Wednesday, October 21, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER THE HIGHLAND MINE WILL BE A LARGE We can prove the above statement to you or to any one who will come to the Highland Mine and make a thorough examination of the work which has been done in the last few months. We have opened up as fine an ore shoot as any mining man could possibly wish for; It Is Extensive, Permanent and Rich. This shoot has been proved to be ovr 100 feet in length and averages in width from one to four feet, assaying from $20 to 300 per ton. From this body of ore a great many thousand dollars can be extracted if the management should so choose, but at the last meeting of the board of directors it was decided to continue the development work on the property and to keep on driving the present tunnel as fast as possible in order that the other rich shoots which have been so thoroughly demonstrated to exist throughout the entire length of the Bannock Burn Claim, a distance of 100 feet, mav be opened up, thus adding other and larger reserves to those already opened up in the present tunnel. From all the surface indications and the showing in the lower workings, in fact from every point where the vein has been opened up, we can conservatively say, that the Highland Is a Mine. We recommend the Highland to our most intimate friends and conservative investors, we stand ready at all times to prove the above assertion and we should indeed like to have . those contemplating the investing of money in a gold mine of proven value to come to the Sumpter District and examine the Highland property at our expense, or you may send any mining expert or mining engineer you wish and we will pay his expenses and also his charges for making the examination. Is it possible for an investor to ask for anything more fair? Is It Not Proof Enough? that the Highland is a mine and that an investment in its stock will make you a large amount of money? We Cannot Bring the Highland to You, But We Can Bring You to the Highland. Location of The Highland. It is located on the famous Mother Lode System of veins in the Sumpter Disrtict ; Eastern. Oregon with the Golconda, Columbia, E & E, and North Pole mines to the vVest.and . the Chloride, Robbins Elkhorn and Baisly Elkhorn mines to the East, thus it will be readily understood why the Highland is a large mine. , . You owe it to" yourself to look this proposition up and make an investment in the Highland while you have an opportunity to do so at very low figures. Shares Can Be Had at Ten Cents. Address all Communications, and Make Your Cheoks, Drafts and MoneyOrderp Payable to Neil J. Sorensen 8c Co. Financial Agents a Sumpter, Oregon.