r Wednesday, September jo igoj THE SUMPTER MINER BLACK JACK GETTIN6 BETTER EVERY SHOT. Camp Finished, Three Veins Gut and . Things Looking Good, Says Judge Reese. Judge M. I). Reese, of Lincoln, Nobrnskn, managing owner of tho Black Jnck, accompanied by T. J. Sbeody, superintendent, camo in from tho property today. Judgo Reoso eays: "The Black Jack is loolnkg fine. Wo have completed tho camp, nil tho buildings are up, wo havo tho land surveyed, tho linos aro established, and wo aro in a position to prosecuto development work unln terruptodly. Iu addition to this we have our Sibley hot air blast for ventilation in, aud things genorally are looking good." In regard to the development work Judgo Roeso stutod that throo veins had been cut on tho property with satisfactory results. Tho first vein shows a width of four foot carrylug good ore. This was followed a distauco of fifty feet. Vein No. 2, which was crossed but not drifted upon, showed a width of twouty-four feet. Tho third vein has throo foot of ore and was sido cut a distauco of twolvo foot. Tho last shots whon he left Judgo Reese snys wero bring ing to light a vory excollout quality of quartz. The company is pro par od for good work, and will carry on rapid development. FRANK SHELTON BACK. Sumpter Camp Looked Upon With Favor in the East, He Says. J. F. Shelton, secretary of tho Noll J. Sorensn company, rot u mod Saturday from a businoss trip to St. Paul and Duluth relative to tho com pony's interests. Accompanying Mr. Shelton on his return was A. M. Harris, of St. Paul, who has holdings In both the Highalnd and the Friday. Mr. Harris comes to visit these properties on behalf of himself and friends who are interested with him. In company with Mr. Shelton ho left Saturday aftornoon for tho Highland to be gone sevoral days. Relativo to conditions in tho middle west, Mr. Shelton says: V "Tho business situation I regard as extremely good, and there is lots of money going Into mining In vestments in the Sumpter district. This camp is well advertised, and is looked upon with a great deal of favor. If it can be shown men with money that you havo a good property, they aro not slow intaklng hold of It." I. X. L'S RKH.0RE. Fifteen Inch Shoot Which Averages $5,000 to the Ton. VV. C. Colder returned Saturday from a trip to the Greenhorns, visiting while away the I XL, at which the rich strike was made a few days ago. Mr. Calder stntcs that tho richness of the strike bus becu but littlo ex aggerated. Ho exnmlucd tho shoot out! saw tho ore that Is being taken from it. Tho ore first catuo iu ns 11 throo inch stringer, which has now strengthened to llfteou inches carrying nvorugo values of 95,0110 to the ton. Tho oro was encountered iu the 100 foot level and it is believed that tho rich shoot will run to tho surface Tho 1. X. L. has becu mill lug good oro for somo tlmo, and tho present rich strike excites great Interest in tho property. VISITS PROPERTIES. Vice President Lilly Here to Look After Intejests. Luko Lilly, of Ciuciuuutl, vico president of tho Alpine Consolidated Gold Mines compauy, aud a brother to L. G. Lilly, superintendent of tho Baby McKee oompany, arrived in tho city yesterday. Mr. Lilly Is also a heavy stockholder In the Baby Mc eeo. He was mot hero by his brother, and yesterday aftornoou they left for tho properties. Superintendent Lilly states that good progress is being mado toward tho creation of tho Baby McKee hoist, and that it will bo in operation vory shortly. Mr. Lilly's littlo child has boon quite sluk for somo time, aud is now rapidly Improving. Special Round Trip Rates, Botweon Juno 4th aud August 20th Tho Illinois Central will sell rouud trip tickets from Oregon aud Wash ingtou points to Chicago, Cairo, Memphis and Now Orleans at Greatly Roducod Rates. Tickets good for throe months. Going limit ten days. Returning limit ton days after starting west. Stop over privileges olthor way, west of tho Missouri River. Sale dates aro arranged to bo con venient for delegates to conventions of National Educational Association at Boston; Elks at Baltimore; Wood men at Indianapolis; Eagles at Now York; Shrinera at Saratoga; Knights of Pythias at Louisville and Com mercial Travelers at Indianapolis. You can take your choice of Six teen different routes. Write us. Wo will cheerfully glvo you any de tailed information you want. B. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Oro. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timber and homestead filings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles H. Chance, United States Com missioner, office in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter,-thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. If in want of clothing, see Nelll Mer cantile company. ...J. W. C0WDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS 222M2M2 MINE VIEWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter, Or. nfMANDE SKI UMl -- tH nli km ioGrfwesg? THE SCENIC LINE Through Suit Lake City, Loiulvllli", Pueblo, Colorado Springs ami Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Soenerv liv Daylight to all points Knst. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETWEEN OCDEN 1ND DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR 1ST SLEEPING'CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED Tor rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, OKK. Mining Blanks Quarts and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Water Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit of Discovery Work (Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j j j &a FOR SALE B THE SUMPTER MINER The Pioneer Limited in excellence of equipment, is in a class by itself. Faom Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago it is The Train of Trairis. It runs via the Chicago, Milwaukee 5c St. Paul Railway the route selected by the United States Government for The Fast Mail. Three other daily trains to Chicago via this route. h. s. Rowe Gnral Agent 134 Third St., Portland, Ore. !! i