The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 02, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, September 2, iqo$
1 1
Notice of Forfeiture.
To tbo Estate aud Hoirs of John
Drummer, deceased.
You aud ouch of you iiro hereby
uotiticd that F. J. Phillips aud Win.
Palmer your co-owners iu tho "In
dopoudnuco Placer Miuo" situato on
Tluo Creek (n tributary of Camp
Creek iu Baker County, State of
Oregon, and embracing 100 acres or
oight full claims) have performed
tho assessment work upon said In
depoudauco Placer Miuo, as required
by law for tho year 1001, aud for
tho year 1902, and you aro hereby
required withiu Ninety days from
lato of tho first publication of this
notlco (after date hereof) to pay
your proportiou of such expenditure,
(for each of said years, to wit: 1001
and 1002,) upon said claims for each
of said years. That should you fall
or rofuso to contribute aud .pay to
F. J. Phillips or Win. Pulnior your
proportion of said expenditure then
and iu that event your claim or
interest in said claims becomes tho
proporty of your said co-owners, l'
J. Phillips and Win. Palmer. That
payment of your said proportiou of
said expenditures may bo mado to
Win. Palmer at tioisor, Huker County,
Oregon, or to W. S. Now bury, as
their agent, Sumpter, Oregon.
(Slgnod) F. J. PHILLIPS,
Sumpter, Oregon, July '28. lOO.'l.
Dato of Hint publication August
G, 100.J.
United States I and Oltice, J
La GranJe, Oregon, August to, 1901. (
Notice Is hereby given that Henry Hewett, Jr.,
whose postoltice addiess Is Tacoma, Washington,
did, on the 4th dav of August, 100 1, make application
to select, under Act of June 4, 18.17, ()o Stat., )6) the
following described tract:
Lot 4 In Section to, Township n. South, Ringe jt
EWM.; Lot Section 11 Township q South, Range it
LWM; S! of Nl.Jf Section n Township 11 South.
Range 10 LWAt, In the La GranJe Land District,
Stile of Oregon, containing iu 8i acres.
That the purpoe ol this notice Is to allow all per
sons claiming the selected lanj unJer the mining
taws, or desiring to show It to be mineral In charac
ter, an opportunity to file objections to such selection
with the otticers of the U. S. Lanj Oflioe, at In
GranJe, Oregon, within thirty dav s after the 10th Jiy
of August, 1901, so as to eM1bll.l1 their Interest
therein or the mineral character thereof,
E. W. llARUErT. Register.
Department of the Interior, l
Lanj Ofnce at La GranJe, Oregon,
August i, ujoj. I
Notice Is hereby given that the lollowlng-named
setiler has MeJ notice of his Intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, anJ that salj proof will
he maJe belore A. II. Combs, Jr., County Clerk, nt
Baker City, Oregon, on October Q, igo), vli, II. E.
No. 9446, Joserh Webb, of llaker Citv, Oregon, for
the se) sw! section 1 j, n!i nwi;. se(, n!( section
33 township 13 south, range 6 EWM
He names the following witnesses to prove his
contiuuous reslJence upon anJ on of salj
lanj, vlr frank McCultough, of Haines, Oregen:
George WhiteJ, James Moore anJ John llusby, all
of Unit), Oregon.
E. W. HARTLETT. Register.
Department of the Interior,
LanJ Ottice at La GranJe, Oregon,
August l, IQO. )
Notice Is hereJy given that the following-name J
settler has hied noticed his intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, anJ that sail proof will
be maJe before Charles II. Chance, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on October 0, 1901, vli:
II. L, mc8, 1 reJ Molt, of Sumpter Oregon, for the
M nw'f section 8 anJ ej ne), section 7, township
south, range it LWM.
He names the following witnesses to rroe his
contlnuons reslJence upon anJ cultivation of salj
lanj. vlr: Mark C. Graver, Ole T StranJness, Al
bert II. Witt an J William J. Robinson, all of Sump
ter, Oregon.
E. W. Haructt, Register.
UnlteJ States Lanj Office, j
La GranJe, Oregon, Aug. i), iot I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I678, en
titleJ "An act tor the sale ol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory, as extended to all the Public Lanj States by
act of August 4, 184a,
of Sumpter, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this Jay fileJ In this office her sworn statement No
377! for the purchase of the sej nwtf, s5i relf
anJ nt( ne'4 of section No. 11 in township
No. 11 south, range No j8 tww, anJ wilt offer proof to
show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for Its
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ
to establish her claim to salj lanj before Chas. H.
Chance, I. S. Commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 94th Jay of October, 1001.
She names as witnesses: Peter D. Healy, Miles
M. Flvnn, William A. Green and Sarah Flsnn, all of
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the atove
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 4th day of Oct., 190 )
E. W. UAkltETT, Register.
Department of th Interior,
LanJ Office at La Grande, Oregon, Aug j, too), j
I Notice l hereby Riven that the followlng-nimed
I settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tinil
proof In sunrort of his claim, and that sal J proof will
be made before Chas. H. Chance, U. S Commis
sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Sept- is. tooj. vli:
(I.E. No i!.5l3,
of Sumpter, Oregon, for the m !J section to, Tp.
IINK jrtw .
1 He names the following witnesses to prose his
continuous residence upon anJ cultivation of said
lanj, li: Ole T. Strandness, I ri d Molt, Albert II.
Witt of Sumpter, Oregoniand Neal U. Carver, of
Farmlngton, Iowa,
E. W. Barubtt. Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office nt La Grande,
, Oregon,
gust t, 100).)
August 1. IDdl
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Chas. II. 1 nance, U: S, Commis
sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Sept. 18, toot, vli.
II. E. No 11,583,
of Sumpter, Oregon, for the e !i n w l and s !4 n e
K Section 8 Tp, 11 S. R )7 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultlva Inn ol said
land. Mi: fred Molt, Albert II. Witt, Peter J. Sonds
and Mark C, Garver, all of Sumpter. Oregon.
E. W. UaHTUTT. Register
In the Circuit Court of the Stale ol Oregon for
llaker Countv.
In the Matter of the Assignment of D A. I.DLIN, an
Insolvent debtor, for the I eneht of cr dltnrs.
The unJerslgned now gives notice tint D. A.
EJIIn, of llaker County, Oregon, his mide a Gen
eral assignment to him for the benefit of hi creditors,
an J all cred tors are hereby not lied to present their
clilms Julyve Ihed bv 01th as by liw n-qulreJ, to
the undersigned nt his oflice, I ront and Vine streets,
Portland, Oregon, within thiei'd) mn,thstroin the
date hereof.
Dated J 'ly 10II1, iuo.
Assignee of the Estate ol D. A. I'JIln, an insolvent
debtor for the benetit of creditors.
Department of the Interior, 1
United Sines Lmd Olhce,
La Grande. Orepon.Julv a, tool.
11. 1
Notice Is hereby elven that the following named
settler has tiled notice of his Intention 10 make timl
proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Chas. II. Chance, U, S. Commis
sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Oct. ;, iqoj, viz:
II. li. No. 9540,
ol Sumpter, Oregon, for the lots 4, and 6 and s
e !( n w Si and n t ( s w ( section 6, township 11
S.R 17 UW .
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said
land, vli: Van Rennseher Mead nnJ Dtv J McCoy
nt -umpter, Oregen: llenjamln Ro-s, of llourne,
Oregon, and I rank McCov, of Sumpter, Oregon.
U. W. llAHTLUTT. Register.
Department nl the Interior, (
Land Oflice at la Grande, Oregon, Jun-37. igo) I
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settl.T has filed notice ol his Intention to make final
proof In support it his ilalm, and that salj prool will
be maJe belore the Register nnJ Receiver at La
Grande, Oregon, un August 9. ioo, vli U.K. No
io,o j, by
of Whitney, Oregon, for the w J n w 'i Sec 33 Tp,
10 S. R. 6L Y.M.
He names tho following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land,
vli: Emorv I'roebsiel. I reemin Scott, Wendell N
I'roebsei, of Whitney, Oregon; and J. L. Stephen
son, nt Haines, Oregon.
E. W. llARTLLTT. Register
Department ol the Interior, I
Land Ollice at La Grande, Ore , June 17, tool. I
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has liled notice of his intention to mike final
proof In support of his claim, and said proof will
ie made before the Register and Receivir, at La
Grande, Oregon, on Augusta, 190J, vli. II. L. No
11,00), by
of Whitney, Oregon, for the eji nej Sec. is. i
sej Sec. 10 Tp. 10 S, R 6 v. w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
vli: Charles At Hlnjman. WenJell N, I'roebsiel
anJ freeman Scott, all ol Whitney, Oregon, end J.
E, Stephenson, of Haines, Oregon.
L. W. IIaRTLBTT, Register
TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE j. i8,8.-noticu roR
United States LanJ Office.
La Grande, Oregon, August 10, 190).
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the tale of timber lands In the stales
of California. Oreeon. Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory,"as extended to all the Public Land States by
act ol Augusta, 180a.
ol Sumpter, county of Hiker, state of Oregon, has
this Jay tiled In this office his sworn statement No.
1764, lor the purchase ol the eH 'H sec 7: nw(
nwjf sec. 17 and twtf twlf ol section No. 8 In town
ship No. 10 south, range No. 17 EWM. and wilt offer
firoof to show that the land sought Is more valuable
or Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish hit claim to said land belore Charles
If. Chance, U. S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 171I1 day of October, 1001.
He names at witnesses: Thomas S. van Vleet.
Lawrence M. Welsh, Van Rensselaer Meld, Ernest
L. Manning, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this oltice on or belore said 17th day of October, 100 j.
fc. W. Uawtutt, Register.
United States Land Ottice. I
La Grande, Oregon, Aug, 8. 100) I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June ). 1878,
entitled "An act for the site of timber I injs In the
States of California, Oregon, Ncvadi, anJ Wash
ington Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
states by ait of August 4, 1843,
of West Superior, county of Douglas, state of Wis
con In, has this di tiled In this oltice his sworn
statement No. 1755, for the purchase ol the n)i ne'f,
swj; ne) and nw( se'f of section No. i) In
township No, ti south, range No. 17 LWM, and
will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable tor Its timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and to estibllsh his chlm to said land be
fore the R-glster and Receiver of this ollice at La
Grande, Oregon, on Thursda) , the .tli dav ol No
vember, 100)
He names as witnesses: I'eter J. Soar is and
William Kellv. ol Sumpter. Ore i Chas. P. Murphy
and EJ L. Toben.ol McEwen, O e i John T Salmon,
of C Ion, Wis,
An and all persons claiming adversely the apove
descrlbed lands are requested to tile their claims In
th's olhce on or belore said 5U1 da of November,
E. W. HARTierT, Register.
TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, i8)8-soticu ior
United Sntcs land Ofnce, j
La Grande, Oregon, .lull i, 1001 I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ol June 1, 1878 en
titled "An act lor the sile ol timber hnds In the
States ol California, Oregon, Neva J 1 and Washing
ton Terrltorv ," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4,1843,
of Sumpter, county of llaker. State of Oregon,
has this dtv 'tiled In this oltice his sworn stile
ment no 971), for the purchise ot the s is nw , and
tots 1 and 4, of section No. 4 In township No. 11
South, range No. 17 r w , and will oiler ptool
to show that the land sought Is more saluible lor
lis timber or stone than tor ngtlculiuril purses,
and to establish his clilm to silj lindteloie Clns.
II, Chance, l' S. Commissioner nt Sumpter, Ore
gon, on Mem J iv the islh di ol October, icjoi.
He nimes as witnesses Wllllim A. Green,
Van Rennselaer Mead, S'ephtn Jickson and Ralph
Mead, all ol Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to rile their clilms In
this ollice on or before sild nth div of Octot er, igo).
E W llAWTll'TT. Register
tor Publication.
United Sines I and Olhce,
Ij Grande, Oregon, lulv 7, tun). I
Noilce Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ol congiess ol I line 1 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale nt limber linds In the slites
of Calllnrnli, Oregon, Nevnd I and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended in all the I'ublk Ijind Mates by
act of Auguit 4, 1841,
of Farmlngton, county of Van Hun 11. slate of Iowa,
has this day tiled In this nilice his sworn slitement
No. 36P0, for the purchase ol the u nw' of
section No. is In township No. n soulli, range No. 17
I WW, and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valualle for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and tu establish his clilm lo said
land before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner
nt Sumpter, Oregon, on I rlJiy, the 181I1 day ol
September, icjo.
Site names as witnesses: Ole T. SlraJness, I red
Molt, Mark C Garver and Peter J Smrds, all ol
Sumpter, Oregun.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
Jescrlted hnds are requested lo tile their claims In
this olhce on or before salj 1B1I1 day ol Set I., luoi.
a W. llARUITT, Register.
riMHhU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878
United Stites I ind Ollice,
La Grjnde, Oregon, Aug. 1), 100)
Notice Is heiely glventiial In compllince with the
provisions ot the act ol Congress ol June 1, 187H, in
filled "An act for the site of timber lands in Hie
States ol Callturnl 1, Oregon, 1, and Washing
ton Terrltor)," as extended to all the Public Land
States ly act of August 4, !',
ol Sumpter, county ot Maker, sine of Oregon, has
this diy tiled In this older her swnin statement No.
3774 tor the purclnse ot the swjf swj.4 section 37
and w)i nwi( & se! n1,' ot si Cllon No. , In township
No, 11 south, range No 18 I! W w, andwlll oiler proof
to show that the land sought Is mote saluible lor Its
llml er or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to
estalllsh her claim In slid land lelurc Charles II.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on
Saturdav,theath day ol October, ioo.
She names as witnesses Peter I), liealy, Miles
M. I Ivnn, S rah Tlinn and William A. Green, all ot
Sumpter, Oiegon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile thrlr claims In
this office on or belore said 34II1 day of Oct . i'K.
L. W IIAKILITT, Register,
United States I and Ollice,
regon, 5
13, Igo . I
La Grande, Ore
AULMlSt 13
Notice Is hereby elven that In compliance with th
provisions of the act ol congress ol June 1, 187B, en
titled "An act lor the tale ot limber lands In the states
ol California, Oregon, Nevada anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
act ol August 4, 1843,
ot Sumpter, county ot llaker, state ol Oregon, hat
this day hied In this ottice his sworn statement
No. 3760. for the purchase ol the swjf setf and nii
sw) and sej,' vw)( ol section No in township
No. 11 south, range No. n E.W.M., and will offer
frool to show that the land sought Is more valuable
or lis timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes,
and to establish lilt claim to said land before Chas.
II. Chance, U, S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 34th day ot October, iqoi.
He names as witnesses: Melvln Clark, Andrew
J. Denny, Augusta Denny and William A. Green, all
of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
detcrlbed landt are requested tu file their claims In
this ottice on or before laid 34th day ol Oct , 100).
L. W IIARTLLIT, Register.
UnlteJ Stites LanJ Olhce,
.and Olhce, )
anje, Oregon,
August 14 IQO). I
La 1 1 ran
Notice Is herebv elvrn that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ot congress of June , 18)8, en
titled "sn act for the site nt limber linJs In the stites
ol Calllornl i, Oregon, NrvaJi an I Washington Ter
mors, as eslenJed to all the Public Lanj states ry
act of August 4.I841,
ol Whltnes, countv ot Hiker, stile ot Oregon, has
thlsdiv tiled In this olhce his sworn stttenent No.
3776 torthe ruichiseot the nl4 sw, sec: 17 and n'i
self of section No 18 In township No. 10 s range No
)6 I . W. M, and will oiler proof to show lint the lmd
sought Is more valuible for Its limber or stone than
fur agricultural purposes, mid to establish his claim
to said land before Chas, II. Clnnce, U. S. Com
missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Saturdi), the
34th dsv of October, luo).
He nimes as witnesses Wllllim II. Mead, nl
Siokane, Washingten: Samuel Rlshel, Hiram Gamp
bell and Caiollne II. Cuter, all ol Whltnes . Oregon.
Anv and all persons chiming adversely the above
described lands are requested 10 Me their clilms In
this nthce on or belote slid atllidn ol October, too).
L. W, llARtlllT, Register
United States land Ottice, I
La Grande, Oregon, July 1, icjoj I
Notice Is hereby given that In cnmpllmce with the
provisions ol the ad ot Congress ot June 1, 1878, en
titled "An ad lor the sile ot timber lands In the
stales ivl Calllotnl i, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
Inglon Terrltorv," as extended to all the Public land
stales by act ot August 4, 1843,
of Sumpter, county ol llaker, stale ot Origon, hat
this diy tiled In tills oltice his sworn slitement No,
jMo, lor the purchase ol the nw ', of section No. 1 j In
township No, 11 soulli, range No. 8 I W si, and will
oiler prool to show th 11 the lmd sought Is more val
11 it-Is- lor Its Hint er or stone th in lor agricultural pur
poses, and tnrstnllish his claim lo said land belore
Chas. II. chutce. U. S. commissioner nt Sumpter.
On coii, on Mint J iv, the 14th dtv olSeptimbir, itsii.
He mines ns witnesses Van Rennselaer Mead
Ralph Mead, Wllllim A. linen and Samuel I, Hunt,
all ot Sumpter, Oregon.
Anv and all ptisons claiming adversely the above
described lands are lequested lo hie their claims In
this ottice on or before said 14H1 dav ot Sept.. iou).
I . W. llAliuliTT, Register.
United Stites I and Olhce. j
In Grande, Oregon, Aug. ax. iijo. I
Notice Is hereby given lint In compllince with the
provisions ol the net ol Congiess of June I. IK7H, en
titled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the
Stitesot Cilllomla, Oiegon, Nevnd 1 and Washing
ton letrltory," as extended t all the Pulllc Land
Slites b act of August 4, I84',
ot Sumpter, county ol llikir, SI He ot Oregon,
has this day hied In this nthce tils swoin state
ment No. 3817, lor the purchase ol the se'i ol sec
tion No. at. In Inwnshlp No. 10 S, range No. 17 II W M,
and will oiler proof lo show lint the lmd sought Is
mole valuible for lis limber or slon- than lor agri
cultural purposes, and to esltlllsti his tlilm to said Clnnce. U. S. Commissioner,
at Sumpter, Oregon, on I rid i the (Hi day of No
vember, 140).
He nimes ns witnesses William A. Green, An
drew J. I)i war, Ivaic Williamson aud Jasper Crouse,
all of Mnnpler, Oregun
All) and all persons cl liming advirsely the above
described I inds are re iiesled lo tile their claims In
litis olhce on or belore said 1 th diy ol N iv., 1401.
E. W. llAUItl IT, Register.
TIMHLR UND, AC! JUNE 1. 1878. Mulct! I ou
United Stales I and Ollice, I
la Grande, Oiigiui, July 11, iun. t
Noilce Is hi nb) glvin lint In ciimpllance with the
provisions ol the act nl congress ot June 1, 1H78, en
tilled "An act lor the sile ol tlmbi r linds In Hie si lies
ol California, Oiegon, Nev 1J1 and Washington It r
rllory,"ns extended lo all the Public l-and slates by
ad ol August 4, 1843,
ol Sumpter, county of llikei, stile ol Oregon,
has this day hied in this ollice his sworn slatinu'iit
No 3711, lor Hie puiihase ol the s w ( ol section
No. ) In township No. 11 soulli, range No. 17 I' W ,
and will oil, r irinil to show that Hie land sought
Is more valuable lor lis llml er or stone than tor
ngrlculturil purposes, and to estibllsh his claim lo
said land tetoie Chas. II. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, nl Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesdi, thu
1 (III J iv of Oct., 1 '" I-
He nimes as witnesses, James Collins, William
Kelly, I'eiir J. Soards, anJ Guldo later, all ol
Sumpter, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely Hie above
descriled lands are requested tu hie their claims in
this ottice on or belore said i)lhdayot()ct , I4
L. W. IIAUILUTT. Register.
UnlleJ Slates t.anj Oflice, j
La Grande, Oregon, Aug. 8, ioo. j
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol congress of June 1, 1878, en
HileJ "An act lor the sale ot limber lands In the slates
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as exlendeJ to all the Public Land States by
act ol Augusta, i8v,
ol Cylon, county ol St. Croix, slate of Wisconsin,
hat this diy filed In this ollice hit tworn statement
No. 3754. lor the purchase ol Hie n)j netf, sw( ne!i
and nw! seU ot section Mi. g In township No. 11
south, range Mi 17 LWM, and will alter proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable
lor Its llmler or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
and to estibllsh his claim to said land belore the Reg
ister and Receiver nl this ollice at la Grande, Ore
on Thursday , the 5H1 diy ol Noveml er, iou).
He names as witnesses: Peter J Soards and Wil
liam Kelly, ol Sumpter, Ore.; Chas P. Muiphy and
I J I., lobrn, ol Mcl.wen.Ore.; W. II. Salmon, of
West Superior, Wis,
Any and all 1 irsons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
this olhce on or belore said 51I1 dayot Nov., iu.
L W. Hartlutt, Register.