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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September 2, 190$ "1 M ( TIPTON, NAME OF NEW TOWN. Sumptcr Vnlley Extension To Be Completed Before Cold Weather. Picftldi'iit Ki'uIcm, of (lio Kiiinplcr Valley Itallioud mill Oregon Lumber company, accnmpmilcil liy (imiit (icdili'H Hiiii'rliiti'inli'iil 11I' tint littler company, .1. A. WVnt, chief engineer, Jiipepli I In 1 ton, ncneml Ititlulil mill lnihci'Mui'i- iii'iil, icHpectlvcly of t In Humptcr Vnllny, mill l. II. Stoddnid, of S11 111 1 1 ii-, ictiiiiiril Siilinilny limn a trip of inspection to (Iiii extension lining Imiit heyoml Whitney. Tin' pnrly wiih cmrleil in I'lcsldunl Kecles pi'iviiln cur. Tllll IIIIIIIO III! lilt ll'I'lllillllH III' Hut lixtclislllll Will Iiii Tlptllll, Mill Klllll lllll, llrt llCllltnfllll) IIIIUIIIIIICCll. Till' .Mi hit fill I m I attention tu the fact Hint theio is niin lnuii in tlin hliiln iiy II111 iimim ol' Siiiiiinil, miiiiii lime iiii, mill Hint II would Im Inadvisable to fin desltflialo tlm mn place, hIiii'h Hid pnslollh'n lo Im liiliir (-- t ii 1 i 1 i hIk I wiih 111 Iiiimi to ln'iir ii dllleicnl iiiiinii. Tlin new IiiwiihIIh Iiiih lll'l'll pllltll'll, mill pieparat Inns mn lining iiiiiiln lii liiivn II niadi'il nl mini. The depot hIIo Iiiim IlillMllly I II flclll'Cll. Tlin ilylil nl way fur tlm i'nIiiiihIiiii Iiiih been oleiiicd mill llii kiiiiIimk Mu lshed for iiluiiit llneo miles nl Hiii distance. Tlin entlio distance from Willi liny Ih ululil miles. It Im IIii purpiMii of 1 lio mill nail company tn IIIHll Willie IIS lllpillly IIM possible mill I'liinpliilii tlin otcnslnu before I'ulil weather. Themis n scmcily of mail ers now, hnwncr, mnl II in iiiiilct h( imhI I luil I'icsIiIoiiI Kecles u ill uinkti aiTiium'iimntrt to incictisn Ilic loicn nl IIIICO. Tlplnn is situated in the lieml of it Kimil iiiinlne; mid tiiubei iruiiiu mul' tlin iiiiIiiiiiI comlltnus mil I ii 1 1 ii lil i In its lii't-nmliiK' mi Import. in! town. Ills opinloiiH ri'Kiinlllik' Hie industry1 hIioiiIiI ho for soiiii.'thlntf, and Itu Mntct Hint Hid Valley Queen iiii- ' duiibtedly Iiiih Hid making nf a Kicnt iniiii). Jin htattiri further tliat Messis. (liny mnl Warren, besides. bciiiK fill dent mining lnuii, mo uiituiiiihiui'ri ' of hud ability. i Colonel LivcrlllOHt Hplilll tin1 week hunllim, IMiiii, nil Int; ami sleeping. Ilo pives It out very positively Hint lie cmiulit ocr 1,501) fish In tin; Xoitlt Fork of .Joint Day, backed cev- , i.'iiil bundled ttroiiho mnl saw n lino , Iniiii of oik, lint fulled to t-et within riitiKe. lie letiiiiied wllli no ocular. nviileiici', however, ami Hid i-tittn ' incuts rent on IiIh ouii vcini'lty. i BLUR BIRD AND BUCKHORN. I I Machinery Arriving lor Former and Latttr Looking Better Than Ever. Two carloads of machinery for I ho Blue llhd mill am here iindthiee, more mn expected to tirrive coon. Picsldcnl Wi-IkIiI Mates Hint lie will1 piohalily lii'Kln moving the miichlnery ; to the mine nc.l week. The linllil- inns to iccelwi tlm new plant me now' under cnlistiucllnu ami will lie com pleted in a short time. I'tcsiilcnt Wi li;li! intiiriieil Siiliir ilay from Hie Ititekhoin, a sister prop city lo tlin lllnn Mini with a linn line of samples. He stitle-i that Hid ore I'lintiiineH to linpinve anil Hint I lie propei ly pieM'iitti n hum n priiin irtiiu: oiitliink t Iiii 1 1 ner lielme. DIXIE GROUP MILL. Machinery to be Shipped From San Francisco At Once. EVERY INVESTOR i SHOULD KNOW i That the West is the place to buv Western stocks, I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack, Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis trict, should be able to supply you with any stock desired. This business is done through my brokerage j department, which, by the way, handles more stock I than any other firm in the West. I want to place the i name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list. , A postal card will do, requesting my market letter regularly. YOU HAVE READ Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same has been bought bv a strong bastern company, and the stock will shortly be put on the market by the CRACKER CREEK GOLD MINES COMPANY An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail you one in' due course of time. I shall act as the Company's Fiscal Agent. ADRIAN G. HANAUER BANKER AND BROKER p. o. Dmwer 1726 Spokane, Washington IJUTTII BOY GROUP. Crosscut Sltnwt Ten Feet ol Ilili Grade Oie, S.tyi Al Wenriclt. Al Weill leli, who owiih Hid Untie Hoy nionp, In the Kcil Hoy ilitiict, came in limn Hm piopeily thin week, lifter hilling llnUhcil Hm ncM'xxiiicnl woik lor HiIh ,ear. The Kioup con t ul lis four i'IiiIiiih, iiiljolnint; tlin ('un cord, and Mr, Weill leli Ma I en Hint Hiein In a veiy Mit Ulacloiy ehowint;. CoiiMiilernlilti woili linn licen dune on Hm pi opei ty. Theie Ih it JtM toot ih ill on the ledm. A erocMMit wiim lllliclied liefoie.Mr. U'enrlcli leli, which hhowcil a eln width often feet in oie eaiiylut,' k'ood wilnc. The lino of caiiipleH lnoiiulit in. while no iihi-ajH lime yet lieen made, will fdinu Mitlhfnctoiy Miliiec. VISIT THF. VALLliY QUHHN. Hditor Livennore and Parly Spend Week At This Well Known Mine. Colonel I- Illicit Lhi'imoie, niiin iik' i nt,' editor of the linker City Her. nlil, with Mi. I.Ueiinoin mnl tt Ih niDtht'i'-in-lnw, Mih. Klollc .Memllo miii, re'liiriii'd Momlny f 1 Din tlin Val ley (iicen, ulu'ie they pellt a week iih tlm Kiit'itK of T. C'hcrteilleld (iray, mul Cliiirlch Win leu, Mipei'lnlendent ami foieinitn tci-pcctlvely of thin well known piopeily. While Mr. LUeiiiinie doei. not poce ait it mining c.pcrl, Im thlnk Millwiiuhl .1. S. I.aiillaw hail n Inlter thin week fiom l''iank Kay. one ' of the owner of tlm Divle Kronp, who Iri now in Sim I'iiiiicIm'o mnkiiiK 'mimiueinentH for Hie hlilpineiit of millini: miichlnery, in which Im Mn led thill he will letilin in alum! two weeks mnl Hint tlin mni'liiliery U lo Iiii t-hlppcil at once. lie torwardeil plinih for the liiilldlno which mn to lie elected liy l.tilillnw and Sleiidniiin, who will iiImi iiihlall the machinery, anil wink on them in to he Marled thin week. Ah lii'ictoloro Mated, the new plant will he a twenty ton Klnkend mill. The i-nwinill icccntly inMiilled on Hie piopeily to cut lumber for Hm I litiildinuH to leceivn tlm nnw mill Ih I now in lull opeiation. mm T7n trtr Beautifully Illustrated 1 IvJLLJlL Pamphlet of 16 Pages ? Showing dt OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any perron coiitcmpliitiiiu miiiiiiu'lnveMmoiit Miotild not lu without tlm infnriniition uontiiiiicd in thin valtmhlu nuinphlel. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. 00 mul It will hu promptly mailed you ) LAST CHANCIi MOIST HHRIi. i , Machinery Will He Sent Out lo the Mine j At Once. I The hulhllni: plant to lie inMiilled ' at the l.ttnt Chiiuce, operated liy the llnliy MclCee company, was tecelreil .Monday, after conMdeialile delay in hhlpment. Tlm liulldlliL'H to receive the nia chlneiy have lieen completed liy l.nhllaw and Steadman, and the init chlneiy lb to he i-etit out III a few iltiyn. Timber and Homestead Filings. TimWr mnl homehtc.til llllnt., to well ; its lliittl inmfx, cini lie ln:ide before (Tmrli'ri II. Clitiiiro, I'nitcd Stilton Com miffioiier, ollico in l'irt National Hank of Sumptcr liuildiiij.', f-'miiiter, tints cnv- int; ttpplli'itntx expeiiMt of n trip to l.u firiindii. ' Slmcnof all ktmls tit Neill Mercnntlle j coinptiny's. WHEELER & CO. 32 BROADWAY, N. Y. ' "- Books and Stationery 1 liao mliltHl to my Htock of Ciptrn mnl TohncciK'H n htro iiumlwr of IMipular itovola, the leiidinj: H.'rioillcal8aiuI n complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... the: gem saloon A.J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnsoii) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON L. HARRIS, Proprietor