THESUMPTER MINER Wednesday, September 2, 1903 CROWN POINT TO RESUME. Operations Are to Continue Through Fall and Winter Months. T. K. Hmhco InfoiniH Tho .Miner Unit lio Iiiih been authoricd by IiIh I'o-ouiiiiiri of II111 Ciown Point minis Cnlilii Covii illflili'l, to icHUinn oper- llllllllH. A CnlltlllCt will do lot III nncn for diivlnu the Inwoi tunnel !!00 fllllt, wlllc.ll, IICCOIllillK III Hill oy, will out Din ninlii olii of Ilin Kinnp. Thin tunnel Ih nlieiidy In 750 foul. It will leach Ilin Ii'iIkii lit ii depth f fi'oi, iiniiiK Hum sir.o font in Iciiulh. Thoio Ih lit pnwiit 1,'JIHI feet or woildliK'H on Ilin down Point, tlio Kicator )n it ( I (in of which coiihMh of cioHhi'iit tniinclH. 1'hn upper one cut I lin ciii ninlii or ti'ii ,emn nun, linl t III! lllll'liH HI'CIII I'll WCIO (if lilt III ('Oil- hi'iiiihiicii. Soiiiii ililfllntr wiih ilnni', Iiowiim'I, anil coiihIiIi'IiiIiIii hid taken out, tliul went bettor tlimi i?.rill. OwllIU 1(1 IIiImUHH llllUHpllltlltillll (onillllollH, it COIllll llllt I III han dled ill ii piollt mill only a few car iouilrt worn nliippi'il, Iiii'iiiihI hiiioIIoih. Mr. Ilailii'ii HiiyH Hint wink will lin colli iiiui'il uuiuloiiiiptcdly iluiiuj; the fall ami wiutiii' ami nnxt hciihoii ii in duction plant will he elected on I lit piopmly. Tlio owiicih of t 111 h iiiiuii ImmikIiI It twolxo or llftcen yriiiH nun. It wiih I led up with initiation lor i-mcial yciiiH ami dnxolopmciit wink Iiiih ln'i'ii pioHcciili'il hIiicd I(!i not much IiuhIIo ami ouoiuy or It woulil liawi liciiii a pioiluccr limn nun. .Mr. liar Iioo'h iihhocIiiIch in o Iowa people, not mining mini. Hon while, tho dulcot rythm of en truncliiK liquid gurgles lent a soul iiiHpirliiK elf oct to tlio occasion. "Yen," continued tlio Hpenkcr, hh IiIh iiuditnrH tdowly rained tliolr cttpH, "that clear today of pant regreta mid future fcarn, " "nothing Iiiih oor oc curred In the mining world which will attract hiicIi unlverwil attention. At tho Kreat Itoboccn Lode on Ituhhi Mouiitaiii, oiioratcd by tho JoriiHalcm CoiiHolldated Oold Mining, Milling and Exploration company, while a crew of men wiih oiikiikciI in HinkiiiK a whim to connect with tho throttle va he on the lliuhliall level, a forma. I Hon wiih encountered which chowed HiiiiMi phiinomoual miIiich. The ore, i IichIiIch koIiik IiIkIi in liniHH, pewter, I Norway pine, pyiitun of hIwiihIi. uln rickylto ami oilier wilunhlc iihiIiiIh, iiHMiycd 8(17, Ii I R. 17 to the ton In, lohii (iiiml. Kemiiiknlilo ore! Won-' ileiful dlHCOeryl If you doubt my j HtatiiimiiilH, I liiuo Home of It on tap' which j on mo perfectly welcome to . Hiunple. " I (I14T) OF SUMPTER Capital Stock $25,000 OFFICER! J. H. ROBBINS, J. W. SCRIBER, R. H. MILLER H.S. DURGANi- Praaldant - Vloa Praaldant Cashier Assistant Cashlar Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business AUSPICIOUS BEGINNING. Sumpter Masonic Lodge In stituted Saturday Evening. MINES PROSPECTS STOCKS Investors desiring to place 20 or more, can learn of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address, E. A. CLEM & CO. Reftranct by Permission 418 Chtmbtr of Commtrct, Mtrchinti Nitlonil Binh, Portland, Ortfon. PORTLAND, OREGON NEW COMPANY INCOKI'ORATHD To Optra t Holdings la District. Granite Ctttk Tho (iiauile Cem Ih autlioilty for the Hlalemeiit that aiHcleH of Incur point Ion Iiiimi lienii Hied with County (Jleik Nixon for the WohIoiii Mining mid l)enlopmeiit coinpatiy wlti n capital htock ol R(U,ono. IIh Incur poiatniH me A. II. Cnmpliell mid Al lieit lluich of Spokane, WiiHlilnu'ton, and K. I. Duttou, I). K. Whlttiim, ami M. .1. Ili'iiy, of Aiiitindii, .Maine. mm i.t..... ..r .1 1 . , ... ....j..-. ... .... .-... , ... lir-,1,lll.,,,1KH,I, t'ui.Hii 11.11. uii'.i...' iimim 1. nil roinmci 11 Honeial minim;, iiiIIIIuk. HneltliiK ami iciliictliiu IiuhIuchh. .Mr. lluich, one of the luciupiun toiH, Ih alii'iidy ipilto ptoiiiliicutly lilelltllleil with tho minim: illlcii'HlH of (Iiauile dlHtilct. Ho iiImi Iiiih xnliiahlo niluiiiK' piupeity in Hie Coom d'Aleue ciiuutiy that Ih in the dlxlilouil paying cliirH. The iiimiiImIIiiu of HiIh company 110 1 1 011 1 it meaiiH that Hie-e, gentlemen me 1,'oIiik to opeinte their IioIiUuish heieoua liuer t-cnle, ami, theiefoie, that the (intuitu cieek dintilct will lie pioportiomitely mine net he. The Kumpter .MiihoiiIc Indue wiih 1 tint It 11 1 fil Satiinlny ewinliiK at Hid new lodue iooiiih on Center ntieet liy S. M. 01 1111, of Kiikciic, moid wor Hhlpful (iiiimi .MiiHter of tho Htnto of Oii'k'on, under moHt aiiHplcioiiH cir ciiinhtiinci'H. The follow inu oIIIccih weni liibtiilleil. 1 ThuimiH Mcllwen, woinhipfiil iiiiih ter; l''iauk (I. Mewelt, m'hIiii war-j den; llei licit DiivIh, junior wimlen;; l''ied I). Smith, M'liliir deacon; .Jiih-i eph Kced, junior deacon; ,1. Win. W'IIhoii, tiler,; S. I). Kinder, fecin tmy, mill I.owIh Miim'H, tieiihiuer. A paily of foily Ihe .Miihoiih fioin linker City, accoiiipniilcd liy a mi m -lier of lailicH, niiUeil on a Hpecial tiiiiu nlioiit el'lit o'clock nml iihIhUmI , In the ccicinoiilcH. The IhKoih M'eiueil chnimeil with Ihe new hall and the excellent luxlnninr, made liy the Hlnler lodKe. Iiu'llidilik the local nttemlnuce, oxer 1'iTi .Miimiiih wcie piei-eut at the meetlliK. J At Hie coiicIuhIoii ot the liiHtulla Hon of olllceiH (itnml .MiiHter Voimn delUeicil mi excellent nilill 's. deal Iiik' in a eiy aide manner with the uluclples of miiMinry. lie ciiiiKtntiilateil the Sumpter luctli-j i en upon their licautifiil lndo iooiiih nml the faxoinlile conilltioiiH under which Hie new-Indue was Innunuuili'd. I He Htated that it hud ueer lieen hiri I plciihino to hce Hitch an iiuhpIcIoiih I lu'wInnliiK iiinde auwyheie. 1'ollnw-, I I UK IiIh iiiIiIichs mmiii1 i-lioil ti'tlkH i w eu made liy the vIhIIoih ftom linker1 ! City. On liehalf of the Sumpter IihIkc, N. C. Itit'hardH npoke appro prlately. After the instnlliitlon cercmonleH 1 iml the HpeeclimnkliiK were oxer, tho ltule adjourned to the Immiuct iooiiih ,-,'V,'.'VW,', A. P. UOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier g Bank of Sumpter 3 t Ginoril Banhlng luilniii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Dr.ids Ji.iwn on j SUMPIER, li.uti of the auiIJ Special attention to collections. bnfety Deposit boxes for rent. OREGON k'yV'y'-yvfvVv.'-vyy 0 S?i3F!2PW2FZ???&l&i! . . ., . .. ., . ., . v F.E.OKourke&Co. m$EM&8E3Mffl&m&m&& 1 fs av w- BRIGHT rvi mm iiHW-- -vl m I i EVERYTHING FRESH IN GROCERIES 1 P I ZtW&&,S3s4&X&3S88?m&Sm&$ m Granite Si. 1 Sumpter, Ore. , P WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Or Found on Ribbl Mountain That Got High in John Guild. "Tho most celebrated strike In model ii hUtoty wiih uimle a few dnyt. iiko," Hiild doe .Miller, the expert miner and mixer who doc the day nliint at tho (.'lull, us a colect and highly cultured audience elbowed the mahogany and t;ae nipt atten- dowiiHtnirrt where an excellent npreiul piepmed liy awaited. the ladle of Sumpter AkciiIh want iil ot cell tdmies of, tOl'k In tho Aalhka Oil company. Write for Information to C. C. I IlitOWN A. CO., It. ifiOri 100 Eit Lake St., ChiciiKo, 111. tTlm celebrated limid'n "the beor of trood cheer" iiIwu.vh on ilrauht lit Dun phy'b The Club. American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co, E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. BEER The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main i j- BAKER CITY, OREGON. a a.. f