THE SUMPTER. MINER Wednesday, October -21, 190 i RAISED HAY ON LOGGED-OFF LAND W. R. Hawley's Successful Experiment This Year. pauy, has a force of men at work on that property and be goes out to Inspect and direct. The shaft, which 1h now down fifty foot on the vein will be flunk another fifty and then the ledge will be crosscut and drifts run in each direction. Some Tory rich ore was taken from this prop erty laflt .year, and when work was HUspoudod it was thought that solid ledge matter had been reached Dig things are thorefore expected to de velop thoro within tho 'near future. LiiHt spring The Minor published a story about W. It. Hawloy buying at tHx sain it lot of loggod-olf land, that Ih generally considered worthies. His Idea was that be could ml ho hay ou it and tlmt iti time it would become valuable. ' During tho past hohhoii ho Iiiih boon experimenting with It on n small scale, with satisfy ing results. He selected throe acres on which water could bo easily tinned. A part of this he sowed to timothy and clover mixed, the other to ill fnlfn mid grain on all of it. lie cut this grain before It was ripe and neon red six torn of liny. The timothy, al falfa and clover never do very well the first your, butho Is entirely satis fied with the experiment mid is its siired of u luxuriant growth next season. Of tho three, the clover Ih Ibe most promising. It is now live or six inches high, and (bo stand Is good, and if the weather continues favorable for two or three weeks longer a fair crop of buy can be harvested. This particular piece of laud he bought at private sale, at a cost of two dollars mi acre. On three acies ho raised 51 dollars worth of hay the flint hohhoii and the crop Increases with ago. There Is prollt enough In this to justify biiiigiug water to the ground iirtlllcliilly. The bind can be easily mill cheaply irrigated. Mr. I law ley also hm-vented a crop of native grass from I'JO acies of meadow laud, Hocuilug a ton to tho acre. Ou a portion of this ground the growth of grain was very light. The yield can bo easily doubled by planting It In cultivated guiHses. This laud cost him ou an average of thirteen dollars nil acre. Dealers bete are now paying seventeen dollars a ton for bay and are retailing it at nineteen ami twenty dollars, He says the net prollt ou one yenr's crop paid for the laud. Computed with t he possibilities in mining, these llgures appear small and not very alluring; but this Is a sure thing game mid will appeal to many men as a more invit ing Hold for Investment than the uncertainties of mining. Should the time come when the thousands of acres of Idle, hcietoforo consid ered worthies "stump" land surrounding Similiter shall be placed under cultivation, It would mean quite us much, directly, to the buriluoHs Interests of this community as the great mining Industry itself. RICH ROCK ON ROCK CREEK. WORK RESUMED BY THE SUNRISE MINING COMPANY. VV. C. Cider and A. II. llrowno left this forenoon for the (Jreenhoru mountains. Hulgueer llrown has some surveying to do at the Diadem, which propei ty is being patented by Keuator leo Mantle, of Montana, who now owns a control. Mr. Calder, as president and general manager of the Sunrise Mining com- Ike Williamson and Albert Weiss who own tho Snow Top and Pine Treo claims on Rock creek, have just flnlrfhod thbir assossmoui w6rk, and aro showing some very rich stuff ,roiu tho property. The oro was taken from n short drift on tho voln and the samples shown Tho Minor wero well shot with free gold, and hud every evidence of carrying high values. Mr. Williamson says tlmt the vein carries a width of about twelve feet, and that thoro Is a good bunch of the high grade stulf. Ladies Inspect Highland Mine. Frank Hhelton. of Neil J. Soreusoii k Co., went out to the Highland mine Saturday afternoon, uccom piiuled by his sister, Miss Calllo Hhelton, Miss Frances Hchuidor, Miss Nellie Sherry, and Miss Norlno Starlau, all connected with the firm's otllce force. The pitrty rode ou horso buck, climbed the high , steep divide between Cracker anil Itock creeks, went through all the underground workings of the mine and the ladles claim to have stood the trip like veteran prospectors. They returned litis afternoon. BLUE BIRD GETS THREE MORE CARS OF MACHINERY. A consignment of three more cars of lllue llird machinery arrived hero yesterday morning, and will be sent out to the mine as soon as possible. Much of the machinery has already been sent out to the property ami work ou the new mill Is going rapidly ahead. The force Is being increased and Manager Wright states that no time will be lost in the mill's early completion. Nick Allen's Alpine Contract. Nick Allen was awarded (he con tract for excavating the site and building the retaining walls for the Alpine mill. He started work a week ago and now has fifteen men employed ou tho job. He says he found no trouble In getting all the men he needed. Machinery for tho mill Is arriving and will be ou the ground as soon as the foundation Is ready for the structure. WORK AT CALIFORNIA. Superintendent Towuseud, of tho California, left this morning for tho mine, after spending a few days in the city. Work, he says, is moving along rapidly on tho reverberating furnace, and the cyanide tanks aro to be put in shortly. The aerial tram has been adjusted and the mill will be ready to resume in a short time. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AGAIN. The Making of the North Pole, Eureka and Excelsior, Colum bia and Qolconda into big producing mines by systematic, intelli gent development work is a record of success in the history of the Great Mother Lode of the Cracker Creex district. THIS WEEK . ...... Tho Consolidated Fraction, lying between the Columbia and Eureka and Excelsior miness, opened a body of ore of phenomenal richness, onhanolng Its value thousands of dollars. THE NEXT IN LINE WILL BE THE VICTOR i Because its properties adjoin tho Consolidated Fraction, and a tunnel driven from its group will open the great ore body .just proven. THE VICTOR Is bolug doveloped in a systematic, intelligent manner, undor tho supervision of an experienced mine manager. This fact, and the constantly increasing valuos In tho oro bodies, ASSURE THE SUC CESS OF THE VICTOR. You can loarn all ubout THE VICTOR and its near location to thoso m in os by sending for a Prospootus and Maps. YOU WILL NEVER REGRET AN INVEST MENT IN THE VICTOR. For Full Information Address ADRIAN G. HANAUER FISCAL AGEiNT p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington L'li TTTI? A Beautifully Illustrated "1x11 Pamphlet of J 6 Pages Showing OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be without the information contained in this valuable unmphlot. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. CO and it will bu promptly mailed you.) WHEELER & CO. 32 BROADWAY, N. Y. : IF YOU WISH TO r."-INVEST "lN "MMNG Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS fESAliESSoNSiiiTTH SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON