The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 23, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, September 23, 190$.
Sold to the Ladds Metals
Tim Miioltcr lit Ohvypko Iiiih punned
iintlur tliu control if tlm L111I1I Metal
compuiiy, anil will liocomo a refinery,
tliu only 01m wchI of ArKt'iitlnc. Kan
huh. Workiiimi aru already uukiikwI in
lilauliiK a Hiniill furnaco in piiHition,
anil HlilpiuuntH of oro will Im noiit
from tlm variotiH Oregon miniiiK Uh
trlntH to do touted when the plant 1h
trli'il out. It 1h tlm intention of tlm
Lailil MiiIhIh company to inake Oh.
wi'Ko, really a I'ortlanil Miliurl), tlm
relluluK eitnter of tlm copper pro
iluistH of tlm entire Northwest.
Oru from tlm llolmmiu dlntrlet Iiiih
lieen contiacteil for and a Hhipment of
It Ih already ImiIiik prepared and will
arrive nliortly. Tlm Ladil lotnln
company Ih preparing to operate Hh
own mine in Idaho, from which will
lie chipped n lare amount of "pl
copper." A mnelter Ih IiuIiik lmilt
on the ground and will he in opera
tion within the next hIx moutliH. It
Ih not the intention of tlm Ladd
MetalH company to run tlm Ohwoko
plant hh a mnelter, hut only line It ill
tcHtiiiK. to qualify the dllierent oreH
of the Htate. When thin Iiiih been
completed the plant will he converted
into 11 retinery.
The Ohwcko Mnelter wiih orlKlniilly
coiiHtruuted to hauille Iron oreH from
inlneH in that vicinity, hut wiih cloned
down Hevcral yearn iiko, hIiico which
time It Iiiih remained Idle.
To Viiit Sfittlc.
William (lodfrey, or the Iteil Hoy,
wiih ill the city Monday. Mr.
(iodfrey will leave in 11 few tliiyrt for
Kent tie anil other count polntn to
lHKone for Home time. Mrn. (iodfrey
ami her niece, MIhh May Cronn.
of Miihoii City, Iowa, who Iiiih been
vIhIUiik her will leave for St. I'aul
to vlnlt reliitiven.
New Millinery.
My Htock of fall anil winter
Millinery Ih how In. An invitation
Ih extended to the ladicH to call and
hoc the new kooiIh.
Department ol I lie Interior, 1
I anj Other at t GranJr, Oregon,
Augutt i, loo. )
Notlir Is herrJv gltrn Hit tiillowlng-narnrd
teltlri hat Mr J noilu'ol lilt Inlrtulun lo make final
I'IihiI In tuppoit 11I lilt claim, anj Hi it tali pionl Mill
Ir majr I'rlmr Charlrt II. Chamr.U. S. Commit
tlntirr, at Sumptrr, Orrgnn on Ottuhrr u, iii,tlf:
II. I., ii4"K. Iirj Moll, ul Siini'tri Orrgon, lor llir
wjs nw'i tecllnn H anj , Mi, trillnn t, tnwlitlilp
11 toiitli, laiiur i I.WM
Mr namrt llir tnllimlng wltnrttrt In pim r lilt
Ciinilmuint irtlJriicr Utin anj i ullUalloil il talJ
lanj. tlr Milk C. (n.trr,Olr T. Sli.inJnrs, Al
trit II. Will anj Wll.i.nn J lent lnim, all ul hump
In, Oirguit.
I. W. IIauiutt, RrglMrr.
United Statrt land Other, I
j (iianJr. iMrgon.Srpt. m, ijo i
NolUr It hrirhv glrn that In tompllaiur with thr
pruvltlunt ul llii-.m 11I Cungtrttiit Junr , H78, rn
IlilrJ "An a.l Im llir talr ul ilinbrr linJt In llir
tfalrt nl Callloinla, Oirgott, Nraja, anj Wattling
Ion Irnlloi)' a, rxtrnJrJ lo all llir Publk Lanj
Slalrt l' act ol Augutt 4. I-)'.
raiph mi:ad.
l Sutpplrr. cnunl ol Hiker, tlate ol Orrgon, hat.
Ihlt J11) lilrJ In ihlt oilier lilt totn ttatrment M.
jt67. io tnrpuithatr ol ih r t w ',, t r H
11 w ', anj loi 1 ol trctlun .No. 9 In townthlp
No. iu toutli, langr No 18 I' W A. anj will
oltrl piuol to show Hut Hit lanj tuught It moir
valuahlr lot lit timber in tlonr than lor agricultural
pmpotri, anj 10 rttablith lilt claim total J lanj More
Chat. II, Chain r, II. . CoinnilttUmrr. at Sumptrr.
I lirgon, on I urtJa) , thr fill Jay ol Drcrmhrr, ioa.
Mr namrt at wltnrttrt Van Rrnntrtarr MraJ,
NlCholat Tallalriu,,(.lirlrr A. I'ia,nj Jamrt W
Imt, all ol Sumplrr, Uimon.
An anj all mtont claiming aJvrrtrl thr aNnr
JrtctlbrJ lanjt air rrurtti-J to Mr thrlr claims In
Ihlt other on or rrlorr talJ 8th Jav ol Ore, iim
t. W. lUwttiT , Hritlttcr.
I Office, )
, O egon,
pt. ta. igo). )
La Orange, J
Sept. ta. igo).
Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with the
rrovltlont of tlie act ol congress ol Ji'ne ). I878, en
titled "An act for the tale of timber lands In the states
of California Oregon' Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as rxtenjed to all thr Public Land states by
act ol August 4, I8a,
of Sumplcr, county ol Baker, slate ol Oregon,
has this day hied In this office her sworn statement
No. 86 for the purchase of thr tMitf Sec, 4
and w i w H of section No. j, In township No.
10 south, range No. 18 e W M, and will ofler proo
to show that the land sought Is more valu
able lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural
mirnntrt. and to establish her claim to said land
belorr Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of De
cember, IOO
She names as witnesses Van Rennsetaer Mead,
Chester A. I'ray. NUholas Tallafero, anj Nina Bell,
all 01 sunpter, uregnn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands arr rrqurstrd to file their claims In
fills office on or before said 8th dav of Dec, 1001.
E. 'V. llAHum. Register,
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Otrgon, Sept. , 100).
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congrets of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
stairs of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as eatrndrd to all the Public Land
states by act ol August 4, i8o.
of Sumpter. county of llaker. state of Oregon.
lilt this dav filed In this office her sworn state
ment No. ?866, for the purchase of the n w Jt
of Sec. No, 10, In Tp. No. 10 south, range No. -8
fc W M. and will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and lo establish her claim
to said land brlore Chas. II. Chance, U S commis
sioner a! Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day
of December, igoj.
She names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer Mead,
Chester A. Pray, Nicholas Tallalero, and May
Wright, all of Su 1 pier, Oregon,
Any anj an persons Claiming ajvcrseiy me a rove
described lands art requested to hit their claims In
this office on or before said 8th day of December,
,9'' E. W. Bartlbtt. Rtglsttr.
Unlttd States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 11,1001. 1
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, I878, rn
lltlrJ "An act for Hit salt ot timber lands In Ihe states
ol California, Oregon, Ntvaja and Washington Ter
ritory ," as txtcnJed lo all Hit Public Land states by
act of August 4, I8u,
of Sumpter, county ol Baker, state ot Oregon, has
this dav hied In this other her sworn statement No.
1864. tor the purchase of thr t ) n r M and lots
and a of tectum No. a In township No. 10 south,
range No. 18 IWM, and will oiler proof to show that
thr land sought Is morr valuablt for Its timber or
stonr than lor agricultural purpotrs, and lo estab
lish her claim lo said land belorr Chas. H. Chanct,
U. S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tues
day, thr 8th day ot DecemKr, ioo.
Mir namrt as wltnrttrs: Van HrnnsrlarrMeaJ,
Chrttrr A. Pray, Nicholas Tallalero anj Alice Love,
all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all prrtons claiming advrrtrly thr above
drtcribid lands air rnurttrd 10 Mr thrlr claims In
this other on or brlore said 8ih dav of Dec. 1 vol
li. W. IIAUIIUT. Register.
United Stales Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
Sept. 0. 1001. )
Notice Is hereby git en that In compliance with Ihe
provisions of the act si congrrss ol Junt 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An acl lor the sale ol Umber lanjs In the states
ol California, orrgon, NrvaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," at etlrnJrJ to all thr Public lanj states by
acl ot August 4, t8ai,
of Auinptrr, county ot llakrr, stair ot Orrgon, has
ihlt Jat hlrd In Ihlt other lilt sworn ttatrment No,
8)8 lor thr purclutr ot thr Southwest x
ol Sri lion .No. 1 In Township No. 10 Soutti
Rangr No. 8 I w , anj will olirr prool to show
that thr lanj sought It morr aluable lor Its timber or
ttonr than lor agricultural purpotrt, and to rttablith
lilt ilalm 10 talJ lanj brloir Cliarlrt II. Chancr. 11,
S. conimlttloiirr, at Sumptrr, Oregon, on I il
Jai, llir a7th Jay ot Novrmbtr, 1001
llr namrt at wltnrttrt; Van Rvnnsrlier AiraJ,
Chrttrr A. Pr.t, I1.1 W, Pat ton anJ NUholas Tall
atrro, all ol Sumpirr, Urrgon.
An anj Mil prttiint ttaitmng aJvrrtrly thr abovr
JrtcnbrJ lanjt arr rrtiuettr J 10 hlr thrlr claims In
this ulrite on or belorr talJ illti Jav ot Nov., too).
L. W. IUUIILIT, RrgNtrr.
TIMIILR UNI), ACT JUNE 1, 1878.- noiicl' ioh
UnlirJ Statrt Lanj Olticr, j
La GranJe, Oregon, Nrpt l J. ioo.)
Notlir It hrirb) gUrn that In rompllancr with thr
piultlont ol thr a,t ul congirtt ol June t, 1878, rn
tltlrJ "An act tor thr talr ol tlmbrr lanJt In thr stairs
ot Cillloinla, Oirgon, NrvaJa anj Wathlngton Trr
lllor,"at rttrnjr J to all thr Public Lanj ttatrt by
ait ol Augutl 4, iKia.
ol Sumptrr, county ol llakrr, stair ot Orrgon, has
this Ja lili'J In tlilt oltur hrr sworn ttatrment No.
tt0, for thr purchate ol thr t r ,' ot
Sntlon No. 1 In townthlp No. 10 South, Rangr
No I, V Vi' H.anJ wllloltrr priKil to thow that thr
lanj toughl It moir aluablr lor lit tlmbrr or stonr
than lor agricultural purpotrt, anj to rstallsh her
claim to talJ lanj brloir Chatlrs II. Chancr. U. S.
commissioner, at Sumpter Orrgon, on TurtJay
the 8U1 Jay ot DrCrmbrr, ioo.
She names at wltnettet: Van Rennselaer Mead.
Clirtier A Pray, NUholat Tallatrro and Clara Win
Nug.ail ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Aiy anj all pertont claiming aJtrrsely the aboe
Jrtcrlbr J lanJt arr rrqurtteJ to Mr thrlr claims In
this other on or betorr talJ Sin Jav ot Dec. 1001.
L W. lUntltlt. Register.
United States Land Office,
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. root-1
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions of the act of congrrss ot June ), 1878, en
titled "An act for the salt ol timber lands In tht statts
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all tht Public Land States by
act of August 4, i8o,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, stale of Oregon,
has this day filed In this office his sworn statement
No. 184). for tht purchase of tht stswJwH se
4 and n e 1-4 seK of section No 18, In town
ship No. it S., range No. 37. E. W M, and will
offer proof lo show that tht land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than tor
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Chas. H. Chanct, U. S. com
missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday, tht
94 n day or November, toot.
He names as witnesses: William A. Green, Ralph
Mead, George W, While and James II. Conneri, all
of Sumpter, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said nth dav of Nov., 1001,.
E. W. Bartlbtt, Register.
United States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. ioo. I
Notlct Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for Ihe sale oftlmber lands In tht statts
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all Iht Public Land states by
act of August a, 1841,
of Baker City, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
tnis day rueJ in this omce Ms sworn statement no.
iH7tor Ihe purchased the'sM swK ot Sec. No, i
In townshln No. 10 south, ranee No. 16 E W
M, and will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before A. U. Combs Jr.. Counlv Clerk.
at Baker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 94th day
of November, igoj.
He names as witnesses: Joseph A. Wtst. Grant
Gtddrs and John H. tcclts, Jr , of Baker City, Ore
gon; Ray B. Wtst, ol Logan, Utah.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 94th day of Nov., too).
E. W. Bartlbtt. Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, September j, too).)
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions of the acl of congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Ntvada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all tht Public Land statts by
act of August 4 1849.
of Baktr City, county of Baker, statt of Oregon, has
this day filed n this office his sworn statement No.
8)8. for Ihr purchase ol tht 1 1 K, ol
srctlon No. 11 In township No. 10 south, rangt No.
)6 EWM, and will offer proof lo show that tht land
sougni is morr vaiuapit ror lis iimrrr or siont man
for agricultural purnosrs. and lo rstabllsh his claim
lo said land brfore A. II. Combs, Jr., County Clerk,
at llaker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tht 94th
dav of November, too).
He names as witnesses: Joseph A. West. Grant
Grddts and James H, Smurthwalte, of Baker City.
Oregen: Rav B West, of Logan, Utah.
Any and all prrsons claiming advrrsely tht above
described lanJs art rrqurstrd to Me thrlr claims In
this office on or btfort said 94th dav of Nov., ioo.
E. W. Bartlett. Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Se. t. 5, ioo. I
Notice Is htreby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot Iht act of Congrtss of Junt 1, 1878, en
title J "An act tor the sate ol timber Ian Js In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter
ritory," as extenJr J to all Public Land states by act
of Augusta, i&ji,
of Sumptrr, county ol Baker, slatr ol Orrgon, hat
this day tird in this ofticr his sworn statrmrnl No.
1841, lor thr purcliasr of Lots 1 and 4, srclon iq, and
Lots 1 and 9 ol section No p tp No. 11 south range
No 17 b W M, and wilt oiler pioot to show
that thr land tought Is moir valuable for Its timber
or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to
rttablith his claim lo said land brfore Chas. II.
Chancr. U S Commlttlonrr at Sumptrr. Orrgon, on
TurtJay thr 9 Ih Jay ol November, ivo.
llr namrt at wltnrsset: William A Green, Ralph
MrJ, Jamrt II Connrrs anj George T. Smith, all
ol Sumptrr, Oregon.
Any anj all pertont claiming ajvertely thr abovr
Jrtcrlbr J Ian Jt arr rrq jrttrd to Mr thrlr claims In
Ihlt ottier on or before talJ itth Jay of Nov, 190 1.
L. W, DRHim, Rrgltter.
UnlirJ Stairs Und Offer. f
La GranJr, Orrgon, Sept. ', 1009.
Notice It hrrrb) gltrn that In cumpl ance with the
ptovltlont ot the act ol Congrrtt ot June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act lor thr tale ot timber lanJt In the
htatrt ul Calllmnla, Otrgon, NrvaJa anJ Wathlng
ton Trtrllory," at rxtrndej to all thr Public Lanj
ttatet by act ul August 4, 1841,
ol Sumpter, county ot llakrr, ttatr ol Orrgon, hat this
Jay Mr J in Ihlt other hit sworn statement No. 9841
lor Ihr purchate ol the tr nf, ne 1-4 sw 1-4, Lot
1 anj n w i-4 st t-4 ot section No. )o In townthlp
No. 11 touth, range No. )7 U WM , anj will offrr
proof to thow that the lauj sought It mm? valu
able tor lit tlmbrr or stonr than tor agricultural
putpotrs. anJ to rttablith hit clai'n to talJ lanj
belorr Chat. II. Chancr, U. S. toinmlstioncr, at
Sumpter, Oiegon, on TurtJay, thr 94th day ot
Notrmber, io.
llr names as witnesses: William A. Green. Ralph
Mead, George W. White anj George F. Smith, all
uf Sumpter, Oregon.
Any an Jail rertons claiming adversely the abovr
descrlbrJ lanJs arerequeiteJ to Mr thrlr claims In
this ottice on or before said 94th day ot November,
,,, E. W. BartIiTT. Register.
UniteC States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, September t, 1001. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June ). 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale oftlmber lands In the states
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as txtended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4, 1801,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
9814 for the purchase of then ei-an wi-4& nw 1-4
n e 1-4 sec. a; in!,i 1-1 of section No. 99 In town
ship No. 10 south, range No. )7 EWM and will offer
firoof to show that the land sought Is more valuable
or Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,,
and to establish his claim to said land before Chas.
H. Chancr, U. S. Commissioner, at Sumpter, Orr
gon, on Tuesday, the 17th dav of November, 1901.
He names as witnesses', van Rennselaer Mead,
Ralph Mead. John B. i-ryer, and John Wilson, all ot
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands ars requested to file their claims In
this office on or btfort said 17th day of Nov., iooj.
E W. Bartlett, Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Aug. 94, toot.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale oftlmber lands In Ihe states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as txtended to all tht Public Land statts by
act ol August 4, 1809,
of Sumpltr, county of Baktr, statt ol Ortgon,
has this day filed In this office his sworn statement
no. 9oo, ror tne purcnase or tne ntH ntx or stc.
8 and tH tX nd stK ntK of section No. j.
In township No. it south, range No 17 EWM, and
will off er proof to show that thtland sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
curnotrs. and to establish his claim to said land bt
fort Chas. H. chanct. U. S. Commissioner al
Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the jth day of
November, too). J
He names as wltntssts: William A, Grten, David
S. Clam, Augusta J. Dtnny and Andrtw J. Denny,
all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advtrstly tht above
described lands are requested to file thtlr claims In
this office on or before said sth day of Nov,, ioo.
E. W. Bartlett, Register.
Unlttd States Und Office, I
Grande. Oreeon. Auff. av. toot. I
Notice Is htreby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of coneress of Junt 1. I878. en
titled "An act for tht tale oftlmber lands In tht states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4. 1899.
of Sumpter, county of Baker, statt of Ortgon, has.
this day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
s89o, for the purchase of the e4 ntX. nd nwW
netf and n e 1-4 n w 1-4 of stctlon No 98, In township
no. to soutn, range no. iiiwa, ana win oner
proof to show that the land sought Is mort valu
ablt for Its timber or stnne than for agricultural
Jiurposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
ore Charlts H. Chanct, U, S. commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Friday, the i)th day ot
Novrmber, too).
He names as witnesses: Van Renselaer Mead,
Michael Lynch, Ralph Mead and Isaac Williamson,
all of Sumpter, Ortgon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this ofikt on or btlort said ijiti dayot Nov., too).
E. W. Bartlett, Rtglsttr
Unlttd States Land Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5, too.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the salt oftlmber lands In tht statts
of California, Ortgon, Ntvada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public Land statts by
act otAuguit 4. 1899,
of Logan, county of Cache, statt of Utah, has
this dav tiird In this oftict his sworn ttattmrnt No.
98 tq, lor tht purchate of the rK twK & Lots ) & 4
it section No. )i In townthlp No. 10 south, range
No. 16 EWM, anj will otfer proof tu show that the
land tought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land belorr A. H. Combs. Jr. County
Cterk, at Baker City, Orrgon, on Tuesday, the 94II1
dav ot November, too).
lit names as witnesses: Joseph A. West, Grant
CieJJet, James R, Smurthwalte anJ John II. Eccles,
Jr.. all ut Baker City, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JrscribrJ lanJs arr requeued to file their claims in
this other on or belorr sal J 94th Jay ol Nov., too),
b. W. Bartlett, Register.
TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE ), 187? -notice for
United States Und Other, j
U Grande, Orrgon, ept. 5, lyo). I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
prot Itlont of the acl ol congress of June 1, 1878. en
tltleJ "An act lor thr talr ol tlmbrr lanJs in Ihe statts
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at rxtrndrd 10 all the Public Und states by
actot August 4, 1849,
ol Spokane, county ol Spokane, state ol Washington,
has this day tiled In this ottice her sworn statement
no. 9840. tor the purchase ol the eU netf sec, 7 anj
tw; nw)( ol section so. 8 In township No. to south,
range No. jo EWM, and will offer rroof to show that
the lanj sought Is mort valuablt for its timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land brlore Chas. H. Chance. U.
S.Commlsslone'. at Sumpter. Orrgon. on Tuesday,,
the 94th day of November, tgoi.
Seh names as witnesses: William H. Mead, of
Spokane. Washington; Burton Miller. Leonard J.
hints and Samuel Rithel. ot Whitney. Orrgon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are rrqurstrd to file thrlr claims Irs
this ottice on or brlore said 94th dav ol Nov., too,.
E. W. Bartlett, Register.