The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 26, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, August 26, iqoj
Sumpter District
Sumpter District
Full Paid and Non
Assessable. PAR VALUE 10 CTS.
1,600,000 Shares. 1,000,
000 Shares Pooled and
will not come on Market
in Competition with
Treasury Stock.
j The Pulaski J
Gold Mining and Milling &
I Company
, . . , , ,. .
INine Uaims, Lead I raced Uver o,UUU reet Across the Uaims. une and
a Half Miles From Smelter, One Mile From Railway Water Power on
the Property, Plenty of Timber, 70 Per Cent Free Gold. Magnificent
Mill Site, Property Opened up by Open Cuts, Shafts and Tunnels,
rE have all the Requisites of a Magnificent Property. The Investor has the Money. We have the
Investment. You want a Straight, Legitimate Business Proposition. We have it. We require
funds to continue development. You have the funds. We need them. You can Purchase our First
issue of Treasury Stock at
Can we not exchange? Remember our expenses are veiy low and that your dollar grows ns we continue Development. Our Intent assays
01 average Kock, made by itoumns x KouDins ana mctvwen iv Alcbwen 01 hummer, gave irom .;tuio fjii.mj. nckou sample gavosiiH.iu,
11(18.00 and 11(0.00, and we are still LtX) leet (estimated), from the ledge. J Write lor our "Kpttomo ni fuels."
Stock may tie tmrchatied
on the Installment Plan, SO per cent down, balance in two monthly payments. Remit by Bank Dralt, Postotllce Order or Registered letter.
Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter.
Address all communications to
J. H. MacCallum, Secy.
Government Should Collect
Accurate Data Concern
ing Mines.
The New Nork Commercial makes
some wholesome observations anent
Heinze's objections to the publication of
information concerning his mines by tho
United States Geological Survey. It
"Mr. F. Augustus Helnzn protests
against tho publication of statistics and
information concerning his mines by the
United States Geological Survey. He
eets up the claim, that the government
representative was permitted to insect
the mines only after he had promised
that his deductions should not be made
public until thelitigation between Heinze
and the Amalgamated Copper company
was concluded. That reads like a jest.
Without going Into the legal require
ments of this department of the govern
ment we may be pardoned for express
ing in a few words our opinion as to
what it should be it carefully executed.
''In the first place, agents of the United
States Geological Survey are presumed
to collect accurate data of mineral depos
its and to make them known in published
form for the benefit of all, else what is
the useof the department? These reports
are often used by mine owners in boom
ing their properties when it is desired to
soil stock to the public. If their informa
tion is Inaccurate or incomplete it is mis
leading in its results. Certainly it is no
part of the duty of the geologist to ex
press opinions on tho value of individual
"In tho case under discussion Mr.
Heinze had the promise of the govern
ment agent, so he asserts, that informa
tion gathered by him would not bo made
public until tho litigation between
Heinze and tho Amalgamated company
was settled. As that is only among the
vague possibilities, the government's
geological report on Montana mines
would be dry reading for years to como,
likely, if these conditions were strictly
adhered to.
"The protest of Mr. Heinze and the
discussion that vl follow it call atten
tion to the fact that more publicity isde
sirablo on such subjects. Mines, organ
ized into a corporation and offering its
stock to the public, with the promise o
dividends thereon, become in a measure
public property and the owners who
are tho stockholders have a right to
know all about them. It Is not the
custom of some of these corporations to
make such reports, for the reason that
the directorate is so controlled by cer
tain stockholders that other owners of
the property are powerless to have a
word in its conduct. The principal one
of these is the Amalgamated Copper
company. Its mines are good, its re
ceipts are large, it pays a dividend not
a reasonable one, perhaps but thous
ands of its stockholders are in absolute
ignorance of what is being done. This
is where the state and government
should act. There are certain facts that
should Ikj public property in connection
with our mines. Wo hoto the Interna
tional Mining Congress will have some
thing to say ubout this mutter in its next
Governor Announces Representatives to
Mining Congress at Deadwood-Lead.
Governor George E. Chamberlain
has announced the appointment of
tho following an delegates to ropro
Hout Oregon at tho American Mining
Congress tu hold ut Dead wood, S. 1).,
aoxt mouth :
P. V. Druko, John T. Grayson, T.
K. Muir, Philip S. HiitoH and Clark
Tubor, of Portlund ; U. W. McCoy,
Albort Golsor and A. J. Panting, of
Uukor City; Johu C. Lowitt and J.
W. Virtue, of Lolaud; J. W. Cnunellu
uud S. II. Hell, of Sumpter; Arthur
Coukliu, of Grant's Push; C. A.
Kcumcri, Jacksonville; Churlos K.
R3dliold, Heppuor.
Most of tho delegates have signi
fied their Intention of attending the
cougrosH uud aro coufldout that Port
laud will have the honor of enter
taining tho minora iu 1000. Already
promises have boou made by dolo
gutos of different states to that offect.
Expert Examinations. Re portion Mining Properties.
Designing nj Installing Milts anj Power Plants.
U. S. Mineral an J UnJergrounJ Surveys.
Management o Mining Properties.
Back From Spokane.
Floyd II. Dennis, with the Killen
Warner Stewart company, returned last
week from Spokane, where he was called
on account of his mother's illness. She
is very much improved, he states.
Hooks aro now xu for subscriptions
to tho Pacific Lumber and Live Stock
Company, an industrial of unusual,
merit. 1.00k into it.
A group of mines with (100 feet of de
velopment work done, demonstrating
value will ho sold as a whole or will sell
oue-hulf interest and work tho property
iu connection with purchaser. Best
chance in the district.
Itc(UL-Hts that its proposition lie in
voHtiguted. It is high class. Send for
proHtectus and engineer's roKrt. Price
50 cents. Dividends assured by October.
Sit-S-4 Wlleoi balllUi, In AnfU Calif.
Reference: State liank & Trust Co.