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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1903)
COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT TO BUY PROSPECTS Eastern Oregon Development Company at Work. Tho Kuntcrn Oregon Development, com puny, a recently orKiinizecl corporation which wiih prevlotmly noticed in Tho Miner, will occupy olllceH In I'reHident T. W. DuvlilHon, roHliloncu on Center Street, beliiri tho Klrnt National Hank. Tho otllcorH in active charge, of tho work tiro, President, T. W DavldHon, Vice- preHldent, H. A. Murr, Hceretary, W. K. DavidHon.and ConnultliiK Engineer A. I). Ilrowno. TIioho Kentletnen will occupy the now oIIIcch. An iiHuay otHoo will nl ho ho run in connection. Tho object of tho company hh heretofore Htatcd will Ira to examlnu mlneH and proHpec(8,and develop them to determine their merit with a vlow to takliiK them over and incorporat ing companion Tho company numlxtrH amoiiK Hh Htockholdorn throo memlierH of tho IHIiioIh Hteol com pany ImihIiIoh many cithern wIioho porHonul holdliiKH, It 1h Htated. k into tho mlllloiiH. Tho inauiiKoiiiout, however, proponen not to pay ciihIi on a proHpect until It Ih thoroiiKhly Hatlhlled ly actual work anil Hclentlllo InventlKatlon that It him merit, then it Ih in tho market for nil Mich openliiKH. H. A. Marr. vlce-pretddont of tho concern and n miniiiK man of liirgo experience, Iiiih Just returned from examining four or live pronppctH in tho dlHtrict which tho company him under advlneincnt. In addition tho company Iiiih a man In Arizona for tho hiiiiio purpoxe. The policy out lined Ih to lie curried into elfecl as boon at ponHlhlc. TO HOT LAKE. hardware, Utei)nwire, crockery and ftrtinltowtiro. IuvoIcch of tho separate Btucku are now being taken and tho transfer are noon to be made. GOLDEN WIZARD MILL. Hon. J. H. Robblni Trying to ObUla R lid From Rtuuimtiim. lion. .1, II. ItolihliiH loft Monday to Hpend mime time at Hot Lake, in the hope of obtaining lellef from rheumatiHiit which hiix been troubling him for home time. Mr. KobliiiiH htated that if he did nut get better he would Hpeud the winter in California. Mix. KobbliiH Ih in Spokane, and IiIh hoiih iiio In m'IiooI at Portland. IteliitUe to IiIh letutulni; to live heie. Mr. liubbliirt i-nltl that he had iuteiehtH nouheie iIm aial uatuially eNpected to come back, but at pichcut he in in hciirch of health. EXCHANGE STOCKS. J ohm Tkcs HiwUy't Dry Goods ind Hiwlty Gfl John' Hardware. Cato .IoIiuh and V. It. Ilavvley have cloned a deal lor the exchange ilf ,1 IM, fill, It Mt IIh.Im ut. .. Im .'. .'..,, ,11 lill'll (.,,., HP, .1.1. JoIiiih will take over all tho dry k'ooiIh curried by Mr. llawley, and Mr, llawley will take Mr. JoIiiih' hunlwiiro and tiuenmuiro stock. Mr. Johns will carry dry goodn and HToeericH exoluHlvely, while Mr. llawlev will devote IiIh uttontinii (n Stamp and Concentration Treatment Re commended for Ore. Tho Sumpter Sampling and Touting Worku Iihh complotod a teat of Golden Wizard ore for Superintendent Mo Phoo. with rceommoudatloiiH as to kind of mill miltablo for Hh treatmont. Tho mill beHt Hultod according to the report Is titampH with amalgama tion, concentration and cyandie prncoHH. TIiIh Hh Ih Htnted will effect a Having of over nlntoy-flvo percent of tho valuen. Tho capacity of tho plant Ih to bo 100 toiiH a day. Superlntoudout MoPho Ih undecided yot whether tho machinery will be ordered at onco, or whothor to wait till spring boforo attempting to iiiHtall tho mill. He will Hiibmit tho matter to tho EiiHteru otUeoni. Ho Htates that tho order may bo placed now and tho machinery hauled In on tho huow which will doubtlcHH come boforo It can bo dolivored. To Visit LUtco Lake. (loorgo Poague, of Fargo, North Dakota, who Ih luteretod lu tho Linton Lake group arrived hero thin week to vIhU the property. In company with .1. V. Wilson, general mauagor of the company, ho left Monday for linker City, but will return aud upend Home time at the mine. TALK OF THE TOWN. J. P. Iliinuou, attorney, of CI ran He, Ih in tho city today. Seymour Hull made a business trip to linker City thin week. L. C.Kdw mils left thin afternoon on a busi lines trip to Portland. Frank ilalllle, manager of tho Columbia, wiih in tho city today. County Commissioner (Slenaou made a business trip to linker City Monday. Attorney X. C. Hichurds spout some time In linker City thin week on business. v Mrs. Myron Weathrord returned this week from a trip to Southern California for her health. Thomas Motfet, superintendent of the Oickoii Monarch, wiih Hi from tho piopeity this week. Joe Johns, who Iiiih been emloyed at the (lolcouda, is laying olf a few days on account if not feeling well. Colonel K. S. Topping and W. K. Saunders left yesterday for Pralrlo City to look after mining interests. (rant Thoruburg, of (rnuite, returned today from Poudletou, where ho took his daughter to atteud school. 11; I Heudryx. of tho Celsor Hendryx Investment company left last week for Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to look after mlulug matter. i A Few Facts Worth Knowing IN SEPTEMBER NUMBER OF "MINING TOPICS" If you have not already received it. better sand for a copy at one. You will find It Interesting and Instructive. Ramambar It coats you but a postal card to bring It to you regularly,,.,; I Marr 6c Davidson, Sumpter, Ore. J. H.CONNORS. J. L. HMIVEY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER - OREGON jMMC aK VT a v Pi Large otock Of Sash and Doors Red Cedar Shingles Sumpter Lumber Co. SUMPTER OREGON HOTEL SUMPTER wr-r-;K v S " y -'-,S. &$& j vi Sr-3J' O,, V iri ; fc4fe& JiSrf-jfcd mws L. J. HAZCLWOOD, MANAGER Dining Room in Connection. American Plan. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sample Rooms. Stages for All Parts of Camp. Electric Light and Steam Heat. j j j Rates $2 to $3.50 a Day. 1 - z. iXSfiJUl. SSnTW5PW i wm i M-ia.-xui' juniia