i,pr' T I THE SUMPTfiR MINER Wednesday, Septembei jo, igoj u iii The Sumpter Miner fUHLISHel) RVRBV WEDNESDAY BY J. W. CONNELLA T. G. fiWYNNO. EDITOR Entered at the pottofflc in Sumpttr, Oregon, lor frantmlitlun through the malls at second class matter. OneYfii... Sl Months MJIUCKIPTION DATES ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. . Jj uo i.ej Ol PICIAI. PAPER OP THE CITY OP SUMPTER Tint Now Vork Commercial Ih print ing hii Interesting series of artiolcH on "Tlio Oold llrlcks of speculation by John Hill, Jr., member of tliu ChloHgti Hoard of Trmlo. No morn ciiiiIh tiro to Ih) made by lh United HtutoH mini al I'hlladol phla for ill leant ii year iiiiIohh ii spe cial orilnr Ih Issued from thu United 8 tut oh IrmiHiiry at Washington. TIiIh Ih tho latiiHt instruction from Washington, dun to tho enormous production In thu IiihI Hvo yitnrH .'!, 000, 000, MCI pennies having liuou shipped from tho I'lilluilolpliiu mint, which Ih tho only olio tlmt coins tho one-cent pieces, to viirioim parts of thu country. Hntwoou July 1, 1002, mid Juno 1, IMKI, 811,000,000 couta woro coined. Rich HtrikoH iu tho district aro coming think and fast. Those ato tho Tabor fraction and K. and K. In the Craokor Crook, tho I. X. L. mid MoruliiK iu tho (Iroonhorns, and tho ilnnr (lulcli property jiiHt outside tho city limitH, at all of whloli phenomenally rich oro Ih being takou out. What'H tho matter with Sumpter, with such initios iih thono in tho surrounding country? And those constitute a vory hiiiiiII part of what thorn Ih iu thodistriot. Thorn aro hundoils of others, which, if thoy hitvo not huoIi rich oro, havo nnvnrtholoH substantial ItodioH which will prolialily provo morn enduring and valualilo iu tho Iouk run. Tho proMpoctor may lio mild to lio tho pioiioor of civilization. Connor lug armloH may dovaHtaio a territory, dopopulato it or riuhduo tho luhahit utiiH to a t'ortalu extent, liut thoy novor civilize, declares tlio Mining and Kugiucoriiig Ho v low; thu real pioneers of clviliatiou aro tho men who ilolvo Iu tho uioiiutitliis for tho precious iuoImIh; tho men who pone trato tho wildest regions, oxplorn tho rugged, uninviting moiiutaliiH, or tramp with scanty ratloiiH over tho hot and arid suinls of tho desert; who iIm ro to tro;nl whoro tho foot of oIvIIIimI IioIiik has novor tiotl lioforo; who Hloop for inoiiMis at night under tho arohotl canopy of hcavou aftor a hard tlny'n toll; whoso bones aro HomotimoK found bleaching liy ouo of tholr lnothron on a mountain Hldo, In a louoly ciiiiyou or on tho burning desert, whlthor hopo hml beckoned him; whono rowurd lathe discovery of mliioral, prohups aftor yearn of labor ioiiH Hoarch, a discovery which, whon ho gets tmck to civilization, oxhlliitH his samples ami makes known IiIh find, roriiiltn iu a rush a now camp mines tadug opened, machinery bo lug erected ami tho noise of tho stamps ami lniny population of tho now town noon banishes tho desola tion which surrounded the prospec tor when ho slept on tho ground tho night be (oro hia discovery! Tml Ih aro followed by wagon roudH, tutor by railroads mid tho freight wagons aro supplanted by tho engine and earn; tho uump, which ptirliupH in time grows to tho (Union hIoiih of a Kreat city, bun been con nected with tho contort of civilbutlon by rail and wire. ' Tho prospector has, perhaps ro coifed a hihii of money for-bin claim or cIiiIiiih, which makeHblm iudbpeu dent for tho balance of IiIh life and he may rent from IiIh labor; but away, somewhere ahead of tho march of cir illzallon, ahead of tho locomotive, away from the hiiuntH of men, may hup Hiirrounded by hostile uotivea there are other prospectors blazing a trail for tho army which Ih Hiiro to follow. Tho man with tho pick and pan, with IiIh little storo of bacou, bemiH, flour and colfco, with IiIh rifle and burro, if fortuuato enough to alford tlio luxury, Ih hunting for min eral, and whother on tho tloHort, in tho canyon, or ou tho hills tho bright Htiir of liopo I ond h him ou until bo finds tho niagiietlc motal which at- tracta man and which buildH up cities ami omplroH, or until ho givon up tho Hoarch and IIoh down to tako tho last Hloop under tho blue vault, which ho gazed at ho many louoly nights and piiHHOH over the lnwt "groat divide." WILL PIT IN KEYSTONE DRILL AT AUBURN. gfrly Prospect Ground and Drift From Present ' Shaft. ALL WHITE HELP. Hotel Sumpter Now Has Full Corps of Union Assistants. CUT RATE BROKERS. TAKE OFF YOUR HATS. "Cut-Kalo Hrokoi-H," "Jobber." and "liargain-Countor" doalorH iu mining atoakH niiiHt all tako tholr hatH olf to tho "Comblnutlou Order Illiink" iHsuod by tho Douglaa, Lacey A Co. , of Now Vork and branch oHIcoa iu thlrty-Hovou othor cltlea. "Eight Special Combluatioua Carrylug Out tho Principle of Uonoral Avorago as Applied to Mining," oxtouaivoly cir culated among tho vordant grooua ought to bring iu aulilolont fuuda to iimko tho "avorago" amount contrib uted by tho poor public of consider able interest to thoHchomeiH who havo tho nerve to foist huoIi a proposition on tho public under tho guiao of mining. Thero Ih no snob thing aa "Aver ago bh Applied to Mining." Tho "avorago" which thia firm haa in view no doubt applies to thu public, and tho "avorago" auckor who gooa up against audi a gamo ought to havo a guardian appointed. Tholr clrcti lai Hinaoka of "Preferred Treasury Stock Only" at "Original Founders' Bharo Prices, " aud maup other catchy phrases, soothing to ami win ning to tho small investor, who Ih looking for something for nothing. Thin firm Ih careful not to adver tise their wares iu tho legitimate mill lug papers, preferring to uso tho daily press of Now Vork. Tho object of this Is apparent to any ouo with an ounce of liraliiH. If tlio Douglaa, i.ncoy .v un, am not out It led to a place among tho "(iot-Klch-Quick" concerns, their met bod of operations Ih iuestlouablo, to say the leant. Western Mining World. '"Superintendent . Joo Reed of , the Auburn Deop Mining company, a plncor prbpoaitiou, haa discontinued sinking for the bedrock, and states that In all'probabillty, ho will put in a keystone drill to, doterm'lne tho direction iu which to drift. Tho Hbaft Ih now down 242 feet with indications that it baa entered a depression or pockot. Tho forma tion aud and configuration, Mr. Reed states, lead to this belief. With a koyatouo drill, tho ground can bo thoroughly proapeotcd, the pay gravol located and it will then bo known tho direction in which to drift from tho abaft. Superintendent Reed aaya in all probability ho will put In a koy atouo at ouco, aa ho thlnka tbla la tue most cousorvatlvo baaia on which to work. There la all white and union ser vice now at Hotel Sumpter. Man ager Hazel wood decided to fire the Chinks and substitute whito labor. Wos Fraaler, of Colorado, asaumed duty aa chef with a corps of able as sistants, all whito and union mem bora, yesterday. Hitherto thero baa been some dis sension among tho union peoplo iu regard to tho employment of non-union labor at thia popular hoatolry, and attempt was made toward boy cotting. Manager Hazelwood stood ready to make tho change at any tlmo when compotont union help could bo aecurod, but not until now haa he auccooded in finding It. FOUND ONE NUGGET THAT WEIGHS $3,276. EXAMINING GROUND. Andy Stlusoii, secreatry ami treas urer of tho Oregon Blue (Iravel Min ing company, started yesterday exam ining tho pay channel ou which tho company proposes operating along its lowor course iu tho towuslto. He says as soon as ho hears from General Warreu ho will begin active work' prospect lug tho grouud with a viowto early operations. All the latest novelties in hats at Nelll Mercantile company's. A groat gold nugget, valued at S3, 270, tho largest ever found in Alaaka or tho British Voukon, has been taken from a Norno claim. It was spveu inches long by four and a quar ter inches wide. Tho beautiful specimen Is the pro duct of a bench claim, No. 5, off Discovery on Anvil crook. It weighs 182 ounces and waa diaoovered Sep tember 8 by a minor iu the employ of tho Pioneer Mining company, which haa a lay ou tho property. Tho rich gold pioco uostlcl in a gravel bed covorod with two feet of glacial ice and ovor tho ico lay three foot of muck. Tho Ico and muck woro ro moved by ground sluicing. Tho discoverer had Btarted to uso a pick. Preaontly he lot drive and the point of tho pick Imbedded Itaelf in the soft substauco of the nugget. In withdrawing tho pick he haulod up tho nugget. With a single blow ho had unearthed a small fortune, though uullokily not for himsolf. Tho And created a sonaatlou In tho town of Nomo, whoro It was takon ami placod ou exhibition. The olaim which produced tho nugget Is owned by Cashier Cowdon of tho Alaska Hanking Safo Deposit company of Nomo, and several of tho clorka iu that institution. Numerous valuable nuggota havo been fouud in Nomo, Klondike aud other districts of tho north, but none approaching this chunk of uativo gold, aaya tho Seattle Post-Intel-llgeucor. Tho Anvil creek claims aud benches havo boou moat prollflo of such treasures, but tholr value aiugly uever equaled $1000. Klon dyko produced ouo worth about 11100, aud Atliu gavo up a specimen valued at 000. Ice Crtamt let Cream! Ou, and each day after May 1st tho renowned Hazelwood Ice Cream aud Ico Cream Soda will bo had at Sturgill's. 10 cents a dish, 25 couta per pint. Shoes of all kinds at Nelll Mercantile company's. Wanted Woodohoppers to con tract from 100 to 1,000 cords at 81.50 por cord for Don Juan mine. Apply to T. W. Davidson or A. B. Urowuo; ofllco, Contor St., roar of First National bank, Sumpter. rjR. PEARCE & ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRIETORS f UMPTIR OiNIRAL HOSPITAL SUMPTIR.ORIOON. . .. I OFFICE, Main Ui. Talaphon. j hospital Main t F. E. HOBSON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Diputy Mlnaral Survtyor lor Oregon, En (Inaar lor Ih City ol Sumpttr. Uaftrrtia lit Pataat linaja. llta Prlatlii Ml 0raifctla. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW U. I. Caaialiiltaar Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON p A. E. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Ctnttr.cor. High Si, Sunpttr, Oraiao WILLIAM WELLS ELMER CONIULTINO AND MINING KNQINCKPJ SUMPTER. OREGON Office Hottl Sumpter, KDFORD MeNEILL'S CODE Office Phone No. joi Residence Phona No. i DR. L. T. BROCK Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. I am now prepare! to receive and treat patients both medical and turelcal, In Ih beat equipped private tanltarlum In the country, Nice quiet home, with trained and eaperlenced nurie alwayi In at endance. Up-to-daie surgical work a specialty ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAWLEY'S ZSRnTT?v!&9xrrmzl