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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1903)
s Wednesday, August 26, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER 5tafcMfcMMtMfctoi;fcfcfcfctfctotafctataMtaMtoMMttfcltUfcfcttMtafcW I I THE ATTENTION OF CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS ! IS CALLED TO THE PROPOSITION OF THE . dt I STANDARD CONSOLIDATED I MINES COMPANY Wo bclicro wo ollor you tlio very opportunity you aro looking for. You want a provon property, In a proven district, managed liy experienced and honoralilo busiuoss nion. Tlio STANDARD property moots every requirement of a conservative Investment. It is our deliberate judgment, bused on fnctn which ciiii bo vorlllod by anybody, tlmt no Investment olio red (lie Auierieau public today luis a future of greater promise Such keen and careful lluuuclcrs as J. K. Clark, of Montana, and the Stuudnid Oil people recog nized the great value of the consolidated properties. The former olio rod 6500,000 for the properties last sunuuer, and the latter at tempted to soouro tlio controlling interest. Tlio Standard will, without doubt, make tlio greatest, initio in the Northwest. It can be made a large and constant producer in a very short time. Thero 1h a milo of underground workings wliloh has blocked out over half a million dollars' worth of ore. A largo force of men la carrying forward a vigorous uudcarefully outlined plan of development. The policy of the management Is to block out an immense touungo, that tlio largo concentrator to bo erected on the property can bo kept In constant operation. HON. C. II. WARNER. OF NEBRASKA, SAYS: MR. A. II. REESE, n mining man from Cripple Creek, says: "Briefly, I will say tlmt I am surprised to llnd the property lino so "I regard this as one of the exceedingly meritorious propositions much promise. It exceeds my highest expectations. After climb. of the district. The veins open up strong, aro highly mineralized, lii over tho Standard mountain, where the big vein system out- anil tho samples which 1 obtained carry uniformly satisfactory values, crops, sampling the ore on the surface, and then following tills by In my estimate as to tho desirability of Standard slock ns an in going through tho tunnels, up tho raises and stopes nnd down into vestment, I have entirely Ignored tho cobalt values, and based my the winzes, and finding everywhere a high grade of ore, I cannot conclusion on the gold and silver values alone. I have no hesitancy sco what on earth will prevent this property from becoming a most in saying that the showing in these metals Jut lilies my reporting important producer. favorably on tho proposition. There is apparently a hiruo deposit of "I found the Standard n much larger proposition than I had ex- cobalt running through the Standard vein, but 1 regard this as pure pec ted. Its magnitude cannot ho appreciated till the several veins ly accidental and have not taken it into consideration In determining of tho great system have been traced and studied where opened or an estimate upon the property. Development is being wisely ill cropping. Then only is one in position to estiufate with reasonable rected, and the present work will greatly increase the sloping ground, accuracy what tho property promises with further development." I regard tho Standard as an exceptionally good property." OUR LATEST ASSAY CERTIFICATE THE STANDARD CONSOLIDATED NINES COMPANY Quartzburg, Oregon, July 15, 1903 Oz. Gold Gold, por ton. . Lot No. Per Ton Dollars and Conta Lot No. No. 228 4.00 880.00 No. 232 No. 220 12.80 200.00 No. 233 No. 230 25.00 500.00 No. 234 No. 231 11.40 228.00 No. 235 Gold Gold, per ton. r Ton Dollars mid Cents 17.00 8340.00 17.40 348.00 8.40 KIB.00 3.80 70.00 The Cobalt Runs From 2 Par Cent to 40 Per Cant, Which Will Add Prom $40 to $800 Par Ton MR. N. F. HKATH, OF DENVER, SAYS: MR. H. R. HEATH, A DIRECTOR OF THE "I made a thorough investigation of the property, and from tho CEREAL TRUST, SAYS: objective point of a man who is by no means a tenderfoot in the mfning business, I state that the Standard is one of the biggest prop. "They have got lots of ore thero, more than thoy will mine for ositiousin the camp. I am familiar witli the Cripple Creek district, ' and I have no hesitancy in paying that there is more ore In Copper nfty yo- Thoro is enough oro in that mountain to make 1,000 Ridge than there is from Victor to Hull hill, in Cripple Creek. me rch. Tho question is getting it out. That is tho work being "It is not a one metal proposition. There is gold in paying quan- . , .,,, , , , " titles, copper, cobalt, and recent developments l.avtt revealed plati- undertaken now. Milling oro looks to mo like a manufacturing mini in commercial quantities. I came here to investigate. I huvo proposition. It Is In the methods, the management, the euro shown done so, and advised my people to carry all the Standard stock they , ..... can possibly afford to." in K"t"K values extruded from tho rock." Wo hare a vorltablo treasure houso of minerals. Gold, Silver, Copper, Cobalt, and our latest strike Is Platinum In commercial quantities. It is tbo only GOLD-COBALT mine in tho world. One great, massive mountain of oro Is at our command. Three ml lies have been sousolldated into one, Any of these would mnko u mine of note. Tho trio of groups, comprising 20 claims, can Ihi operated ou one general and very economical plan. The mora you look into our proposition, the moro wo feel assured you will bo Impressed with tho desirability of an Investment. An investment in Standard stock will prove ono of tho wisest steps of your life. It will lw a life-long producer. It will bo u great dividend earner. It will mnko all its stockholders happy. Como and investigate its merits. It is open to ono and nil. Write us for full particulars and lltoruturo descriptlvo of tho property. If you wish wo will Ijo glad to send you a sample of tlio raro Gold-Cobalt oro by mentioning this journal. Address all inquiries to Killen, Warner, Stewart Company SUMPTER, OREGON principal eastern offices 557 New York Life Bldg, New York. Herman Bldg, Milwaukee, Wis. Boston Baltimore Philadelphia Grand Rapids St. Paul Dubuqtio timmmtiMmiM'HiMmtwwtwttiuM MM d