l"' 1 A VOL. IV. BIG LEDGE OF MILLING ORE. Fifty Foot Vein Cut At Dixie Meadows. A GREAT PROPERTY. A Hundred Ton Concentrating Plant Be ing Installed Will Be In Operation By Middle of October Road Com plcted Thomas McEwen, of Sump ler, to Haul Machinery From Whitney. Charles Thomas, representing tlio FnirbaukH aud Morso compauy, ro turned Monduy from tho Dixie Mead ows whore IiIh compauy ia installing a 100 tou concoutratlug mill. Ho says thnt tbo roportH of tho big Htriko nt tho Dlxio Meadows bavo not bcou exaggerated. Tbo ledgo on tho lower workings was crosscut showing a width of fifty foot between wiiIIh, tbo cntiro distauco being in a Koud quality of milling oro. Ho regards tho Dixlo Moadowa aa one of tbo immousoly big propoaltinus of Eastoru Oregon. Mr. Thomaa atatoa that tbo mill will bo completed aud in operation by tbo middlo of Ootobor. Tbo Dixie Meadowa road which ia llvo miles In length baa been completed at a coat of 85,000, aud Thomaa Me Ewon, of Sumpter, baa tho contract for hauling the machinery from Whltuey. HIGH COBALT VALUES. Best Yet Encountered in The Standard. . F. Warner, auditor of tho Kll len, Waruer, Stewart company, re turned yesterday from u visit to tho Standard. Tbo faco of tho lowest drift on tbo Standard veiu, Mr. War uer states, shows some of tbo hit-beat cobalt values yet encountered in tbo mine. Mr. Warner brought in a line of samples, and while they showed Reed values in gold, the cobalt values were particularly encouraging. The drift on the Cleveland vein la in three feet of good ore. Zoeth Houser, vice president of the company, took a crew of men to the Standard yesterday to grade a road from the county road to the SUMPTER, OREGON, initio and also to cut wood for the wlutor supply. ST. CHARLES GROUP. Sample of Ore From Shaft Goei $41 47 To the Ton. Fred Nnrthup, owner of tbo St. CharloH group in tho Cable Cove dls trlct, returned yesterday from tbo property liuviug finished the assess liiont work for thia year. Tho drift on tho veiu, Mr. Northup state, luia been carried in seventy llvo feot and tho entire dint unco well timbered. Tho abaft ia down on tbo veiu sixteen feot, and a sample taken from tho bottom ran 841.47 to the ton in gold. Tho group cotitaitiH four full claims aud present indlcu tlouiia point to ita becoming a good property with development. Finithed Contract. Frank Flaunnry nud ltoy Wencoa law bavo Mulshed a 400 foot contract at tho Alpine and bavo undertaken another of 200 feot. THE ALPINE'S NEW SUPERINTENDENT. Mr. Nelson Leaves and Mr. Rearden Takes Charge Of Property. Phil Rearden, formerly supcrin tondeut of tho Kurtz-Chattcrton miuo at Grand Eucampniout, Wyoming, ar rived hero laat week to take tho sup oriutendonoy of tbo Alpine initio in tho placo of 11. W. Nolsnn, who re signed on account of bis health. Mr. Nelson was preparing to move liia family from California hero, when ho became affected with something like pleurisy which fulled to yield to treatment aud which ho tliiuka at tributable to tho altitude. Ho left today for Denver whore bo will apeud Home time before returning to bia homo at liodlo, California. Mr. Nelson, who ia an experi enced miuo superintendent, baa noth lug but praise to say about tbo Al pine, and the district generally. He thinks the Alpine is going to make a big producer at no distant day. Tho nowsuperintendont, Mr. Rear den, was met here by Colonel John T. Grayson, aud taken out to the property. He came back yesterday to see Mr. Nelson off. He also Is favorably impressed with the Alpine and thinks It la bound to become a great mine. Mr. Rearden says be is glad to get into a gold camp again. Hla work recently baa been in con nection with copper and lead prop erties. The machinery for the twenty SEHTtMBER 2, 190J. stamp mill to bo iuatnlled at the Al pine haa arrived in Portland from San Francisco, and will lie hero in a stort time. In the nu'iintiino tbo sawmill ia cutting lumber for tho buildliigH and everything ia being Hindu ready for the new plant. NEW PROPFRTY. Located Between Here and Granite By Terreohmeter. E. J. Wallace, who haa been oper ating an electric locating appaiatua in tho district for some time, baa lo cated llvo cliiiniH for himself at Cold Center, about aix miles from tho city on tho (irunito road. He Iiiih jitat finished bia location work, and Ih greatly pleated with tho claims, which bo states are to bo known aa tbo Wallace group. Tho veiu tshows respectively aixteeu, twelve, fourteen aud llvo feet on tbo different claims, and Mr. Wallace aaya that free gold ia plainly vlalblo iu the ore. It ia u alnklng proposi tion HIGH AUTHORITY ON MINING. An Eminent Geologist Well Pleased With Cracker Creek. R. M. lireretou, tho well known geologist aud mining engineer of Portalud, came in this morning from Harney county, where ho went to re port on an Irrigation project In the Harney Valley. Lust week Mr. lireretou visited the Cracker Creek district to make a geological report for interested parties. While he haa visited tho various other mining dis tricts in Eastern Oregon, thia waa hla first trip to Cracker Creek. Ho ia very favorably Impressed. Ho aaya: "I regard tho outlook of tho Cracker Creek district very promis ing. I went through aovoral of tho in lues there, aud took a general stir vey of thia region. It certainly holds out tho promlao of becoming one of the important mining sectloua of tho country." Mr. lireretou is u geologist, uugl neeer and mining man of wide repu tation, not only in thia country but in Europe. Ho held au important position In connection with the con. structiou of the Peninsula railroad in India, and was the first consulting engineer to the government irriga tion board in California. As a geol ogist and mining engineer he Is re garded aa among the best in this country. Mr. lireretou left for Port land this afternoon. NO. 52. DEAL TO TAKE OVER PLACERS. Spokane Capitalists May Build Dredge And Work John son Placers A. llurch, of Spokane, who with Frederick llurbrhlge, Iiiih taken an option on the Johnson placers at Crane Flats, seven niilea north of (irauito, came in ycHtoiday from tbo property on bia way back to Spo kane. A Keyatoue drilling machine la now iu operation at tho pincers, and Mr. I lurch atatea that tho ground la to be thoroughly prospect ed to determine whether it ia worth while to take over the property aud conduct operations on au extensive scale. Several holes have been put. down so far with good results. If tho propert ' la taken over It will bocomo a dredging proposition, for whicu conditions are said to bo extremely favorable since the bed rock will not average more than twelve feet iu depth. The Crane Flat pincers have been operated for tho laat twenty yenrH by a man named Johnson, and it 1h stated good leturna bavo been yield ed. However, much of the ground remains yet untouched, and if tho prospect work proves it to be sulll clontly rich extensive operations may bo expected. Messrs, llurcb aud litirbrldgo also bavo a bond on the independence, which they are developing to deter mine the merits of tho property. SHOWS GOOD ORE. Face of Bannockburn Drift Highly Mineralized. Smpeiiuteudeut Jackson of tho Highland mine came iu from tbo property today. He states that tho (ilasgow drift shows good mlneraliu tiou for the entire face, and bo thiuka that probably tho Hanunckhuru shoot is bolug n cured. C. E. Nuhca aud Jacob Krauss, of Flora, Indiana, who are stockholder) In tho Highland, arrived iu the city a few days ago, aud yesterday In company with President Sorousou loft to visit tho properly. Mr. No boa 1b editor of tho Ktiterprise-Sentlual, of Flora, and Mr. Krauss la a promi nent builuess man of that city. Go Eait. J. F. Sheltou, secretary of the Nell J. Sorensen compauy, left today for the east on business connected with the Arm. He will be absent two or three weeka. 's r.vl i