IT I COVERS i THOROUGHLY 1 THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT I .1 RED BOY WILL RESUME WORK SOON. ihis is Ihe statement Whose Instance The Receiver Was Appointed. O. O. HnriHon, of Portland, at whoso instance it receiver was recent ly appoiuntod for tho itod Uoy,ishoro today on mutters rotating to this property. Regarding tho reoolvor ship and tho prolmblo riMiiniptioii of the mini!, to a Dully Miner represen tative, Mr. IIuiihoii said : "It Ih my opinion that mutters will reach a fuvorublu iidjiiHtment in u short time mid that work will bo resumed. There is no question but that the Red Hoy Is one of tho best properties in tho distriut, mid the EXODUS TO MOUNT RASTUS CONTINUES The excitement incident to tho discovery of phonollte In the Mount Kustiis dlslrcit, lowtr lluriit River country, continues unabated. Indeed, Interest seems to bu dully intensify ing. Numerous purtles huve already gone from hero to the scene of the discovery, and others are prepurlug to go. Mayor McCollooh, Clark Knydo and a numler of others left this morning, and still others are going tomorrow. K. L. Manning, of Miiuulng Si Welsh, urmed with mluiiig deeds, quartz locations mid all necessary legal documents, will join the throng tomorrow. C. J. Carlson, former superintendent of the linlcnudu mill, will also hit the trail (or Ihe lower lluriit river, pel haps tomorrow. The exodus Is dully guiuing in proportion, and the present sltiiutlou does not seem to lie a patching to what will follow, Parties leaving here goviu the new lluriit river road, which seems to lie the ucuicst and In-hI route to the Mount Rustus district. There Is a direct wagon road from here to Unity, a distance of some twenty miles, which places the new- district within about thirty miles of Kumpter, according to the licet Information. The opening of the lluriit River road, makes Suiupler the nearest point and necessarily tho base of supply. This means u lot to the business interests of the city. That the strike Is genuine and Is one of the greutest In the history of eastern Oiegou, nil reports seem to agree, it appears to be another Thunder Mountain stampede, or u Made By Mr. Benson, at prosent eutanglomout Is to bo greatly regretted. Tho fact that tho work ings are now in a somowhat barren area doos not detract from tho gen eral merit of tho ml no. Fur instance, tho liouauzii had tbo same exporlonco but greater dopth roveuled bettor oro. In tho chho of tho Red lioy It is only ii mutter of going deeper, when good viilues will iiguln bo encountered. Of course I cannot sny just when operations will bo resumed, but I give it us uu udvisod opinion thut it will not bo long." Cripple Crook proposition. It is reported that '200 or 1100 people are already thero and tho ranks are rapidly increasing. Arrangements are being made to plat u towusitc, and there is every ovldueco of a permanent camp. The phonollte formation is said to carry veins which are very rich In sylvan I to and tollurides of gold. Assay values, it Is suit, run high, mid there is llerce competition in tho mutter of locating claims. Preparations are being made for tho delivery of lumbor and hotels, business houses and saloons are projected. Kvorythiug plonts to a nourishing camp aud a big rush. IM llauser, Tom Moifet, Wlliam Sauders, aud O. L. Warden, caught the phonollte contagion and pulled out this afternoon about press time for Mount Rastus, via the Hurnt Rivet route. FORTUNE COMPANY TO INSTALL MACHINERY. A party consisting of Dr. 8. II. Murphy, of Rochester, New York, fiscal agent for the Fortune Mining aud Smelting company, Dr. It. N. lucksou, of linker City, president of the company, aud Dr. W. 11. Park, of Minneapolis, and F. lluckmeyer, of Klwuiuod, Nebriisku, stockholders, passed through tho city this morning to their properties in the (ireenhorns. It bus been persistently reported thut these people huve some railroad project on hands in addition to their mining interests, but when scon by a Miner representative this morning they stated thut this was a mistake, but thut they were neither under oath nor on the witness stand. It was learned from them, however, thut they intend putting mills on both tho Humbolt and Red Lion, which are operated by this company. The plants will be twenty-ton Kin keads, which it is claimed will treat ore nf this (trade very successfully. The eastern members of the firm stopped at Florence, Idaho, enroute, where they saw a Kinkead in opera tion. They state that they were well pleased with its work. STANDARD IS LOOKING GOOD Dr. O. P..RUoy. F. M. Riley, of Iowa, and J.A.McLaughlln, secretary of tho Klllon, Warner, Stewart company, returned last night from the Standard. Dr. Riley who was hi mo proporiy two montns ago, notices a vast change, aud many Improvements in this mine. He says: "Four mllofl of road havo boon completed from tho county road, to the mine. It 1b a magnificent piece of road, and furnished an ox collont highway. Tho tunnel house has boon completed, aud tho property is showing up surprisingly well. Far bettor than I expected to find it. Tho values in tho faco of thu Wlllln boy drift from tho oroscsut represent an avorugo of about 810. Tho crosscut from tho Standard vein is in very hard rock, aud tho progress Is necessarily slow. Tho company has repaired its boardiug, bunk housos, and cabins gouorally and is In a posltiou for onorgotio de velopment work through tho wiutor mouths. LAS1 CHANCt BOILER HAS BEEN DELIVERED. The Last Cbauco boiler, after a slow aud laborious journey of over a weok, covering only twelve miles, was delivored at tho property yester day afternoon. The boiler made a top heavy load aud it was necessary to proceed slowly In order to prevent accident. Sixteen horses wore used in its transportation. Twolve were hitohed In front aud four were UBod In the rear us pushers. Teamsters claim that more than eight or ten horses in front of a load cannot be used effectively, aud that by plaolug tbo others III tho rear to push, tho power can be hotter utilized. It is uudertsood thut the boiler is to be placed at once aud tho hoisting machinery starts up In a few days. GETTING GOOD ORE. T. J. Costello, who has the man agement of the Storm King property iu the Cable Cove district, came iu from there lust niulit. He niys: "(loud ore Is liieng uncovered in the Honest Dollar drift and the property generally is showiug up very satisfactorily. We are gettiug Iu shape for winter work, aud expect to accomplish u good deal in the uear future. KADISH SAYS HE WILL MAKE GOOD fiela Kadlsh la here again today on the Sumpter-Bourne trolley project. He Is very positive as to his statements regarding the building of the line. To a Daily Miner representative, he said: "I am going to build that line, and you may depend upon it. I am not asking the people here for a cent. I can get the Killon, Warner, Stewart half interest in the right of way, and I do not antclpate any difficulty in controlling the Phllbrlok and McLaln Interests. The citizens of Sumpter will not be asked for any assistance whatever. I will put up tho money for the right of way and for the cost of constrcuting the road. Moreover, I am going to begin work at once. That is, I will havo tbo survoys made, and do as much grading as possible before cold weathor seta in. Plans are to bo made, tie contracts let, and orders placed for tho necessary con struction material and equipment. Of courso, it must bo understood that this is au undertaking which cannot bo accomplished in a day. It will require somo time to dollvor rails aud rolling stock, but it is my in tention to get these, orders placed as sooii as posBiblo, with a vlow to early spring delivery. I will be in a position to start tho preliminary work iu a short timo, and when spring opens up continue active operations." It is understood from the Klllen, Warner, Stewart peoplo thut Mr. Kudlsh has takou over their half In torost In the right of way, and Mr Killeu statos that tho firm has been given every reasonable guarantee that the road will bo built. Thoro is sumo difference of oplniou relative to the status of that right of way, which the promoters seem to thiuk is the key to the situation. Beta Kudlsh says bo holds the Phil brick quarter iuterest. Phllbrlok asys he doesu't; that bis option has expired aud has not been renewed. No one claims to have secured B. L. McLrIu'b quarter iuterest. There is no doubt but what the Killeu, Warner, Stewart company acquired a half Interest from tbo late Tom Mo Ewou. This has been transferred to Bela Kadish, so Mr. Killeu Bays, himself. But now Attorney C. H. Chauco steps to the center of the stage, iu tho focus of the llmo light, and says thut until ho 1b "seen" uoue of theso people own au iuterest. Tbo title to this right-of-way rests with a com pany. Mi. Chauco secured this title from tho Interior department and today holds all of tho papers pertain ing thereto, Including tho stock, that bus never been Issued. His unpaid fee 1b SliUO, aud he thinks ho Hub amplo security for that amount. If in want of clothing, sett Neill Mer cantile comiwny. All the latest novelties in hats at Nei'l Mercantile company's.