The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 28, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, Octobei 28, 190
An ordinance? declaring tbe probable
coat of improving Auburn street in
tbo 'City of Sumpter, Maker
County, Oregon, from tho cant
lino of Conter utreot to tho west
lino of tbe ulluy in tbe center of
block 11, Sumpter HoightB, Mc-
Ewen'H ndditiou to the town of
Similiter, extended iiltohh mild Au-
burn Htreet, and UHfieBHlng tbe pro
portionate share thereof ohargoablo
to tbe lotH or parcels Ilublu for
Hiicb Improvement.
Tho City of Sumpter (Iooh ordiiin as
Sec. 1. The coniinou council of
the City of Sumpter biiviug uncor-
tulned tho prubablit cost of Improving
Auburn Htreet from the oitdt line of
Center Htreet in wild City untruly
to itH luterHeotiou with the woHt
lieu of tbe alley in block 11, Sump
ter HeightH, MnEwon's additiou to
the town of Sumpter iih hIiowii on the
plat of Hiiid addition of record In
tbe office of the Itouordor of Con
voyuilooH of linker County, Oregon,
extended ncmmi hiiIiI Htreet, to be
tbe Hum of $170.18 and that Hiild
niim Ih hereby iiHHCHHod to the sovoral
lotH or paruelH thereof liable for the
uohI of mildj Iuiprovement in their
roHpectivo amountH iih mit opposite
the deMitrlptiou of each prutlcular lot
or parcel In Section Throe of thin
Heetlou 'J. Tbe Keorder of tho
City of Bumpier Ih hereby directed
to outeraHtiiteiiiout of tbe UHHOHHtuout
hereby mii-ln In tbe docket of City
LIoiih, ami iih Hiion iih wild entry Ih
made to give leu days notice thereof
iih required by Uectiou 10 '2 of tbe
City Charier.
Heetlou II. The' amount iisnivsHod
to each lot or parcel thereof for the
ciiHt of mild Improvement and the
niinie of the owner of hhIiI lot or
parcel Ih iih follewn:
Lot I), lllock 0, Suinptor Valley
II. It. owner; 29.15.
Lot 7, llloek (!, Sumpter Valley
it. It owner; Slid. IT..
Went 1-2 Lot H, lllock 0, Sumpter
Valley It. It. owner; 10.11.
HiiHt 1 2 Lot H, lllock tl, W. It.
llawley, owner; $18.10.
Hunt L2 Lot !), lllock (I. II. II.
(irlltln, ewner: 18.47.
Went 1-1! Lot II, lllock U, John A.
Cram, owner; 918.4B.
Lot 10 in llloek (1, II. H.Griffiu,
owuer; $32.77.
Lot 1, Hlouk 7, Supniter Valley
It. It. owner; 932.50.
Lot 2, lllock 7, Sumpter Valley
It. It. owner; 930.09.
Lot .'I, lllock 7, Sumpter Valley It.
It. owner; 934.12.
Lot 4, Block 7, Sumpter Valley
It. It. owuer; 28.52.
Lot 6, lll(Kk 7, Sumpter Valley It
It. owner; 07.26.
All of the foregoing lotH and
parcels beiug in tho original townnlto
of the town, now City of Sumpter,
as shuwuou tbe plat thereof, entitled
revised plan of tbo towii of Sumpter,
of record hi tbo office of tho Recorder
of Conveyances of Maker County,
Lot 10, Block 11, Sumpter HeightH
MoKmou'h Addition to tbe town, now
city of Sumpter, iih hIiowii on tbe
plat of hiiIiI Addition of record ill
tbe ntllco of the Itecorder of Con
veyauci'H of llaker County, Oregon,
Jodie O. Welllck, owuer; 81.00.
Lot 1, llloek 5, Caleb HoHWell,
owner, 115. 4 7.
Went 1-1! of Lot 4, lllock 5,
Harold OIkcii, owuer; $22.91.
East 1-2 Lot I, llolck 5, J. A.
JohiiHou owuer. $22.94.
Said lllock 5 being in South Sump
ter Kills' Addition to tbe town, now
City of Sumpter, as shown 'on the
plat of Bald addition of record in the
office of the Itecorder of Con
veyances of Baker County, Oregon,
and each of wild last three parcels
being In Hold Addition.
Passod tbo Council this 20tb day
of October, 1003.
(Attest) S. S. START,
Approved October 20, 1003.
An ordinauco declaring tho probable
cost of improving Auburn streot
from the intersection of the west
lino of tho alloy in lllock 11. Sum
peor Heights McEwou'h Addition
to tho town of Sumpter, extended
acroHs hiiki Htreet, easterly to tno
went line of I box street, and
assesHlng the' proportionate sharo
thereof to each lot or parcel
thereof liable for mich Improve
ment. The City of Sumpter does ordain as
Section 1. Tho common council
of tho City of Sumpter having
BHGortalnod the probablo cost of
Improving Auburn street from tbo
IntorHcotlou of tho West lino of
tbe alley In lllock 11, Sumpter
Hieghta MoEwou's Addition to tho
town, now City of Supmtor ,as shown
on tbe plat of the said addition now
of record In tho otllco of tho Rocordor
of ConvoynuooH of Iiakor County,
Oregon, extended acroBH Halt Auburn
street, eitntorly to tbe wost lino of
Unix street, dooH boroby declare tho
probablo coHt of said Improvement to
bo tbo sum of $1035.00, and mild
Hum Ih hereby iisHeBscd to the various
lotH or parcelH thereof liable for tho
eimt of said Improvement in tho
rcHpootlvo amounts iih sot opposito
the dcHOrlption of each particular lot
or parcel iu Section Threo of this
ordinauco. '
Seotioti 2. The Recorder of tho
City oi Sumpter is boroby dlreetod
to enter a statement of the astiessmout
hereby made In tho docket of City
Liens, and iih soon as said entry is
made to give teti days notico thereof,
iih required by Section 102 of tbo
City Charter.
Sectlou 3. Tho amount assessed
to each lot or parcel thereof, for
tho cost of said Improvement aud
tho uamo of tho owner of said lot or
parcel Ih as follews:
The wont 44 feet' of Lot 11 lllock
11, Amos J. Weaver aud J. M.
Melkoljohu, .'owcrara; -928.04.
East' 21 feet of Lot 11, Hlock 11,
John Riggs, owuer,- 115.130.
Lot 1 21, "Block .11, John Rlggs,
owuer, 144.08.
Went 50 feetiof Lot '8, Block, 4,
Mlohaoj ji Bpejjgicri; 'dfcner; 122.02.
The east 50 feet of Lot 8. lllock
4, Jeuulo Johnson, owner,; 133.855.
Flffetjof Lot 8, Block 4. lylug
between 'pfoporty" of said Michael
Spongier, aud Jenulo Johusou, Goo.
E. A lieu, owner; 930.835.
Lot 0, lllock 4, M. J. (loodheart,
owner; 1)3.02.
Went 01 feet of Lot 8, Block 5,
Mary E. Hoggs, owuer; (37.40.
Kant 38 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, 11.
B. (iritlln owuer; 32.87.
Fifty-one feet of said Lot 8, lu
Block 8, lylug betweeu that portion
thereof owned by Mary K. Hoggs
aud 11. H. (iritlln, aforesaid, Sarah
Blackuell, owuer, 35,10.
Went 100 feet of Lot 0, Block 5,
(!. L. Craves, owuer; 07.21.
Kaxt 50 feet of Lot 0, Block 5,
W. Wade ewner: 30.04.
Al of tbe foregoing lots aud blocks
being in Sumpter Heights, McEwen's
Addition to the town, now City of
Sumpter as shown on the plat thereof,
of record in tho office of the Re
corder of Conveyances of Bald Baker
County, Oregon.
East 82 feet of Lot 12, Block 0,
C. D. Hurd,. owner; 170.57.
West 08 feet of Lot 12, Block 0,
Ed' Rand owner, 132,23.'
Lot 1, Hlock 0, J. D. Uibbs, own
er; 100.00.
Lot 12, In Block 0, N. L. Talia
foro, owner; 110.90.
East 00 feet of Lot 1, Block G,
Laura Hazelwood, owner; 52.12.
West 10O feet of Lot 1, Block 0,
Harry Hondryx, owner; 80.30.
Lot 8, Bolok 5, Sumpter Light
and Water Co., Owner; 44. GO.
Lot 7 Block 5, Sumpter Light and
Water Co., owner; 43.28.
Lot 0, In Block 5, Sumpter Light
and Water Co., owner, 10,53.
Lot 5, Block 0, Mrs. M. A. Hud
sou, owner: 10.70.
All of tho foregoing lots and blocks
bolng in South Sumpter, Ellis'
Addition to tho town, now City of
Sumpter, as shown on the plat there
of, of record in tbo office of tho
Rocordor of Conveyances of said
Baker County, Oregon.
Lot 10 In Block 11, Sumpter
Illeghts, McEwen's Addition to tho
town, now City of Sumpter, as shown
on tho plat of said addition, of
record iu tho office of tbe Recorder
of Conveyances of said Baker
Couauty, Oregon, Mrs. Jodie O.
Walllok, ownor; 3.08.
Panned tho Council UiIb 20th day
of October, 1003.
(Attest) S. S. START,
Approved October 20, 1003.
Uudor and by virtue of an order
duly given therefor by tho Common
Council of tho City of Sumpter,
authorizing me thoroto, I boroby glvo
notico that the assessment against tbo
variotiH lots and parcolB thereof,
liablo for tho cost of the improve
ment of Auburn Street, in the City
of Sumpter, from the eaBt Hue of
Ceuter street to the west lino of Ibex
street has been entered upon the
docket of city liens.
That payment of said assessment
Is now due, and unless the same is
paid within thirty (30) days from
the dale of. the first publication of
this notice, to-wit; the 21st day of
October, 1003, a warrant will be
Issued for the collection thereof.
Tbe lota liable for said Improve
ment, name oi the owner thereof,
and the amount due, Is" aa follews:
Lot 0, block 0, Sumpter Valley R.
R. ewuer: 20,10.
Lot 7, block 0, Sumpter Valley R.
R, owner; 935.45.
West H' lot 8,' block 0, Sumpter
Valley R. R. owner;10.14.
East H lot 8, block 0, W. R.
Hawloy, owuer; 18. 10.
East H lot 0, block 0, II. B.
Grifflu owner; 18.47.
West tt lot 0, block 0, John A.
Cram owner; 18.48.
Lot 10 in block 0, II. B. Criffiu
owuer; 32.77.
Lot 1 block 7, Sumpter Valley R.
R. owuer; 32.50.
Lot 2, block 7, Sumpter Valley
It. It. owuer; 30.00.
Lot 3, block 7, Sumpter Valley It.
It. owuer; 34.12.
Lot 4, block 7, Sumpter Valley It.
It. owner; 28.52.
Lot 5, block 7, Sumpter Valley R.
R. owner; 7.29.
AH of the foregoing lots and
parcels being in tbe original townsite
of tno (own. now City of 'Sumpter,
as shown ou the plat thereof, entitled
revised plan of -the town of Sumpter,
of record in the office of tbe Recorder
of Conveyances of Baker County,
Oregon. '
Lot 10, block 11, Sumpter HelghtB,.
MoEwen's addition to the town, now
City of Sumpter, bb shown on the
plat of said addition of Record in the
office of the Recorder of Conveyances
of Baker County, Oregon, Jodie O.
Walllok, owne'r; 87.08.
Lot 1, block 5, Caleb Roawel,
ownor; 35.47.
West M lot 4, block 5, Harold
Olson owner; 22.04.
East lot 4, blook 5, J. A. John
son owner; 22.04.
Said blook 5 being In South Sump
ter, Ellis' addition to tbo town, now
City of Sumpter, as shown ou the plat
of said addition of record in the
offico of tho Recorder of Conveyances
of Baker County, Oregon, and eacb
of said last three parcels being iu
said addition.
Tho west 44 feet of lot 11, block
11, Amos J. Weaver and J. M.
Melkoljohu owners;; 28.04.
East 21 feotof lot 11, block 11,
John Rigga ownor ; 915.135.
Lot 1 2, blook 11, John Rlggs,
owner; 44.08.
West 50 feet of lot 8, block 4
Mlcbaol Spongier, ownor; $22.02.
Tho east 50 feet of lot 8, block 4,
Jennio Johnson owner; 33.855.
Fifty foot of lot 8, block 4, lying
between proporty of said Michael
Spongier, Jenulo Johnson, 'and Geo.
E. AHeu, ownora; 30.850.
Lot 0, block 4, M. J. Ooodhoart,
owuer; 903.02.
West 01 feet of lot 8, blook 0,
Mary E. Boggs owner; 37.40.
East 38 feet of lot 8, block 0, H.
B. Griffin owuer; 32.87.
Fifty-ono feet of said lot 8. in
block 8, lying betwoon that portion
thereof owned by Mary E. Boggs and
II. B. Griffin, aforsoald, Sarah Black
woll owuer; $35.10.
West 100 feet of lot 0, block 5, G.
L. Graves ownor; $07.21.
East 50 feet of lot 0, block 5, W.
Wado owner; 30.04.
All of the foregoing lots and blocks
beiug in Sumpter Heights, McEwen's
addition to tbe town, now City of
Sumpter, aa shown on tbe plat
thereof, of record In the office of the
Recorder of Conveyances of said
Baker County, Oregon.
East 82 feet of lot 12, block 0, C.
D. Hurd owner; 976.07.
West 08 feet of lot 12, blook 8,
Ed Rand owner,' 932.23.
. Lot 1, block 0, J. D. Oibbs,
owner; 906.09.
Lot 12, blook 6, N. L. Taliafero
owner; 9116.00.
East 00 feet of lot 1, blook 6,
Laura Hazelwood owner; 952.12.
West 100 feet of lot 1, blook 6,
Harry Hendryx owner; 989.30.
Lot 8, block 0, Sumpter Light
and Water Co, owner; 944.55.
Lot 7 block 0, Sumpter Light aud
Water Co, owner; 943.28.
Lot 0, block 5, Sumpter Light
and Water Co. owner; 919.53.
Lot 0, block 0, Mrs. M. A. Hud
son owner; 10.70.
All of tho foregoing lots and blocks
being in South Sumpter, Ellis' addi
tion to tho town, now City of Sump
ter, as shown ou tho plat thereof of
record iu the offico of the Recorder
of Conveyauces of said Baker Couuty,
Dated this 21st day of October,
Recorder of the City of Sumpter.