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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September 16, 190? TO DEVELOP PORCUPINE. GROUP RECENTLY ACQUIRED BY SEATTLE PEOPLE. Air Comprtuor to Be Installed Cabins Being Comptttcd Road to be Built, and Great Improvements to be Carried 00 Mr. Bryan, Superintendent, Well Known Mining Man. Dunphy and Peter Howard, from the Elks. MILL TO ARRIVE SOON. Arthur K. liryiin, Hiiorlntnndont of tliii North Atnoririiii (lold Alining ooniuiny, of Honttlu, operating thu Pnrciiplnii group in thu Wind Crook dixtrinl, wish In thoolty hint wook und .slated to h Minor roproHoutittiro that itn air oninproHHor Ih to ho ItiHtallod , nt thu property in it Hhort tlnio. A good forco of mull Ih ut work now tiomplnling uahliiri, hunk und hoard ing Iioiihoh proprutory to continuous ' win tor work. A road Ih ill ho loing ooiiHtruotod up Wind Crook und will ho fliiiaiiod hoforo thu machinery urrlviiH. 1 To thu old Porunplnn holding!, ,l)ii whloh h groat dual of work hiiri .eilntiMly Itwii acuqinpllHhud, .tho com- pan rodontly nddud tliroo now claims. ThoHii nro, tho Kldou and Lunt Dollar Moriitrod from Inane King, of llouruo, and thu Oro Kino from Mr. Wnlgand, 1ho, of Ilonrtiu. Thu Porotipluu Wroup ' prnpor wan takon over hoiiio tlmn hnforu thlH by tho Seattle pooplo from l)r, (J rant, K. L. Turuor atnd JatuoH HuiiiKurduor. On tho 7'orntipinu oliiim thu moat work has i)ooii dono. Thin roproHontH an ox pondituro In shafts and crosscuts of oviu- an, 000. It Ih tho purpoHo of thu now pooplo to puah dorolopuiout work at a rapid rato. Work wan Htartod thin wook on a 1,200 foot crosscut which will out thu llvu lodges of thu proporty, and will attain a maximum depth of 1,000 foot. These aro strong, well elotluod voIiih, tho main Porcupine vein roprorioutlng an average width of over twenty-llvo feet. Mr. Ilryati, who assumed tho Mieriiitoudoncy, when thu now pooplo took over tho proporty, la among tho in out oxeprienced milling men in tho district, having lieen with Clark at Anaconda for fourteen yearn an mining enlgneer, and for two yearn ns head chemist. Ho states that it Ih IiIh purpose to develop tho Porcu pine In tho speediest manner possible. Dixie Group Machinery To Be Put la At Once. Frank Ray, one of tho owners of tho Dixie group, returned last wook from San Francisco whoro bo pur chimed tho machinery for u Kiukead mill to ho erected ut tho proporty. Ah previously statea It is to bo a twenty ton plant. Tho macblnory Ih expected to arrlvo In a fow days. Laldlaw and St end man have tho coutract for erecting tho buildings and installing tho plant. Work is to ho started ut ouce. DRIFTING ON VEIN No. 4 at Valley Queen Gain ing; Strength. DEATH OF WALTER ALLEN. Well Known Mining Contractor Diet at Baker City. Waller It. Allen, a mining con trad or, well known in the city, died at Maker City hint Saturday morning, of typhoid feer, after a week's illness. The deceased wan lit yearn old, and an Englishman liy Mrtli. Ho came hero from llrltlsh Columbia, where he wan engaged in mining, about four yean ago. Ho wan un married. Thu funeral took place In the K. of P. hull hero Sunday afternoon at '2 o'clock, under the direction of Knights of Pythian, assisted by tho KlkH, to which orders Mr. Allen 'belonged, Rev. Temple of tho Metho dist church, otllclutlug. Tho pall Jtiearor were. C. C. Handle. Chester Pray and ). A. Johnson, from tho Pjthlans, and Anthony Mohr. T. II. Vein No. 4 at tho Valley Quoon, which wiih cut Home time ago la now being drlftod upon, and it la not only Htrongthoiiing with dtatanco but in carrying vory satisfactory values. At tho timo thin voin whh cut on tho main levol It was drifted upon a dlstanco of somo ton foot when jt showod a tendency to pinch, and work for tho timo as abandoned at thin point. Tho drift now, howovor, has boon carrlod forty-llvo foot, and Charles Warrou, foreman at the prop erty, states that tho vein has a width of two foot and Ih rapidly gaining strength. Tho main ledgo, howover, has tint yet boon reached, and No. 4, tho ouo in question, la the strongest oucnuutorod ho far on tho crosscut. Foreman Warrou atatoa that the Ironing of tho working levol haa been completed, all tho wl'utor supplies aro now In, and tho company la prepared to prosocuto dovolopmont work continuously until spring. New Millinery. My stock of fall and winter Millinery Ih how in. Au Invitation is extended to tho ladies to call and soo tho uo w goods. MRS. W. S. EKHRMAN. PHILBRICK & FENNER MINING 4 CIVIL ENCINEERS U. S. DEPUTY MINERALSURVEVORS EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES ROOMS 2 & 4, SANK Of SUMPTER LOO. SUMPTER. OREQON. IUESSEN A CLARKE MINING & CIVIL UNCINtr.RS SPCCIALTICS- I'xprrt Onmlnitlont. R, port on Mining Propcrtl ),li!nlnE nj Intuiting Mill n4 I'uwrr l'lnu. II S Mlimul anJUiiJtrtiruunJ Survrt. Mnagrmrnt "I Mining I'roprrllet. SUWI'UU, OHUJON. MINING MD INDUSTRIAL IHVESTMEHTS ltcHiks are now open for subscriptions to tluvl'ucitlc Lunitter and Live Stock Company, an industrial of unusual merit. l.ook into it. A u'mup of niines with 00 feet of de velopment work dune, demonstration value will lie sold ns a whole or will sell one-half interest and work the property in con ned ion with purchaser. Best chance in the district. F. O. BUCKNUM SUMPTER, - OREGON rrrnmnmrnrr MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS o A, V- r- I SI - 9I ll-.l-kl ll-5 o ur rivL ourruw STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS 2Ttercer Drug Co. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER, OREGON 3ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTIP I THE SUMPTER SAMPLING AND 4 TESTING WORKS Phono Main 091 SUMPTER, OREGON P. 0. Box V. McEWEN, ARTHUR NcEWEN PROPRIETORS Samplers and buyers of Ores and Bullion in any Ouantlties. Assaying and Milling Tests. Stamp Mill Concentrators and Cyanide Plant in Con nection. Mail orders promptly attended to. WRITE FOR TERM8. fMfMfMfMfttfMfMfMfMftafMfMfMfMfMfMfMfMfttffMfMfMtMf! 9WMHMKWm The New Olympia E.E. HAUSER, PROP. FINE OLD (18641 HERMITAGE WHISKEY FINEST BRANDS Of WINES, ALES AND PORTERS. OLYMPIA BEER, BOTTLED OR DRAUGHT. FINE CIGARS. CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION, CENTER STREET, OPPOSITE P. O. SUMPTER, OREGON WrtrtrtrtrtttrtrtrtiWrtiWiWiW .... IF YOU WISH TO : Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON mffiftsx RlDGIUNDlWC? THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Lenilville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all points East. 3 FIST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OCDEN AND DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERS DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other Mj. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE.