The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 02, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, September 2, 1903
The Sumoter Miner
jamcs 1.00111
T. CJ. tiWVNNIi.
tnlfifo -I Ih- sn.tofflc In Sumplrr. Oreenn. ,
Ir.rnmlsslou lhiouKh III mill. vconj c!i , J,.ulmt,. ( llllll llliy of till) HpeCllllI
maitrf 1 1
1 1 1 vo oprnitloiiH In ntockri mid LrniliiH.
On Vmi .
Six Mtinih.
.la.oo '
.! 1
OIIIUAI. 1'Ai'l.R 01 nil. UTY or SUMPTCR
A ieut deal of satlsfatciuit in ex
pressed iiiiiinin miiiiun people rcnnrd
ilij; I he ileelHioil of President ltoo.-e-vell
to lie loptcscutcd nl tho
Aiiiiiricmi Connies which eoi.veneH
next Miindiiy al Dead wood -I .end.
Seei alary hull. Miilnin, of tho
Ml.. I.... I I I'. IIII...I
1........K. Kr, ...en ............
Iiy Leslie M. Hhaw, secielary of the
tie.isnry, that ho will ho present at
Ihu meet I i.i,' as the president's special
lepie.-eiilntlie. 'I'ho coiiiIiil; meeting
will doiihtloss In. the most impoitiint
since the oiK'mii'atioii of the con-
OieKoli is out to li.nil the II 1 1 l,u
of the Milling Couuiess ill ,
I'.lliri. Ami why not (lieuouY Ah a
ininlni; stain II Is chiiiIiil; rapidly to
the liol.l and II would In. eminently,
l.ppiopi Into for I lie linily to hold Mm'
......I It.... l. I 1. 1., ..!..!.. II... I I. ....I
ni'M iin-iTiiiiK 111 1 inn rillli't I iilllllllil 1
wauls the u tlliu. As the stale I -- -
liiellopolis tl.eie does Hot seem In ho
iiiiylhliiK uriini; hi this. In. I I'oil-' A piuly composed of .Iom'iI. liar
laud is a little out of touch with any I ton, j'cncral height and pashener
of the 1. lining districts. And thein . iienl nl Ihu Kiimptel Valley lailroiul,
Ih tho daiiuer of I'm I In. el's tuiiiinu' I
the meet inn into a hull or cheen
idiow. I
II is staled thai John I), liocko-
lollop piopiiM's lo Inlie a linn at llio
iron ii.diistiy In .leleo Iheieeeit
acipiisiliou of the phillls owned hy
the ('0I011.1I0 I'uel mid lion com
puny is lo I... nisi, the initial point
of opeialioii In conlinllinn the south
eru hiislue-'s. Accoiillnu In the plan talus. Ilishops llailou mid lioinney
outlined, II is stated thai lion and me of the .Mormon ('hutch at Kail
steel plants aro lo Imi hull! mid mil l.akn City. The tormep is a hrnlhcr
ioi.iIs eoiistiiicleil under coucci-sloiis of .Mr. Ili.iton, fieifhl uncut ol tho
lion, the .Mexican nnie. ninenl. This'Smuptei- Valley.
Is only 1.1. other step towmd the ultl
linile contiol of Mexican iudilstl ics
hy United .Slates capital. Capitalists
hi tills country have heen pmlicular
ly activii wlhlil the past few . veins not
only in liuihliun up ma
K iii iiiiiiiiiiiii'iiniiiK i
, ,, ., Ill '
coiicenis iii tlie Miulheru lepulillc,
hut they lime shown a decided in
clinatiuli tuwaiil ileieloiiinu' I lie
till i im til icsiiitices of the sistei stale. , have heen held hack somewhat on ac
The luttci tact would. seem soi.ieuhiil count of (he scmclty of teams for
si inline since the nteal west of our I niatlilin work, hut the new ones so
own eo. in try olio just as noml mid ciiieil hy I'tesident Mccles will nteatly
perhap-. a betlcp Held for miiiiun accelerate nmtters. They will ho
operations, mid out laws in this te hcie in a tew days,
spect niecciliilnly siillicleiitly llbetal. "Wo me nolun ahead Inyinn out
II has been tuned, and llieie is per the new town of Tipton, mid wo he-
haps lunch tiiith In the stateineiit, ,
that the incidence lor Mexico exists
in the instability of the labor situ
ation bote.
A I'icscott, Atiomi, concspon
deiit Miitinn to the American Miiiiun
News, asys: "Many people think
that a home hnliistiy Is about tho
n.ftest pioposltlon that money can
be hiM'sted hi, and that if funds me
placed near at homo one has a better
oppcrtiinlty to keep potted mid
watch icsiilts. Tho number of
'home industries' that have failed
durlnn Ihu punt year nro renter tlitin
Hint of nil t lio lenltlniiito mitiinn
CnlllplllliCH till! pUHt tlll'CI) .VCIITH.
Mining of today Is mi Industry; it
Iiiim become 11 business enterprise pine
mill simple. Improved machinery,
sclentlllc knnnledno mid business1
I milllllKCIIICIIl IIIIVO made milium llioro
Them Ih iiii eleneint of cluinen In
11v1.1v business. KiM'ii competition ! 'K-r of the Oieon Smoltinn and Ko
mid ll.tetualinn markets may IjHiik f n,,l,,K -'"i'"y. mIiiIch tlmt Ihu IhihI to any commeicial enterprise, i ,,UHH '""" "f umptor who subscribed
Tin, inn. 1 11I11. Invests his In ,,! ll "' " '""'' l PlirohllHhl(?
' furin takes the rink of lusiun his crop
bydiuuthorMorm. Hut the Held
for piolllnlili) Investment In tho uiiti
inn IniliiHtry Ih pialctlcally Inox-
IiiiiihIIIiIo; IIidiu Ih no compel it ion,
... .
::.:;" ,,: rr,,,r; ,1,::;
Il.iiii IhIi IhnI when lliiiinelnl minlcs
sweep the country mid unsettle the
coiilldeiicit in lenl chIiiIi', railroad
mill i 111 1 11 Mt lnl Hiienrlt Iiim. 1'iirl lines I
mo obtained hy follow inn minim as. il"'" ,,,m"1 of '"",,",' UrcctorH in-
.i..r..MMl..i. m-l.v int..Mlt tin mlii. I ''""'"K "" "u IH flmnillK fllllil
inn slocks, and I he la.,. M m r
I " '
1(,1y ,,, (11 Mw ,,,H fm., ,
pinlltinn l.y it iih in 110 other peiiod
of business. "
Wnrlf In Rp PiiRlieH Rnnidlv
On Sumpter Valley
.Mis. Ilartoii and dauuhler, lllshop
and .Mrs. 1'eter lliiitnti, mid diiuuhler, h, ,v ('IhmIch Thomas, icpicMMita -
of .Salt l.nko City, and V. V. Kller ,' jv ,,'c n, eompany. Tho new en -
mid lllshop (iiMiiKo lioinney, of Kalt'Kl0 H ,,,, f n,,,' n, niodels
Lake City, dlrectois in tho Siiniitii' tiirnt'd iut liv Ihecoinpanv and uives
alley company, pi.eil lliroimli the
cil v this liiniulnu einolile In Whit
uey to hpeiid some time InokiiiK over
the rolls! 1. let ion work on the exten
sion he.Miud Whitney and incidental
ly enjoy Inn ail n.ltlnu ill the iiiotiu-
Wniknn the
pushed with all
nllleials stated.
extension is to ho
posihlo haste, the
Mr. Joseph Ili.iton
"l'lvxhlenl Kcclos
has made ar-
iiiiiKi-nn'iiin in 'in pi'ii'inj -nil' nu.ii-
II I . I .1 II
lioiial leains In woik oil the niadiliL', .
... ,.
.linn ine iiin is in inii'Mi ine I'tii'ii-
sloil at ll,i cm llcsl date posllile. We
llevo the conditions me such to war
unit itsniowlnn lulu an important
place. "
To Attend Mining Congrets.
II. T. Iletidry.x, of the Geiser-llen-dtyx
liiM'sinent company, left Satur
day on a business (tip to Sioux Falls,
South Dakota. He will attend the
American Miiiiun Counress at Dead-wood-1.
end as a tlelenate lioni Sump
ter on his leturn.
If in want of clntliinni see Neill Mer
cantile coitii;iuy.
Other Matters Relating to The
Sumpter Smelter
Dr. Kd V. Mueller, trciiornl maii-
" """ ,"1"1 for Ml"IrliiK Iron and llmo
l-twl iiru rapidly payh. up their
The ore supply Is uccumiilatin: at,
tho smelter, and it will not ho lom,'tho MornhiK inlno in tho Greonhoru
1 lioforii (lein will in 11 Miilleniil
...., o,,.,and to jtify ,h0 .
! l"'My'H blowing ill.
The Lnnt Chance
mid tho Chloride have heen added to I1 " eastern people, hut I. J. Sim
tho lint of m inert sendinn in ore or '"0"H " ,,f "" owners, Mutes tlmt
concentrates. The recent action of nothing him yet Leon closed. Mr.
i WO.OOO pliiw-H the institution in ox-
t-i-iiuin pniiiu 111 nun jinn luii.m.
Miner Office Now Veil Equipped
past tlnee weeks
Inlioieil under the
cully of a luck of power to opeiato!
' l''- A wood eiiLtlne had to ho
' 11 ... 1 t..
called into ieiiilsil ion and hitched'
to the machinery. ( Jet t inn out a'
paper and lunuii.K a print shopunder
such 1111 ariaiiKeineiit was attended
willi a dcHioo of streuuosity, vexa
tion mid worry not calculated to im
prove the spiritual condition of the
Tho situation has heen relieved,
however, hy tho installation of a
! I'nlilinnLH i.inl .Moim lnsolli.e enelne
I'lilrlianlvs unci .Morse gasoline engine,
(utlro Mitisfiictioii,
i AuiKmuent ol Teachirs To The Differ
ent Grades.
Tho Sumpter public school will
open Monday. .September 7. lr.
fessop I). W. Voder returned yestor-1
day from Salem wheie he spent the)
Kicatcr part of his vacation.
l-'ollowiiii; Is the assignment ofi
teachers tor the year: I
1'iofessor I)
W. Voder, principal,
MisS ISellie Martill.
I. Inh school;
Km. ,M i iinil e u i III lM-iues! Mls
:,., t:iii.M,il.. tirili uml lvtli. MUx
I.elia Tliomas. third mid feitilli: Miss
Dunn, second; Miss Calrk, primary. n,,,lnh linr.lwiire. The company, it
Tlieeiiiollmetil last year was over iH understood, will put inn 8J.,00l)
IIOO. It will probably ho nieally In- Mock, includinn all articles of hard
creased tills year as several new fain- j W1u llMMj in mininn.
illes liavo moved in since school The company's .resent biilldlnn at
closed. It Is stilled that It will iirob- j the foot of Cineker Mieet will Im
ably bo ueceessitry to appoint another
Skillful Surgical Operation.
Some days since Dr. Ilrock, asisst
cd by Dr. May, of linker City, and
Dr. Grant, of llourne, successfully
performed the very dllllctilt opeiation
of removinn an unusually larnei
llbrold tumor from Mrs. Mary Lim
beck, of Whitney. Tho operation
was performed in Mrs. Harvey's pri
vate sanitarium, on South Mill street,
wheto the patient hits been since the
middle of Aunust
Alteady she has
siitllciently tecoveied to sit up mid,
unless some unexpected complica
tions misc, Dr. Ilrock thinks she will
lio aide to return home hi ten days.
Mm. Nell Xlveu, of Canyon City,
wife of a prominent Grout county
citizen mid nlllcial, the lady's only
child, was with her mother during
tho tryhiK ordenl mid has lemiitucd
with her since.
Morning Not Sold But Ne
gotiations Are On.
Negotiations relative to the salo of
tnsirici. aro sun peiimiiK. it, was
"... hortt.n,. B0 ih..
i wu" known property was practically
Simmons did not care to n into do
tnilrt rcniiidinn the timisactinu. hut
ho iiiliultted that llieie Ih a deal to
lake over tho property pending.
I Mr. Simmons came in yesterday
land returned this moininn Ho nays
I the mine in niuklnn a iciuimilily n'oil
H'imv'"K "'"' "'"' "'" ol 'H KctthiK
lietler with every hIioI. 'The mill,
1 he states, is doliiK line execution.
p,Ie, q. Sj p
Foot Ledge With Good
The miiiii. cement of the Valley
' Q'"'on has opeucut the ledKu on the
' I'l"" 'I'ui'i parallel claim owned hy
' "'" company. It shows four feet of
vein width in uood ore.
The Valley (Juceii niiinnnenieiit Is
piepniinn for iiuiuteriupted winter
work. Supplies me heiiiK shipped
in, the tramway Is heiun shedded
mid everything is I.cIiik put in shape
for winter operations. Superinten
dent Gray and Korean. n Warren mo
1" Uo city lookhm after the details
f inter coiisinnnients.
O. F.
Company Will Put In $25,000
na Kadish and I- S. llaillie,
u-,ii urn innoni' (lie lemlliiir nni, iif
(I... it I.' ..II
llll' Wll-fclUI IIM XIIIIIIIIK t-iiiiiiM(.v,
' i n.i i i.i
i ni'iu iirro ii,ir nruii iiiiiiiiik iiiianuii-
ments to put in mi extensive line of
used for store room purposes,
stock will benln to arrive in
Dr Ed. W. Mueller Will Manage Affairs
Of the Ptyche.
Dr. Kd V. Mueller has heen ap
pointed recceiver for tho Psyche, and
will settle up the alfalis of the com
pany which are understood to ho
somewhat invohed.
limine Fawcett, iimiiiininn owner of
the property is now in the east, .ind
it is stated that he will probably
conclude a deal for the ttmisfer of
the mine to other people.