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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1903)
Wednesday, October 7. 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER GREAT NEW STRIKE ON THE LAST DOLLAR. Made Last Night In The 30 Foot Tunnel, Gutting a Blind Ledge. NORTH AMERICAN G.M. CO. This Property Is Known Locally as The Porcupine, Located In The Cracker Greek District Seattle Is Headquarters of The Company Rock Different From Any Before Found-Vein Six Feet Wide. Suprolntondout Arthur E. lirynn, of the North American Gold Mining company, working it group of claims hi tho Crocker Creek district kuown locally 11a tho Porcupine, la in town with his pockets full of rock Unit looktt plouty good. Ho forwarded 11 lot of It to thocompuuy headquarters In Seattle thin afternoon, for assay. Somo days since Tho Minor niado mention of tho fact that thin compauy hud bought throo parallel claims, each having a separata ledge, and tho work of driving a crosscut to tho Porcupine hud boon started. Tho rock which ho is displaying toduy wuh oucouutorod early last evening in this tunnel, thirty foot from its mouth, at a dopth of twenty feet. Tho ledKO la a blind one and its existence was previously unsuspected. It is fuly six feot wide. The striko was made ou the Last Dollar claim, the second from tho Porcupine, one of tho three recenttly acquired. The ore Is different in character from auy beforo found in tho dis trict. It Is the ordinary black ar glllte, carrying conlBdorablo limo, which looks qui to whito in contrast; all of which is impregnated with iron pry I tea, in bunches as large as the end of one's iliiRer.' It is thought that this will carry high rallies, as it does everywhere found in Eastern Oreogu. The North American compauy bought tho Porcupiuo aud two adjoiuing end to end claims about two years ago and has siuco purchased seveu more claims, making a group of eleven full claims which it now owus and is opouiug up on a largo soalo. A Seattle syndicate controls the property aud has umplo means to make a miuo of it. Suporiuteudeut liryau ie a mining man of a successful national reputation. For fourteen yeais prior to the death of Marcus Daily, he was the expert for that magnate Met With Success. raui UIOCD, 01 raris, wuu una been hero for several days in the in. terest of a Frenoh compauy which manufactures a new process steel, left this afternoon. He says he mot with good success among miuo operators hero in Introducing the now material for tools and drills. EXCAVATING FINISHED. Contract For Alpine Mill to be Let October 10. Phil Rearden, superintendent of the Alplno, 1b in the city today look ing for laborers to work ou tho new stamp mill which is soon to be iu Installed. Ho says It is giving him some difficulty to Hud them. Tho excavation for tho foundation, Mr. Reardon says, has boon finished, aud tho contract for the buildings will bo lot on tho 10th. Two curs of machinery are already ou tho ground, and two moro aro being unloaded hero. Tho boiler is uow enroute to the mino. PREPARING FOR WINTER WORK. New Buildings Are To Be Erected at the Independence. Mauager A. Ilurcb is recoivlng bids for building throo now buildings at his IndepHudonce miuo. They aro to be a bunk house, otilco aud a shaft huuso, and aro to bo good substantial btilldlugs. Tho two former aro to bo put up near tho prosout, board lug houso aud tho latter at the shaft. Tho Independence 1h being do volopod uuder a bond hold by Meters. llurch and Ilurbridge, of Spokano. They huve boon working tho prop erty for five montliB and in that timo have opened up a largo portion of tho vein, until at presout thoy huve u showing sufficient to warrant tho ex penditure of a largo amount in de velopment work. It is geuerully kuown that tho bond on tho ludeepudouoe culled for payment to bo mudo on the ilrst of October. Though it is not known officially if this payment has boou made, iu viow of tho propurutious thoy tiro making for winter work it is safe to stuto tbut such Is tho easo (iraulto Gem. More Gold. Some wire gold whs taken yoster- day from the Marshall, in MoName district. One piece weighing over 15. This proporty belongs to Has kell, Bucknam aud Muzzy. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE AGAIN. The Making of the North Pole, Eureka and Excolsinr, Colum bia aud Uolcouda into big producing mines by systematic, intelli gent development work is a record of success iu tho history of tho Great Mother Lodo of tho Cracker CrccK district. THIS WEEK The Consolidated Fraction, lying between tho Columbia nnd Eureka and Excelsior mines, opened n body of ore of phenomenal rlchuess, enhauclng its value thousands of dollars. THE NEXT IN LINE WILL BE THE VICTOR Uecause its properties adjoiu tho Consolidated Fraction, and a ttiuuel driven from its group will open tho great oro body just proven. THE VICTOR Is being doveloped Iu a systematic, Intelligent niauuor, under the supervision of an experienced mino manager. This fact, nnd tho constantly increasing values In the oro bodies, ASSURE THE SUC CESS OF THE VICTOR. You cau learn all about THE VICTOR and its near location to these mines by Bending for a Prospectus and Mups. YOU WILL NEVER REGRET AN INVEST MENT IN THE VICTOR. For Full Information Addresa ADRIAN G. HANAUER FISCAL AGENT p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington I s XT"! A Beautifully Illustrated iXvP A 4 Pamphlet of 16 Pages Showing ae OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines. Any Hjrnon contemplating a mining investment should not he without the Information contained iu this valuable iminphlct. WRITE TODAY (Mention No (iU uud it will Ikj promptly mailed you.) WHEELER &, CO. 32 BROADWAY, H. Y. IF YOU WISH TO !. IN VEST IN MINING -4 Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition, ADDRESS FesaersonsmTth SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON