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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1903)
Wednesday, October 28, 1913 STAMPEDE TO MT. encountered, be says; which will average 140 to the ton. Mr. Schultz went all through tbo workings and mill and ' be thinks this one of the beat managed proprtles bo has over peon. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AGAIN. RASTUS DISCOVERY THE SUMPTER MINER Unity the Storm Center of the Excitement-Many Parties Outfitting. Last ovttouingTIio Minor loft a cull nt tint Ulnly telephone olllco for Mayor McUollnoh, of Suiuptor,who 1h down there somewhere. Through 11 mistako, iinotliiir McColloch, who liven in I hut viciutiy, ariswircd tbo call. Tim Mnyor wiih out ill tlio minim iimI could not ho reached liy wlrn today. From tlio gentleman of tho hiiiiio name, it wiih learned thut tint oxelte iiHint ovnr tint phnnolltn II ml on Mount KhhIu continuim mill In- tonsilles. A groat iniiny iiolu tint going in, ruining from every dime lion. LiihI evening nt Union there worn Hlxly horse's staked out, belonging to tlio nrgnmiuts who huil arrived during tlm iitforuoon; iimiihoi-iug nuiirly a hundred,' us ii nuuibor of them hml walked In, IdikI iug n pack iiniiliniil tlmt carried tho 011 til t of two or limit) men. Several hundred prospector urn now In tho diatrlnl and tint number Ih being uuguimitiid ovory hour. Of course, oluima urn lining staked in ovory direction. Vostorday ouu claim, tlmt hml .liutin located loss Hutu m wnuk hko, Mold for 1000 in wish, ami buyers with ready money nrn thorn in iitimhora. Few truiiHiio tloiiH luivit as yitt boon iniidit, for tlio riuiHoii tlmt claim ownurri, being iinoortuiu of tho viiluo of their hold Jugs, nut roliii'liiut to null, until do volopuiouri work indicates inure definitely tint character mid worth of tint iroiirtiiiH. lliini In .Hiiiuptor tho excitement ornithines iiuiilmtod. A number of outfits Infl toduy for tint scone of tho now strike. Two parties wont from llouruit; ouu consisting of Lou (tusk, Miirlou lleokwith mid V. C. Kilman. Tint names of tint others could not lin lonrued. Williiim Htilimiu mid J). M. I'irry mo organizing mi ox itditlnu ut this writing (noon) mid will got iiwuy Itttforn dHrk. II. L. MiiiiiiIiik, .lack Kissel mid Kd WiiHshurg Infl this forenoon. C. ). Carlson, hiiiI J, L. Hill II vim It'iivo in tint morning. K. U lliiknr, proscription clerk at Edwaid's drug store, drove ovitr tho recently Mulshed lliirnt River roHil yesterday, nnd reports thut it in in good ooiiditlou. ThU till wagon road nruto to Mount Kastus from Sumptur la therefore tho shortest tiy Nt losst ton mi lea mid liy fr tho latat. A iiinvoiiioiit ia on foot today, backed liy Sumpter merchants to put on a stage lino from hero to tho heart of (hit district. Tint trip can lio madii in loss than a day. ANOTHER RICH STRIKE AT I X L Jamos CubIc, foreman at tbo I. X. L.,.who pawed through tho, city pq tho train this afternoon, reports a rich atriko Inat night ou the north drift of tho 200 foot level. An elghteon inch shoot, carrying oro that will go aa high hh 14,000 was broken into. Tho Icdgo proper is about throo foot in width whom this high grade stuff was encountered. Mr. Cusic wiih on bis way to Port land to rccoivo medical attention for injurloH which ho sustained from an accident soiim tlmo ago. Ho had Home of tho oro with him. It simply pliiHtorod with froo gold. was TO START ON BIG FOUR. GOOD STRIKE AT THE GOLCONDA. President Rutter Here to Begin Long Gross-cut. V. C. Uultor. of Soattlo, president nf tbo Kittiinaulng Mining company, operating tho Dig Four group, catno in UiIh morning und loft at once for tho property. Jin will atari n long oriiHHCiit n once In accordanco with tint iidvlco given by Wnrren Cubic who o.xiimlni'd mid reported on tho claims when Mr,. Hotter wax hero about n mouth ago. 'I'll I h crosscut will have to bo carried ii distance of some 000 or 700 feet to reach the veiu und will give ii depth of over BOO feet. Tbo prcHout plun Is to tup tint ledgo under ii point on tho surface uhich hIiowh u width of sixteen feet liotweeu mil Ih, with highly aatlsfHi'tory vhIuch. Mr. Ituttor will roniuln aoverii 1 duya ut tho property to Inaii gurato thn work. E. AND E. TAKING OUT RICH STUFF. .1. P. Schultz, of Milwaukee, presl. dent of tbo Old Abo company, who in hem ill tho interest of his holdings, was up ut tbo (iolooudn yesterday mid reports a good strike ou the i '"" A rollnhlo report from tbe E. and K. states that near tho eud line of tbo property which adjoins the Tabor fraction, ore practically the same in cbarcator and value as that now being sacked at tho latter, is being taken nut. It is stated that It is unquestionably tho same shoot tint on thoK and E. ground it shows considerably greater strength, owing to tho fact thut tho depth is greater. In tho Tabor fraction shaft tho body moHriurcH three fcot, and has sttength cued from about eighteen Inches to its prexeut width in tbo shoit distance the shaft has been curried down slnco it whs encountered. Tbo K. und E. peoplo tire workiug ii force of seventy men, underground und on tho outside. The surface work cotiHlfta in repairs, Homing for w titer power, mid general '.!00-foot level. A ten-foot body of ore was preparation tho spring. for sturtiug tho mill in The Making of the North Pole, Eureka and Excelsior, Colum bia and Uolconda into big producing mines by systematic, intelli gent development work Is a record of success In the history of tb Great Mothor Lode of tbo Cracker CreoK district. THIS WEEK The Consoli'daUxTFraclioa, lying between' the 'Columbia ' ana Eureka and Excelsior mineas, opened a body of oro of phenomenal richness, ouhanciug its valuo thousands of dollars. THE NEXT IN LINE WILL BE THE VICTOR Decauso Its properties adjoin tkex Consolidated Fraction,' aud hi , tunnol drlvon from its group will po'n the- great ore body just provon. THE VJCTOR Is boing devolopod In a systematic, Intelligent maunor, tinder tho supervision of tin oxporiouccd mbio managor. This fact, and the constantly Increasing vuluos in the-oro bodies, ASSURE THE SUC CESS OF THE VICTOR. You cun lonru all about THE VICTOR nnd Its noac Iocatlou to theso mines by soudiug for a Prospeetus and Maps. YOU WILL NEVER REGRET AN INVEST MENT IN THE VICTOR. For Full Information Addross ADRIAN G. HANAUER FISCAL AGEiNT p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington L'lJ 117X7 A Beautifully Illustrated rKhh Pamphlet of J 6 Pages Showing j at OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines. Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be without the information contained in this valuable oamphlet. WRITE TODAY (Mention. N. 00 and it will be promptly mailed you.) WHEELER & CO. 12 IROADWAY, N. Y. IF YOU WISH TO irifEST "in ISlng 3 Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect thit is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS K SANDERSON SMITH I SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON