The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 23, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, September 23, 1903
PURCHASE CLAIMS. olBctrtiplatliw. DnrlnK Iour aKeH
thin inllnunco whh ut work cuiibIur
Kohl to form around tho little grain
of Iron oro, iiixl tbon jjrow to become
Porcupine Company Acquires a bright, HhininK unmet of noid
I much liiruor and purer than any over
Three More Locations.
A. 10. Ilryan, wiporlntonriont of (bo
North American (lolil MIiiIiik coin
puny, opnratltiK the I'orcuplno uronp
In tbn Wind Crook dintrlet, concludod
tlio purubiiHo liiHtwookof tbroo elalniH
iiiljoiniiiK tint property, tbiiH kIvIiik
tbo ciiinpiiiiy olovon oIiiIiiih. Tbo now
ifainiH lint tlio Littlo .Jim, Moonlight
anil Hiiiii'Iho, and thoy are coiiIIkuoiih
to tint KI1I011 and LiiHt Dollar, of
tlio I'liritiipiiio Kroup. Tbo piirt'lniHo
whh made from Ihiiiio KIiik, oiio of
the former iiwiiiiih and Om-ar OIhoii,
boldiiiK (hi) power of attorney for nn
oaHtorn man by tbo name of (Srabiim.
Tbo amount paid for tbo property
Iiiih not boon made public.
Huporlutoiidout liryau wiih in tbo
city limt wuok concluding tbo deal and
iiIho purcbiiHiiiK winter HiipplioH for
tbo mine. He Htiitiwtlml be Ih koUIiik
tliiiiKH in Hhapo to piihIi development
work witb all ohhIIiIo IiiihIo.
The Yellow Metal Being
Formed in Veins.
found In tho voIiih of ore.
Will Optn Up Placer Ground on Deep
MoHrirri. Dean HHkkh and Or In
Welch, the owiilth of a rich placer
mine on tbo bead of Hlk Crook In
the Hiiriiiiivllli) dlnlrlct, have conclud
ed work for tho hciihoii, IiiivIdk made
an excellent cleanup for tho time tbo
mine wiih in operation thin hciihoii.
To tho nine Mountain Kalo Mr.
HrlKKrt recently Htated that bo bad
boon proHpectiiiK on tho bead of Deep
creek junt below tho old renervoir and
found an excellent paying gravel do
ponlt. Thoy will place a hydraulic
on tho Krouud and have hopcx of
oponliiK up HomotbiiiK of ood value.
Hint) Mountain KiikIo.
(lold in IIh natural Htnto, like
many other prod net h of tho earth,
Jhhii nrtlolo of devolopmout, Hiiyn tbo
OhloaKo Chronicle. What IIh orlKlual
linnt are Ih hIIII ii mutter of hoiiio
Hpnoiilittlon.liul tbo fact Iiiih boon doin
oiiHlrntml that a uuxKut of tho preciotiH
mntal loft in ItHorlnlnal oiiviroumoutH
will ttradually, thonuh Hlowy attract
to itHlf mliiuto partioloH of old diint,
ud after tbo lapne of yearn pohhchh an
added value, (lold Ih known to have
Krowu 011 uiiiie tlmberH that have lonn
boon liiiinniHiiil in mine ater. In the
California Hlato Mining lluicau mil
Hctini I hero in a Hpeolmeu of a piece of
jointed cup and punt taken from the
CouiHtock, where it had been under
water for yearn, in which koIiI wiih
formed in the jolutH and preHH of tlio
(lold Ih oniiHtautly beiuu formed in
ronkH mid veiiiH and placern. ilunt
what it Ih that tbo baby noli! forma
tion foedn oil to elfect IIh growth in
not known; if it were a new and
wonderfully lucrative I ml nut ry iiiIkIiI
bo born, and all other klmlx of farm
Iiik Hitvo the KrowltiK of uolil illicit
bo tomporarily abaudouiHl. The
formation and growth are due to
mccbauical and chemical action. Ah
in tbociiNeof (ho animal or viTotuhlc,
Hold Iiiih hIhIiiI in hoiiio iduto before
aHHiimiuu Hh present form. Watern
which peinolate thiouuli tho eartb'H
criiHl 1110 Hit ill to contain Milixtiiiu'oit
from which K"ld in formed. TIiiih,
Hold, like tho animal and vegetable,
niUHt have water In order to thrive.
The Hold in the water Ih deposited
when it meetH the proper precipitant.
The precipitant may be an eaith cur
rent of electricity in tho rockn.
It Iiiih been claimed that the iiiih
Hi'Ih found in placern are the forma
tiotiH from the wutern that percolate
throtiKb tho urnvoln and are not
from decompoHed ipiartz, an in neuer
ally Htippohod. TIioho who to contend
cite the fHCt (but in the center of
iniKKoIrt can bo found umiihII Hrain of
iron Mtud. Thin wiih the uuoIcuh
around which the earth current of
electricity created or deposited In
Bourne Labor Day Celebration Finance.
The lluauco comniltteo of thorocout
labor day celebration at Jloiiruo re-
iPichIhTIio Minor to puIiIIhIi thlHutiito
mont. There wiih HiilMcrlbed by tbo
public i?riil().r0. Of thin amount
6 CIO ban boon paid to the committee.
All 111 I Ih and prizori have been paid
and recelptH for name aro on lllo.
There nt 11 roniaiuH in tho troamiry
$1'J, which will bo donated to tho
llouruo hcIiooI, iih will be all of the
unpaid HiibHcriptioiiH that hIihII bo
collected In the near future. Tbo
committee further doHiron Tho Minor
to thank the public for thin KouoroiiB
HiiliHcriptlou, and make onpeciiil men
tion of the namoH of tho following who
Have, proportionately, Iiiiko hiiiiih:
Dunpliy A (lortrldHo, CiiHliman &
llrauuau, Kd llouxor, and A. P. (ions,
of Humptor; American II row Inn com
pany and. C. I. Klynu, of linker City.
Knox-Kantner Concert Company.
The dutcH for the Knox Kautuer
Concert Company have lieon tlxed for
Monday and TucHday uihtn, October
lllth and 20th. The company Ih a
male ipiartot coutainluK Profonsor
Cllirord White Kantner, componi and
pianist, II. L. llackot, the celebrated
Iowa tenor, and W. KiihIuo Knox tbo
CblciiHo impersonator. Thin com
pany kIvch tlio openiiiK number in
HoIho, Seattle, Tucoma, Salem and Port
laud, of thoKreatcHt hoiihoii of popular
entertainment attractloiiH ever broiiKbt
to the Nortwest, coiitainiiiH hucIi
talent iih the Siisanne Adams
compiiuo, Fit. lubileo Si liners and
others of the most famous In
the United States, The reserved plat
for the (list nlKht will be opened at
Hdward'H ilrun store Saturday morn
itiH, Sept. 'JO. Keservcd seat
tickets "r cts.
Bourne a Law Abiding Town.
II. (S. ltoss, one of the leading bun
inesH men of lloiirne, wiih in town
Satunlay. Ho says tho citizens of
that place resent the statement pub
lished recently that nlnco the Sump
ter roil IIkIiI district Iiiih boon re
stricted, (but. the denizens thereof
have Hocked to llouruo and other
cam pit ; that iih a matter of fact, tho
municipal authorities there pride
themselves on the policy adopted
months ago of not permitting the
limn who lives on the earuliiHH of
fallen women to live there. The re
sult Ih littlo or no lawlessness, in tho
community and llouruo Ih tho most
orderly, law-abiding mining camp on
the continent.
Capital Stock
Surplus, $500
Cash I r
Assistant Cashier
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
Investors desiring to place 20 or more, can learn
of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the
purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min
ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address,
E. A. CLEM & CO.
Riflttnct by Pttmlnlon
Mirchtnli NttltRil link, Ptilltnd, Orton.
411 Chimbir of Commirei,
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
g, Bank of Sumpter 3
TriMiott Cmtil inklai ImImii
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts diawn on al putts of the aoiIJ Special attention to .oilecllons.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
rniuto in bnuutnito
Granite St. &.&. Sumpter, Ore.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co.
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ioe Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main if. BAKER CITY, OREGON.