The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 09, 1903, Image 1

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Twenty-Five or Thirty Ton Mill Will Prob
ably Be Installed at an Early Date For
Carrying on Exploratory
The Highland Gold Mines company
has plana under advisement for the
erection of a twenty-five or thirty ton
mill on Us property at an early date.
On the advice of Superintendent
Jackson, it ia deemed wise at this
time to Install a small plant for do
ing tho exploratory work, and it is
stated that it is more than probable
the machinory will go in before
cold weather.
It is not understood, however, that
this is to be the final equipment of
the property as far as a reduction
plant is coucerued, but only for tak
ing care of the ore from development
woik, which will supply buoIi a mill
without auy stopiug whatever. Thero
are four tunnels from which a good
quality of milliug ore is now being
taken. While tho character of tho
mill has not been decided upon, it is
stated that it will either bo high
speed rolls or stamps with suitable
couceutratiug appliances. It In fur
ther stated that tho order is likely to
be placed within tho next two weeks
and that immediate steps will bo ta
ken toward the erectiou of buildings.
Tho permauout mill, however, is
another matter aud will bo taken un
der advisomont at a later dato.
There Is a miiguiilceut sito for this
Little Cracker Shows Satisfac
tory Values.
Ed Butze. Sr.. general manager of
the Little Cracker, owned by Duluth
capitalists, reports to The Miner that
the front ledge of the property was
encouutered 103 feet in last week,
and that the values run from 831
down. The ledge has been entered
eight feet since it was tapped from
the croscsut, Mr. Hutze states, aud
about 1,000 feet lower down on Rock
Creek, where an abundant supply of
water can be had.
In the meantime development will
proceed without cessation. Work ia
now being concentrated on the Glas
gow drift, which shows an eight
foot ore body averaging bteween 110
and $12, which is getting better with
every shot with Indications that the
liannockburu shoot, which yielded
such high returns iu tho upper work
ings, is bolug ueared.
Tho outside work is Hearing com
pletion, and it is tho purpose, of tho
management to start another cross
cut furthor down the mountain soon,
which will givo an addod depth on
tho vein of 250 foot, or ontiro dopth
of over 1,000 feet.
As a rapidly developed property,
siuue it has been operated by the Noll
J. Soronseu company, the Highland
stands among tho first in tho district.
Development work has boon pushed
with uuabated vigor since this com
pany took hold of tho property,
bringing tho Highland from tho pros
pect to a near approach of tho pro
ducing stago. Superintendent Jack
sou says that tho Highland is showing
up more oro than auy property ho
has seen iu tho district, and that it
is undoubtedly a great mine.
thero is no indication of tho opposite
Thero aro two lodges on tho prop
erty, aud it is tho plan of tho com-
pauy to coutinuo tho crosscut until
tho other is reached, which is about
.'100 feet away.
The cabins havo been completed
aud tho company Is now layiug lu
wood and other supplies for continu
ous wiuter work.
Justice Group.
J. M. Doyle, superintendent of tho
Justice Gold Mining company's prop
erty on Wind creek, was in town this
week on business. Mr. Doyle says
that last week l:o opened up a now
vein of ore, fifteen Inches in width,
that assayed $20 to the ton, on the
old Ramble workings. Work has
been progressing very favorably aud
it is the present Intention of the
compauy to continue development
work all winter, Tho winter's sup
plies will bo hauled in as soon as
the road In to the property has
been fixed.
Stock Arriving.
llela Radish, of Baker City, a
member of the Oregon Forwarding
company, was here this week lu con
nection with the now stock of mining
hardware which the firm is putting
In. It is a 120,000 stock, aud the
consignments are beginning to arrive.
Coatlniws Shipping.
Captain A. M. Paul, superinten
dent of the Imperial, was In the city
yesterday. The Imperial continues
shipping ore to the Sumpter smelter.
The averages, Captain Paul states,
now run about $05.
Lower Drift Shows High
Values In Gold and
Krod Warren, superintendent of
the Ornament, ouo of tho Killoii,
Waruor, Stewart properties, iu tho
Greenhorns, camo In from tho mine
yesterday with a fluo lino of samples
from tho workings on tho lower drift.
It is baso oro, which from its up
pearauco carrios exceptionally high
values lu gold aud silver.
Tho Killeu, Warner, Stewart com
pany has had a bond and leaso on
this property for tho past year, aud a
lot of development work Iiiih been
douo during this time. The Orna
ment Is a group of four claims, and
it is stated that it Iiiih more develop.
moiit work douo on it than any other I
Greenhorn property. All told the
development approaches 2,00(1 feel.
Superintendent Warren Is now con
centrating work on the lower drift
where tho vein averages four aud a
half feet iu width between clean cut
walls. This drift is now in a dis
tance of 020 feet. Select wimples
from it havo gone over 81,000, and a
fow days ago three average samples
from tho faco of tho drift gave 8100,
83(1 and 831 to tho ton. A depth or
000 feet will be attained lu the pres
ent workings. Some oro has already
been shlppod from tho mine.
Superintendent Warren states that
200 tons of high grado oro was
taken out from tho last sixty
feet ou tho lower drift. This Is ouo
of the Greenhorn properties which
has attracted but little attention, but
which promises soon to become a
NO. 1.
California Plant To Be More
Than Doubled.
President Michaels and Secretary OvM, of
Tutnigsiq Arm, Leave Today For
San Francisco to Purchase New Equip
meol Cspsclly Will Be Raised From
Fifty to 130 Tons a Day Mr, Ovltt
On Situation in East Believes ia Prin
ter's Ink.
The capacity ot the California re
duction plant la to be more than
doubled very soon. Additional ma
chinery is to ho installed within the
next few weeks which will lucreaso
tho oro handling efficiency of tho
mill from its present capacity of fifty
tons a day to 120. Joseph Michaels,
of Minneapolis, president of tho
Turnagatii Arm compauy, operating
tho California, Leo S. Ovltt, or Mil
waukee, secretary of tho company,
and James C. Pond, also of Milwau
kee, general passenger agent of tho
Wisconsin Central, aud a director iu
tho Tiiruagain Arm, arrived in tho
city last week, and after looking over
tho situation decided to purchase tho
machinery at once. Messrs. Michaels
and Ovltt left today for Kau Fran
cisco to place the order. Mr. Pond
could not remain away from his rail
road duties longer and left for the
east several days ago.
The additional machinery will con
sist of a reverberatory master, leach
ing and ('.vaiildlng appurtenances aud
additional vauncrs. The present plan
as stated by tho olllclals is to get it
installed at the soonest possible
Accompanying tho Turuagalu Arm
people, was a largo party or eastern
stockholders who, after visiting tho
California, Cracker Jack aud Cracker
Oregon, were well pleased with these
properties and well satislled with
their holdings iu them. Mr. Ovltt,
who through his relation to these
companies, is familiar with the finan
cial situation iu tho east says:
"Wliile tho money market is tight
at present, thero aro millions and
millions of dollars on deposit at
hanks throughout the east, aud this
will certainly begin to circulate aa
soon as crops begin to move. Pub
lic confidence has I wen somewhat