The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 09, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, September q, 190
Industry Should be Supervised
Government, Not
By States.
Speaking of Hid ticct'-islty of emit -I
ilk' 11 national department of inline,
(hi! Ml 11 Ink iiml Helen! Illc. I'ichh,
very aptly hii.vh:
Much Iiiih 1 cmi hmIiI hi HiIh joiiriinl
ill (III) lllsl ((HI J'CMI'M In limit- of llio
creation of a cabinet department of
nilnen mill milling, mill llio mid.ii
iiii'IiIh advanced In Htippurtlui! hiicIi
ii iimiiHtirn cuiiliiiim to kmIii In force
liy tlin mil mill H'imv.iii'o f ovciiIh.
The oliji'd Ion i.IhiIHihI IIiiiI, iih Hid
hmimu'vIhIoii of tliCMlillliliik' IndiiHtry,
fun well l;n left Ip tlie hiviiiiiI hIiiIch,
II Ih iinnecc-w-niy to Imiili'ii tlm mm
I'liil uoveiiuininl with ninth 11 mill lor.
Hill H111I Ih only n'HtluK the qui1
lion. Tim 1 mi 1 1 it annulled iih conceded
Ih oiiii of tlm tiling ilcnli'il liy llm
hiiiioi li'iH of llm project. Tlm nup
i'IvIhIiiii mill fontcii liu I'liin nitllicil
liy tlm iiiiIIoii'h lmciiIchI ImhIc. IndiiH
try Ih jiiHtly n niitloiiiil picHtinn mill
mil he IichI nerved liy iintloniil nlil.
Them urn miuiy IIiIiikm Hint llm miv
(nil nnvoroluntlcH which limy make
up t It Ih kii'iiI icpu'.'.lic can do, lint
thcio mo many IIiIiikh that noun lint
tlm iintloniil ummuiucut run cntnpithH
with JuhIIco to nil, iiml (IiIh Ih onn of
tlicin. Tlm federal power Ih. ilomi
111111I over nil. iiml when It Iii.vh llm
Ureal iii'Ih of IIh Hiiptcine authority
over hliy Hiilijri'l, Hint taken on u
innji'Hty iiml in llfti'il to it lofty
IioIkIiI of IiiiIiihIiIiiI iinporliiiu'n de
nied lo nny IIiIiik colli rollcil noliily
liy nliit 0 Iiiwh, If tlm ininliik' IndiiH
try oT tlm United StntcH were cuntlucd
to 11 feu iiiHiunillciint M-ctiiniH of our
coiiuiion coniitry; If tlm IiiIcichIh it
ripri'MntH were of liltln commercial
Inipnilntice, or if Hh dentinics Iiml
liltln iullimncii on our niitlounl lifn;
if it iniillnrcd lltlln wlmtlmr llm mill
in IndiiHtry lived or IiiiiuuIhIiciI,
mid if tlm IhciicH involved nllcclcd
only 11 Himill pnrt of llm people, llm
olijection niklil hnvn Homn Height.
Hut iih nil the other iudunlricH of the
imullneiil rent upon the iiiiultiu in
dtixtry, iih Hh opeinliotiH me cnov
tenniso ih the otent of Aniei lean
territory ilhclt'; iih It Ih only the
federnl power Hint cull wield tlm
uecehHiry iintloniil inllueuce to nil-
i 1
miulxtcr 011 Mii'li 11 imrcrfiiry iintioiinl
IndiiHtry, it Ih only IiuhIiichh I lint
leipilhile iitlnliU'oli lie beMowcd ilpn
hiicIi IndiiHtry by tlm cientlon of u
niitloiiiil liuienu Hint cnu iilone ulvo
tlm needed iitlnution which throlli'li
tlm yeni'K Iiiih lieeu wllhheld.
The iUchIIou ciiunot lie downed
nor put iir-ldc; it limy come ilnv lie
coiue n politlcnl iuickIIoii, ju.t iih
hnve othei uintterH of Ioh iuipoit in
our iiiilioiinl life, OriK'iunlly when
we went wen I; mid miiiiII tlm I'Yilmnl
Cabinet Iiml hut four iiieiulierH.
Ah we ndvnuced, the I'leHident'H lit I -vIm'ih
Kiew in uiiinlier witli tlm
Kioutli of llm country. Mnny tlilnuH
uceded loMerl iik cure mid piotecliou,
mid they lightly pit it. The mining
iudiiftry never asked for nny help.
It iihIvM none now. In pence or wnr
it Inii ever held up tlm iiiiiih of the
Million mid with ftiinly iudepeudeiice
Iiiih uiiidn piiM-ible the cplentlld pio
K'kh Hint Iiiih marked tlm ycniH mid
Hindi) HiIh 11 world-wide power. The
fact, that tlm iinllon nccupicH tlm
foic-fiout 111 1 1 1; Ih due to the minion
IndtiMry iih much iih to any other one
fuctor In mi xplcudld mid Hitlr-fnctoiy
a rt'Milt. Nor iIoch them come any
or succor
from nny miner anywhere. Ah a pri
vnto proposition tlm nilniiiK IndiiHtry
of tlm niitiou mid the Heveral HtntoH
will advance in proportion to tlm
wealth they develop and Hid nkill,
vim and r-clencu of tlior-o who make.
up the. mininu world, with due regard
to tlm 1 1 tn i t ut i o iih Imposed liy tlm'., .,..!,. I li Im ,.! ., .,!,,..
- Ih nol
.......... n ... .v. w .v ..-. ..w .. j.....
for HHHlHlaucn nor a bid for ofllcn that
-Macedonian cry for hulp
protliplH (he HUtrnc.Mt loll tllllt a cabinet ship No. 11 S., range No. jt, C, W M, and will
.I... ....1. ....l.i ,.r ...l.w.u .....I ,l,,l,,,. u "'I' P")"f lo show that ilia- land sought Is
(Il' lirtllicilt or IllllieH and llllllllIK Ih mt,re valuaHe lor Its timber or stone than lor
needed. It coiiicm from a clear con- agricultural piroy-s, and to establish' his claim
to said land before (.has. II. Chance. U. S. com
cepliou of national recpllieineillH; mlssloner. it Sumpter, Oregon, on Tueday, the
from II knnwledim that HiicIi ll lltMrt. ' 'VnneswTinesse'sr'willUrn A. Green. Ralph
men! Ih needed iih a nulillc meiiHlire: Mead. (ieori;i-V, SVhhe and Jame II. Coiners, all
tlm evidence that however ellleient
hIiiId HiipnrviHion may lit1, it IncltH tlm
Iron-clml potency of federnl jiiiIh
dictioii; it couieH fioin thu coiihcIoiih-
iichh in tlm m I in Ih of ninny that thu
Kieat IndiiHtry thai Iiiih furnlHhcd ho
Kienl a part of our natlonnl wealth
hIioiiIiI havethe attention that will
enable It lo ho cvcuhIIII ki enter iood
to thu nut tun of tlm Iwenllelli ceil
What minim; I.i.h doun for tlm
nation Ih hut an index of what It cnu
do. .H II IiuhIiichh propOHltion It
,,,.,,, , , .
would Im tlm licnt payillK Investment
11 nil,.., ,11.11.. mull, lii I'l'imlii ii im.
llm nnl inn mm maun 10 cieatn a mi -
Holllll department of lllillCH mill mill-
. . ...
I IIK mid hnve a rcpiCHCUtlltirn of tlm
lllltiou'H K.CIltext ll.dUHlry ill Hill I'rcH-
Ident'H cabinet. Tlm matter Ih not
. , ,, ,, I
II narrow Olin of place or petty poll-
Ilex II Iw nf ivltlti iniiitii'l ,1
Hhould ho tieitled in 11 I tl minim!
way. II Hhould he llm province and
the purpose of our public ' men ' In
coiiHerve the intmehtH of tlmlr coun
try, anil whmo duty mid policy ho
plainly dictate tlm way it hhould not
be tlllllciilt to follow it.
Special Round Trip Rales,
lletneen Juno Mil and AiiliuhI '-(1th
Tlm IIIIiioIh Central will Mill round
trip HcketH from Orcein and WiihIi
inloii polulH to I'liienuo, Cairo,
MeinphlH and New OrleaiiH at (Irently
Heiluced It'ateH.
TicketH Komi for tluce uiontliH.
(ioiuL! limit ten 'iliiyn. IteturiiliiK
limit leu ilnyn utter HtnrliuK went.
Stop over privileges either way, went
of tlm .MIhhouiI River.
Sale ilalen are arrauited to 1 10 con
venient I'm delcKiitcH to convent Ioiih
of National Kducalional AHHiiciatiou
at HohIou; Klkn at Hnltiiuore; Wood
men at ludlauapoliH; KiiLilen at New
York; Shrinm-H at Saratoga; KiiIIiIh
of Pythian at l.oiiihvllle anil Com
mercial T'ravelei'H at ludlauapoliH.
Vou can take your choice nf Six
teen dlllereut roulen. Willi) iih.
We will cheerfully nlvo yr a any dn
Iniletl information you want.
II. II. TKU.MIllJldi, Coiu'l AKniit.
ll'J Thiitl St., I'm I hind, Ore.
Depiitmeni of the Interior.
Land ottue at La tiraiue. uregim
Aui!Ut JJ lu.ll
Notice Is hereby jit en that the tollowlng-named
settlu his filed poll.eol Ins Intention to make I1n.1l
I'HK't In suppoit nt his ilalm, and thai said pnut will
be made belme the Reglstet and Receiver at la
lir.111.le, Olegon, tin O.'tt'ber lu. 1011, til: II. li.
No iiBii. Ct.atles P. .Murphi m .Mcl'wen, (Jrecon,
tor the nS se'4 Se. i, Ip 11 S , Ringe it K..W.W.
an J I nl tandneS swij Stctlon 7. Township 11 S.,
Ringe 8 i:.W..M,
He names ttielnllon lug ttllnesses to piote hlsctin residence upoi ant cultltailoii tit ssld land,
sir Peter J. Soards and William KMlt . ot Sumpirr,
On-.. Id. I. riilen, Joseph To en and C. C.1111. ul
I.. W. HsuriLTT, Reglsier.
Di'lMltmenl ot the Interior
1 ana wince at 11 manje, wregon
Alntiut aa. 1001.
Notice Is hereby glen thsi the lollowlng-named
settler has tiled ttillt'e ot his Intention 10 mike tinal
riiHil In upMri ot Ills tialin, and lhat said proot will
be inajebeloie Chailrs II. Chance. I' S. Commis
sioner, at Sumpter. Oregon, on October 10, iuop
tic II. li. No iitud, Carrie .Msude Cook, of Simpler
Oiegiin, lor ih w)j ne'(, se'( ne)f and nw'j si(
Section 11. Township 10 Snuih. Range 7. I-.W.M.
He names ttie foltoulng wltmsses to prot e his con
tinuous tesldence upon and cullltatlun 01 said land,
sir Van Rensselaer .Mead, I iw in 0 Gatewood and
lames Rater, ot Sumpter, Oiegon, and Charles
Tlbbs, til Mcl.vtcn, Oiejon.
U W. lUuilltr. Regls'er.
1 f ill f.r-r, , .r a -i.i- it iiik .. . .
umncn Lrtiu,rtvi junca, jbo,
Unite J States Land Office, f
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 5. too. I
Notice 1$ hereby Riven that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress ol June j, 1878, en-
tltlej "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
fllnrv." .. til All Ilia, Pnhllr I in.l Si.,t.t Itv
act of August4. t8.
GEORGE . SMiril.
r r r, ( ran y u oaKer. state or uregon,
has this Jay tiled In this nftice his sworn statement
No. 84). tor the purchase of the sesK WM e
-. nnl l, n .a, ..1 it .uttf.n Nn .It In lni.n.
' ..( V.itnntp n.d....M
. l.m..i-..(
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this oltice on or bclore said xth Jav of Nov., igo.
li. W. HAMTLBTT. Register.
United States Land Olfice.
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. ;, ioo. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the acl ol congress til June 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl tor the sale of llml er ImJi In the stales
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." .is extended to all the Public Land slates by
'lo,A,,iJ;I,.?'fi ....,...,....
1 0 ,!;lIl.r cits..untyVi lijh.tiie oi Orrjton. i
! "'Is day tiled In this nfhee his sworn statement No.
I 'i7lor the purchaseuf the s)i s!f of Sec No.
In township No. to south, range No 16 li W
I M, and will tiller proof to show that the land
1 wugM ,4 mat vahMe ,or hl xlmbtr r itone than
' '' agricultural rurposes.nnJ to establish disclaim lo
1 said land leloreA. II. Combs Jr.. Lounlv Clerk.
, at Maker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the ath day
' "Hames a's'wV.nessesi
Joseph A. West. Grant
iiedJesand j.jiin 11. tccles, Jr .nt Haker city, urc-
gun; Rav II. West, til Logan. Utah.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above-
descrlled lands are requested to lile their claims In
,il olhce on or beloresild j4th Jay at Nov., ioo.
1:. w. 11 swulit. Register.
TI.MHHU LAM), ACT .1 UN K II, 1878.
Nerici: Kim kiiiii.ication.
United Slates Lind Olfice, I
Lt Grande, Oregon, September j, iwt.
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions til the act ul congress tit June 1, I878, en
titled "An -act for the sale tit timber lands In the slates
nt California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," ns extended lo nil the Public Land states by
act ol August 4 &
if Maker Cllv, county nf Haker. state of Oregon, has
this day filed n this other his sworn statement No.
18 11, tor the purchase of the s e i, of
section No. 11 In township No. 10 soulh, range No.
10 1 ww, and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than
lor .1grlcull11r.1l purposes, and to establish his claim
In said land before A. II. Combs, Jr., Counts' Clerk,
at ll.iker Cllv. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 34th
Jav til November, ivo.
lie names as witnesses: Joseph A West. Grant
GeJdes and James I. Smurthwalte, nl Haker City.
Oregen: R.iv II West, ot Lilian. I' I ill.
An and all persons chiming .idtrrselv the above
described lands are re uested lo tile their claims In
this olluc on or before said 4th dav ot Nov., io.i.
li. W. IIAHHLTT. Reglstet.
United Slates land Office,
I a Grande, Oiegtm, Se t. 5, 1901. 1
Nolle Is heieby given that In compliance with the
prut Isluns ol the at I ol Congress of June 1, 1878, en
tilled "An act tor the saleol timber lands In tne states
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ter
lllory," as extended to all Public Land states by act
ol August 4. 04.
of Sumpier, muniv ol taker, state of Oregon, has
this dav hied in this tunc his sworn statement No.
t'4, lor the putchase ol Lots 1 and 4, srtt.m tu, and
I ins 1 and 9 111 sefiion No itp No. 11 south range
No 17 I, W M. and will oiler pmol to show
that the land soiiiiht is inure valinble lor lis II infer
or Mone than tor agricultural purposet, and to
estibllsh his claim lo said I in J before Chat. II.
i.haiue, I' S Commissioner .it Siimpttr Oregon. on
Tuetdat the t Ih dav ot No. ember. iqo.
He names as witnesses. William A Green, Ralph
Me'J. James II (.miners and lirorge I. Smith, all
ol Sumpter, O egon
Ant and all persons claiming adversely the above
detailed lands arerei) jested to Me their ilahns in
Ihls nttue on or betor said 94th d iv tit Nov, ig .
I:. W. Hsuill'U, Register.
TtMiU'k UNI). ACT JlNb 1. i88. -NOTICE
UnlleJ S at 's Land Otl'.ce, (
La Grande, Oregon, Sept. igoi. I
Nolkv is heieby git en Hut in toinpl .like with the
piovislons ol His- act ot Congtess ot June 1. 1878,
enililej "An act tor the sale ut timber lands in Hie
States iitCallloiiila, Oiegiin, Netadi and Washing
ton Tetrltory," as extended to all the Public Land
states bt act ot August 4, i&)i,
ul Suni(Mer, cnuntt ul lliker,stateotOiegon,hasthls
day hied In this nine his swum statement No. 9841
lor the purchase ot the n ',. ne 1-4 s w 1 4, Lut
1 and 11 w i4 s i-4 ol sectio.i No. 10 in tow.iship
No. 11 south, range No r I. W.M . h.i will oiler
proot to show thai the I.' .id sought is mo tam
able lur Its limber or than tur .ricullural
puiposes. and to esiabllsi hit' 10 sad land
betoie Chas II, Chance, l. S. uinnilssloner, at
Sumpier. Oregon, on Tuod'j, the ailli day ol
Not ember, nj.
He names as witnesses; William A. Green, Ralph
.Mead, George W. White and Gcorg K Smlih, all
wt Sumpier, Oregon.
Ant and all pertonsilalmlng adtcrsely the abote
described lands are requested to tile Ihelt claims In
this oniw on or betue said 4th day otNotenber,
E. W. Hahiuu. Register.
Unite.' Stales Land Office. I
La Grande. Oregon, September i, root. I
Notice Is hereby given that In com 1 1 lance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June , 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4, 1891,
of Sumpter, county of Hiker, state of Oregon, has
this day filed In ihlsnthce his sworn statement No.
a8u for the purchase of the n e 1-4 n w 1-4 & n w 1-4
n e i-4 sec. 7 & s)j sw i-i of scrtkin No. 11 In lawn
ship south, range so. j7 EWM and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is trore valuable
lor Its tlmbsrior stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said Imd before Clus.
II. Chance, U. S- Commissioner, at Sumpter, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 17th day of Nove 1 ber, 190).
He names as witnesses: Van Rennselaer 1ead,
Ralph Mead, John II. t-rer, and John vVllson, nil of
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands ars requeste I to hie their claims In
this olfice on or before said 17th day of Nov., iqo.
E W. llAHTU'TT. Register.
United States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, Aug. i, 1901. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June i, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ol tlmberlinds In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevadi and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended tu all the Public Land states by
actol August 4, 1801,
of Surrlpter, county of Hiker, state of Oregon,
has this day filed In this office his sworn statement
No. 28u0, for the purchase of the nt)i nr ot sec.
8 and t',i se! and st nr'l of section No. 5.
In township No. ti south, range No 17 rwvt, and
will tiller proof lo show that the land sought Is mure
valinble for Its timber or stone thin for agr'cultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore Chas. II. chance. U. S. Commissioner nl
Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the jth Jay of
November, igoj.
He names as witnesses: William A, Green, David
S. Clam, Augusta J. Denny and Andrew J. Denny,
all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
this otnee on or before said xth dav of Nov., 1001
E. W. Hawtlutt, Register.
T1MUER. UND, ACT JUNE j. 1873.-MUICB ton
United Stales Land Olfice, ( :
La Grande, Oregon, Aug, 27, ioo. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," ns extended to all the Public Land Slates by
aclotAugust4. 184a,
of Sumpter, county of Haker, state ol Oregon, has
this Jav Med in this oflice his sworn statement No.
jSjo, for the purchase ot the e!4 ne!, and nw)(
ne and n c 1-4 n w 1-4 of section No 18, In township
Nn. 10 south, range No. 17 I! w M, and will otfer
proof to show that the land sought Is more valu
able for lis timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and lo establish hs claim to said land be
lore Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on I rlday, the 1 )lh day nf
November, iijoj.
He names witnesses, Van Renselaer Mead,
.Michael Ivnch, Ralph .Mead and Isaic Williamson,
all tit Sumpter, Oregon.
Ant' and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this oflice on or belore said i)'h Jayot Nov.. igo.
U. W llAKUtTI. Register
UnlteJ States Land Oltice. )
La Grande. Oregon, Sept ;, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given lhat In compliance wltn the
provisions ot 1 lie act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tlllej "An acl for the sale ot timber lands In the stile
ot California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Ter-
rltort ," as extended lo all the Public Land states by
act ut August 4, 1891,
of logau, county of Cache, stale of Utah, has
this djv hied In this olhce his sworn statement No.
1S14 tor ihe purchaseof iheiM swif ,1- Lott j Ji 4
nt section No. 11 In township No. 10 south, range
No. 10 LW.M, and will oiler prool to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or sione
ihan lor agricultural purpotes, and to establish his
tlalm to said land lefo'e A. II. Combs, Jr , Countv ll.iker f lt, Oregon, on TuetJiy, Iheiiih
Jat tit Notember, i9.
He names as witnesses: Joseph A. West, Grant
iiedde. James R. Smtirihwalte and John II. Eccles,
Jr., all ot Haker City, Oregon.
Ant' and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
desalted lands are requested to tile their claims In
this otneeon or before said J4lhd.1v ol Nov., itoi.
U. W. lltkILl.Tr. Register.
United States Land Office.
La Grande. Oregon, Sept. t, 1901. 1
Notice Is hereby given that In complimce with the
pros Islons ot the act of tongress ol June , 1E78, en
titled "An act lor Ihe sale ol timber lands In the sines
of California, Oregon, Netada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
acl of August 4. Ib4.
nl Spokan., county ol Spokane, state of Washington,
has this Jay tiled In this otnee her sworn statement
No. s8io, lor the purchase of the e' 1 nK sec, 7 and
sw( nwi. 1 1 section No. 8 In township No. la south,
range No. 10 c w M, and will olfer proot to show lhat
the land sought Is more taluable tor its limber or
stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land belore Chas. II. Chinee, U.
S. Commlstione .at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday,
the a4th Jay nt Not ember, 1901.
Se1! names as witnesses: William II. Mead, of
Spokane, Washingten: Uurtnn .Miller, Leonaid J.
Slnisand Samuel Rishel, of Whitney, Oregon.
Ant' and all persons tlalmlng adtersel) tne abote
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
this olhce on or before said 14th dav ot Nov., ivoj.
E. W. HxRTUrr. Register.