nearly 9100,000 per month to tho
mine owners of tho Coour iI'AIoiioh
lu Idaho over prices received last
yeai. Last year tho Cuour d'Alonos
produced 5,527,132 oiiucch of Hilvor.
Silver during 1002 was quoted as
low iih I" ?h cents, which was lu
December, whllo the highoMt average
monthly quotation wiih in Fobruury,
llfty-llvo ceutH. During 1002 tho
avorago price roceivod by tho miuo
owuors from the smelters was about
tflfty cents. Tho total amount rcalizod,
horoforo, on tho gross output at
llfty cents was 92,703,500, or 9230,
000 per mouth. With silver at COS'
cents an ounce, If tho quotation
romaiua coustant, it can be easily
seen what a financial harvest the
initio owners of tho district will reap
each mouth. Mining World.
Fortune Company to Order Machinery
Dr. It. N. ilacksou, of Spokane,
president of the Fortune Mining and
Smelting company, Dr. S. II. Murphy,
of Itochcstcr, Now ork, Dr. 11. W.
l'nrk, of MluueiipiiliH and F. Haeko
mryrr, of Klmwonil, Nebraska, stock
holders in tho company, p-isscd
through tho city this afternoon
en route to Denver, to order machinery
for a mill to lie placed on the lied
Lion at ouco. The company nlio
t'outcmpliitcri placing a mill on the
Humboldt in the near future.
A mlstakou impression pro vails
hereabouts regarding the status of
tho Sutnptor-Dourno right of way.
It has been rumored around that tho
Killen, Warner, Stewart company had
forfeited its boud on the half
iotorost hold by the late Thomas
MoEwen, because of failure to pay
certain moneys when due.
Such aro not tho facts. Questioned
regarding the mattor this forenoon
by a Miuor represontatvio, D. L.
Killen said: "When you asked mo
regarding this roport a week ago, I
told you that all tho money bad boon
paid . Hero aro tho proofs of my
Thou Mr. Klllou produced tho
original option, slgnod October 23,
1002, calling for tho payment of
91500 within fifteen days, lu addi
tion to tho 9500 thou in escrow,
which this coutract released, tho
chock in payment for which was
dated Soptombor 13. This check tho
Miuer was shown; another for 81150,
dated November 0, ono day boforo
tho paymout was duo, and another
for 9000, dated November 8, ono
day atfor tho full paymont was duo.
Mr. Killen stated in explanation
that 9250 of tho last named check
went to II. L. McLaln for an option
ou his quarter interest in tho
francihso, whloh ho also secured
through Mr. MoEwen, as Mr. Mo
Lulu's attoruoy lu fact. He also has
this power of attoruoy. Tho remain
lug amouut duo Mr. MoLaiu was
never paid, aud tho boud expired in
July of this year. Tho other 9350
of tho 9l'00 check completed tho
payment of tho 91500 duo Tom Mo
Hwou. Unfortunately, t hero bus been souio
bitterness ougendcod regarding this
matter, owing to unfounded street
rumors and tho ill-advised publica
tion in tho Morning ltoporter of
articles attacking Hela Kadish directly
aud D. L. Killen indirectly, intimat
ing that ho had never paid Tom
McKwon what ho owed him. Wheth
er or not these articles wcro in
spired; whether or not that Inspira
tion was drawn from tho money that
that paper boasted it know was not
counterfeit, it would be profitless to
discuss. One thing is certain, some
damage has lu this way been done.
Tho Miner hopes that it is not
Tho situation Is liko this, llola
Kaldsh controls a half iuterest in
tho right of way. Anthony Mobr
and his associates control the other
half, having tied up the quarter each
of Messrs. Phllpbrlck and McLaln.
It would seem to be good business
sense for these two contending In
terests to meet amicably and endeavor
to sottlo their differences, unite ou
the enterprise and build the road
without farthor sparring for points.
A scrap at this time will dofeat
tho enterprise, aud the road is what
this towu wants, presumably also,
tho peoplo who aro promoting It.
Siuco writing tho above, Soymour
II. Hell has shown in tho office of
The Miner a bill of salo from II. L.
McLaln to the Sumpter Lumber com
pany for Ids quarter iuterest in the
right of way; consideration, 91,000.
This puts the proposition in a still
diirereut shape.
1 tn t lil that rotid aud start the work
That Sumpter-llourno railroad
enterprise is rapidly degenerating
Into farce, a game of childish horse
play. The latest development, about
noon today, was the alleged transfer
of the Phllbrick quarter interest in
tbo right of way to Al tieieer. The
purpose of this move is obvious and
comment is unnecessary.
Two years ago Seymour Bell started
in to promote this road, and with
tbo aid of tho county commissioners
demonstrated that this right of way,
over which all the present contest Is
being waged, was not absolutely
necessary, that It Is not tbo In
dispensible key to the situation.
At that time tho money could not
bo raised. Now three different
syndicates claim to have funds
available for the purposo aud, from
tho best Information tho Miner can
obtain, none of them aro dealing out
hot air. The ono tbat starts wrok
first will win popular approval, which
Is a desirable asset as things stand
now; for valuablo franchises are yet
to bo granted by the City of Sumpter.
If Henry Hewitt takes a notion to
build that road, he will do it and
ignore a doen opposition rights of
way, fight tho thing out in tho courts
aftor ho has bis road in oporaiton.
That is his way of doing business.
Tho only sensiblo courso for tho
opposing factions to pursue is to get
together, treat each othor right and
build tho road jointly, harmoulously.
Tbero is no disposition on tho part
of Messrs. Killen, Doll or Mobr to
bold anybody up. They aro all
acting in good faith aud thoro ought
not to bo auy insurmountable
difficulties in the way of these threo
representatives of soveral interests
an agreement.
Ooneral J. L. Weaver has returned,
from New York, where he went some
weeks ago with 510 ounces of amalgam
secured from his uow gold machino
started on tho Suako river, near
Cirandviow. Tho general submits
results of the analysis of tho amalgam,
which show startling figures. Tho
llgures below iudicnto tho follow
ing saving per yard of gravel put
through the machine: (Sold, 983.5;
silver, 913.0; platinum and pallaldum
914.03. Total per yard9, 24.58.
(u additiou tho machino saves black
sand concentrating 100 to ono. This
black and assayed 9454.75 in gold
aud 9210 platinum.
Cleneral Weaver announces that he
baa organized a largo company to
manufacture machines and to work
gravel. It takes over 20,000 acres
of ground in this state, on which he
secured an option. He says flvo
machlnos aro to be put upon the
market at Snake river. Tho machine
works on the prlnolple of forcing ,
sand against amalgam plates, tho
gold having a hundredopportunltiesto
come in contact with tho quiok
silver.. Press Dispatch from Boise.
Hon. C. J. Warner, of Lincoln,
Nebrafcka, arrived in the city this
morning with a party of Nehraskans
who aro hero to look over tho situa
tion with a viow to investment. Mr.
Warner spout somo timo hero dur
lug the summer mouths, aud appears
woll pleased with tho gonoral outlook
of tho district.
Fresh Candies and Fruit, Choico
Lino of Cigars aud Tobaccos, at