The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, October 28, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, October 28, 1903
the miner for its ore supply, and
unless he is accorded some considera
tion and some profit, he may be
compelled to close down his mines.
Mining World.
What Prominent Easterner
Thinks of Mining Situ
ation Here.
Eugene Pearson, president of the
Mercantile Trust company, of
Philadelphia who arrived in the city
Saturday, accompanying Harry
Hendryx, of the Gelser-Hendryx In
vestment company on his return
from the East was out at the
Magnolia yesterday. Sunday Mr.
Pearson was up at the Midway. Tabor
fraotion, Columbia and other proper
ties. This is his first visit to tho
Supmter district and he expresses
himself as well pleased with what he
has seen. He says:
Beyond any question you have
a great gold camp here. In the
short timo I bavo had for investiga
tion, I have drawn this conclusion, in
view of tho vast minoral district and
the incalculable natural resources,
which tho district affords.
"Another thing which Improsses
the stranger is the excellent class of
people operating here and the
freedom from mining propositions
usually denominated wild cats. The
eastern man wants to know that he
is getting a run for his money ; he
wants to know that a mining prop
erty has an honest and straightforward
managomont, and then if be loses ho
doosn't mind It. But he won't
stand to' be grafted. And ouo thing
I can say for Sumpter operators is
that from what I have boon ablo to
seo and learn, tho monoy is going
into tho ground, and tho wild cat is
an unknown quantity. This does a
great deal to establish confideuco
among tho investing public. When
such a coudltiou iih this obtains,
eastern pooplo aro going to tako a
ohanco, but whou thoy scout tho wild
catter, you iiiuy bo a tiro tbey look
with suspicion ou tho entire proposi
tion." ' ' . ",
Mr. Pearson will 'remain hero a
couple, of days longer, and It is
stated that' ho will probubly tako up
a property, but nothing .definite in
this particular has yet "been. given
out! It Is kuown, 'however, that
this is tho mission on which, ho came
. Hoggishness of thet-Smelter Trust.
. Toe repent advances in ,s)lver has
bad a stimulating effeot In many
of the silver producing, sections of
the ,west. loer graqe, ores .than
were possible to mine ,at a profit a
little' -while' ago are, being. worked.
Tho lead camps, although the price
of lead has advanced., are not
receiving any benefit, and while tho
quotations for .lead are, above 14.00,
the smelter trust arbitrarily makes
settlements at the old balsa, $3. DO.
Producers are withholding shipments
on this account. The combination
is no doubt trying to keep the price
up for both sliver aud lead, and as
it undoubtedly has absolute control
of the markets for both metals, it
can manipulate prices of both metals
to suit its own euds. It would,
however, be a wiso policy to givo
the minor or producer at least a
portion of the profits arising from
the better prioos. In a certaiu
measure the trust must depoud on
Hero is the story told The Minor
by a gentleman whose business enables
him to gain a wide and aocurato
knowledge of mining properties.
Some months slnco he was requested
by an acquaintance to look him up
a promising prospect that could bo
bought at a reasonbale price. This
acquaintance had some friends .east
who bad been stricken down with
the mining fever and he wanted to
see that tbey got a run for their
money. Ho was not a mining man
himself; but had heard of some of
tho trioks in the trado aud was
asking advice from a professienal:
"It so happened," said ho who
was relating tho incident," that a
day or two later a proBpcotor, a
friend of mine, came to me and
statod that he was broke, as usual,
and must navo some monoy; tho
necessity being really urgent. Tho
most available asset that bo had was
a group of Ave claims, ou which ho
had dono about $1000 worth of
work. Tho sum which he neoded
was an evon 9800 and ho offered the
group for that money. I was not
looking for a out up from either
party, so I brought the two together,
thinking I was dong a good turn to
both parties and thought no moro
about It.
"I heard some days afterwards
that tho deal had not been con
8ummatod, but that the prospector
had sold to some one else; to whom
I did not learn at the time. A
month later tho friend who was look
lug for an investment for an eastern
acquuiutunco mot mo ou tho street
nud uskod mo to stop up into his
ofllco, Ho told mo thut bo had bought
25.000 shures of stuck ut live cents
in a cortuiu company aud wautod to
know what I thought of tbo buy.
Tho company was a now one ou mo;
but in looking over tho, prospectus
I saw that tho property was tbo same
that ho had refuspd to buy thirty
days previous. He ' wouldn't take
tbo claims at 1800; but bad paid
$1250 for a fortieth Interest In
them with another man 'handling
the money and" tlio property. Tljere
certainly must be somo strong, strange
fasoinatlon, about . a handsomely
lithographed stock certificate, ,.
"No, I am sure, he, personally,
made nnthini out of the deal.''
' This 'transaction clld not take place
In bumpter. , ,., .
Bvron Turner, who lives at the
Thomas ranoh near Austin, was in
tho otiy today. With "Scotty"
Casgro, be owns two claims, the
Euroka and Excelsior, which adjoin
the Dixie group, on which ho says
assessment work for this year has
been finished.
Oue of the claims shows free gold'
and the other carries base ore. Mr.
Turner thinks it la a good property
and may develop Into a mine
similar to its Illustrious namesake,
tho E. and E., of Cracker Creek,
Mr. Turner has the stage line
between Austin aud tho Susan-villo.
Property Is Making an Excellent
Showing, Says Mr. Carr.
C. A. Carr. one of the owners of
the Nashville group near tho I. X. L.
came back from Baker City this
morning am? went on to Whltnoy.
Mr Carp says ,hlsi property is mak
ing an excellent showing. Over 400
feet of development, mainly drift
tunnels, has been done, and tho
values ho atatea are extiteniely
stisfcatory. The property Is located
about a miloand a half from Whitney,
and throe-qiiarters of a milo from
the well known I. X. L.
Model of Treadwell Mine in Wood.
At tho Alaska-Treadwoll mino,
Junoau, Alaska, tho mauugor has in
troduced n uovel plan as a help in
tho development and working of tho
mine, in tho form of n model mado
of wood, constructed on a scale of
thirty feet to ono Inch, being' the
scalo of the mine maps. Tho model
la Bectional. mado of pine blooks,
each representing 100 feet in width
ou tho vein, aud the distance between
lovels. Tho stopos and drifts are
carved out of tho wood monthly,
from the notes of tho mine surveyor,
the model bolug In this way kept up
to date. Oue of the practical
results arising from its uso, it Is
said, Is in showing whoro pillars
and buttresses of rook shuold be
left standing to support tho hanging
wall, and also wbero ore may be
removed with safety to the surround
lug workings. The model Is studied
carefully by the foreman and shift
bosses, and it is said to have proven
of valuo In tho.oporation of tho ml no,
Miniug aud Scloutlllo'Pross.
If in want of clothing, see Neill Mei
cantilo company.
All the latest novelties in hats at
Neill Mercantile company's.
Tickets at Low Hates ta the
The Chicago
Milwaukee hi1
St. Pul Wiaj
Will be on sale at all ticket
offices on June 4th and 5th, June
24th to 30th, inclusive; July 16th
and 16th, and August 26th and
Tickets good for going passage
for ten days from date of sale,
with final return limit of 90 days,
from dato of sale.
For further information, ad
dress, H. S. Rows,
General Agent.
Portland, Oregon.
Only transcontinental line
assing directly through
Salt Lake City
Colorado Springs
and Denver
trans t
Three splendidly equipped tri
Through Sleeping and DinlngCari 2
and free Reclining Chair Cars
The most Magnificent scenery in I
America ny uayugni.
Stop overs allowed on all classes
oi tickets.
For cheapest rates and descriptive
Illl'iniUlU, MI1IIIDBO
W.C. MilRIDE,.GiMril.Kintt
Portland, ' Orison
and union Pacific
Salt Lake,
Denver, Kaisis City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
and Ban Francisco' every five daja.
Low Ratesl
Tickets to and from all parta of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping
car daily to KanaaCity ; through
Pullman tourist steeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kanias City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the Kast daily.
For particulars, call on or address
II. O. Bowmas,
Aftni, Baker City, Or.