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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1903)
fcJD -hkiwv $ Wednesday, August 26, 1903 THE SUMPT6R MINER it EASSERNkOFFJCERS,., i HIGHLY PLEASED. A .1 & week investigating several mining prop OHitioriH with a view to investment. Mr. Jory cays that the prune business will net butter rcimlts thin year than ever out inet butter rcBUlto tins year than ev r 71 ( J r M Ix-'fore, and he thinlcH he will branch 01 win iij inn iiiun 111 milling rvLui iut;n. arrangements maae ror V-on-j tlnarjus WorJcit Lucy "I I Grouo. fJPJW redPrji' uiuetjiiK. of the 71 'A A A 5 At a Isreenhorn (Sold Mint-Hand Development jjm party, operating tho l.uuy nrrAip, in the (ireenhorn dlMtrict, held at (ireen idrn City, Kd .Sullivan whh apointed HUporiutendout and arrangements made for contiiiiiouH development work. CJiarles H cJ 1 j 1 1 and Mohm I', Keogh, of Milwaukee. neTeturv unit treasury, re seen vol v., ol the company, were preHcut lie mooting. .They visited the prop- -. .4 " i..''. . . . : orty I GENERAL STEWART. I Vice President of Ktllcn Warner Stcwttt J Company's Military Carter. ' It Ih not generally known that H. I., i Stewart, of New York, vice president of the Klllen Warner htouart company, wno Iiiih beq,n HeudiiigHome time in tho diHtrict looking after the company's mining interests, Ih entitled to be called Ucuoral Stewart. The fact leaked out only the other day, and Mr. Stewart 1b now hailed an "general" by his Sumpter friendH. Here in the way, according to best ac counts, he earned the title, though the general, who Ih naturally tnodeat and naect n tli Ay andexm-HHe,! tuiiuelves highly rutt.UMt( llHH wry ttu to wly about thu rtleased with its prosiiects. Accoiiipau- ,,., a ,..,,i. m...i..,i i. .... t it i w wa iiiiiinnu iiu v- '5"' nVr. P.Wl. I're"""i ' ' celved bin ei HP"l:,,.JfrrM fyiljlvan, vice preHi- ulnj,( Wu, bikjI .ftijlyuif,, HUM'rintendeut, emtfrHtu,i l( iRoy ci Villi mi 2"Ve I Ujo l.iirf vflth th lMm con uf work bjt that nan now HJK'H fron nflsli do tMHHlblu vek and returned to Milwaukee. iterview theso gentlemen statu: adit tf'Oiofliugh iiiHiiection of ai'd Vro thoroughly satisfied s"ltH7,ngM. Thu cabins have plekoiaand wo have two shifts n'He'ledire. There is no doubt wfjilvfthe Morning lead. We Irfiitig, In goMl ore which as- location in a military acad 'hen unite a young man he to Nevada. An adjutant was to lie appointed on the governor'!) staff, and Mr. Stewart's military education, coupled with his martial bearing and splendid physique, marked him for the place. JUSTICE AND CRACKER KING. Hitfif5(, and our wllcy Ih to reKtiuiieut work as rapidly as yl bellovu we have u gilt . .. ... egged prtHisltiou which will early be- (mo oifcot the lilg priMtucerH ol the ((reenhoru diHtrict." fHE MONITOR BONDED. i . . i plonel Topping and W. E. San jders Secure Claim Adjoin- ft ing Oriole. Both Properties Making Good Si io wings, Says Supt. Doyle. Colonel K. S. Topping and V. K. Sim ilars nave taken a ImiiuI on the Monitor mini, adjoining the Oriole proix-rtv. iff'iir SuHiinvillo. from Frank ('oiiier, of the Morning, ami MexsrH. Haskell and Waterman, of linker City. The Monitor Ih one full claim and a fraction mid con tains a continuation of the Oriole ledge. The acquisition of this proierty was necessary for the oieraliou of theOriole, mid Ix-sides it Ih a valuable holding within itself. The tvo claims, however, can I hi worked in conjunction to a much greater advantage. Colonel Topping states that active op erations will be started in n few das, anil that It is probable plans for the erection of it mill will be considered in a short time. Both claims have rich showings and will doubtless develop Into a valuable projierty. PREPARING FOR WINTER. Continuous Work To B Carried On At Valley Queen. Superintendent Tom C. (iray, of the Valley Queen, is having timbers framed for the lower tunnel, lie Males that he now has in over II.OOO feet of lumhci for building sheds over the tramway, lie in also getting in winter supplies and continuous development work will he carried on at the proorty. The Valley Queen is among the prom ising Cable Cove protcriici, and Mr. (tray's Milicy is to ohii it up as speedily as possible. Prune Buiineu Pay. Walter II. Jury, a prominent prune grower of Salem, was in the city this J. M. Doyle, who has charge of the development work at the Justice, in the Wind creek basin, and thu Cracker King, in the Cracker Creek district, states that he has o)iied u new tunnel on the former, well down the mountain from the upper workings on the vein. It (bows one well defined wall with six inches ol $10 quart, in place. The tun nel is in only 11 fly feet. It will give a depth of lUX) feet under the aex. Mr. Doyle thinks the Justice is going to be come one of the first producers in thu Wind creek basin. At tlie-Cracker King, which is owned by Seattlu people, the drift tunnel, he Ntates, is in 100 feet with twelve inches of ore which runs from f 10 to M a ton. This property is located near the North I'ule, K. !:. and Columbia, of thu Cracker Creek district. Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile company's. ELECTRIC METAL LOCATING COMPANY Hereby Gives Netice: That it Is the exclusive owner in the United States of patents on what Its known us the TKKKKOIIMKTKll for locating metals in the earth by creat ing a ground circuit and measuring their depth. We are Informed the same Ih being used by n person or persona in or near Sumpter, and hereby give notice that such persons have, no patent right to use the same mid are Infringers. And that we shall hold all persons using tho same or procuring tho same to be used on their property strictly tespouslble ut law for the same. KHNKST DALK OWKN, Treat. EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD KNOW That the West is the place to buy Western stocks, I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack, Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis trict, should be able to supply you with any stock desired. This business is done through my brokerage department, which, by the way, handles more stock than any other firm in the West. I want to place the name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list. A postal card will do, requesting my market letter regularly. YOU HAVE READ Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the stock will shortly be put on the market by the CRACKER CREEK GOLD MINES COMPANY An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail you one in due course of time. I shall act as the Company's Fiscal Agent. ADRIAN G. HANAUER BANKER AND BROKER p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington L'lJ T7T7 A Beautifully Illustrated JrlvHiP i Pamphlet of 6 Pages Showing t OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines. Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be without tho information contained in this valuable uamphlet. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. 00 and it will bo promptly mailed you.) WHEELER & CO. 32 BROADWAY, N. Y. THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over tha Bir SUMPTER, - - - OREGON Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of popular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store...; L. HARRIS, PnopnicTOft