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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1903)
m iT?1: .:? :i- Wednesday, October 28, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER M THINKS LEDGE IS NEAR. Formation at Gladstone Indicates Proximity of Vein. W. II. Mend, of Whitney, superin tendent of the Gladstone, who has been here a fow days roturned to the property this afternoon. Mr. Mead expects to encounter tbo vein within the noxt fow feet. The crosscut la in 420 feet and the indications are that thovoin is near A great chango in tho formation baa taken place and a good flow of water haB been struck, indicating the proximity of a ledge. BEGIN SAMPLING MAGNOLIA TODAY. A. Durob, tho mining roan from Spokano, of tho firm of Burch & Burbrldge, passed through town today, on his way home from tho Independence, wbioh property tho firm has under bond. Consldroablo development work has been dono and it is reported that five and a half foot of ore has boon uncovered that goes 850 in gold. The Indepondonoe adjoins tho Magonial. For half a year past these gentlomen have been negotiating for tho Magnolia, itself, and they would doubtless have bought It months since from the people in Sump tar who held it under bond, had not tbo hammer brigade at Granite and Baker City succocdod in their knocking enterprise. Today Messrs. Uurch & Burbrldge started men sampling tho mluo, with a view to purchasing it directly from tbo owners. RUSHING WORK AT THE ALPINE MILL. Superintendent Addonis, of tho Apliuo nntdo ii flying trip to tho city today iu connection with tho extousivo construction work which tho com pany uow him ou liuuds. If tho fair weather continues, Mr. Addonis thinks the twenty-stump mill cau ho completed within six weeks. Ho has a largo forco of mon at work ou tbo foundation aud a crow of carpontera has started framing tho timbers for tbo buildings. The lumber and other material Is on tho ground and all the maohlnery for the new plant has been delivered. Every effort toward speedy comple tion ia being put forth. Gold And Silver Production. Since the discovery of America there has been brought into the commercial world about 10,000 millions of dollars worth of gold, and 10,500 mllllou dollars worth of silver, valuing tbo latter at the long time coinago ratio of 10 to 1. Perhaps tbo immensity of tbeso sums might be better realized by the genrality if thoy woro reduced to tons und carloads. Roughly speaking tbo gold would weigh over lO.OOOtons und the' Hiker 350,000 tons. It would require .'10,900 freight curs, each laden with teu tons, to tiuusport tho lot. If tbeso cars wero oach twenty-llvo foot long, thoy would extend 022,000 feet, or ueurly 180 miles, or twlco the distaence between the cities of San Francisco aud Sacramento, Cat. dacitic Coast Miner. New Process. A new process for tho reduction of ores iu which the ueo of bydrogou flguros largoly is reported to bavo been discovered by Dr. Ollvor B. Dawson, of Caldwoll, Now Jersey. His process consists iu the roasting of metallic ores in a retort containing hydrogen, thus preventing the forma tion of oxides or carbouates. Hydrogen la also introduced into tho concentrating furnace, whero it causes tho metal to fuse togetbor in tho form of globules said to bo almost chemically pure. A compauy bus been organized to orcot a fifty-ton experimental plant to curry out the ideas of tbo Inventor. Mining News. MAXWELL SHIPPING. Mr. Clark Here Today Looking After Consignment For Smelter. R. II. Clark, suporlntondent of tho Maxwell, is horo today looking after a consignment of nro shipped to tho Sumpter smolter. Tho Maxwoll'a nearest shipping polut is Hal nos. twolvo miles distant from tho mluo. The entire distanoo, however, is down grado and good loads can bo hauled. Mr. Clark states that tho property ia showing up very satisfactorily. GLOBE TROTTERS FETCH UP IN SUMPTER TODAY Alborl Kiininons Prluco, n mando lin 1st of no mean ability, and Guy Duulols, his side kicker mid harp guitar accompanist, hit tho city this morning und will remain u couple of days. Mr. Prlnco left Chicago August 10, 181)7 and ho proposes to muko every city iu tho United S.'atos huv iug a population of 5,000 mid over and every city in tho world of 100, 000 or moro. Mr. Daniels la his fourth ri)nulug mate, tbroo others having tumbled by tho wuysldo aud wandered into otbor paths. He pays his bills with music, and Sumpter makes tho 853rd town he has gono against, taking in thirty eight statoa and half of Canada. Still be looks happy and wears diamonds. Hia travela cover 152,000 miles. Mr. Prince is a 32nd degree Mason, an Elk, Eagle, Odd Fellow and K. 'of P. In his travels he has collected seven volumes of press notices. Tho pair will entertain the guests of tho Sumpter Hotel during their stay, giving a ooncort this ovoning and during eating hours. The Elks and Masons aro arranging a stag party for tonight. RETURNING PILGRIMS. A goodly bunch of returning phonolito pilgrims camo in lust night aud today. Among tho uunibor lire, Ed Huusor, Tom Moirott, William Sanders, Willlum Stiuson, Charles Ferry, Mr. Potorsun E. L. Mun ning und John Sullivan. Quito u number left this morning for Mount Rustus. Grave Problem at Butte. Montana. C. V. White, of Wblte'a Advortls ing agency, Seuttlo, is in town today. Ho has just conio from a trip through Montana. He says that whllo tho stato is iu a very prosperous condi tion, ovorythlug in Butto is "up iu tho air," owing to tho trouble ho twoou Holuzo and tho Amalgamated, thousands of men having boon throwu out of work. Ouo unexpected fcaturo of this condition Is its eiroct upon tho banks. Tho miners aro withdrawing thoir deposits and tho banks aro confronting a serious problem. Many uiiuore aro leaving tho camp, knowing how bitter is the light aud fearing that it will not bo sottled soon. Mr. Whlto reports business good all through tho wost, including Eastern Oregon. MORE MEN FOR TIPTON. C. A. Larson wont up to Whitney this morniug with another bunch of mon for tho Tipton extension. The forco of mon is lurgor now than it over has beou, and it is dully being added to. All Depends Upon Results. In modem speculation Your lunguago you must chooso, It's an Investment if you win, Hut gambling if you loose. Mining aud Engineering Reviow. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments woro filed at the Bakur county court house during the week ending Oct. 27, 11)03. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKDS, Oct. 170. C. Sholly to Goo. Fosno, und Thos. Mooro, S E 1-4 Sec. 25 T. 12 R. 30 E. ; $2000. Oct. 17 Ella V. Henderson und husband to Josso Hobson, lot l.'l, II. 5, Sumpter Heights; if 170. Aug. 14 Bourne Laud and Improvement Co. to llourno Miner's Union No. 42, Lot 2(1 and S. 10 feet lot 25. II. "D", Bourne; $1. April 15 I. B. Bowen et ul to Ollio Davis, lot 2, B. 43, Lovuiih' und; $125. April 10 Roy II. Miller and wife to Suml. W. Duncan, lot 7, B. 32, Vinson's und; $75. April 10 Roy H. Miller and wife to Chus. H. Taylor, lot 0 1). 32 Vinson's aud; $75. Oot.l 70. It. Robinson and wifo to W. A. Guasott, 100 acros In Soo. 14 and 23 T. 10. 41 E. ; 150. Oct. 10 A. N.I nglo aud wifo to Jas. W. Wright, 120 aoroa In Soo. 20 T. 0, R .45 E. ; $7200. Sept. 20 Fred Thompson et al to S. H. Fillips, 80 acres in Soo. 30 T. 8 R. 38 E. ; 1550. Oct. 0 J. W. Long aud wife to Hewitt Land compauy, N E 1-4 Sec. 20 T. 11 R. 38 E. ; 0175. Oct 10H. C. Inula to F. A. Hays. 100 acros iu Soo. 28 and 20 T. R. 38 E.; 1800. July 8 D. II. Phillips and wifo to Jonuie Matsol, N W 1-4 S E 14 Sec. 30 T. 7 It. 38 E. ; $14. March 4 S. M. Haines to J. F. O'Dryuut, lota 1. 2, 3, 11, 12, B. 1, uud lot 2, B. 10 and lot 7, B. "O" iu town of Huiuos; $245. Oct. 21 S. M. Huinoa to Leo A. Duncan, lots 7 uud 8, B. X. Haines, Ore.; 95. Oct. 5 S. M. Haines to T. J. Bradley, lots 7 und 8, B. 2, Haines. Ore.; $53. Aug. 31 Goo. It. Lynn an dwifo to Auuio Clark, lots 2, 3, 4, B., Llntngton, B. Cy; $1. Oct. 8 Sumpter Townslto com pauy to Nina Bell, lot 1, B. 2, South Sumpter: $100 July 23 Goo. E. Spriugor aud wifo to Hewitt Laud company, E 12 N W 1-4 See. 15 T. 11 R. 3D E. ; $370. Oct. 1 G. B. Bush to Rnso E. Russell, lot 7, B. "N" DeHoos and B. Cy; $4000. Oct. 1 Elks Home Bldg Assn of B. C to E. B. McDuniol, E. 1-2 lot 0, 7, B. 7, B. Cy, Ore., iu trust; $1. Dec. 30, 02 W. II. W. Hamilton nud wifo to John W. Cowon, oust 05 feet of lots 14 nud 15 B. 8, Sumpter; $500. Oct. 15 M. E. Wisdom et nl to F. W. Brooks, trusteo, lot 3 B. 20, McCrnry udn to Baker City; $230. Oct. 0 W. E. Sanders and wifo to M. J. Mullott lota 0 and 10 B. 0, South Sumpter; $1,200. Oct. 17 Wm. Wood to Flynn uud Allen, lot 4 B. 30, Vinson's nud to Sumpter; $450. Out. Ill John W. Cowdun nud wifo to Wm. Weed, south 50 foot of lots I) and 10 B. 3, Suunysldo adu to Sumpter; $345. Out. 15 R. Brown and wife to W. B. Smith aud .lesso ,lntt, lot 0, Wyott udn to Pleasant Valley; $300. Oct. 3 W. II. Simpson and wifo to A. Wluscholl, lot 2, B. 1 In Mill udn to Sumpter; $550. Jan. 24 E. F. Wnmor to Mrs. Ida Hurst, lot 1. 2, B. 13 mill East Sumpter; $87. MINING MATTERS. nRKM. Oot. 23 G. C. Howlnnd ot ul to W. J. Welch, 1-3 interest In Eldorado No. 1 nud Eldorado No. 2 quartz claims; $1. Oct. 20 E. M. Putyou to Monarch Ms Co. Jeirerson quartz uliiim; $1. Juno 8 M. A. Bulsley to Monarch G. M. Co., Last Link und No. 1 and No. 2 quartz ralitns; $1 Sept. 14 Isimu King to North American G. M. Co., Last Dollar Ehlon uud Ruby quartz claims; $100. Sept. 2 W. R. King and wife to North American G. M. Co., Lust Chance quartz claim; $1. Aug. 31 J. It. Viinwlukln to II. B. Walking, Castle Itouk quartz claim; $1. July 11 It. J. Davidson ot ul to Frod D. Smith, Pioneer quartz claim; $1. Oct. 7 C. F. Kour uud wifo to A. W. Ellis ot ul 1-2 Interest In Lust Chnuco quurtz claim; $1000. The celebrated Gund's "tho beer o( good cheer" always for sale at Dun phy'a The Club. Shoes of all kinds at Neil! Mercantile company's. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICK rOH I'UIIUCATION. UnlteJ Sulci UnJ Office, j U GranJe, Oregon, October 6, 1901. Notice It hereby given lint In compliance with the provltlont ol Hi ct ol congreti ol June i, I878, en titled "An act lor the tale ol timber lanJt In the ttatet ol California. Oregon, Nevaja anj Washington Ter ritory, at eatenJeJ to all the Public UnJ Stalet by aclol Augutt 4, 8qi, KOIiCRT C. BAKiiH, ol Sumpler, county ot Hiker, ttate of Oregon, hat thlt day hlej In thlt olfice lilt tworn ttatemenl No. itfoi for the purchate ol the iwJJ ol section No. 11, In township No. 11 south, range so it IWM, anj will offer proof to thow that the UnJ toughl It more valuable for lit timber or ttone than lor agricultural purposet, anj toettabllth lilt claim to talj lanj before Out. II. Chance, 1 . S- Commlttloner. at Sumpler. Oregon, on SaiurJay, the gih Jjy ot January, 1404. lie namct at wllnettet: I'eter J. Soar Jt, ol Sump ler, Oregen: William Salmon, of Wett Superior, Wisconsin; William Kelly of Sumpter, Oregon; Hubert I'jlie'ton, of Sumptrr. Oregon. Any anj all pertont claiming aJvertely the al ove JescrlheJ lanJt are rrquetlej to hie their claims hi thlt olhce on or before talJ gtli Jay ol Jan., Ivu. I.. W. DAVIS, Neglster.