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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1903)
0 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, October 7, 1909 v PROSPEROUS. Cracker Greek District and Gable Gove Flourishing. EXTENSIVE OPERATIONS. M. E. Bain After an Absence of Nearly a Year Notes Wonderful UJ Progress New Mines Being Opened Up, Old Ones Working full Time More Activity In Sec lion Mentioned Than In Entire Camp this Time Last Year. M. K. JIhIii, the wttll known min ing ninn who rocoutly rotiirnori from tho KhhI Kt in liiHt niht from it trip to tho Cublo Cove and Cruokor Crook dlHtriclH. Ho Iiiih Ijohii away for noitriy a your ami IiIh olmorvii tioim MtiKuirntiiK tho clmiiKim and Koiiorul progroHH in thorn) illHtrlctH will Im road with Intororit liy mining jiooplo. Ho hiij'h: "Aftor k)Ik ovor tho Crackor Crook and Caldo Cove diHrictH protty tliorouKlily I am propiirod to tmjr that thoro Ih moro work koIiik on Ihoro now than thoro wax throughout tho ontiro iinmp thin timo liixt your. It lookx nilnhty good to mo. "At tho California I found a liig now, oomioutratliw plant wpiippod with modorn machinory, up-to-dulo in ovory roHpoot, and a wo 1 1 do volopod nil no. Tho mino and mill, howovor, aio now nluit down for a day or ho wlillo tho oorlitl tramway which dolivorH tho oro Ih liolng lovolml up. Tho oporatiou of tho initio whilo Iho ropuirH aro kdIiik oii would havo iuvolvod Iho oiontion of ikddltioual IiIiih, and im tho company Iiiih nu oro xupply whloh will IiihI at a low CHliHilntlou two yoiirn, thin oxtru tixpoiiHit wiih doomod liioxpodiont. Thou thoro Ih Iho Kod Chlof which will roNiinio work In a fow days. Arthur lliuilioo, of tho Virtuo, and Mr. Miloholl, of llukor City, who nro intorctdod in tho proporty, woro thoro yodlorday mukiiiK iirrHUKomoutH to tdart. "tu tho hiiiiio dlNtrlot aro tho Valloy Q110011, doliiK good work, tho Lani Ohnnoo, oroolltiK a holnt, mid tho 'Alpine, liiHtalHiiK a Uwuity-ntuinp mill, Crown I'oiut, which Iiiih roHiiiuiMl, IwiddoH iiumoroiiH othor Himillor oonipanloH which are forging Htoudily to tho front. "Around llauovor I found oporu tioiiH pHrtloularly autlvo. Tho OrloaiiM, Iiiih liig vnluon In tho faco of IIh tiiuaol which Ih tiuinvMtioimhly tho pay volu of tho mntlior lodo. Mayor (Hohmoii, thin hUIo of tho OrloHim, Ih gotllug tin excel lout ((utility of oro. Thou thoro Ih tho Midway which Iiiih junt completed 0110 of tho Inrgont holatiug plautR iu tho hUIo. Very little work ban boon hitherto done in tho Hiiuovor Houtlou, liut it U ipilto active now. "At tho North Polo oro Ih tielug taken out 'of No. II, intermediate BUVING LARGELY OF OREGON STOCKS. Noil J. SoroiiHou suyH that u vory gratifying cliatigo Ih taking pluco in tho imirkotlug of Kiixtorii Oregon Mining Htockn; at loiint, ho far iih tho biiHiuoHH triiiiHactod liy Ills llrm Ih uoiicoriiod, and It in prvnumcd that thiH Ih an indication of tho liimlnoart in gonoral. Formerly a groat many pooplo bought Hinall lilnckn of Htock, few moro than 1000 riluircri at a time. At from llvo to teu centa a Hliuro, HiIh mount an Investment of from 50 to 9100. Now, howovor, a di Heron t cIiihh of luvcHtoro aro bocoin lug IntoreHiiNl, pcoplo of moro means, who aro willing to put anywhere from ouo to ten thounuud dollarn in a Hlnglo company. Ho suys that at tho proHout tlmo ho Ih negotiating moro nal oh Involving ton thousand Hharen mid moro, than ho has ovor before handled iu any nix nioutha. Sovoral dun Is of this magultudo havo boon clone I during the pant weok. Thin U one of the moat encouraging HtgiiH that haa como to tho attentiou of tho Mluor. During the pant two or three year thouaauda of peoplo have invented small sums in the various miuiug companies; but somehow, the heavier Investors have not operated to any great extent Iu this district. Good Looking Rock. L. G. Sterling roturuod a day or ho ago from tho tSreonhoru Divide where ho la Interested in a miuiug proporty. Ho brought aonio'apecitneus of talc, slate and other oio ftom tho claim which from thoir appearauco will assay well. mid No. 4 tunnels. A high grado of oro is being taken also from nn oightcon Inch stiiugor In No. 1 on the bod of tho creek. This tunnel Ih :i.0()0 foot long, tho laigost work ing on tho property. "So much publicity linn boon glvnu to (lie Tabor fraction lately that Untie Ih Utile need of culling uttcu lion to that. The (iuisoi'-Honrfryx J pooplo arc opening up tho Victor iu good nhiipo. ThiH proporty adjoins I both tho Tabor mid E. mid E., and contains u parallel vein to tho tnothor lodo. Attoiitiou should bo called to tho fact that these veins parulloliug tho mother lodo uro showing up ex ceptionally well. Iu every iUHtanco they huvo boon found to carry good values not only good values but exceptionally good values. Notablo examples uro tho Iiuckoyo, owned by Doano A: Oloasou, whoro tho rich strike whh recently made, and tho Ureal American. "On tho other sldo of Ihodivldo iu tho Rock Crook Hindu aro tho Highland, the Adelene, (ho Maxwell, iiaisloy Elkhoru, South Polo, Kelly property, Proobstol group, Urcat Republic, and tho Votnorn Union. "Those proportion nro Hltiiated on either the mother lodo or ou parallol veins, mid thoro Ih not a single ouo of them but that has exceptional merit. This Rock basin is u section which has boon comparatively Idle until tho present year, liut thoro Ih n wotidorful amount of work go lug Jon now and the prospect is cortainly vory bright. "To tho man who Ih hero all tho tlmo these changes aro not ho patent, but to ouo who has boon uway for almost u your, and who Ih moro or Iohh familiar with tho outlro district, they uro moro observable and will make n groator Impression. (I4t) K&IL k4X1u SiAS OF SUMPTER Capital Stock - $25,000 Surplus, $500 OFFICERS J. H. ROBBINS, J. W. SCRIBER, R. H. MILLER H. S. DURGAN Praairian Vlea-Praaldant Caahlar Assistant Cashisr Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a GeneralBanking and Exchange Business .E.O'Rourke&Co. 97 tj$tStffl8& RIGHT fg EVERYTHING PRICES 1 IN GROCERIES $ &tf&$ftf&gm&f&3&8&?tf&m&3 JB Granite St. Sumpter, Ore. FRESH 1 '".I lUULl 8 o5 We have an extra wagon and two pair of trucks for sale cheap Call at Office- Sumpter Lumber Co. SUMPTER OREGON IF YOU W4NT 1 STRICTLY LEGITIMATE INVESTMENT BUY STOCK IN A LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISE The GreenhornGold Mines and 1 Development Company GREENHORN MOUNTAINS, OREGON Stiok 10 Cuts Pir Shin' Pir Villi J1.M ' Owns and controls four full claims , known at Iht Lucy Gronp, adjoining Ih. celebrated Morning and Psyche mines In the Greenhorn mountains, in the center of Iht great gold tell of Eastern Oregon. Is organised under the laws of Ih State of Oregon. Prominent mining men of Oregon and business men of Milwaukee art Its officers. Capitalisation $1,000,000; $600,000 treasury stock. The mine Is surrounded by several producing mint. Iht' company has a clear Mile of the property, has no debts, no promoter's stock. Work has been com menced, Its buildings completed and slock will be advanced at development work progresses. This Is a business proposition, not a speculation. The company owns tht property abso lutely, All stock sold U for Iht purpose of development. 1 he claims adjoin some of tht great producers In tht Greenhorns. Tht officers and management art eiperlenced mtn of ability. Lot Ma Sana" You Our Proraootua ana Tall Yau All About Thla Promlairtf Praaorty. AMraaa Secretary and Fiscal Agent of the Greenhorn Gold Mines and Development Company Or M. P. Keogh, Treasurer. ' Offiois 307 Mitthiws life MilwukH, Wis. f AtUWri -L-ruafflr mm &