Wednesday, August 26, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER NEW MASONIC LODGE. To Be Instituted With Appro priate Ceremonies Satur day Evening. The new Masonic hall on Center street is now practically completed nnd fur nished, and u lodge will be instituted Saturday evening. A dispensation lias been granted by the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Master is expected to take part in the ceremonies. Following are the officers of the new lodge : Thomas MuEwen, worshipful master; Prank Jewett, senior warden; ll. F. Davis, junior warden. Between thirty and forty etitions for membership have been received and the new lodge will start under most auspic ious conditions. A special train from Baker City will bring the visiting breth ren from that point. After the cere monies a banquet will be served in the iodge rooms. The new Masonic building is a Biibstan tial stone structure erected by Thomas McEwen at a cost of (5,000. The hall is beautifully finished and furnished. The decorative work is under charge of Mr. Davis. The Sumpter Masons have a building and lodge of which they may be proud. SPLENDID WORK. feet of lumber a day. Development op erations arc being pushed rapidly ahead at the property. GOOD VALUES. Brief Resume of Rev. Wilder' Two Yean' Pastorate. Kev. J. M. Wilder, pastor of the Meth odist church, left yesterday to attend the Idaho conference, which convenes at Boise tomorrow Of course it is not known to what charge he will be sent, whether he will return here or not. Kev. Wilder, during his two years' pastorate here, has built up the church wonderfully, not only from a spiritual but from a financial standpoint as well. When he came here his first services were held in one of the ante rooms to the opera house. Now thero is a (3,000 church and an (800 parsonage all paid for. The last business meeting of this confer ence year was held Monday evening and the books showed no indebtedness. Dr. Ed W. Mueller wae elected to rep resent the local church at the lay elec toral conference, which also meets at Boise to elect a delegate to represent the laity of the Idaho conference at the quadrennial conference at Los Angeles, which meets next May. He will leave tomorrow. IN OPERATION. Smelter Company Opens Brick Yard of 16400 Dally Capacity. The brick yard operated .by the Ore gon Smelting & Refining company has started operations and already has 200, 000 brick ready for the market. The dally capacity of the plant is 10,000 brick, which may be increased if the de mand warrants it. The output is of a very superior qual ity, and those who are in a position to know say it cannot be equalled in East ern Oregon. Line oi Samples From Victor Show Sat isfactory Returns. Manager Hendryx, of the Victor, is carrying out a systematic development policy. He is now working at three points on the property, namely Victor tunnel No. 1, Cracker Oregon Extension and sinking on the Victor vein. The shaft is down seventy feet. A recent line of samples brought in by Mr. Hendryx gave the following results: Victor tunnel, (4.15; shaft, (15.5(1; Cracker Oregon Extension, (140; Juno Bug shaft, (1,054.59; Cracker Chief, (18.55. MACHINERY IN OPERATION. New Sawmill and Hoist Started Yesttt day at Midway. The new hoisting plant nnd sawmill at the Midway began operations yesterday and everything is now going in fine shape. The hoist has a depth capacity of 2, 000 feet and the sawmill will cut 10,000 THE HIGHEST YET. Assay of Gold Bug Ore Gave $3,775 20 To the Ton. President Van Vleet, of the Gold Hug, got one of the highest assays the other day which 1ms ever been made from this property. The ore was gold sulphides and showed a value of (U,775.'J0 to the ton. Gold Bug ore has showed some ex ceptionally high assays, but this is among the highest yet recorded. President Van Vleet and Photographer J. W. Cowden were at the property a few days ago and secured a tine line of views of the mine and surroundings. Dr. Moulton Here. Dr. S. M. Moulton, of Minneapolis, treasurer of the Turnaguin Arm com pany, accompanied by Mrs. Moulton, arrived in the city yesterday to look after the interests of the company. In company with Manager Bellman, Dr. and Mrs. Moulton drove up to the Cali fornia to inspect the new mill which re cently went Into commission. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timber and homestead tilings, as well as final proofs, can be made before Charles H. Chance, United States Com missioner, office in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE j. i8t.-noticb for PUBLICATION. United Stetes Unit Offict, I La Grand, Oregon, Aur. t4 ioi t Nolle Is htrtby given that fit compliance with th provisions of th act ol congress of June i, iStB, en tltltd "An act for th sal ol timber landa In th stetes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter rltory. as txtendcdto all th Public Land states by act of August 4. iS. MELVIN CLARK, of Sumpter, county of Baktr, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this ofc his sworn statement No. Soo, for the purchase of the neK neX of sec. I and eH leg and setf neji of section No. 5, In township No. n south, range No jr IWM, and will offer proof to show that thlnd sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone thin for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore Chas. H. chance. U. S. Commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursday, the 5th day of November, too j. ... ,. He names as witnesses: William A, Green. David S. Clark, Augusta J. Denny and Andrew J. Denny, all of Sumpicr, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said jth day of Nov., iooi E. W. UARTIBTT. Register. TMIEI UN, ACT MIE 3, 1I7I-HTICE FN mUMTIH. United States Land Office. La Grande. Oreron. Aue. n. 1001. 1 Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1. 18,8, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stairs nf California. Oregon, heviJi and Washing ton Territory," as extendeJ to all th I'ubllc Land Mates by act 01 August 4. x: CHARLES L. FERRY, of Sumpter, county of Biker, State of Oregon, his tnis day nied in mis oince mi iworn naie merit No. a8 17, tor the purchise of the itH of sec tion No. ti, In townihlp No. 10 S, range No. ),e w M, and will offer nrool 10 ihnw thit the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or Hon, than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish nis emm 10 sau Ian 1 hfnr Ch. II. Chance. U. S. Commissioner. t Sumpter, Oregon, on Friday the 6th day of No vember, iqa. He names is witnesses: William A. Green, An drew J. Dewar, Isaic Williamson and Jasper Crouse, ill of sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ ill persons claiming iJversely the above described lands ire requested to file their claims In this ottice on or before sild 6th day of Nov., 190). E. W. IlAKTLETT, Register. THE WORLD'S GREATEST GOLD FIELD THE GREENHORN MOUNTAINS OREGON Stock Now 5 Cents Per Share Par Value $1.00 The mine of the Greenhorn (5 old Minos mid Developing Company Is located on tlio Greenhorn nuiuiitiiln, nenr Greenhorn City nnd Sumpter, Oicgou. Is organized under the InwH of tho Stato of Oregon. Prominent milling men of Oregon nnd business mon of Mlhviiiikeo nru its office. Capitalization I? 1,000, -000, 8000,000 treasury stock. Of tho 100,000 shares to bo sold at oij per sluiro Hourly 50,000 shares have boon subscribed for, the lmliiuco, 50.000 shares, of the 5u stock, Ih being quickly bought. Tho next iillotmont will bo sold nt 10c per share. The mine is surrounded by several producing mines, tho company litis it clear title of tho property, has no debts, no promoter's stuck, all claims on the vein. Will bo ii producer nnd dividend payor within a short time. Work has boon com menced and stock will lie advanced us development work progresses. Tills Is ii business proposition, not a speculation. For further particu lars, write for prospectus. Address CHAS. SCIIOLL, Secietiiry, or MOSKS P. KEOG1I, Treasurer, of tho Greenhorn Gold Mines and Developing Company. Offices, 1107 Matthews building, Milwaukee. Wis. MINING AND INDUSTHUL Books are now open for subscriptions to the PaelHe Lumber ami l.ivo Stock Company, an industrial of unusual merit. Look into it. A group of mines with IKX) feet of de velopment work done, demonstrating value will bo sold as a whole or will sell one-half interest and work thoproiwrty in connection with purchaser. Best cliaiicu in tho district. F. O. BUCKNUM SUMPTER, - OREGON BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON 1 have Shares of Gilt Edge Mining Stock, on which it is absolutely necessary that I raise some money. It is in the Grizzly Gold Mining Co. You can have it in one bunch for j cents, in broken blocks 4 cents. j j Address BERNARD FLYNN SUMPTER, OREGON Mining Blanks Quartand Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Water Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit of Discovery Work Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j 4 H FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER .a