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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1903)
Wednesday, September 9. igoj THE SUMPTER MINER 1 1 Notice of Forfeiture. To the Estate and Heirs of John Urunimer, deceased. You and each of you aro hereby notllled that F. J. Fhlllips iitul Win. Pal in cr your co-owners in tho "In dopondauco Placer Mine" slttiato on Pine Creek (n tributary of Camp Creek In linker County, State of Oregon, aud embracing 100 acres or eight full claims) have performed tho assessment work upon said In dopoudance Placer Mine, us required by law for the year 1001, and for tho year 1!)0'J, and you nre hereby required within Ninety days from dato of thu-llrst publication of this notice (after dato hereof) to pay your proportion of such expenditure (for each of Mild years, to wit: 1001 mid 1002, i upon said claims for each of said years. That should you fail or refuse to contribute and pay to P. J. Phillips or Win. Pal in or your proportion of said expenditure then and in that event your claim or interest in said claims becomes the property of your said co-owners, P. J. Phillips and Wm. Palmer. That payment of your said proportion of said expenditures may be mado to Win. Palmer at Oeiser, linker Comity, Oregon, or to W. S. New bury, as their agent, Sumpter, Oregon. (Signed) P. J. PHILLIPS, WM. PALM Kit. Sumpter, Oregon, July 28, 10011. Date of llrst publication August C, 11)011. TO WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN-TAKE NOTICE. UnlteJ States LanJ Office, La GranJe. Oregon, August to, too.) Notice Is hereby given that Henry llewett, Jr., whose potlofltce aJJiess Is Tncoma, Washington, JIJ, on the 4th Jay ot August, ioo, make application to select, unJer Act ol June 4, 189T. (jo Stat., 16) the following JesctlbeJ tract: Lot 4 In Section to. Township n, South, Range )r EWM.; lot 1 Section i Townshlpg South, Range it EW.MlSJiol NE; Section i) Township 11 South, Range )o EWAt, In the La GranJe LanJ District, Slate of Oregon, containing mi, 8i acres, That the purpo,e ol this notice Is to allow alt per sons claiming the srlrcteJ lanJ unJer the mining laws, or Jeslting to show It to be mineral In charac ter, an opportunity to file objections to such selection wllli the nlticeis of the U S. LanJ Ollioe, at La (iranJe, Oregon, within thirty Jays after the 10th Jay of xugust, 1901, mi as to establish their Interest therein or the mineral character thereof, i:. W. IIARTIPIT. Riglstcr. NOTILSTOrTl'liULICATION. Department of the Interior, 1 Land Otnce at Lj GranJe, Oregon, August ), 1901. ) Notice Is hereby git en that the Inllnulng-nameJ settler has MeJ noilce of his Intention to make tinal proof In support ol his claim, anJ that s-.'.l proof will be maJe belore A. II. Ciimbn, Jr., County Clerk, at Raker City, Oregun, on October q. 190), vl. II. li. No, 0446. Joseph Webb, ot llaker City, Oregon, lor the self swj( section 15, n!S n!(. setf nwj section 33 township 13 soutli. range 16 l:V.i He names the fullowlng witnesses to prove his contluuuus reslJence upon anJ cuttlvat on ot salj lanj.sli: I'rank vtcCultough, ot Haines. Oregon; George WhiteJ, James Moore anJ John llusby, all of Unity, Oregon. C. W. IIARTLETT. Register. NOTICE I'OR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, 1 LanJ Otnce at l-i GranJe, Oregon, , August it, ivo). ) Notice Is hereJy given that the followlng-nameJ settler has hleJ notiieot Ills Intention to make final pioot In support ot his claim, anJ that sal J proof will be maJe beloie Charles II. Chance, U. S. Commis sioner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on October o, 1901, vii: II. li. 114C8, 1'ieJ .Molt, of Sumpter Oregon, lor the wi nw) section 8anJ ejj nej section 7, township 1 south, range 7 1.W.M. He names the following witnesses to proe his continuons reslJence upon anJ cultivation of salj lanJ, vl: Mark C. Graver, Ole T StranJness, Al bert II. WlttanJ William J. Rotlnson.all of Sump ter, Oregon. E. W. IIAWUI.TT, Register. timi.kk land, act junk :i, isth. .NOTICK 1011 I'UIIMCATIO.V. UnlteJ States LanJ Oltice, j La GranJe, Oregon, Aug. 11, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress ol June I. lbT8, en tltleJ "An act for the sate ol timber Ian Js In the stitcs ol California, Oregon, NevaJj anJ Washington Ter ritory, as extenJeJ to all the Public lanJ States by actol August 4. 189a, CANIERINE P. HEALY. of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has Mils Jay filej In this office her sworn statement No 3TT) for the purchase ot the sejf nw'f, sj ie! an J ne!, ne'i of section No. it In township No. 11 sojth, range No j8 LWM, anJ wMlolfer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ to establish her claim to salj lanJ before Chas. II. Chance, v.. S. Commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on SaturJay, the 34th Jay ol Octobe', 1001. She names as witnesses: I'eter D. Mealy, Miles M. II) nn, William A. Green an. Iiarah 1 1) nn, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above describeJ lanjs are requesteJ to Me their claims In this office on or before salj 34th Jay of Oct., I901. E. W. Uartlett. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, . j LanJ Office at La GranJe, Oregon, Aug i, toot.) Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-nameJ settler has tiled notice of hl Intention to make final proof In support ot his claim. anJ that salj piool will be maJe belore Chas. II. Chance, U. S Commit sloner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Serb. iS, too, li: II. E. No it.jtS. MAK C. GARVER, of Sumpter, Oregon, lor the s w i section to, Tp. n S. R it G W M. Me names the following witnesses to rrove his continuous reslJence upon and cultivation of salj lanj, li: Ole T. StranJness. I n J Molt. Albert II. Witt of Sumpter, OregonianJ Neal II. Garver, ol Parmlngton, Iowa. U. W. Rahtlbtt. Register. NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. LanJ Oltice at La GranJe, Otego Auzust 1. 1 itgon, i h to-. Notice Is hereby given that the lollowlng-nameJ settler has ItteJ notice of his Intention to make tinal proof In support of his ilalm, anJ that sild ptoof will be maJe before ('has. II. 1 fiance. U: S. Commis sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Sept. 18, 1901, ti ll. E. No 11.582. OLE T. STRANDNESS. of Sumpter. Oregon, for the e !j n vv !,' anJ shut !,' Section 8 Tp. 11 .N. R 1? U W .M. He names the fol'nwlng witnesses to prove his continuous reslJence uion anJ cultlva Ion ol salj lanJ. li: I'red .Volt. Albert II. Win, I'eter J. SoarJs anJ Mark C, Garver, all of Sumpter Orecon. li. W. llAHTIITT, Register NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Circuit Court uf the State ot Oregon for llaker Countv. In the .Matter ol the Assignment ol D A. EDLIN, an Insolvent Jebtor, lor the 1 eneht of cr Jlhus. The unJerslgneJ now gives notice that D. A. EJIIn. of llaker County. Oregon, lias maJe .1 gen eral assignment to him lor the bciichtof III creditors, anJ all 1 re J tors nre hereby not hej to present their claims July ve IheJ bv 01th as by law required, to ttie undersigned at his ofhec, I ion! anJ Vine streets, I'ortlanJ, Oregon, within thtee(i) mo ths Irom the Jate iiereof. DateJ J"ly )oth, 1901, R. I. SAI1IN. Assignee of the Es'ate of D. A. I.Jiln, an insolvent Jebtor for the bench! ol creJItors. NOTICE (OR PUIILICATION. Department of t!ie Interior, ur. 1 re. J 31. ) United Stales LanJ Othce, av. iooi. Notice Is hereby given that the following namej settler has MeJ notice of his Intention to make final proot in support ol his claim, anJ that salj proof will be maJe belore Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Commis sioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Oct. 7. too). vl: II. E. No. 9J40, HERBERT U DAVIES, . of Sumpter, Oregon, for the lots 4, an.l 6 anJ s e !( n w ' anJ n 1 1( 1 w !( section 6, township 11 S. R it B w W. He nimes the lollowlng witnesses to prove his continuous reslJence upon anJ cultivation ot salj lanJ, vl: Van Rennselaer .MeaJ an I D.iv J .McCoy ol umpter, Oregen: Benjamin I'o's, ot llnurne, Oregon, and I rank McCov, ot Sutnpte', Oregon E. W. IIamiiiitt. Register. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Drpir'mrnt ol the Interior, LanJ Oftice at La GranJe, Oregon. Jun a?, ion. I Notice Is lieieby given that the followlng-nameJ teltl.'r has hlrj notice ol his Intention to make final proot In support it hl ihlin. proof will be ma Je belore the Megister an J RcCrlvri al La (jranje. Oregon, on August v, 1901, vl: II. li. No. io, CHARLES M.'IIINPMAN, of Whitney, Oregon, tor the w Jj n w 'I See a Tp, o S. R. 6 li W M. He names tiio following witnesses to prove tils con tinuous reslJence upon anJ cultivation nt salj lanJ, vlx: Emory I'roelstel. I reeman Molt. WenJell N. Proebsel.ol Whlmey, Oiegon; anJ J. E. Stephen son, of Haines, Oregon. E. W. Dahilcit. Register. NOTICE I'OR PUIILIGVTION. Department of the Interior, j I anJ Oftice at La GranJe, Ore , June ?, ioo. I Notice Is hereby given that the lollowlng-tiamed settler has Mrd notice ol his Intention to make final proot In support ol his claim, nuJ that salj pioot will he maJe before the Register anJ Receiver, at La GranJe, Oregun, on August 9, ioo, i: II. li. No 1 1, coo, by EMORY E. PROEIISTEL, of Whitney, Oregon, for the e'a ne)J Sec. , e! sc'.' Sec. 10 Tp. 10 S, R 6 L'. w. At, lie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous reslJence upon anJ cultivation of s.ilJ lanJ, vli: Charles M llinjman, WenJell N, I'roebstrl anJ Trecman Scott, all ot Whitney, Oregon, enj J. E, Stephenson, of Haines, Oregon. li. W. IlAMUCTT, Register TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE j, i8;8.-NOTICB row PUIILICATION. UnlteJ States LanJ Oltice, j La GranJe, Oregon, August 10, too. i Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions 01 tne act ot congress ol June 1, 1878, en title J "An act lor the sale ol limber lanjs In the slates of California, Oregon, Nevaja anJ Washington Ter- ' rltory,"as evtenjej to all the Public LanJ States by (act ot August 4, i8ga. j OLIVER C. WRIGHT. 1 of Sumpter, countv of Baker, state of Oregon, has I this Jay MeJ In this omce his sworn statement No. 3764. for the purchase of the eH self sec t! ns!i nw( sec. it anJ sw)f sw!,' of section No. 8 In town ship No. 10 south, range No. it LWM, anJ will offer f'roof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable or Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to salj lanJ before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on SaturJay, the 17th Jayol October, 1901. He names as witnesses: Thomas S. Van Vleel. Lawrence M. Welsh, Van Rensselaer MeaJ, Ernest L. Manning, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming ajversety the above describeJ lanJs are requesteJ to tile their claims In this oftice on or before salj 17th Jay of October, 1001. E. W. UAkTUTT, Register. TIAiBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States LanJ Oftice. I La GranJe, Oregon, Aug. 3,190) t Notice Is hereby glsm that In compliance with the provisions ot Hie act of Congress of June ) 1878, entltleJ "An .ut tor the sale 01 timber lanJs In the States ot C.1III0111I.1, Oregon, Nesaja, anJ Wash ington Territory." as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states bv act of August 4. 1841, WILIIAM II. SALMON, ot West Superior, count ot Douglas, stale ol Wis con In, has this Jay MeJ In this oltice his swotn statement Nn. t7)s, for the purchase ol the 11 Vj tie,, sw',' ne'i anJ tin', se', of section No. a) In township No, it south, tange No. it EWM, anJ will oiler pioot to show 1I1.1I the lanJ sought Is mine aluable tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to est ibllsh Ills sl.itm to salj lanJ be fore the R glsteranj Receiver ol this otnce nt La GranJe, Oregon, on 1 hursJay, the ith Jay ot No vember, 190) He names as witnesses: I'eter J. SoarJs anJ William Kellv, ol Sumpter, Ore ; Chas. I'. Murphy anJ 1:1 L. Toben, ot Mcliwen, O 0.; John T Salmon, of Cslon, Wl, Any anJ all persons claiming .1 J erselv the apove JesctlbeJ lanjs are requeOeJ to tile their claims In this othce on or before salj jth Jay ot November, IUO). I:. W. llAUTlirtT. Register. TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE ). iSrS-NOllCU I OR rUllltUATIOV. UnlteJ States LinJ Oltice, la GranJe, Oiegon, Julv aa, iuoi Notice Is hereby gl en that In compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress ol June l. S-S en tltleJ "An act lor the sale ot timber lanJs In the Stales of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing' ton Tenltorx." a extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ States by act ol August 4. 180J. WILLARD O. HALLIDAY. uf Sumpter, countv of Baker, Slate of Oregon, has this Jay tiled In this otnce Ills swotn state ment mi a7n, lor the purchase ot the s ' nw ( anJ lots 1 nnj 4, ol section No. 4 in township No. 11 South, range No. it I' w l anJ ulll oiler ptoof to show that the lanJ sought Is more saluable lor Its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, nnj to establish his 1 lalm to salj lanJ beloie Chas. II. Chance, I1 S. Commissioner at Sumpter, Oie gon, on M011J.1v, the lath Jay ot October, iuoi. He names as witnesses. William A. (Siren, Van Rennselaer MeaJ, S'ephen Jackson anJ Ralph MeaJ, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any nnj all persons claiming nJtersely lite above JescilbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to tile their claims in tills oltice on or belore salj nth Jay ot O.tober, too . E W llAWHI tr. Register TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNE t, i8t8.-NOTICI-lor Pulllcatlon. UnlteJ States LanJ Oltice. I La (SranJe, Oiegon, Julv 7. 1901. 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the net ol congress ol June 1 IStS. en tltleJ "An act torthe sale ot timber lanJs In the stile's ot California, Ongon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LmJ Slates by actol August 4, 1893, NEM. B. GARVI.R, of I'annlngion. county ol Van Bureii, state of Iowa, lias this Jay MeJ In this othce his sworn statement No. a6Fo, ior the purchase of the wla nw!( ot section No. is In township No. 11 south, range No. it HVH.anJ will olfer proot In show that the I.111J sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than toragrl cultural purposes an J lo establish his claim to salj lanJ before Chailes II. Chance, U. S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oiegon, on I rlJ.iy, the 18th Jay ol September, igu. She names as witnesses: Ole T. StraJness. I'reJ Molt, Maik C Garver anJ I'eter J SoarJs, all ol I Sumpter, Oregon. ssny aru an persons claiming ajverseiy ine ninive JessrileJ lanJsare lequesleJ to tile their claims In this otnce on or belore salj 181I1 Jay of Sept., iuo. 1.. W. Bauiii'IT, Register. riMUhU LAND, ACT JUNI: 3, 1878 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. UnlteJ Stairs 1-inJ Oltice, I a Grande, Oiegon, Aug. 1 , iuo. Notice Is hereby giveiMiml In compll nice Willi the provisions of ll.e act ol Congress ot June 1, 1878, en titled "An act tor the sile ol timber lanJs in the Stales ot lillloinla, Oregon, NevaJ 1, anJ Washing ton Tellltoi)," as extenJeJ In nil the Public Land States by act ol August 4, 1K9, SARAH I LYNN, ol Sumpter, countv ol Baker, stale of oiegon, has lliis day Med in tills othce her swoin statement No. 3T74 tor Ihe piiictiase ot the sw1, sw1 section ar anJwH nw!; A w( nw ,' ot section No. 11 In lownshlp No, 11 south, range Nn 3 I. W 11, and will nllei prool lo show Hint the land sought is more valuable lor lis tlmt er or stone than lor puiposes, anJ lo estatllsh her claim lo salj lanJ before Cliailes II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, 011 Saturday, the aitlt dav ol October, iri. She names as witnesses I'etrr I). I'ealy, Miles M. I linn, S rah 1 1) tin an J William A. Green, all ot Sumpter, Oiegon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanjs are requesteJ In tile their claims in this oftice on or More salj 341I1 Jay ol Oct., ioqi. li W IIAIULI1T, Register, TIM1IKU LAND, ACT JUNKH, 1S78. Nerici: roil I'l'iii.iL'Aiio.v. UnlteJ StJtes lanJOlfice. IfiCe, ) Iregon, I ta, nni, 1 La GranJe, Oregon Aucusl 13. II, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act ol congress ot June , 1878, en lillej "An ad for the s lie ol timber lanJs In Ihe stales ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," as eslenJeJ to all the I'utllc LanJ stales by acl ol August 4, 1891, DAVID S. CLARK, of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has llils Jay hleJ In this oltice his sworn statement No. 3760, tor Ihe purchase ol the swjf sejf anJ nft swj anJ seK swjj' ol section No 9 In township No. 11 south, range No. jt l.'.W.AV, anJ will oiler proof 10 show that Ihe lanJ sought Is mure valuable lor Us timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to said lanJ before Chas. II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregun, on SaturJay, the aitli Jay of October, iou. He names as witnesses: Melvln Clark, AnJrew J. Denny, Augusta Denny and William A. (ireen, all ol Sumpter, Oregun. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above describeJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In this oltice on ur belore salj 34th Jay ol Oct., 190). 1. W UAkUtTT. Register. -NOTICE FOR UnlteJ States I anJ Office. tales I anJ Office, ) La GranJe, Oregon, August 14 11 1. Notice Is hereb.s given that In compliance with the provisions ot the ait ot congress ot June 1, I818, en tltleJ "Ml act torthe sale ut timber lanjs In the stiles ol Callfornh, Oregon, sesaja anJ Washington Ter ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ stales by act of August 4l&, (SI.OKGE A. CARTER, ol Whitney, countv ol Baker, state ol Oregon, has this J iv tifeJ In this oftice his sworn st.itenent No. 377(1 torthe purchase 11I the n'a sw, sec. it anJ n!4 se'i ol section No. 18 In township No. 10 s range No. 16 I . y. Al, anJ will otter piool to show that the l.mj sought Is more x'aluable lor Its limber or stone than lor purposes, anJ to establish his claim to s.ilJ lanJ before Chas. II. Chance, II. S. Com missioner, at Sumpter, Oiegon, on Saturday, the 34th .In ol October, idol He names as witnesses Willi im II. MeaJ, of Sokane, Washington; Samuel Rlshel, Hiram Camp bell anJ Caroline II. ( alter, all ol Whitney. O egoti. Any anJ all persons claiming 1 rselv the abo e JesctlbeJ lands aie lequeste.1 10 Me their claims In this oltice on or beloie sil J 34th Ja ol(tober, loot. V. W. Ilcutlltr. Register TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE t. iBtB-NOTICL-IOR PUBLICATION. UniteJ Slates I anJ Oftice, La GranJe, Oregon, Julv 1, io. I Notice Is hereby glcen tint In compliance with the pins islons of the act ot Congiess ot June 1, 1878, en titled "An act lot the site of limber lands In the stales f Calltoinli. Oiegon, Nevada and Washing lliglon Telillorv," as extenJeJ lo nil the Public I anJ states bv act ot August 4, 1893, HARRY O. M'CUI.IOUGII. ol Sitrrpter, county ot Baker, state ot Ongon, has this I1I1 d In this oltice his sworn statement No, vM), lor the purchase ol the nw', ol section No. 15 III township No, 11 soiiih, tange No. 18 IWM, and will oiler proot to show that the land sought Is mine sal liable tin Its limber or stone than lor pur poses, anJ to establish his claim to sild laud belore Chas. II. Ih.inie, I . S. commissioner at Sumpter. Oregon, on Moudac, the 14th day ot September, 1901. He names as witnesses' Van Reiinselaer Mead Ralph .Mi'. 1, 1, William A. (neeiiniid Samuel P. Hunt, all ot Sumpter, Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adc erselv the above Jescilbed lanjs aie lequestcJ to tile their claims In this oltice oil 01 before said nth Jiy ol Sept., iui. E. W, ll.umiitT, Register. TIMBER UNO, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ Slates l-inj Oltice, I ' La GtanJe. Uieeon. Aui. as.iuoi. I Notice Is hereby glceii that In compliance with the ptnc Islons ol the act nt Congiess ol June l. I87H, en tltleJ "All act lor the sale ot timber lanJs In Hie Stales ot California, Ongon, Nevada and Washing ton Tenitory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Slates by act ol August 4, !), CHARLES I.. I ERRY, ol Sumpter, county ol Biker, Stile of Oregon, lias this Jay hied In this othce his sworn state ment No. 3817, for the purchase of the se!( ol sec tion No. 91, III township xo. 10 S, range No. it II W M. and wltl oiler pMMil lo show thai Die land sought is mine valiiat le for Its limber or stotiT than lor ngtl culluial puiposes, mid to establish his claim lo said Chance. U. S. Commissioner, al Sumpter, Oiegon, on I ilj.iy he nth day ol No vember, ioo. He names as' witnesses: William A. Green, An drew J. Dewar, Isaic Williamson and Jasper Crouse, all ol Mimpler, Oiegon. Any and all eisons claiming adc eiselv the ahove JescribeJ lanJs ine lequesled to die thiir claims in tills ollue on or belore said t.ih dav ol N -v., nm. I: W. lUklllllT, Register. TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNI: 1, 1878. -NOlu:u ion PUIILICATION. United States Und Olhce, I a Giande, Oiegon, July i, ioo. I Notice Is hriely given that In compliance with the plus Islons ol the act nt congiess ot June , 1878, en titled "An .id lor Ihe sile ol llnil er liitds In die si ites ol Caillotnl 1, Oiegon, NevaJ 1 and Washington Icr rllorv," as extenJeJ to all the Public lanJ states by act ol August 4, if-iJ, JAMES II. PRUITT. ol Sumpter, county ot Bakei, state ol Oiegon, has this Jay MeJ in this oflice his sworn statement No 37U, lor (lie purchase ol the i' ol section No. in township No. 11 south, range No, it II W M, anJ will oiler prool lo show that the I.111J sought Is mote valuable lor Us timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim In said land Icloie Chas. II. Chance, U, S. Com missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on 'I uesday, Ihu 1 itli J 1) of Oct,, 1901, He names as witnesses: James Collins, William Kelly. I'etrr J. SarJs, an J Guldo later, all of Sumpter, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above JesciilrJ lands aie lequesled lo hie their claims In this oltice on ur belore said 1 lh day ol Oct., 1901 E. W. IIAHIUIT, Register. TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE i, iStS.-noiici! ior PUIIIIC.MION. United Stiles I and Oltice, I Li Grande, Oiegon, Aug. 8, 19.11. Notice Is hereb) given that ill compliance with Ilia provisions ol Hie actol congress ol June , 1878, en titled "An acl lor the sale of Umber lands In Ihe stales uf California, Oirgon, Nevada and Washington 'fer ritin)'," as extended lo all the Public land Stales by actol August 4, 189J, JOHN T. SALMON, of Cvion, county of St. Ciolx, state of Wisconsin, has this diy tiled In this otnce his swoin statement No. 3TS4, lor the purchase of the 11 ! ne!f !( ne! and nw) self ot section No. 9 in township No. 11 south, range No, it I WW, and will olter proot 10 show the land sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or slone than lor agricultural purposes, and loeslibllsli his claim to said land belore the Reg ister all J Receiver of this oflict- at La GranJe, Ore on ThursJay, the itli Jiy ot November, iuo. He names as witnesses: Peter J, SoarJs and Wil liam Kelly, of Sumpter, Ore.; Chas P. Muiphy anJ l:d L. 'Inben.ol McEwen.Oie.; W. II. .Salmon, ol West Superior, Wis, Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In tills oltice on or before said sth day of Nov., 190 1. E W. IlAkULTT, Register, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.-PUBLICATIOH.